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The Uniqueness of Man 

By the same Author 



h. huxley's diary of the voyage of 







London • 1943 


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I write these lines in the London Zoo’s basement 
shelter, to the sound of A.A. guns outside, and inside 
the Holst Quartet playing Sibelius’ beautiful Voces Inttmae 
on the wireless. It is as good an epitome as any other of 
that uniqueness of man which I have taken as the title of 
this book. 

It also prompts me to try to pull together some of the 
threads of thought that, in a book consisting of occasional 
articles, inevitably lie somewhat scattered. The fifteen 
essays here reprinted were written at various times be- 
tween 1927 and 1939, and for very diverse audiences. 
But they all have this in common, that they were written 
during that strange restless indecisive period during which 
an age was dying but most of us were refusing to face the 
imminence of its dissolution. Yet anyone who troubled 
to think knew that a radical change was overdue; and the 
large majority of these articles are efforts towards some 
new formulation of our basic beliefs and attitudes, or at 
least attempts to state some of the bases on which the new r 
formulation will have to build. 

But now the war is tying up the threads. First came 
the eight quiet months, when thinking was unhurried, 
general, and on the whole abstract; and then the last six 
months, when history has forced the pace of thought and 
hammered out its own conclusions in men’s minds. Now 
I begin to see where my earlier attempts were leading. If 
civilization is to recreate itself after the war, it can only do 



so on the basis of what, for want of a better word, we must 
call a social outlook. The essentially economic and mech- 
anistic ideals of the great era of laisser-faire no longer 
either satisfy or convince. Indeed, it is man’s despair at 
their complete failure to honour their rosy promises which 
has produced the fantastic and evil system against which 
we are now fighting for our lives and for the survival of 
anything that can be called civilization. They were 
founded in freedom and promised prosperity and equality. 
But in place of freedom, men have found themselves en- 
slaved to the impersonal machinery of the market; their 
purely political equality has been accompanied by gross 
economic and social inequality; and the promise of 
prosperity has been replaced by mass insecurity and 

The Nazi system is a negation of any civilized order. 
It is a form of black magic designed to exorcize the despair 
of men caught in the death-struggles of the laisser-faire 
world; but it is negative, nihilistic, and can only advance 
by destroying. If the Nazis win the war, the western 
world is headed for a period of regimentation which yet 
will be unable to hold violence in check, a period in which 
destruction will proceed within a portentous framework of 
empty organization. 

But if we win, civilization is not necessarily safe. It 
will only be saved if it can transform itself so as to over- 
come insecurity, frustration and despair. And it can only 
transform itself if it finds a new basis, a new substance for 
its belief in itself. The new belief must be a social one, 
based on the concept of society as an organic whole, in 
which rights and duties are balanced deliberately, as they 
are automatically balanced in the tissues of the animal 



body. Economic values must lose their primacy, and 
become subordinated to social values. 

Force of circumstances has pushed the nations some 
way along this road. Subsidized housing, free milk, 
social security legislation, health insurance, free educa- 
tion, Kraft durch Freude in Germany, the C.C.C. in 
America — these are all symptoms of the change. But 
they have all been conceived ad hoc , to meet some par- 
ticular need, and are still, in the democratic countries, 
somewhat apologetic interlopers into a world ruled by 
economic ideals. The war is an interlude — appallingly 
urgent, but yet an interlude. The most vital task of the 
present age is to formulate a social basis for civilization, 
to dethrone economic ideals and replace them by human 

A foreword is not the place to discuss such a formidable 
project, even if I were competent to do so. But it is 
within my competence to point out that biology has some 
relevance to the task. The task is not merely an empirical 
one. It cannot be accomplished on a basis of pure logic 
and rationality, or on one of preconceived abstract ideas. 
It requires a new world-picture as its basis, a new frame- 
work of ideas. And biology is needed to give that picture 
its proper background. Man as an organism, but a 
unique and very strange organism, human evolution as an 
integral part of life’s evolution, but operating through 
novel and peculiar mechanisms — without this background 
our world-picture will be falsified, and our attempts at 
transforming our civilization will wholly or partly fail. 

That is where the biologist, provided he is willing to 
face the unfamiliar problems of human biology and not 
take the easy course of excluding his own species from his 



subject, can make his contribution — not an immediately 
practical nor a very large one, but yet one that is essential. 

To the biologist who is not afraid of being a humanist 
as well, the essence of human life is seen in social relation- 
ships. Out of those relations of men in society spring the 
values which we must excavate from their matrix of 
custom and organization, and clarify as the conscious 
basis of the new order. 

I do not pretend that this formulation was present in 
my mind when I wrote any of the essays here collected. 
But in one way or another it is implicit in most of them, 
and it is in its light that I hope they may be read. 

The separate articles appeared as follows: — ‘Religion 
as an Objective Problem’ in Discovery \ ‘Eugenics and 
Society’ in the Eugenics Review ; ‘The Intelligence of 
Birds’ in the Strand Magazine ; ‘Life Can Be Worth 
Living’ in The Nation and John o' London s Weekly \ 
‘Climate and Human History’ and ‘The Size of Living 
Things’ in the Atlantic Monthly ; ‘The Courtship of 
Animals’ in The Forum ; ‘The Concept of Race in the 
Light of Modern Genetics’ and ‘Mice and Men’ in 
Harper s Magazine (the latter also in the Cornhill)\ ‘The 
Analysis of Fame’ in the Saturday Review of Literature ; 
‘Science, Natural and Social’ (‘The Science of Society’) 
and ‘ The Origins of Species ’ in the Scientific Monthly and 
the Virginia Quarterly Review ; ‘Scientific Humanism’ 
(‘Human Power and Its Control’) and ‘The Uniqueness 
of Man’ in the Tale Review ; ‘ The Way of the Dodo’ in 
The Times . To the editors and proprietors of these journals 
I offer my thanks for their kind permission to reprint. 


October 29th, 1940. 


Preface vii 

I. The Uniqueness of Man i 

II. Eugenics and Society 34 

III. Climate and Human History 85 

IV. The Concept of Race 106 

V. The Size of Living Things 127 

VI. The Origins of Species 152 

VII. Mice and Men 164 

VIII. The Way of the Dodo 183 

IX. The Courtship of Animals 190 

X. The Intelligence of Birds 207 

XI. Science, Natural and Social 222 

XII. The Analysis of Fame 252 

XIII. Scientific Humanism 260 

XIV. Religion as an Objective Problem 277 

XV. Life Can Be Worth Living 291 



A diagram of relative sizes. In each major 
division (A, B, C, D, E) of the diagram, 
all the creatures are drawn to the same 
scale. The smallest of each division is 
enlarged to make the largest of the divi- 
sion following pages 128-129 



M an’s opinion of his own position in relation to the 
rest of the animals has swung pendulum-wise be- 
tween too great or too little a conceit of himself, fixing now 
too large a gap between himself and the animals, now too 
small. The gap, of course, can be diminished or increased 
at either the animal or the human end. One can, like 
Descartes, make animals too mechanical, or, like most 
unsophisticated people, humanize them too much. Or 
one can work at the human end of the gap, and then either 
dehumanize one’s own kind into an animal species like 
any other, or superhumanize it into beings a little lower 
than the angels. 

Primitive and savage man, the world over, not only 
accepts his obvious kinship with the animals but also pro- 
jects into ^hem many of his own attributes. So far as we 
can judge, he has very little pride in his own humanity. 
With the advent of settled civilization, economic strati- 
fication, and the development of an elaborate religion as 
the ideological mortar of a now class-ridden society, the 
pendulum began slowly to swing in the other direction. 
Animal divinities and various physiological functions such 
as fertility gradually lost their sacred importance. Gods 
became anthropomorphic and human psychological quali- 
ties pre-eminent. Man saw himself as a being set apart, 
with the rest of the animal kingdom created to serve his 
needs and pleasure, with no share in salvation, no position 



in eternity. In western civilization this swing of the 
pendulum reached its limit in developed Christian the- 
ology and in the philosophy of Descartes : both alike in- 
serted a qualitative and unbridgeable barrier between all 
men and any animals. 

With Darwin, the reverse swing was started. Man 
was once again regarded as an animal, but now in the light 
of science rather than of unsophisticated sensibility. At 
the outset, the consequences of the changed outlook were 
not fully explored. The unconscious prejudices and atti- 
tudes of an earlier age survived, disguising many of the 
moral and philosophical implications of the new outlook. 
But gradually the pendulum reached the furthest point of 
its swing. What seemed the logical consequences of the 
Darwinian postulates were faced: man is an animal like 
any other; accordingly, his views as to the special mean- 
ing of human life and human ideals need merit no more 
consideration in the light of eternity (or of evolution) than 
those of a bacillus or a tapeworm. Survival is the only 
criterion of evolutionary success: therefore, all existing 
organisms are of equal value. The idea of progress is a 
mere anthropomorphism. Man happens to be the domi- 
nant type at the moment, but he might be replaced by the 
ant or the rat. And so on. 

The gap between man and animal was here reduced not 
by exaggerating the human qualities of animals, but by 
minimizing the human qualities of men. Of late years, 
however, a new tendency has become apparent. It may be 
that this is due mainly to the mere increase of knowledge 
and the extension of scientific analysis. It may be that it 
has been determined by social and psychological causes. 
Disillusionment with laisser-faire in the human economic 



sphere may well have spread to the planetary system of 
laisser-faire that we call natural selection. With the crash 
of old religious, ethical, and political systems, man’s des- 
perate need for some scheme of values and ideals may have 
prompted a more critical re-examination of his biological 
position. Whether this be so is a point that I must leave 
to the social historians. The fact remains that the pen- 
dulum is again on the swing, the man-animal gap again 
broadening. After Darwin, man could no longer avoid 
considering himself as an animal; but he is beginning to 
see himself as a very peculiar and in many ways a unique 
animal. The analysis of man’s biological uniqueness is as 
yet incomplete. This essay is an attempt to review its 
present position. 

The first and most obviously unique characteristic of 
man is his capacity for conceptual thought; if you prefer 
objective terms, you will say his employment of true 
speech, but that is only another way of saying the same 
thing. True speech involves the use of verbal signs for 
objects, not merely for feelings. Plenty of animals can 
express the fact that they are hungry; but none except 
man can ask for an egg or a banana. And to have words 
for objects at once implies conceptual thought, since an 
object is always one of a class. No doubt, children and 
savages are as unaware of using conceptual thought as 
Monsieur Jourdain was unaware of speaking in prose; 
but they cannot avoid it. Words are tools which auto- 
matically carve concepts out of experience. The faculty 
of recognizing objects as members of a class provides the 
potential basis for the concept: the use of words at once 
actualizes the potentiality. 

This basic human property has had many consequences. 



The most important was the development of a cumulative 
tradition. The beginnings of tradition, by wl*ich experi- 
ence is transmitted from one generation to the next, are to 
be seen in many higher animals. But in no case is the 
tradition cumulative. Offspring learn from parents, but 
they learn the same kind and quantity of lessons as they, 
in turn, impart: the transmission of experience never 
bridges more than one generation. In man, however, 
tradition is an independent and potentially permanent 
activity, capable of indefinite improvement in quality and 
increase in quantity. It constitutes a new accessory pro- 
cess of heredity in evolution, running side by side with 
the biological process, a heredity of experience to supple- 
ment the universal heredity of living substance. 

The existence of a cumulative tradition has as its chief 
consequence — or if you prefer, its chief objective mani- 
festation — the progressive improvement of human tools 
and machinery. Many animals employ tools; but they 
are always crude tools employed in a crude way. Elabor- 
ate tools and skilled technique can develop only with the 
aid of speech and tradition. 

In the perspective of evolution, tradition and tools are 
the characters which have given man his dominant posi- 
tion among organisms. This biological dominance is, at 
present, another of man’s unique properties. In each 
geological epoch of which we have knowledge, there have 
been types which must be styled biologically dominant: 
they multiply, they extinguish or reduce competing types, 
they extend their range, they radiate into new modes of 
life. Usually at any one time there is one such type — the 
placental mammals, for instance, in the Cenozoic Epoch ; 
but sometimes there is more than one. The Mesozoic is 



usually called the Age of Reptiles, but in reality the rep- 
tiles were then competing for dominance with the insects : 
in earlier periods we should be hard put to it to decide 
whether trilobites, nautiloids, or early fish were the domi- 
nant type. To-day, however, there is general agreement 
that man is the sole type meriting the title. Since the 
early Pleistocene, widespread extinction has diminished 
the previously dominant group of placental mammals, and 
man has not merely multiplied, but has evolved, extended 
his range, and increased the variety of his modes of life. 

Biology thus reinstates man in a position analogous to 
that conferred on him as Lord of Creation by theology. 
There are, however, differences, and differences of some 
importance for our general outlook. In the biological 
view, the other animals have not been created to serve 
man’s needs, but man has evolved in such a way that he 
has been able to eliminate some competing types, to en- 
slave others by domestication, and to modify physical and 
biological conditions over the larger part of the earth’s 
land area. The theological view was not true in detail or 
in many of its implications ; but it had a solid biological 

Speech, tradition, and tools have led to many other 
unique properties of man. These are, for the most part, 
obvious and well known, and I propose to leave them 
aside until I have dealt with some less familiar human 
characteristics. For the human species, considered as a 
species, is unique in certain purely biological attributes; 
and these have not received the attention they deserve, 
either from the zoological or the sociological standpoint. 

In the first place, man is by far the most variable wild 
species known. Domesticated species like dog, horse, or 



fowl may rival or exceed him in this particular, but their 
variability has obvious reasons, and is irrelevant to our 

In correlation with his wide variability, man has a far 
wider range than any other animal species, with the pos- 
sible exception of some of his parasites. Man is also 
unique as a dominant type. All other dominant types 
have evolved into many hundreds or thousands of separate 
species, grouped in numerous genera, families, and larger 
classificatory groups. The human type has maintained 
its dominance without splitting: man’s variety has been 
achieved within the limits of a single species. 

Finally, man is unique among higher animals in the 
method of his evolution. Whereas, in general, animal 
evolution is divergent, human evolution is reticulate. By 
this is meant that in animals, evolution occurs by the isola- 
tion of groups which then become progressively more 
different in their genetic characteristics, so that the course 
of evolution can be represented as a divergent radiation of 
separate lines, some of which become extinct, others con- 
tinue unbranched, and still others divergently branch 
again. Whereas in man, after incipient divergence, the 
branches have come together again, and have generated 
new diversity from their Mendelian recombinations, this 
process being repeated until the course of human descent 
is like a network. 

All these biological peculiarities are interconnected. 
They depend on man’s migratory propensities, which 
themselves arise from his fundamental peculiarities, of 
speech, social life, and relative independence of environ- 
ment. They depend again on his capacity, when choosing 
mates, for neglecting large differences of colour and ap- 



pearance which would almost certainly be more than 
enough to deter more instinctive and less'plastic animals. 
Thus divergence, though it appears to have gone quite a 
long way in early human evolution, generating the very 
distinct white, black, and yellow subspecies and perhaps 
others, was never permitted to attain its normal culmina- 
tion. Mutually infertile groups were never produced: 
man remained a single species. Furthermore, crossing 
between distinct types, which is a rare and extraordinary 
phenomenon in other animals, in him became normal and 
of major importance. According to Mendelian laws, such 
crosses generate much excess variability by producing 
new recombinations. Man is thus more variable than 
other species for two reasons. First, because migration 
has recaptured for the single interbreeding group diverg- 
ences of a magnitude that in animals would escape into the 
isolation of separate species; and secondly, because the 
resultant crossing has generated recombinations which 
both quantitatively and qualitatively are on a far bigger 
scale than is supplied by the internal variability of even the 
numerically most abundant animal species. 

We may contrast this with the state of affairs among 
ants, the dominant insect group. The ant type is more 
varied than the human type ; but it has achieved this vari- 
ability by intense divergent evolution. Several thousand 
species of ants are l^nown, and the number is being added 
to each year with the increase of biological exploration. 
Ways of life among ants are divided among different sub- 
types, each rigidly confined to its own methods. Thus 
even if ants were capable of accumulating experience, 
there could exist no single world-wide ant tradition. The 
fact that the human type comprises but one biological 



species is a consequence of his capacity for tradition, and 
also permits his exploitation of that unique capacity to the 

Let us remind ourselves that superposed upon this 
purely biological or genetic variability is the even greater 
amount of variability due to differences of upbringing, 
profession, and personal tastes. The final result is a degree 
of variation that would be staggering if it were not so 
familiar. It would be fair to say that, in respect to mind 
and outlook, individual human beings are separated by 
differences as profound as those which distinguish the 
major groups of the animal kingdom. The difference be- 
tween a somewhat subnormal member of a savage tribe 
and a Beethoven or a Newton is assuredly comparable in 
extent with that between a sponge and a higher mammal. 
Leaving aside such vertical differences, the lateral differ- 
ence between the mind of, say, a distinguished general or 
engineer of extrovert type and of an introvert genius in 
mathematics or religious mysticism is no less than that 
between an insect and a vertebrate. This enormous range 
of individual variation in human minds often leads to mis- 
understanding and even mutual incomprehensibility; but 
it also provides the necessary basis for fruitful division of 
labour in human society. 

Another biological peculiarity of man is the uniqueness 
of his evolutionary history. Writers have indulged their 
speculative fancy by imagining other organisms endowed 
with speech and conceptual thought — talking rats, rational 
ants, philosophic dogs, and the like. But closer analysis 
shows that these fantasies are impossible. A brain cap- 
able of conceptual thought could not have been developed 
elsewhere than in a human body. 



The course followed by evolution appears to have been 
broadly as follows. From a generalized early type, various 
lines radiate out, exploiting the environment in various 
ways. Some of these comparatively soon reach a limit to 
their evolution, at least as regards major alteration. There- 
after they are limited to minor changes such as the forma- 
tion of new genera and species. Others, on the other 
hand, are so constructed that they can continue their career, 
generating new types which are successful in the struggle 
for existence because of their greater control over the en- 
vironment and their greater independence of it. Such 
changes are legitimately called ‘progressive.’ The new 
type repeats the process. It radiates out into a number of 
lines, each specializing in a particular direction. The 
great majority of these come up against dead ends and can 
advance no further: specialization is one-sided progress, 
and after a longer or shorter time, reaches a biomechanical 
limit. The horse stock cannot reduce its digits below one ; 
the elephants are near the limits of size for terrestrial 
animals; feathered flight cannot become aerodynamically 
more efficient than in existing birds, and so on. 

Sometimes all the branches of a given stock have come 
up against their limit, and then either have become extinct 
or have persisted without major change. This happened, 
for instance, to the echinoderms, which with their sea- 
urchins, starfish, brittle-stars, sea-lilies, sea-cucumbers, 
and other types now extinct had pushed the life that was in 
them into a series of blind alleys : they have not advanced 
for perhaps a hundred million years, nor have they given 
rise to other major types. 

In other cases, all but one or two of the lines suffer this 
fate, while the rest repeat the process. All reptilian lines 



were blind alleys save two— one which was transformed 
into the birds, and another which became the mammals. 
Of the bird stock, all lines came to a dead end; of the 
mammals, all but one — the one which became man. 

Evolution is thus seen as an enormous number of blind 
alleys, with a very occasional path of progress. It is like a 
maze in which almost all turnings are wrong turnings. 
The goal of the evolutionary maze, however, is not a 
central chamber, but a road which will lead indefinitely 

If now* we look back upon the past history of life, we 
shall see that the avenues of progress have been steadily 
reduced in number, until by the Pleistocene period, or 
even earlier, only one was left. Let us remember that we 
can and must judge early progress in the light of its latest 
steps. The most recent step has been the acquisition of 
conceptual thought, which has enabled man to dethrone 
the non-human mammals from their previous position of 
dominance. It is biologically obvious that conceptual 
thought could never have arisen save in an animal, so that 
all plants, both green and otherwise, are at once elimin- 
ated. As regards animals, I need not detail all the early 
steps in their progressive evolution. Since some degree of 
bulk helps to confer independence of the forces of nature, 
it is obvious that the combination of many cells to form a 
large individual was one necessary step, thus eliminating 
all single-celled forms from such progress. Similarly, 
progress is barred to specialized animals with no blood- 
system, like planarian worms; to internal parasites, like 
tapeworms; to animals with radial symmetry and conse- 
quently no head, like echinoderms. 

Of the three highest animal groups — the molluscs, the 



arthropods, and the vertebrates — the molluscs advanced 
least far. One condition for the later steps in biological 
progress was land life. The demands made upon the 
organism by exposure to air and gravity called forth bio- 
logical mechanisms, such as limbs, sense-organs, protect- 
ive skin, and sheltered development, which were necessary 
foundations for later advance. And the ^molluscs have 
never been able to produce efficient terrestrial forms: their 
culmination is in marine types like squid and octopus. 

The arthropods, on the other hand, have scored their 
greatest successes on land, with the spiders and especially 
the insects. Yet the fossil record reveals a lack of all ad- 
vance, even in the most successful types such as ants, for a 
long time back — certainly during the last thirty million 
years, probably during the whole of the Tertiary Epoch. 
Even during the shorter of these periods, the mammals 
were still evolving rapidly, and man’s rise is contained in a 
fraction of this time. 

What was it that cut the insects off from progress ? The 
answer appears to lie in their breathing mechanism. The 
land arthropods have adopted the method of air-tubes or 
tracheae, branching to microscopic size and conveying 
gases directly to and from the tissues, instead of using the 
dual mechanism of lungs and bloodstream. The laws of 
gaseous diffusion are such that respiration by tracheae is 
extremely efficient for very small animals, but becomes 
rapidly less efficient with increase of size, until it ceases to 
be of use at a bulk below that of a house mouse. It is for 
this reason that no insect has ever become, by vertebrate 
standards, even moderately large. 

It is for the same reason that no insect has ever become 
even moderately intelligent. The fixed pathways of in- 


stinct, however elaborate, require far fewer nerve-cells 
than the multiple switchboards that underlie intelligence. 
It appears to be impossible to build a brain mechanism for 
flexible behaviour with less than a quite large minimum of 
neurones ; and no insect has reached a size to provide this 

Thus only the land vertebrates are left. The reptiles 
shared biological dominance with the insects in the Meso- 
zoic. But while the insects had reached the end of their 
blind alley, the reptiles showed themselves capable of 
further advance. Temperature regulation is a necessary 
basis for final progress, since without it the rate of bodily 
function could never be stabilized, and without such stab- 
ilization, higher mental processes could never become 
accurate and dependable. 

Two reptilian lines achieved this next step, in the guise 
of the birds and the mammals. The birds soon, however, 
came to a dead end, chiefly because their forelimbs were 
entirely taken up in the specialization for flight. The sub- 
human mammals made another fundamental advance, in 
the shape of internal development, permitting the young 
animal to arrive at a much more advanced stage before it 
was called upon to face the world. They also (like the 
birds) developed true family life. 

Most mammalian lines, however, cut themselves off 
from indefinite progress by one-sided evolution, turning 
their limbs and jaws into specialized and therefore limited 
instruments. And, for the most part, they relied mainly 
on the crude sense of smell, which cannot present as 
differentiated a pattern of detailed knowledge as can sight. 
Finally, the majority continued to produce their young 
several at a time, in litters. As J. B. S. Haldane has 



pointed out, this gives rise to an acute struggle for exist- 
ence in the prenatal period, a considerable percentage of 
embryos being aborted or resorbed. Such intra-uterine 
selection will put a premium upon rapidity of growth and 
differentiation, since the devil takes the hindmost; and 
this rapidity of development will tend automatically to be 
carried on into postnatal growth. 

As everyone knows, man is characterized by a rate of 
development which is abnormally slow as compared with 
that of any other mammal. The period from birth to the 
first onset of sexual maturity comprises nearly a quarter of 
the normal span of his life, instead of an eighth, a tenth or 
twelfth, as in some other animals. This again is in one 
sense a unique characteristic of man, although from the 
evolutionary point of view it represents merely the ex- 
aggeration of a tendency which is operative in other 
Primates. In any case, it is a necessary condition for the 
evolution and proper utilization of rational thought. If 
men and women were, like mice, confronted with the 
problems of adult life and parenthood after a few weeks, or 
even, like whales, after a couple of years, they could never 
acquire the skills of body and mind that they now absorb 
from and contribute to the social heritage of the species. 

This slowing (or < foetalization, , as Bolk has called it, 
since it prolongs the foetal characteristics of earlier ances- 
tral forms into postnatal development and even into adult 
life) has had other important by-products for man. Here 
I will mention but one — his nakedness. The distribution 
of hair on man is extremely similar to that on a late foetus 
of a chimpanzee, and there can be little doubt that it repre- 
sents an extension of this temporary anthropoid phase into 
permanence. Hairlessness of body is not a unique bio- 



logical characteristic of man ; but it is unique among ter- 
restrial mammals, save for a few desert creatures, and 
some others which have compensated for loss of hair by 
developing a pachydermatous skin. In any case, it has 
important biological consequences, since it must have en- 
couraged the comparatively defenceless human creatures 
in their efforts to protect themselves against animal ene- 
mies and the elements, and so has been a spur to the 
improvement of intelligence. 

Now, foetalization could never have occurred in a mam- 
mal producing many young at a time, since intra-uterine 
competition would have encouraged the opposing tend- 
ency. Thus we may conclude that conceptual thought 
could develop only in a mammalian stock which normally 
brings forth but one young at a birth. Such a stock is 
provided in the Primates — lemurs, monkeys, and apes. 

The Primates also have another characteristic which 
was necessary for the ancestor of a rational animal — they 
are arboreal. It may seem curious that living in trees is a 
prerequisite of conceptual thought. But Elliot Smith’s 
analysis has abundantly shown that only in an arboreal 
mammal could the forelimb become a true hand, and sight 
become dominant over smell. Hands obtain an elaborate 
tactile pattern of what they handle, eyes an elaborate visual 
pattern of what they see. The combination of the two 
kinds of pattern, with the aid of binocular vision, in the 
higher centres of the brain allowed the Primate to acquire 
a wholly new richness of knowledge about objects, a 
wholly new possibility of manipulating them. Tree life 
laid the foundation both for the fuller definition of objects 
by conceptual thought and for the fuller control of them 
by tools and machines. 



Higher Primates have yet another prerequisite of 
human intelligence — they are all gregarious. Speech, it is 
obvious, could never have been evolved in a solitary type. 
And speech is as much the physical basis of conceptual 
thought as is protoplasm the physical basis of life. 

For the passage, however, of the critical point between 
subhuman and human, between the biological subordina- 
tion and the biological primacy of intelligence, between a 
limited and a potentially unlimited tradition — for this it 
was necessary for the arboreal animal to descend to the 
ground again. Only in a terrestrial creature could fully 
erect posture be acquired; and this was essential for the 
final conversion of the arms from locomotor limbs into 
manipulative hands. Furthermore, just as land life, ages 
previously, had demanded and developed a greater variety 
of response than had been required in the water, so now it 
did the same in relation to what had been required in the 
trees. An arboreal animal could never have evolved the 
-skill of the hunting savage, nor ever have proceeded to the 
domestication of other animals or to agriculture. 

We are now in a position to define the uniqueness of 
human evolution. The essential character of man as a 
dominant organism is conceptual thought. And concept- 
ual thought could have arisen only in a multicellular 
animal, an animal with bilateral symmetry, head and blood 
system, a vertebrate as against a mollusc or an arthropod, 
a land vertebrate among vertebrates, a mammal among 
land vertebrates. Finally, it could have arisen only in a 
mammalian line which was gregarious, which produced 
one young at a birth instead of several, and which had 
recently become terrestrial after a long period of arboreal 



There is only one group of animals which fulfils these 
conditions — a terrestrial offshoot of the higher Primates 
Thus not merely has conceptual thought been evolved 
only in man: it could not have been evolved except in 
man. There is but one path of unlimited progress through 
the evolutionary maze. The course of human evolution is 
as unique as its result. It is unique not in the trivial sense 
of being a different course from that of any other organ- 
ism, but in the profounder sense of being the only path 
that could have achieved the essential characters of man. 
Conceptual thought on this planet is inevitably associated 
with a particular type of Primate body and Primate brain. 

A further property of man in which he is unique among 
higher animals concerns his sexual life. Man is prepared 
to mate at any time : animals are not. To start with, most 
animals have a definite breeding season ; only during this 
period are their reproductive organs fully developed and 
functional. In addition to this, higher animals have o,ne 
or more sexual cycles within their breeding seasons, and 
only at one phase of the cycle are they prepared to mate. 
In general, either a sexual season or a sexual cycle, or both, 
operates to restrict mating. 

In man, however, neither of these factors, is at work, 
There appear to be indications of a breeding season in 
some primitive peoples like the Eskimo, but even there 
they are but relics. Similarly, while there still exist phy- 
siological differences in sexual desire at different phases 
^of the female sexual cycle, these are purely quantitative, 
and may readily be overridden by psychological factors. 
Man, to put it briefly, is continuously sexed: animals are 
discontinuously sexed. If we try to imagine what a human 
society would be like in which the sexes were interested in 



each other only during the summer, as in songbirds, or, as 
in female dogs, experienced sexual desire only once every 
few months, or even only once in a lifetime, as in ants, we 
catn realize what this peculiarity has meant. In this, as in 
his slow growth and prolonged period of dependence, man 
is not abruptly marked off from all other animals, but 
represents the culmination of a process that can be clearly 
traced among other Primates. What the biological mean- 
ing of this evolutionary trend may be is difficult to under- 
stand. One suggestion is that it may be associated with 
the rise of mind to dominance. The bodily functions, in 
lower mammals rigidly determined by physiological mech- 
anisms, come gradually under the more plastic control of 
the brain. But this, for what it is worth, is a mere 

Another of the purely biological characters in which 
man is unique is his reproductive variability. In a given 
species of animals, the maximum litter-size may, on occa- 
sions, reach perhaps double the minimum, according to 
circumstances of food and temperature, or even perhaps 
threefold. But during a period of years, these variations 
will be largely equalized within a range of perhaps fifty 
per cent, either way from the average, and the percentage 
of wholly infertile adults is very low. In man, on the 
other hand, the range of positive fertility is enormous — 
from one to over a dozen, and in exceptional cases to over 
twenty; and the number of wholly infertile adults is con- 
siderable. This fact, in addition to providing a great 
diversity of patterns of family life, has important bearings 
on evolution. It means that in the human species differ- 
ential fertility is more important as a basis for selection 
than is differential mortality; and it provides the possi- 
B 17 


bility of much more rapid selective change than that found 
in wild animal species. Such rapidity of evolution would, 
of course, be effectively realized only if the stocks with 
large families possessed a markedly different hereditary 
constitution from those with few children; but the high 
differential fertility of unskilled workers as against the pro- 
fessional classes in England, or of the French Canadians 
against the rest of the inhabitants of Canada, demonstrates 
how rapidly populations may change by this means. 

Still another point in which man is biologically unique 
is the length and relative importance of his period of what 
we may call ‘post-maturity/ If we consider the female 
sex, in which the transition from reproductive maturity to 
non-reproductive post-maturity is more sharply defined 
than in the male, we find, in the first place, that in animals 
a comparatively small percentage of the population sur- 
vives beyond the period of reproduction; in the second 
place, that such individuals rarely survive long, and so far 
as known never for a period equal to or greater than the 
period during which reproduction was possible; and 
thirdly, that such individuals are rarely of importance in 
the life of the species. The same is true of the male sex, 
provided we do not take the incapacity to produce fertile 
gametes as the criterion of post-maturity, but rather the 
appearance of signs of age, such as the beginnings of loss 
of vigour and weight, decreased sexual activity* or greying 

It is true that in some social mammals, notably among 
ruminants and Primates, an old male or old female is fre- 
quently found as leader of the herd. Such cases, however, 
provide the only examples of the special biological utility 
of post-mature individuals among animals; they are con- 



fined to a very small proportion of the population, and it is 
uncertain to what extent such individuals are post-mature 
in the sense we have defined. In any event, it is improb- 
able that the period of post-maturity is anywhere near so 
long as that of maturity. But in civilized man the average 
expectation of life now includes over ten post-mature years, 
and about a sixth of the population enjoys a longer post- 
maturity than maturity. What is more, in all advanced 
human societies, a large proportion of the leaders of the 
community are always post-mature. All the members 
of the British War Cabinet are in their post-maturity. 

This is truly a remarkable phenomenon. Through the 
new social mechanisms made possible by speech and tradi- 
tion, man has been able to utilize for the benefit of the 
species a period of life which in almost all other creatures 
is a mere superfluity. We know that the dominance of the 
old can be over-emphasized ; but it is equally obvious that 
society cannot do without the post-mature. To act on the 
slogan ‘Too old at forty' — or even at forty-five — would 
be to rob man of one of his unique characteristics, whereby 
he utilizes tradition to the best advantage. 

We have now dealt in a broad way with the unique 
properties of man both from the comparative and the 
evolutionary point of view.* Now we can return to the 
present and the particular and discuss these properties and 
their consequences a little more in detail. First, let us 
remind ourselves that the gap between human and animal 
thought is much greater than is usually supposed. The 
tendency to project familiar human qualities into animals 
is very strong, and colours the ideas of nearly all people 
who have not special familiarity both with animal be- 
haviour and scientific method. 



.Let us recall a few cases illustrating the unhuman char- 
acteristics of animal behaviour. Everyone is familiar with 
the rigidity of instinct in insects. Worker ants einerge 
from their pupal case equipped not with the instincts to 
care for ant grubs in general, but solely with those suitable 
to ant grubs of their own species. They will attempt to 
care for the grubs of other species, but appear incapable of 
learning new methods if their instincts kill their foster 
children. Or again, a worker wasp, without food for a 
hungry grub, has been known to bite off its charge’s tail 
and present it to its head. But even in the fine flowers of 
vertebrate evolution, the birds and mammals, behaviour, 
though it may be more plastic than in the insects, is as 
essentially irrational. Birds, for instance, seem incapable 
of analysing unfamiliar situations. For them some ele- 
ment in the situation may act as its dominant symbol, the 
only stimulus to which they can react. At other times, it 
is the organization of the situation as a whole which is the 
stimulus: if the whole is interfered with, analysis fails to 
dissect out the essential element. A hen meadow-pipit 
feeds her young when it gapes and squeaks in the nest. 
But if it has been ejected by a young cuckoo, gaping and 
squeaking has no effect, and the rightful offspring is 
neglected and allowed to die, while the usurper in the nest 
is fed. The pipit normally cares for its own young, but 
not because it recognizes them as such. 

Mammals are no better. A cow deprived of its calf 
will be quieted by the provision of a crudely stuffed calf- 
skin. Even the Primates are no exception. Female 
baboons whose offspring have died will continue carrying 
the corpses until they have not merely putrefied but 
mummified. This appears to be due not to any profund- 



ity of grief, but to a contact stimulus: the mother will 
react similarly to any moderately small and furry object. 

Birds and especially mammals are, of course, capable of 
a certain degree of analysis, but this is effected, in the 
main, by means of trial and error through concrete experi- 
ence. A brain capable of conceptual thought appears to 
be the necessary basis for speedy and habitual analysis. 
Without it, the practice of splitting up situations into 
their components and assigning real degrees of signifi- 
cance to the various elements remains rudimentary and 
rare, whereas with man, even when habit and trial and 
error are prevalent, conceptual thought is of major bio- 
logical importance. The' behaviour of animals is essenti- 
ally arbitrary, in that it is fixed within narrow limits. In 
man it has become relatively free — free at the incoming 
and the outgoing ends alike. His capacity for acquiring 
knowledge has been largely released from arbitrary sym- 
bolism, his capacity for action, from arbitrary canaliza- 
tions of instinct. He can thus rearrange the patterns of 
experience and action in a far greater variety, and can 
escape from the particular into the general. 

Thus man is more intelligent than the animals because 
his brain mechanism is more plastic. This fact also gives 
him, of course, the opportunity of being more nonsensical 
and perverse : but its primary effects have been more ana- 
lytical knowledge and more varied control. The essen- 
tial fact, from my present standpoint, is that the change 
has been profound and in an evolutionary sense rapid. 
Although it has been brought about by the gradual quan- 
titative enlargement of the association areas of the brain, 
the result has been almost as abrupt as the change (also 
brought about' quantitatively) from solid ice to liquid 



water. We should remember that the machinery of the 
change has been an increase in plasticity and potential 
variety: it is by a natural selection of ideas and actions 
that the result has been greater rationality instead of 
greater irrationality. 

This increase of flexibility has also had other psycho- 
logical consequences which rational philosophers are apt to 
forget: and in some of these, too, man is unique. It has 
led, for instance, to the fact that man is the only organism 
normally and inevitably subject to psychological conflict. 
You can give a dog neurosis, as Pavlov did, by a compli- 
cated laboratory experiment: you can find cases of brief 
emotional conflict in the lives of wild birds and animals. 
But, for the most part, psychological conflict is shirked by 
the simple expedient of arranging that now one and now 
another instinct should dominate the animal's behaviour. 
I remember in Spitsbergen finding the nest of a Red- 
throated Diver on the shore of an inland pool. The sitting 
bird was remarkably bold. After leaving the nest for the 
water, she stayed very close. She did not, however, re- 
main in a state of conflict between fear of intruders and 
desire to return to her brooding. She would gradually 
approach as if to land, but eventually fear became domin- 
ant, and when a few feet from the shore she suddenly 
dived, and emerged a good way farther out — only to 
repeat the process. Here the external circumstances were 
such as to encourage conflict, but even so what are the 
most serious features of human conflict were minimized 
by the outlet of alternate action. 

Those who take up bird-watching as a hobby tend at 
first to be surprised at the way in which a bird will turn, 
apparently without transition or hesitation, from one act- 



ivity to another — from fighting to peaceable feeding, 
from courtship to uninterested preening, from panic flight 
to unconcern. However, all experienced naturalists or 
those habitually concerned with animals recognize such 
behaviour as characteristic of the subhuman level. It 
represents another aspect of the type of behaviour I have 
just been describing for the Red-throated Diver. In this 
case, the internal state of the bird changes, presumably 
owing to some form of physiological fatigue or to a di- 
minution of intensity of a stimulus with time or distance; 
the type of behaviour which had been dominant ceases to 
have command over the machinery of action, and is re- 
placed by another which just before had been subordinate 
and latent. 

As a matter of fact, the prevention of conflict between 
opposed modes of action is a very general phenomenon, 
of obvious biological utility, and it is only the peculiarities 
of the human mind which have forced its partial abandon- 
ment on man. It begins on the purely mechanical level 
with the nervous machinery controlling our muscles. The 
main muscles of a limb, for instance, are arranged in two 
antagonistic sets, the flexors bending and the extensors 
straightening it. It would obviously be futile to throw 
both sets into action at the same time, and economical 
when one set is in action to reduce to the minimum any re- 
sistance offered by the other. This has actually been pro- 
vided for. The nervous connections in the spinal cord are 
so arranged that when a given muscle receives an impulse 
to contract, its antagonist receives an impulse causing it to 
lose some of its tone and thus, by relaxing below its normal 
level, to offer the least possible resistance to the action of 
the active muscle. 



Sherrington discovered that the same type of mechan- 
ism was operative in regard to the groups of muscles in- 
volved in whole reflexes. A dog, for instance, cannot very 
well walk and scratch itself at the same time. To avoid 
the waste involved in conflict between the walking and the 
scratching reflex, the spinal cord is constructed in such a 
way that throwing one reflex into action automatically in- 
hibits the other. In both these cases, the machinery for 
preventing conflicts of activity resides in the spinal cord. 
Although the matter has not yet been analysed physio- 
logically, it would appear that the normal lack of conflict 
between instincts which we have just been discussing is 
due to some similar type of nervous mechanism in the 

When we reach the human level, there are new compli- 
cations; for, as we have seen, one of the peculiarities of 
man is the abandonment of any rigidity of instinct, and the 
provision of association-mechanisms by which any activity 
of the mind, whether in the spheres of knowing, feeling, or 
willing, can be brought into relation with any other. It is 
through this that man has acquired the possibility of a 
unified mental life. But, by the same token, the door is 
opened to the forces of disruption, which may destroy any 
such unity and even prevent him from enjoying the effi- 
ciency of behaviour attained by animals. For, as Sherring- 
ton has emphasized, the nervous system is like a funnel, 
with a much larger space for intake than for outflow. The 
intake cone of the funnel is represented by the receptor 
nerves, conveying impulses inward to the central nervous 
system from the sense-organs : the outflow tube is, then, 
through the effector nerves, conveying impulses outwards 
to the muscles, and there are many more of the former 



than of the latter. If we like to look at the matter from a 
rather different standpoint, we may say that, since action 
can be effected only by muscles (strictly speaking, also by 
the glands, which are disregarded here for simplicity’s 
sake), and since there are a limited number of muscles in 
the body, the only way for useful activity to be carried out 
is for the nervous system to impose a particular pattern of 
action on them, and for all other competing or opposing 
patterns to be cut out. Each pattern, when it has seized 
control of the machinery of action, should be in supreme 
command, like the captain of a ship. Animals are, in 
many ways, like ships which are commanded by a number 
of captains in turn, each specializing in one kind of action, 
and popping up and down between the authority of the 
bridge and the obscurity of their private cabins according 
to the business on hand. Man is on the way to achieving 
permanent unity of command, but the captain has a dis- 
concerting way of dissolving into a wrangling committee. 

Even on the new basis, however, mechanisms exist for 
minimizing conflict. They are what are known by psy- 
chologists as suppression and repression. From our point 
of view, repression is the more interesting. It implies the 
forcible imprisonment of one of two conflicting impulses 
in the dungeons of the unconscious mind. The metaphor 
is, however, imperfect. For the prisoner in the mental 
dungeon can continue to influence the tyrant above in the 
daylight of consciousness. In addition to a general neu- 
rosis, compulsive thoughts and acts may be thrust upon 
the personality. Repression may thus be harmful ; but it 
can also be regarded as a biological necessity for dealing 
with inevitable conflict in the early years of life, before 
rational judgment and control are possible. Better to 



have the capacity for more or less unimpeded action, even 
at the expense of possible neurosis, than an organism con- 
stantly inactivated like the ass between the two bundles of 
hay, balanced in irresolution. 

In repression, not only is the defeated impulse banished 
to the unconscious, but the very process of banishment is 
itself unconscious. The inhibitory mechanisms concerned 
in it must have been evolved to counteract the more 
obvious possibilities of conflict, especially in early life, 
which arose as by-products of the human type of mind. 

In suppression, the banishment is conscious, so that 
neurosis is not likely to appear. Finally, in rational judg- 
ment, neither of the conflicting impulses is relegated to 
the unconscious, but they are balanced in the light of 
reason and experience, and control of action is consciously 

I need not pursue the subject further. Here I am only 
concerned to show that the great biological adyantages 
conferred on man by the unification of mind have inevit- 
ably brought with them certain counterbalancing defects. 
The freedom of association between all aspects and pro- 
cesses of the mind has provided the basis for conceptual 
thought and tradition ; but it has also provided potential 
antagonists, which in lower organisms were carefully kept 
apart, with the opportunity of meeting face to face, and 
has thus made some degree of conflict unavoidable. 

In rather similar fashion, man's upright posture has 
brought with it certain consequential disadvantages in 
regard to the functioning of his internal organs and his 
proneness to rupture. Thus man's unique characteristics 
are by no means wholly beneficial. 

In close correlation with our subjection to conflict is our 



proneness to laughter. So characteristic of our species is 
laughter that man has been defined as the laughing animal. 
It is true that, like so much else of man’s uniqueness, it has 
its roots among the animals, where it reveals itself as an 
expression of a certain kind of general pleasure — and thus 
in truth perhaps more of a smile than a laugh. And in a 
few animals — ravens, for example, — there are traces of a 
malicious sense of humour. Laughter in man, however, is 
much more than this. There are many theories of laugh- 
ter, most of them containing a partial truth. But bio- 
logically the important feature of human laughter seems 
to lie in its providing a release for conflict, a resolution of 
troublesome situations. 

This and other functions of laughter can be exagger- 
ated so that it becomes as the crackling of thorns under the 
pot, and prevents men from taking anything seriously; 
but in due proportion its value is very great as a lubricant 
against troublesome friction and a lightener of the inevit- 
able gravity and horror of life, which would otherwise 
become portentous and overshadowing. True laughter, 
like true speech, is a unique possession of man. 

Those of man’s unique characteristics which may better 
be called psychological and social than narrowly biological 
spring from one or other of three characteristics. The 
first is his capacity for abstract and general thought: the 
second is the relative unification of his mental processes, as 
against the much more rigid compartmentalization of 
animal mind and behaviour: the third is the existence of 
social units, such as tribe, nation, party, and church, with 
a continuity of their own, based on organized tradition 
and culture. 

There are various by-products of the change from pre- 

2 7 


human to the human type of mind which are, of course, 
also unique biologically. Let us enumerate a few: pure 
mathematics; musical gifts; artistic appreciation and 
creation; religion; romantic love. 

Mathematical ability appears, almost inevitably, as 
something mysterious. Yet the attainment of speech, 
abstraction, and logical thought, bring it into potential 
being. It may remain in a very rudimentary state of de- 
velopment; but even the simplest arithmetical calculations 
are a manifestation of its existence. Like any other human 
activity, it requires proper tools and machinery. Arabic 
numerals, algebraic conventions, logarithms, the differ- 
ential calculus, are such tools: each one unlocks new 
possibilities of mathematical achievement. But just as 
there is no essential difference between man’s conscious 
use of a chipped flint as an implement and his design of 
the most elaborate machine, so there is none between such 
simple operations as numeration or addition and the com- 
prehensive flights of higher mathematics. Again, some 
people are by nature more gifted than others in this field ; 
yet no normal human being is unable to perform some 
mathematical operations. Thus the capacity for mathe- 
matics is, as I have said, a by-product of the human type 
of mind. 

We have seen, however, that the human type of mind is 
distinguished by two somewhat opposed attributes. One 
is the capacity for abstraction, the other for synthesis. 
Mathematics is one of the extreme by-products of our 
capacity for abstraction. Arithmetic abstracts objects of 
all qualities save their enumerability; the symbol 7 r ab- 
stracts in a single Greek letter a complicated relation be- 
tween the parts of all circles. Art, on the other hand, is an 



extreme by-product of our capacity for synthesis. In one 
unique production, the painter can bring together form, 
colour, arrangement, associations of memory, emotion, 
and idea. Dim adumbrations of art are to be found in a 
few creatures such as bower-birds ; but nothing is found 
to which the word can rightly be applied until man’s mind 
gave the possibility of freely mingling observations, emo- 
tions, memories, and ideas, and subjecting the mixture to 
deliberate control. 

But it is not enough here to enumerate a few special 
activities. In point of fact, the great majority of man’s 
activities and characteristics are by-products of his prim- 
ary distinctive characteristics, and therefore, like them, 
biologically unique. 

On the one hand, conversation, organized games, edu- 
cation, sport, paid work, gardening, the theatre; on the 
other, conscience, duty, sin, humiliation, vice, penitence 
— these are all such unique by-products. The trouble, 
indeed, is to find any human activities which are not 
unique. Even the fundamental biological attributes such 
as eating, sleeping, and mating have been tricked out by 
man with all kinds of unique frills and peculiarities. 

There may be other by-products of man’s basic unique- 
ness which have not yet been exploited. For let us re- 
member that such by-products may remain almost wholly 
latent until demand stimulates invention and invention 
facilitates development. It is asserted that there exist 
human tribes who cannot count above two ; certainly some 
savages stop at ten. Here the mathematical faculty is re- 
stricted to numeration, and stops short at a very rudiment- 
ary stage of this rudimentary process. Similarly, there are 
human societies in which art has never been developed 



beyond the stage of personal decoration. It is probable 
that during the first half of the Pleistocene period, none of 
the human race had developed either their mathematical 
or their artistic potentialities beyond such a rudimentary 

It is perfectly possible that to-day man's so-called super- 
normal or extra-sensory faculties are in the same case as 
were his mathematical faculties during the first or second 
glaciations of the Ice Age — barely more than a potential- 
ity, with no technique for eliciting and developing them, 
no tradition behind them to give them continuity and 
intellectual respectability. Even such simple perform- 
ances as multiplying two three-figure numbers would have 
appeared entirely magical to early Stone Age men. 

Experiments such as those of Rhine and Tyrrell on extra- 
sensory guessing, experiences like those of Gilbert Murray 
on thought transference, and the numerous sporadic re- 
cords of telepathy and clairvoyance suggest that some 
people at least possess possibilities of knowledge which are 
not confined within the ordinary channels of sense-percep- 
tion. Tyrrell's work is particularly interesting in this con- 
nection. As a result of an enormous number of trials with 
apparatus ingeniously designed to exclude all alternative 
explanation, he finds that those best endowed with this 
extra-sensory gift can guess right about once in four times 
when once in five would be expected on chance alone. 
The results are definite, and significant in the statistical 
sense, yet the faculty is rudimentary : it does not permit 
its possessor to guess right all the time or even most of the 
time — merely to achieve a small rise in the percentage of 
right guessing. If, however, we could discover in what 
this faculty really consists, on what mechanism it depends, 


and by what conditions and agencies it can be influenced, 
it should be capable of development like any other human 
faculty. Man may thus be unique in more ways than he 
now suspects. 

So far we have been considering the fact of human 
uniqueness. It remains to consider man’s attitude to these 
unique qualities of his. Professor Everett, of the Univer- 
sity of California, in an interesting paper bearing the same 
title as this essay, but dealing with the topic from the 
standpoint of the philosopher and the humanist rather 
than that of the biologist, has stressed man’s fear of his 
own uniqueness. Man has often not been able to tolerate 
the feeling that he inhabits an alien world, whose laws do 
not make sense in the light of his intelligence, and in 
which the writ of his human values does not run. Faced 
with the prospect of such intellectual and moral loneliness, 
he has projected personality into the cosmic scheme. Here 
he has found a will, there a purpose; here a creative in- 
telligence, and there a divine compassion. At one time, 
he has deified animals, or personified natural forces. At 
others, he has created a superhuman pantheon, a single 
tyrannical world ruler, a subtle and satisfying Trinity in 
Unity. Philosophers have postulated an Absolute of the 
same nature as mind. 

It is only exceptionally that men have dared to uphold 
their uniqueness and to be proud of their human superior- 
ity to the impersonality and irrationality of the rest of the 
universe. It is time now, in the light of our knowledge, to 
be brave and face the fact and the consequences of our 
uniqueness. That is Dr Everett’s view, as it was also that 
of T. H. Huxley in his famous Romanes lecture. I agree 
with them; but I would suggest that the antinomy be- 

3 * 


tween man and the universe is not quite so sharp as they 
have made out. Man represents the culmination of that 
process of organic evolution which has been proceeding on 
this planet for over a thousand million years. That process, 
however wasteful and cruel it may be, and into however 
many blind alleys it may have been diverted, is also in one 
aspect progressive. Man has now become the sole repre- 
sentative of life in that progressive aspect and its sole 
trustee for any progress in the future. 

Meanwhile it is true that the appearance of the human 
type of mind, the latest step in evolutionary progress, has 
introduced both new methods and new standards. By 
means of his conscious reason and its chief offspring, 
science, man has the power of substituting less dilatory, 
less wasteful, and less cruel methods of effective progress- 
ive change than those of natural selection, which alone are 
available to lower organisms. And by means of his con- 
scious purpose and his set of values, he has the power of 
substituting new and higher standards for change than 
those of mere survival and adaptation to immediate cir- 
cumstances, which alone are inherent in pre-human evolu- 
tion. To put the matter in another way, progress has 
hitherto been a rare and fitful by-product of evolution. 
Man has the possibility of making it the main feature of 
his own future evolution, and of guiding its course in 
relation to a deliberate aim. 

But he must not be afraid of his uniqueness. There 
may be other beings in this vast universe endowed with 
reason, purpose, and aspiration : but we know nothing of 
them. So far as our knowledge goes, human mind and 
personality are unique and constitute the highest product 
yet achieved by the cosmos. Let us not put off our. re- 



sponsibilitics onto the shoulders of mythical gods or phil- 
osophical absolutes, but shoulder them in the hopefulness 
of tempered pride. In the perspective of biology, our 
business in the world is seen to be the imposition of the 
best and most enduring of our human standards upon our- 
selves and our planet. The enjoyment of beauty and inter- 
est, the achievement of goodness and efficiency, the en- 
hancement of life and its variety — these are the harvest 
which our human uniqueness should be called upon to 




E ugenics, Dean Inge writes in one of his essays, is 
capable of becoming the most sacred ideal of the 
human race, as a race ; one of the supreme religious duties. 
In this I entirely agree with him. Once the full implica- 
tions of evolutionary biology are grasped, eugenics will 
inevitably become part of the religion of the future, or of 
whatever complex of sentiments may in the future take 
the place of organized religion. It is not merely a sane 
outlet for human altruism, but is of all outlets for altru- 
ism that which is most comprehensive and of longest 

However, in addition to holding out these emotional 
possibilities, the eugenic movement must obey practical 
necessities. If it is to grow into a soul-compelling ideal, 
it must first achieve precision and efficiency as a branch 
of applied science. 

At the moment, it is idle to pretend that it has advanced 
very far in either direction. True that to a limited number 
of men and women, it is already an inspiring ideal: but 
for the bulk of people, if not a subject for a jest, it remains 
either mistrusted or wholly neglected. True that, thanks 
to the genius of Darwin and his cousin Galton, the notion 
of evolutionary improvement through selection has pro- 
vided a firm scientific base for eugenics, and that in recent 
years distinct progress has been made in applying the 
triumphant discoveries of modern genetics to the human 



species: yet for the bulk of scientists, eugenics is still 
hardly reckoned as a science. 

It may be that, as a scientist myself, I overrate the im- 
portance of the scientific side. At any rate, it is my con- 
viction that eugenics cannot gain power as an ideal and a 
motive until it has improved its position as a body of 
knowledge and a potential instrument of control: and in 
this essay I shall endeavour to point out what, in my 
opinion, is the next step towards the graduation of eu- 
genics into the dignity of an established science. It will 
be an inquiry into the methodology of our subject. 

Eugenics falls within the province of the Social Sciences, 
not of the Natural Sciences. It shares with the rest of 
them a suspicion, often very frankly expressed by the 
pundits of more respectable branches of study, such as 
physics or pure biology, of being not quite scientifically 
respectable. Some, indeed, go as far as to assert that the 
social sciences can never be truly scientific, and imply 
that they have illegitimately used the word science in their 
title in order to exploit the prestige attaching to it in this 
scientific age. 

Personally, I do not think that this criticism is justified. 
All young sciences are attacked by their elders on the 
ground of irregularity in their canons of scientific be- 
haviour: but they cannot expect to establish rigorous 
canons until they are no longer young, any more than an 
untried adolescent can be expected to possess the assur- 
ance and practical skill of a man in the prime of life. In 
addition, young sciences are not merely young like young 
human beings owing to the accident of the date of their 
birth. The date of their birth is no accident: they are 
young because they are more complex and more difficult. 



Physics is an older science than biology because in physics 
it is easier to isolate phenomena and to discover simple 
but fundamental laws. The social sciences are younger 
than the natural sciences because of the appalling com- 
plexity of variables which make up their subject-matter. 

This, however, is not all. The social sciences in certain 
respects differ radically from the natural sciences; they 
cannot expect to achieve success by applying the same 
simple methods as served their elder sisters, but must 
work out new methods of their own. In the natural 
sciences, we isolate phenomena in order to analyse them. 
If possible we isolate them in the form of a controlled 
experiment, as in physics or genetics ; if this cannot be 
achieved, we isolate them in thought, make deductions, 
and test our conclusions by empirical observations, as in 
astronomy or stratigraphical geology. By refinements of 
technique, we can eliminate for practical purposes all 
irrelevant variables; the geneticist wanting to understand 
some new type which has appeared in his cultures can 
eliminate, say, the variable of environment, then the 
variable of single-gene mutations, then the variable of 
addition or subtraction of whole chromosomes, and finally 
pin responsibility for the phenomenon on, for example, 
the inversion of a particular chromosome-section. 

But the social scientist cannot do this sort of thing: 
he can at the best find a correlation between several 
variables. In terms of causation, the natural scientist can 
sometimes find a single definite cause for a phenomenon ; 
the social scientist must always be content with several 
partial causes. He has to work out a system based on the 
idea of multiple causation. The attractive simplicity of 
simple and single causation is for him a false simplicity: 



he needs a different intellectual technique. Anyone who 
asserts that so-and-so is the cause of a social phenomenon 
is bound to be wrong : it can at best be a cause. Let us 
as eugenists therefore beware of making such assertions 
as that the celibacy of the clergy was the cause of the de- 
cadence of Spain, or that the differential birth-rate is the 
cause of the increase of feeble-mindedness: for by so 
doing we are being scientifically disreputable. 

And, of course, the inevitable obverse of the principle 
of multiple cause is the principle of multiple effect. I 
need not labour the point, save to stress the need for the 
working out of suitable methods, of partial correlation and 
the like, to deal with this multiple complexity. 

Another peculiarity of the social sciences, closely linked 
with the first, is that we cannot make rigorous and repeat- 
able experiments, because we cannot isolate our material 
or control all its variables. Again a different technique 
from that of the natural sciences has to be worked out — 
here a different practical technique. Properly planned 
regional experiments are an example. 

But perhaps the most fundamental difference between 
natural and social science is that the social scientist is him- 
self part of his own material, and that the criteria for 
judging the outcome of an experiment are partially sub- 
jective. Thus the social scientist cannot escape bias, and 
he cannot hope to check his work against objective criteria 
that will be accepted by all normal men. 

As regards bias, we may compare this with experi- 
mental error in natural science. Just as it is possible to 
reduce experimental error, but never entirely to eliminate 
it, so it is clearly possible to a large extent to discount and 
reduce bias. Discovering the technique of reducing bias 



will be as important in social science as has been in natural 
science the long and often tiresome process of discovering 
the technique of reducing experimental error. 

The difficulty of finding an objective criterion of truth 
in social science cuts deeper. But it is based upon an 
intellectualist philosophy which hankers after abstract 
truth. It largely disappears if we take the more robust 
view that science is control as well as knowledge, and that 
these two aspects cannot be separated. There can be 
some measure of general agreement on the practical 
results of social experiments, especially if these are pro- 
perly planned. Thus in social science, experiment is not 
the remote preliminary to action that it is in natural 
science, but is itself partly action — both pure and applied 
science simultaneously. Sohitur operando should be the 
working principle of the social sciences. It implies that 
progress in social science and its applications will be 
slower and more sprinkled with practical mistakes than 
progress in natural science; but it does not mean that we 
should deny its possibility. 

These general considerations have many particular 
applications to our subject. Eugenics is not, as some of 
its devotees have perhaps unconsciously assumed, a 
special branch of natural science : it is a branch of social 
science. It is not merely human genetics. True that it 
aims at the improvement of the human race by means of 
the improvement of its genetic qualities. But any im- 
provement of the sort can only be realized in a certain 
kind of social environment, so that eugenics is inevitably 
a particular aspect of the study of man in society. 

Up to the present, eugenics has concerned itself prim- 
arily with a study of the hereditary constitution, and with 



deductive reasoning on the effects of selection. It was 
rightly shocked at the intellectual excesses of the perfec- 
tionists and sentimental environmentalists, who adhered 
to the crudest form of Lamarckism and believed that im- 
provements in education and social conditions would be 
incorporated in an easy automatic way into human nature 
itself and so lead to continuous and unlimited evolutionary 
progress. As a result, it converted the distinction between 
nature and nurture into a hard antithesis, and deliberately 
or perhaps subconsciously belittled or neglected the effects 
of the environment and the efforts of the social reformers 
— except in so far as their real or alleged dysgenic effects 
might be used to point a moral or provide a horrid warning. 

This was natural, and perhaps necessary; but it was 
neither scientific nor sufficient. It was an example of the 
error to which I have already referred, the error of assuming 
that the methods of the natural sciences will serve for the 
social sciences. The pure natural science of genetics was 
able, at least during its early career, to neglect considera- 
tion of the environment. It could do this because in its 
experiments it can and does control the environment in 
order to deal solely with constitutional factors. By this 
means it has succeeded (and by no other means could it 
have succeeded) in making those spectacular discoveries 
about chromosomes and their doubling and halving, 
about the existence, number and localization of the genes 
or hereditary units, their mutation and its effects, which in a 
brief quarter-century have raised it to the position of being 
that branch of biology which in its method and its progress 
most nearly conforms to the standard set by physics. 

But in eugenics this is not possible. The purpose of 
eugenics is on the one hand to study the presence of 



different inherited types and traits in a population, and 
the fact that these can be increased or diminished in 'the 
course of generations as the result of selection, uncon- 
scious or deliberate, natural or artificial, and on the other, 
eventually to use the results of this study for control. 
Eugenics studies the selective implications of human 
genetic differences. 

However, these implications may and often indeed 
must differ in different environments. Since the social 
environment is now by far the most important part of the 
environment of man; and since the social environment 
differs from one nation to another, one period to another, 
one class to another, and its differences are outside the 
control of the eugenist, he must not neglect it. Its un- 
controlled variables bring the eugenist face to face with 
the principle of multiple causation, at work here as in all 
the social sciences. 

The study of the environment is necessary for the eu- 
genist on a number of counts. First, because he cannot 
equalize it experimentally, he must learn to discount its 
effects if he is not to mistake their pinchbeck glitter (as 
he would be apt to think it) for the true gold of genetic 
influence. If, for instance, the observed lower stature of 
the so-called lower classes should prove to be due to an 
inadequate diet, it is eugenically of no significance. Sec- 
ondly, because by the limited control of social conditions 
which is open to us already, it is often possible to alter the 
effect of a genetic factor. Inherited eye-defects, once a 
grave handicap in almost every walk of life, are now, in 
most cases, thanks to the progress of the science of optics 
and the art of spectacle-making, no more than a minor 



Thirdly, the environment itself exercises a selective 
influence. This fundamental truth, long axiomatic in 
evolutionary biology, has not been properly recognized 
in human biology so far as the social environment is con- 
cerned. A young pioneer civilization, for instance, will 
both initially attract and later encourage different types 
from those attracted and encouraged by a civilization that 
is old and settled. 

Fourthly, in planning a eugenic programme, the eu- 
genist must take account of the social system in which he 
hopes or expects his improved race to live. Cattle-breeders 
will set about their work quite differently according to 
whether they are building up a stock for use in a rich 
pasture country where winter feed is provided, or one for 
an undeveloped and semi-arid land, like parts of Africa. 
Similarly the eugenist must adopt different aims according 
as to whether he envisages a world of nationalism and war 
or one of peace and cultural progress. This is already 
patent in the crude eugenic efforts of to-day — in the en- 
couragement of high fecundity in Fascist Italy and Nazi 
Germany, together with the persecution of so-called ‘non- 
Aryans’ and the glorification of the Nordics in the latter. 

Finally, there is the question of bias. It is probably 
inevitable that most men who come fresh to a problem in 
social science, however scientifically-minded they may be 
by nature and training, will have some bias due to their 
own social environment. This bias in social outlook 
which besets the pioneers in the social sciences is com- 
parable to the bias in favour of common sense and ac- 
cepted modes of thought which equally inevitably beset 
the pioneers in the early stages of the natural sciences. 
And just as in the natural sciences men had to develop the 



technique of controlled experiment and verified prophecy 
and to be willing to follow their findings wherever they 
might lead, far away from the beaten track of common 
sense if need be, so in the social sciences a means must be 
found to detect and discount bias in the observer himself, 
even though this lead him far from the comfortable road 
of his preconceived notions. 

Let me develop these points a little more fully, one by 
one. In the first place, one and the same genetic outfit 
will give different effects in different environments. This 
is so elementary and fundamental a fact that it has often 
been neglected, by the geneticist as well as the eugenist. 
In the early literature of modern genetics, you will often 
find references to the inheritance of such and such char- 
acters. But characters are not and cannot be inherited, 
in the sense in which inheritance is used by the geneticist. 
What are inherited are genes, factors, genetic outfit. Any 
character whatsoever can only be a resultant between 
genes and environment. A given character expresses the 
interaction between a particular set of genes and a par- 
ticular set of environmental conditions. Thus at the out- 
set we see that the old question, whether nature or nurture 
is the more important, is meaningless. It is like the 
question ‘When did you stop beating your wife?’ in con- 
veying implications which do not correspond with reality. 
In general, neither nature nor nurture can be more im- 
portant, because they are both essential. 

You will note that I say ‘in general/ In particular 
cases, one or the other may be more important. Do not 
let us forget that all genetics depends on a study of differ- 
ences. We take two individuals and strains, and ask what 
is the cause of the difference between them. By adjusting 

4 * 


the conditions of our experiment, we find that this is due 
either to a difference in their environment or to a differ- 
ence in their inherited constitution (or, often, to a differ- 
ence in both). We then proceed further and find out, say, 
that the genetic difference is due primarily to a difference 
in a single gene. Let us suppose that the difference was 
one between red and white flowers in a plant. Then we 
say, if the white-flowered variety is the aberrant one, that 
we have discovered 1 a gene for white flower-colour/ But 
this is a shorthand notation. Scientifically, we have dis- 
covered that the main cause of the difference in flower- 
colour is a difference in the nature of one unit-section of 
the chromosome outfit. That is why certain authors tried 
at one time to substitute the term differential for gene . 

This rather tedious argument has two corollaries of 
immediate eugenic importance. The first is this. The 
more similar are the environments of two human samples, 
the more likely are the observable differences between the 
samples to be inheritable. The opposite is also true in 
theory, that the more similar are their genetic constitutions, 
the more likely are any differences to be environmental and 
non-inheritable ; but in view of our ignorance of the precise 
genetic constitution of human populations, this has little 
applicability save in special cases like that of identical twins. 

When on the other hand there are obvious differences 
in environment between two groups, there is a strong pre- 
sumption that many of the differences between them will 
turn out to be mere modifications, which would disappear 
if the environmental conditions were equalized. This is 
not, of course, to say that the groups will not differ gene- 
tically also : merely that the observed differences in char- 
acters are not likely to be wholly inherited. 



Genetics can provide interesting examples in which 
certain conditions of environment may wholly mask the 
effect of a gene. The classical case is that of Primula 
sinensis . In this plant there is a white-flowered variety 
and a red-flowered variety, which differ in regard to a 
single Mendelian gene. The white remains white at all 
temperatures; but the red variety when raised at a high 
temperature produces white flowers. A hot-house will 
thus entirely mask the perfectly real genetic difference 
between the two. 

Even more significant for our purpose is the case of 
the mutant of the fruit-fly Drosophila known as abnormal 
abdomen , which depends on a single recessive gene. Flies 
characteristic of this strain show a bloated and rather 
abnormal-looking abdomen, with an extremely poor and 
irregular development of the normal pattern of black 
bands. However, all gradations from this to normal 
appearance are found. Analysis has shown that in 
moist conditions the character manifests itself fully, 
while in very dry conditions it does not show at all, 
and the flies resemble the normal wild type. Environ- 
ment may thus wholly mask the effect of a pathological 

These cases introduce us to the further principle, some- 
what paradoxical at first sight, that equalizing the en- 
vironment may either increase or decrease the amount of 
visible variation in a group. In a universe containing 
both dry and moist conditions, a mixture of wild-type and 
abnormal-abdomen strains of fruit-fly would show a cer- 
tain range of variation. Equalize the environment by 
making the universe wholly dry, and the population be- 
comes uniform: but equalize it by making the universe 

4 - 4 - 


wholly mois^ and the variability is increased. Hogben 
has drawn attention to the importance of this point . 1 

In various biometric studies, it has been shown that 
unfavourable conditions tend to increase the degree of 
observed variation. But the attempt to erect this into a 
general principle cannot be correct, since the opposite 
may in other cases hold good. This is so, for instance, 
in our fruit-fly example — moist conditions, being associ- 
ated with abundance and availability of food, are favour- 
able; yet they here increase variability. A human 
example of the same sort, also cited by Hogben , 2 concerns 
education. ‘The effect of extending to all classes of 
society the educational opportunities available to a small 
section of it would presumably be that of increasing 
variability with respect to educational attainment. The 
effect of depriving the more favoured oi their special ad- 
vantage would be to diminish variability in educational 
attainments.’ Either policy would result in an equaliza- 
tion of environment; but equalizing it by making it more 
favourable would bring out genetic differences more fully, 
while the reverse process would mask them. 

However, whether equalizing the environment will in 
this or that case increase or decrease variability, what 
differences then remain must be genetic in their origin. 
Thus without either equalizing or discounting the effect 
of environment, we cannot be sure what differences be- 
tween groups are due to inheritance. 

This point is of extreme importance in eugenics. For 
instance, it is well known that members of different social 
classes differ in their average of stature, physique and 
intelligence — all of them characters of the greatest evolu- 
1 Hogben, 1933, P- “ 5* 8 °P- cit "> P- 1 1 5- 

4 i 


tionary importance, I take one or two examples from 
Carr-Saunders. 1 In a sample of fourteen-year-old Liver- 
pool schoolboys, the boys from a secondary school were 
on the average no less than inches (over io per cent.) 
taller than those from a council school in a poor neigh- 
bourhood; and differences in weight were equally marked. 
In a similar investigation in London, the ‘mental age’ (as 
determined by intelligence tests) of boys from a superior 
school was far above that of boys from a school in a poor 
neighbourhood. Twelve-year-olds from the superior 
school had a mental age nearly a year above their real age, 
while those from the poor school were a whole year behind 
their real age — a difference of 1 5 per cent. 

Such differences are usually cited by eugenists as proof 
of a real and considerable difference in genetic qualities. 
For instance, Professor Carr-Saunders, after quoting these 
facts, concluded that ‘so far as persons in this country are 
concerned, the mental differences which we observe, after 
stripping off the obvious acquirements in the form of 
knowledge of facts, habits, customs, manners, are due 
only in very small part to differences in the physical en- 
vironment, and in a varying though never to a large 
degree to differences in the social environment, and for 
the greater part to inherited differences.' And he draws 
the same general conclusion with regard to the physical 
differences. Yet in the few years since Professor Carr- 
Saunders’ book was written, this conclusion has become 
extremely unlikely. For recent work has shown that vita- 
mins and other accessory food-factors have physical and 
mental effects far transcending what we originally thought 

1 Carr-Saunders, 1926, pp. 97, 105, 126. 



In the early years of vitamin research, attention was 
concentrated upon the definitely pathological states result- 
ing from total or almost total deprivation. During the 
last ten years, it has been shown that moderate insuffi- 
ciency of these accessory food-factors will result in retarda- 
tion of growth, stunting, lack of physical and mental 
energy, and reduced resistance to infectious disease. Even 
boys who by all ordinary canons were regarded as in fine 
health and well above the average in physique were shown 
to benefit both in growth and in energy from the addition 
of extra milk to their diet. Sir John Orr has shown that 
the diet actually consumed by the poorer classes in Aber- 
deen, when given in unlimited quantities to rats, results 
in poor physique, small litters, low expectation of life, 
and proneness to numerous diseases, while the same diet 
with the addition of various vitamins and mineral salts 
kept the animals in tip-top condition . 1 

In the face of such facts, it is no longer legitimate to 
attribute the observed differences in physique and intelli- 
gence between social classes mainly to genetic factors. 
Genetic differences may of course exist; but the strong 
probability is that most of the differences are dependent 
on differences in nutrition. Further, the defective .nutri- 
tion of the poorer classes is in part due to ignorance, but 
in a large measure to mere poverty. Until we equalize 
nutrition, or at least nutritional opportunity, we have no 
scientific or other right to assert the constitutional inferi- 
ority of any groups or classes because they are inferior in 
visible characters. 

The extreme importance of applying accurate methods 
to the problem is shown by the results of recent investiga- 
1 Cited in Orr, 1936. 



tions on twins. As is well known, twins may be identical 
or monozygotic, always of the same sex and both derived 
from the same fertilized egg; or they may be fraternal 
or dizygotic, either of like or unlike sex, and derived from 
two separate eggs. The former will have identical heredi- 
tary outfits, the latter will have hereditary outfits as differ- 
ent as those of members of the same family born at 
different times. 

Yet it is true that in regard to intelligence tests, fra- 
ternal twins of like sex, though as we would expect they 
show considerably less resemblance than identical twins, 
are more alike than pairs of brothers or pairs of sisters 
born at different times. The additional similarity of their 
environment, due to their developing pre-natally and post- 
natally in more similar conditions, has assimilated them. 

Writing of these results, Hogben 1 says that ‘the ambi- 
guity of the concept of causation’ inherent in classical 
biometrical method has ‘completely obscured the basic 
relativity of nature and nurture.’ The difficulties in- 
herent in multiple causation are here pithily summed up, 
and attention also drawn to the practical impossibility of 
comparing results obtained on material from different 
environments, and drawing genetic conclusions on their 
face value. 

The same is true of racial differences. It seems clear 
that the very idea of race as applied to man is a misnomer 
under present conditions. Professor Gates has indeed 
recently asserted 2 that the major races (colour varieties) 
of man should be regarded as true species. This appears 
to me to be a grave error, arising from a failure to recog- 
nize the biological peculiarities of the human species, as 
1 Op, tit p. 95. 8 Gates, 1934. 



a species. These are due to man’s mobility and his tradi- 
tion, and result in a unique degree of variability combined 
with a failure of the usual tendencies to speciation: the 
incipient species are brought together again by migration 
and mingled by inter-crossing before any mutual in- 
fertility has been established. 

While, however, modern genetics has shown that the 
term race only has meaning as a description of somewhat 
hypothetical past entities or as a goal for even more 
hypothetical future ideals , 1 yet it is of course clear that 
different ethnic groups (to use the most general and non- 
committal phrase) differ in genetic characters. Ethnic 
groups obviously differ in regard to the mean values, and 
also the range and type of variability, of physical characters 
such as stature, skin-colour, head- and nose-form, etc.: 
and these differences are obviously in the main genetic. 
There is every reason to believe that they will also be 
proved to differ genetically in intellectual and emotional 
characters, both quantitatively and qualitatively. But — 
and this cannot be too strongly emphasized — we at present 
have on this point no evidence whatever which can claim 
to be called scientific. Different ethnic groups have 
different languages and cultures; and the effects of the 
cultural environment are so powerful as to override and 
mask any genetic effects. 

Most so-called racial traits are in point of fact national 
traits; and being so, they have no genetic or eugenic 
significance. In illustration we may think of those chief 
contributors to our own ancestry, the ancient Britons and 
the even less civilized Piets and Scots, of the Roman 
Imperial period. They were truly described by the 
1 Hurley and Haddon, 1935, especially chapter iv. 

C 49 


Romans as barbarians. It is obvious that the difference 
between their then barbaric state and our present level of 
relative civilization is due entirely or almost entirely to 
changes in tradition and culture, material and other. 
The genetic basis on which this progress has been erected 
was doubtless a good one ; but the only way to see whether 
other ethnic groups now in the barbaric stage of culture, 
such as the Bantu, differ in their genetical quality is to 
give them a similar opportunity. To assert, as is often 
done, that the present barbarism of, say, the Bantu is 
proof of their genetic inferiority is a gross error of scien- 
tific method. 

The dangers of pseudo-science in these matters are 
being illustrated on a large scale, and with the accom- 
paniment of much individual suffering and political 
danger, in present-day Germany. The Nazi racial theory 
is a mere rationalization of Germanic nationalism on the 
one hand and anti-Semitism on the other. The German 
nation consists of Mendelian recombinations of every sort 
between Alpine, Nordic, and Mediterranean types. The 
theory of Nordic supremacy and initiative is not true even 
for their own population : 1 it is a myth like any other 
myth, on which the Nazis are basing a pseudo-religion of 

When we come to the distinction between Aryan and 
non- Aryan, the scientific error is magnified; for the very 
term Aryan denotes the speakers of a particular type 
of language, and can by definition have no genetic sig- 
nificance. As Max Muller himself wrote in a belated 
recantation : 2 ‘To me an ethnologist who speaks of 

1 Huxley and Haddon, op. cit.> chapters iii, vi, vii, ix. 

* MttlJer, M., 1 888, p. 245. 



Aryan race, Aryan blood, Aryan eyes and hair, is as great 
a sinner as a linguist who speaks of a dolichocephalic dic- 
tionary or a brachycephalic grammar/ 

And when it comes to anti-Semitic measures, we must 
remember the elementary fact that the Jews are primarily 
a pseudo-national group, with a cultural and religious 
basis, not primarily an ethnic group with a genetic basis. 
Laws that lay down the amount of Jewish 'blood' per- 
missible in an 'Aryan' have no quantitative basis and no 
real biological meaning. 

The alleged inferiority of half-castes between whites 
and black or browns is another case in point. If the in- 
feriority really exists, it is much more likely to be the 
product of the unfavourable social atmosphere in which 
they grow up than to any effect (which would be bio- 
logically very unusual) of their mixed heredity. 

The results of intelligence tests applied to different 
ethnic stocks are for the same reason devoid of much 
value. Intelligence tests are now very efficient when 
applied to groups with similar social environment; they 
become progressively less significant as the difference in 
social environment increases. Again, we must equalize 
environment upwards — here mainly by providing better 
educational opportunity — before we can evaluate genetic 

To sum up, in the practical handling of every so-called 
racial problem, the error seems invariably to have been 
made of confusing genetic with cultural factors. The 
former alone could legitimately be called racial : but in- 
deed the very term race disintegrates when subjected to 
modern genetic analysis. The net results are, firstly that 
it would be best to drop the term race from our vocabulary, 



in spite of their great achievements in pure genetics, from 
paying proper attention to eugenics. It now appears, 
however, that they are being confronted with problems, 
such as the rarity of qualities making for leadership and 
the inherent difference between a born leader and an 
ordinary man, which are bound to bring them face to face 
with eugenics. Here we see a social bias operating in 
the first place, to be checked later by the realities emerging 
from the social situation. 

But while the enormous differences in social environ- 
ment between nation and nation, class and class, normally 
mask any genetic differences that may exist, and, so far 
as visible and effective characters are concerned, largely 
override constitutional influences, it is clear that the social 
environment itself often exercises a selective influence 
which may be of great importance. 

This selective influence is of two distinct kinds, which 
we may call pre-selective and post-selective. In simplest 
terms, pre-selective influences are those which attract 
certain types into an environment and discourage others. 
Post-selective influences are those which act on the popu- 
lation subjected to the environment, favouring certain 
evolutionary trends within it at the expense of others. 

As a biological example, think of the assemblage of 
animals found living in caves. They are characterized 
broadly by poor eyesight and reliance on touch; the 
extreme types are eyeless, and pale or even colourless. 
It seems clear that both pre- and post-selective processes 
must have here been at work. Animals with somewhat 
poorly developed eyes, which shun the light and normally 
live in dark corners, will more frequently find themselves 
in caves, and will be likely to survive there better than 



more active and more ‘normal* types. But once a cave- 
population is established, selection will be at work to 
encourage the development of tactile and other organs 
for use in the dark; it will also cease to operate strongly 
or at all on the genes responsible for keeping up full pig- 
mentation or perfect eyes, so that these will in many cases 

A striking example is that concerning the selective 
influence of the environment provided by fields of culti- 
vated cereals. As Vavilov has shown , 1 this favoured cer- 
tain other plants, which could then flourish as what the 
farmer calls weeds, in association with the crop. Among 
these weeds were wild grasses related to the cultivated 
cereal; and in certain climatic conditions, these weeds 
flourished relative to the crop, became the dominant 
species, and were then used by man as the basis for a new 

Just as cultivation of one crop-plant here provided the 
basis for the later development of another, so the social 
environment appropriate to one stage of human culture 
gives opportunities for the expression of human traits 
which may be destined to become dominant at a later 
stage. The eliciting effect of environment is in both cases 

The United States furnishes a classical human example. 
Pre-selection was at work on the pioneers. The human 
cargo of the Mayflower was certainly not a fandom sample 
of the English population. Religious zeal, independence 
of character, perhaps a tendency to fanaticism, together 
with courage, must have been above the average among 
the leaders, and probably in the whole band. The early 

1 Va.'ilov, 1926. 



settlers in Virginia and Carolina were pre-selected on 
other lines, though some of the characters involved were 
the same. After the first settlements were made, further 
immigrants until near the end of the nineteenth century 
were pre-selected for restlessness, initiative, adventurous- 
ness, and the qualities making up the pioneer spirit. The 
easily contented, the unadventurous and the timid, were 
pre-selected to remain behind. So, too, on the average, 
must have been those with artistic, philosophic, literary, 
or mathematical gifts. Even if the mean differences be- 
tween those who went and those who stayed were not large, 
they must have been significant. 

Once the immigrants were established in the country, 
selection continued. This post-selection, so long as there 
was an open physical frontier to the west, and an open 
economic frontier in the more settled regions, must on the 
whole have encouraged and discouraged the same quali- 
ties favoured by pre-selection: in addition, assertiveness 
and ambition were encouraged in the acute phase of 
‘rugged individualism,' while artistic and literary endow- 
ment still were at a discount. Of course the direct mould- 
ing effect of the social environment must have acted in the 
same sense as its selective effect; so that here again genetic 
differences would be masked. Yet on deductive grounds 
we can be certain that the selective effect would be at 
work, and would produce genetic differences: the only 
question is the extent of those differences. 

Whenever there are mass-movements of population, 
we are sure to find similar selective effects. The differ- 
ence between the southern Irish in America and in Ireland 
strikes every observer : we can hardly doubt that it is due 
in part (though doubtless not entirely) to a sifting of more 



from less adventurous types. And the same holds true 
of the obvious differences between rural and urban popula- 
tion in a country like our own. Whatever be the effect 
of country life and labour on a man’s temperament, we 
can be sure that those who stayed behind were not as a 
group genetically identical with those who ventured away 
into the new life of the towns. 

One of the profoundest selective influences ever brought 
to bear on the human population of the globe must have 
been that exerted by the invention and spread of agri- 
culture, as has been well stressed by Ellsworth Hunt- 
ington . 1 

A settled agricultural civilization demands qualities in 
its members very different from those demanded by a 
nomadic or a hunting existence. Agriculture demands 
constant application ; the pastoral life is freer, and hunting 
demands rather occasional outbursts of maximum energy. 
Agriculture demands foresight and the sacrificing of pre- 
sent comfort to future benefit; in the more primitive 
modes of life, activity springs more immediately from 
events. Agriculture demands steady routine in one spot; 
the nomad and the hunter can profitably indulge the spirit 
of restlessness. 

Inevitably, it would seem, where early agricultural 
civilizations were growing up, there must have been a 
considerable drift of the more restless types out of them 
into the nomad and hunting cultures on their borders; 
and quite possibly there occurred also a converse move- 
ment inwards of more calculating and less restless types. 

Further, once the agricultural civilizations were well 
established, a dominant class always appeared whose in- 
1 Huntington, 1928, chapter xiv. 



tcrests were bound up with the success of the group. 
The members of this class therefore were bound to en- 
courage submissiveness and industry in the cultivators of 
the soil : and although much was in fact accomplished by 
purely environmental means, such as religion and law, 
there must again have been a selective effect, so that the 
level of inherent docility would tend to rise in the peasant 
class. Thus in the long run, agriculture must have 
markedly increased the selective value of tendencies mak- 
ing for the humdrum hard-working human virtues, and 
in its secondary effects, as in the birth of the merchant 
class and in other ways, have encouraged foresight and 

Class differences in environment may also be selective. 
It seems to be established that the inhabitants of our in- 
dustrial towns are on the average smaller and darker than 
those of the rural and small-town population . 1 It may 
well be that there is a selection against tall and therefore 
rapidly-growing types on account of the unfavourable 
diet and living conditions of the slum dweller, since slow 
growth makes less demands upon a low supply of vita- 
mins: and that tall stature is on the whole correlated 
with fair complexion. But whatever the cause, the fact 
remains, and can only be due to selection of some sort. 

A recent report of the Industrial Health Research 
Board 2 points out that in the early part of the industrial 
era, the demand in factories was for men of good physique 
irrespective of build, while appearance or presence counted 
for more in shops and offices. This may have laid the 
basis for the observed fact that manual workers average 

1 Carr-Saunders, 1926, pp. 195-6. 

1 Ind. Health Res. Bd. Rept., 1935. 



shorter than blackcoated workers, but are stronger. It 
is quite likely that with the recent introduction of more 
automatic machinery, which does not demand strength, 
the type of selection will alter, and the factory workers 
come to lose their better physique. 

The same report mentions that a fairly large sample of 
unemployed, contrasted with a large sample of employed 
men, were slightly less tall and distinctly less strong. 
These were mainly men who would be the first to be 
turned off and the last to be taken on, so that selection 
seems definitely to have been at work here. 

This brings up the large and important question of the 
selective effect of the class system as a whole in an in- 
dustrial capitalist society. As many writers have pointed 
out, in so far as there is any ladder of opportunity by 
which men may rise or sink in the social scale, there must 
be some selective action. With the passage of time, more 
failures will accumulate in the lower strata, while the 
upper strata will collect a higher percentage of successful 

This would be good eugenically speaking if success 
were synonymous with ultimate biological and human 
values, or even partially correlated with them; and if the 
upper strata were reproducing faster than the lower. 
However, we know that reproduction shows the reverse 
trend, and it is by no means certain that the equation of 
Success with desirable qualities is anything more than a 
naive rationalization. 

Before, however, we discuss this further, let us look at 
some other effects of our pattern of class-system. Once 
we begin to reflect, we see that certain qualities are more 
favoured, often much more favoured, in some classes than 



in others. For instance, initiative and independence have 
less opportunity among unskilled labourers than else- 
where. Inclinations to art, science, or mathematics will 
be more favoured in the upper and upper-middle classes 
than elsewhere. The result may be truly selective, for 
instance by encouraging types genetically above the 
average in submissiveness among the proletariat. For the 
most part, however, it is likely merely to mask genetic 
differences. The fact that an undue proportion of artists, 
writers and scientists spring from the upper strata of 
society would then not mean that these strata were 
proportionately well endowed by heredity — merely that 
in the rest of society the Darwins and the Einsteins, like 
the Miltons, were mute and inglorious. 

Two interesting recent studies by Gray and Moshinsky 1 
confirm and extend this conclusion. They show, on the 
basis of intelligence tests, and without discounting any of 
the superior performance of upper-class children as partly 
due to their superior environment, that our present educa- 
tional system leaves vast reservoirs of innate intelligence 
untrained in the children from lower social strata. Con- 
trary to usual belief, only about a third of the children 
whose performance is in the top thousandth, come from 
the higher social and the professional classes, while wage- 
earners contribute 50 per cent, of these children of ‘excep- 
tional intelligence.’ Thus our society is not utilizing the 
innate intelligence of its members as it might, nor does 
the system give adequate opportunity for intelligence to 

Again, highly-strung types are less likely to achieve 
success in the lower economic strata, more likely to become 
1 Gray and Moshinsky, 1935, a and b . 



neurotic or insane. People from the lower-middle and 
working classes who are apparently mentally deficient or 
abnormal have often reached their unfortunate condition 
because they have not had either the care or the oppor- 
tunities for self-expression which would have been avail- 
able in a more generous social environment. 

Let us also remember that society as a whole can have 
a similar effect. Those same types which in Siberian 
tribes would achieve prestige and power as shamans and 
medicine-men, or in the medieval world would have be- 
come candidates for sainthood, would here and to-day 
often find their way into asylums. 

This brings us on to a biological point whose import- 
ance has not always been realized. It is that selection is 
theoretically meaningless and practically without value 
except in relation to a particular environment. The prac- 
tical implications are both the easiest to grasp and the 
more important for our purpose. In breeding domestic 
animals, as Hammond of Cambridge has so well stressed , 1 
selection and breeding will not produce the desired results 
so quickly, and may not produce them at all, if they are 
conducted in the unreal environment of an academic 
breeding station where optimum conditions are provided. 
They should be conducted in an environment similar to 
that in which the animals are destined to be used. 

An extreme illustration of this is provided by cattle. 
In various parts of tropical Africa, the semi-arid bush 
country provides but scanty nutriment, and erosion has 
led to various mineral deficiencies. The native cattle are 
scrubby little beasts, no bigger than ponies, yielding not 
more than two gallons of milk a day, and growing so 
1 Hammond, 1932 (pp. 251-2), 1935. 



slowly that they do not breed until four to five years old. 
Contrasted with cows of a good modern British milking 
breed, which are double the size, give up to nine gallons 
of milk daily, and breed at two to three years of age, they 
are, you would say, very inefficient bits of biological ma- 
chinery. Yet if we try to introduce European breeds into 
such areas, they are a complete failure. They make de- 
mands which are greater than can be met by the environ- 
ment. And it is they which suffer ; they become stunted, 
rickety or otherwise diseased, and cannot hold their own 
in competition with the native breeds. The native stock 
will stand a little genetic grading up in present conditions; 
but the only chance for radical improvement is to begin 
with improvement of the environment — the provision of 
mineral fertilizers, salt-licks, watering facilities, and so 
on — and then practise genetic selection to keep pace with 
the environmental change. 

Another example is that of Stapledon’s remarkable 
work on moorland grazings . 1 By his methods, rough hill 
grazings can be converted into real pastures, capable of 
carrying many more sheep, and carrying them all the year 
round instead of only in the summer. But this can only 
be done by the simultaneous transformation of the en- 
vironment and of the herbage stocks. The environmental 
transformation consists in breaking up the soil, followed 
by the application of certain mineral fertilizers. The 
genetic transformation consists first in the destruction of 
the original plant covering, brought about by the break- 
ing-up of the soil, followed by the sowing of more nutri- 
tious pasture grasses and clovers. Furthermore, the new 
plants must be of special strains, previously bred and 
1 Stapledon, 1935. 



selected to resist the climatic conditions of the higher alti- 
tudes; the ordinary strains that give good lowland pas- 
tures will not maintain themselves. 

Precisely the same considerations apply to the improve- 
ment of man. Our schemes for improving the genetic 
qualities of the nation or the species are meaningless 
except in relation to some particular environment, present 
or future. Our eugenic ideals will be different according 
as we relate them to a slave order or a feudal order of 
things, a primitive industrial or a leisure order, a this- 
worldly or an other-worldly order, a capitalist or a socialist 
order, a militarist or a peaceful internationalist order. 
Even if we imagine we are working to absolute genetic 
standards, we are in reality thinking of them, albeit un- 
consciously, in relation to some ideal environment of the 
future, or to the needs and realities of the present social 
environment, or, very frequently, to our bias and a priori 
views about this present environment and how in our 
opinion it ought to be changed. If we were really treating 
of absolute genetic standards, we should have deserted 
reality for a metaphysical vacuum, and our reasoning and 
deductions would have even less value than a discussion 
of, say, eugenics in heaven. (Even in this latter case, be 
it noted, the discussion would inevitably be related to the 
environment which we supposed was awaiting us in the 
next world 1) 

Now all such unconscious thinking is inevitably ir- 
rational or at best non-rational : if it had been submitted 
to the light of reason, it would no longer be unconscious. 
So that a prime task before eugenists is the reasoned 
formulation of their views on the environment to which 
their schemes of genetic betterment are to be related. 



There are, it seems to me, three possible courses to be 
pursued. Either we may accept as given our present 
type of social environment, and adjust our eugenic pro- 
gramme to it. In practice we shall of course be forced to 
take a dynamic instead of a purely static point of view, and 
consider the trends of change within that environment, 
while assuming that the social system will not be funda- 
mentally altered. Or, going to the opposite extreme, we 
may assume an ideal social environment — more scien- 
tifically, one which is the optimum we can imagine — and 
plan our eugenic measures in relation to that, piously 
hoping that in the long run social change will adjust 
itself to our ideal or to whatever measure of genetic change 
we may have brought about. Or finally we may envisage, 
as in Stapledon’s grassland work, a joint attack upon en- 
vironment and germ-plasm. Assuming that we have 
some measure of control over the social environment, we 
shall adjust our genetic programme to that programme 
of environmental change which represents, both in direc- 
tion and tempo, a happy mean between the ideal and the 
immediately practical, between what we should like and 
what we are likely to get. 

Let us look at these three alternatives and their im- 
plications. First, however, it should be pointed out that 
they are not wholly alternative to each other. Even if we 
take the environment for granted, we must face the fact 
of social change and attempt to meet it eugenically; and 
in so doing we shall find it difficult to avoid giving some 
play to our wishes, fears, and hopes. Even if we assume 
an optimum environment, our ideal must be based on our 
conscious or unconscious estimate of what developments 
are inherently possible to the present system. We shall, 



in effect, be attempting to forecast social improvement, 
and we shall prove, we can be sure, as widely out in our 
forecasts as if we were attempting to prophesy the future 
of scientific discovery. And the third method, of neces- 
sity, must take into account both the hard fact of the pre- 
sent and the ideal of wishes and hopes for the future. 

None the less, there are real differences between the 
three; and we must consider these more in detail. 

To accept the continuance of the present type of social 
environment as essentially given (whether given in reality 
or in our hopes and fears will make no difference to our 
eugenic plans) means, I take it, two main things. It means 
that we must plan for a capitalist class-system, and for a 
nationalist system. We accept the division of society into 
economic strata, with large differences in standard of liv- 
ing, outlook, and opportunity between the different classes ; 
and we accept all the implications of the principle that the 
earning of a return on capital is the primary aim and duty 
of business and finance, whatever minor modifications and 
regulations may be found desirable or opportune. We 
accept individualist competition, however much toned 
down in practice, as essential. Further, we accept the 
division of the world into nationalist states, which, how- 
ever their sovereignty and independence of action may 
be modified or curtailed by international agreements, will 
be competing as well as co-operating with each other, and 
must in certain eventualities be prepared to resort to war. 

Coming down to results, we accept the economic and 
spiritual frustrations of the system also — that is to say, we 
accept the necessity of some degree of unemployment, for 
without that there can be no approach to a free market for 
labour; we accept the continuance of trade cycles of boom 



and slump, even though they may be toned down in ampli- 
tude. We accept the need for restriction of output when- 
ever surplus interferes with profit. We accept the exist- 
ence of a cheap supply of unskilled and semi-skilled 
workers ; we accept the need for man-power in case of war. 

If so, then we must plan our eugenic policy along some 
such lines as the following: 

First comes the prevention of dysgenic effects. The 
upper economic classes are presumably slightly better 
endowed with ability — at least with ability to succeed in 
our social system — yet are not reproducing fast enough to 
replace themselves, either absolutely or as a percentage of 
the total population. We must therefore try to remedy 
this state of affairs, by pious exhortation and appeals to 
patriotism, or by the more tangible methods of family 
allowances, cheaper education, or income-tax rebates for 
children. The lowest strata, allegedly less well-endowed 
genetically, are reproducing relatively too fast. Therefore 
birth-control methods must be taught them; they must 
not have too easy access to relief or hospital treatment lest 
the removal of the last check on natural selection should 
make it too easy for children to be produced or to survive; 
long unemployment should be a ground for sterilization, 
or at least relief should be contingent upon no further 
children being brought into the world ; and so on. That 
is to say, much of our eugenic programme will be curative 
and remedial merely, instead of preventive and construc- 

Then, in systems like the present, man-power is im- 
portant, and for man-power, quantity of population above 
a certain minimum qualitative standard is as essential as 
higher quality; and if the two conflict, quantity supply 



must not be interfered with. For qualitative change, a 
dual standard is indicated — docility and industrious sub- 
missiveness in the lower majority; intelligence, leadership 
and strength of character in the upper few. Since a high 
degree of intellect and imagination, of scientific and artistic 
ability and other qualities, cannot be adequately expressed 
or utilized, under any system resembling the present, in 
the great majority of the lower strata, it is useless to plan 
for their genetic increase in these strata. Indeed, it is 
more than useless, it is dangerous ; for the frustration of 
inherent capacity leads to discontent and revolution in 
some men, to neurosis and inefficiency in others. The 
case is strictly analogous to that of cattle in Africa; in an 
unfavourable environment, too drastic genetic improve- 
ment is worse than none. 

Next we come to planning for an ideal or optimum en- 
vironment. An obvious difficulty here is that the various 
optima conceived by different minds, or groups of minds, 
will be so different as to be irreconcilable. Putting this 
on one side, however, it is I think possible to state the sort 
of optimum which would commend itself to the mass of 
what we may call ‘men of goodwill/ It would, I take it, 
be a social environment which gave the opportunity, first 
of work which was not excessive, which was felt to be use- 
ful, and whose rewards would provide not only the neces- 
sities but a reasonable supply of the comforts and ameni- 
ties of life: secondly, of a reasonable amount of leisure: 
thirdly, the opportunity to everyone of expressing what- 
ever gifts of body and mind they might possess, in ath- 
letics or sport; in art, science or literature, passive or 
actively enjoyed; in travel or politics, in individual hob- 
bies or in social service. 



If so, then we should plan a eugenic programme with 
a single and very high standard. We should aim at a high 
level of inherent physical fitness, endurance and general 
intelligence; and we should encourage the breeding of 
special talent of any and every sort, for mathematical as 
much as for business success, artistic as much as adminis- 
trative. We should realize that, if we succeeded, our 
genetic results would over a great range of the population 
be out of harmony with their social surroundings, and 
would either be wasted or lead to friction and discontent, 
or might express themselves in characters such as neurosis 
or a sense of maladjustment which would represent a lower 
level than that from which we started. For ultimate suc- 
cess we should rely on creating a demand for changing the 
environment towards our optimum. The supply of gen- 
etic types which could only reach proper expression in 
such an environment would help to create the demand; 
the friction and discontent would add themselves to the 
forces of change. 

It will, however, by now have become clear that neither 
of these approaches is so satisfactory as the third. Indeed, 
neither is methodologically sound. If the aim of eugenics 
be to control the evolution of the human species and guide 
it in a desirable direction, and if the genetic selection 
should always be practised in relation to an appropriate 
environment, then it is an unscientific and wasteful pro- 
cedure not to attempt to control environment at the same 
time as genetic quality. Science is simultaneously both 
theory and practice, both knowledge and control. For the 
applied science of eugenics to neglect the environment is 
a source both of confusion and of practical weakness. 
I would go further: I would say that we cannot succeed 



in achieving anything in the nature of adequate positive 
eugenics unless we attempt the control of the social en- 
vironment simultaneously with the control of the human 
germ-plasm, any more than Stapledon could have im- 
proved his rough mountain grazings save by a similar 
double attack. 

Let us then look more in detail into this third or dual 
method of approach. It has two facets, theoretical and 
practical. On the theoretical side, we shall only progress 
in our attempt to disentangle the effects of nature from 
those of nurture in so far as we follow the footsteps of the 
geneticist and equalize environment. We shall never be 
able to do this in the sa me radical way as the pure scientist, 
by testing out a whole range of controlled and equalized 
environments on selected stocks. We must therefore con- 
centrate on producing a single equalized environment; 
and this clearly should be one as favourable as possible to 
the expression of the genetic qualities that we think desir- 
able. Equally clearly, this should include the following 
items. A marked raising of the standard of diet for the 
great majority of the population, until all should be pro- 
vided both with adequate calories and adequate accessory 
factors; provision of facilities for healthy exercise and 
recreation ; and upward equalization of educational oppor- 
tunity. The further we move in this direction, the more 
readily shall we be able to distinguish inherent physical 
and mental defects from environmental stunting and frus- 
tration ; the higher we raise the average, the more certain 
shall we be that physical or mental performance above the 
average is dependent upon genetic endowment and there- 
fore provides the raw material for positive eugenics. Not 
only this, but we know from various sources that raising 



the standard of life among the poorest classes almost in- 
variably results in a lowering of their fertility. In so far, 
therefore, as differential class-fertility exists, raising the 
environmental level will reduce any dysgenic effects which 
it may now have. 

Returning, however, to the more important aspect of 
the eugenic knowledge to be gained by levelling up the 
social environment, I anticipate that at the bottom, the 
social problem group, though shrinking in size, will be 
left, clearly marked out by its inadequate performance in 
the new and favourable conditions, as a well-defined target 
for measures of negative eugenics such as segregation and 
sterilization; and that minor targets of the same nature 
will emerge out of the present fog, in the shape of nests 
of defective germ-plasm inspissated by assortative mating 
and inbreeding, such as have been imaginatively glimpsed 
by Lidbetter and others. I farther anticipate that the 
professional classes will reveal themselves as a reservoir of 
superior germ-plasm, of high average level notably in 
regard to intelligence, and therefore will serve as a founda- 
tion-stone for experiments in positive eugenics. But I 
anticipate that society will tap large resources of high 
ability that are at present unutilized, thus facilitating the 
social promotion of at least certain fitter elements; and 
without social promotion we cannot proceed to reproduc- 
tive encouragement. This is the scientific ideal at which 
we should aim. Like many other ideals, we shall not 
achieve it; but any approach to it will help us towards a 
more certain knowledge. 

Science, however, is control as well as knowledge; and 
new practice may advance theory as much as new theory 
lay the basis for practice. This is especially true for the 

7 ° 


social sciences, where, as we have seen, rigorously con- 
trolled experiment, on the pattern of pure physics or 
physiology, is impossible, and problems must frequently 
be solved ambulando . We make a partial experiment 
which is simultaneously pure and applied science. The 
experiment is both an attempt to gain knowledge and an 
effort to realize a wish, a desired control. It is planned, 
like more crucial experiments in the natural sciences, to 
verify deductions from known facts. In so far as the de- 
sired end is attained, the deductions are verified and know- 
ledge is increased : and even if the control is not attained, 
knowledge is increased, though not to the same extent. 

This more empirical mode of attack must also be used 
in eugenics. We must attempt to control the change of 
social environment and at the same time to control the 
change of human germ-plasm, along lines which appear 
likely to yield tangible and desirable results. It is the 
results which interest us. Admirable germ-plasm unable 
to realize itself owing to unfavourable conditions does not 
interest us: nor do the most alluring social conditions, if 
they permit or encourage the deterioration of the germ- 
plasm. Thus the two attacks must be planned in relation 
to each other, and also in relation to practicability. 

When we think along these lines, we shall find, I believe, 
that a system such as ours, a competitive and individualist 
system based on private capitalism and public nationalism, 
is of its nature and essence dysgenic. It is dysgenic both 
in the immediate respect of failing to utilize existing re- 
servoirs of valuable genes, and also in the long-range tasks 
of failing to increase them, failing to trap and encourage 
favourable mutations, and failing to eliminate harmful 



Under our social system, the full stature or physique 
of the very large majority of the people is not allowed to 
express itself; neither are the full genetic potentialities of 
health permitted to appear except in a small fraction of 
the whole, with a consequent social waste of energy and 
time, not to mention a waste of individual happiness which 
is formidable in extent; and finally, innate high ability is 
encouraged or utilized only with extreme inadequacy. 
For the first two wastes, ignorance is partly responsible, 
but in the lower economic strata, poverty is the chief cause. 
For the last, our inadequate educational system is chiefly 

Then R. A. Fisher has brilliantly and devastatingly 
shown 1 the relentless way in which such a system as ours 
promotes both infertility and certain types of talent, and 
in so doing ties together the genetic factors responsible. 
In the course of the generations genes making for small 
families become increasingly bound up with those making 
for social and economic success; and conversely those 
making for social and economic failure become bound up 
with those making for high reproduction rates. Eugenic- 
ally speaking our system is characterized by the social 
promotion of infertility and the excess fertility of social 

If this be true, then so long as we cling to a system of 
this type, the most we can hope to do is to palliate its 
effects as best we may, by extending birth-control facilities 
downwards, instituting graded systems of family allow- 
ances, providing for sterilization here and financial relief 
for children there. But even if we thus reduce the dis- 
tortion we cannot hope to change its sign. 

1 Fisher, 1930, chapter xi. 


Then, in so far as our system remains nationalist, the 
demand for man-power and quantity will continue to 
interfere with the higher aim of quality. Furthermore, 
modern war itself is dysgenic. This has often been 
pointed out as regards its direct effects. It appears, how- 
ever, also to hold for its indirect effects; many among the 
more imaginative and sensitive types are to-day restricting 
their families, sometimes to zero, because they feel that 
they cannot bear to bring children into a world exposed 
to such a constant risk of war and chaos. 

As eugenists we must therefore aim at transforming 
the social system. There may of course be those amongst 
our ranks who prefer the not disagreeable role of a Jere- 
miah darkly prophesying gloom to settling down at the 
more prosaic job of constructive work. But as a body, 
we shall wish, I take it, to see at least the possibility of 
our dreams coming true. 

What sort of practical changes, then, should we as eu- 
genists try to encourage in the social and economic sys- 
tem ? In the first place — what we have already noted as 
desirable on theoretical grounds — the equalizing of en- 
vironment in an upward direction. For this, by permitting 
of more definite knowledge as to the genetic constitution 
of different classes and types, will at once give us more 
certainty in any eugenic selection, negative or positive, 
upon which we may embark. And secondly, we must aim 
at the abandonment of the idea of national sovereign states, 
and the subordination of national disputes to international 
organization and supernational power. 

But we need something more radical than this — we 
must try to find a pattern of economic and communal life 
which will not be inherently dysgenic; and we must also 



try to find a pattern of family and reproductive life which 
will permit of more rapid and constructive eugenics. 

On the first point, it seems clear that the individualist 
scramble for social and financial promotion should be 
dethroned from its present position as main incentive in 
life, and that we must try to raise the power of group- 
incentives. Group-incentives are powerful in tribal exist- 
ence, and have been powerful in many historical civiliza- 
tions, such as the old Japanese. What interests us chiefly, 
however, is to find that they have been to a large extent 
effective in replacing individualist money incentives, or 
at least diminishing their relative social importance, in 
several modern States, notably Germany and the U.S.S.R. 

It is not for a biologist to discuss the purely social 
merits of different political philosophies: but he may be 
allowed to point out that not all group-incentives are 
equally valuable from the eugenic standpoint. Those of 
Nazi Germany, for instance, presuppose an intensification 
of nationalist feeling and activity instead of their diminu- 
tion : and this, we have concluded, is actually anti-eugenic. 
It may of course be urged that it is in its immediate effect 
eugenic; and there will be many to uphold the value of 
the eugenic measures recently adopted in Germany under 
the stimulus of National-Socialist ideas and emotions, 
even if some of them be .crude and unscientific. But if in 
the long run it leads to over-population and war, it is 
essentially dysgenic, and in matters of evolution we must, 
I think, take the long view. 

Further, if the social environment is such as to give 
satisfaction to the possessors of social traits such as altru- 
ism, readiness to co-operate, sensitiveness, sympathetic 
enthusiasm, and so forth, instead of, as now, putting a 



premium on many antisocial traits such as egoism, low 
cunning, insensitiveness, and ruthless concentration, we 
could begin to frame eugenic measures for encouraging 
the spread of genes for such social virtues. At the mo- 
ment this is hardly possible, for the expression of such 
genes is so often inhibited or masked by the effects of the 
environment. This is a human illustration of Hammond’s 
general principle, that breeding and selection for a given 
type can only be efficiently carried out in an environment 
favouring the fullest development of the type. 

There is no doubt that genetic differences of tempera- 
ment, including tendencies to social or antisocial action, 
to co-operation or individualism, do exist, nor that they 
could be bred for in man as man has bred for tameness 
and other temperamental traits in many domestic animals; 
and it is extremely important to do so. If we do not, 
society will be continuously in danger from the antisocial 
tendencies of its members. 

Just as the basic structure of our present social system 
is essentially dysgenic, so we may say that the genetic 
composition of our present population is largely and per- 
haps essentially antisocial. Thus both environmentally 
and genetically the present state of mankind is unstable, 
at war with itself. 

Another important point to femember, especially in 
these days when the worship of the State is imposing a 
mass-production ideal of human nature, is the fact and 
the significance of human variability. The variability of 
man, due to recombination between divergent types that 
have failed to become separated as species, is greater than 
that of any wild animal. And the extreme variants thrown 
up by the constant operation of this genetic kaleidoscope 



have proved to be of the utmost importance for the material 
and spiritual progress of civilization. Whatever bias or 
prejudice may beset the individual eugenist, eugenics as 
a whole must certainly make the encouragement of diver- 
sity one of its main principles. But here again the en- 
vironment comes in. If extreme types are to be produced, 
especially gifted for art, science, contemplation, explora- 
tion, they must not be wasted. The social system must 
provide niches for them. 

As a special and important special case of providing for 
variability, there are the needs of the educational profes- 
sion. At the moment, this social category seems definitely 
selective in that it attracts and encourages men and women 
of an intellectualist and academic type. This is partly 
because there are not sufficient outlets provided elsewhere 
in our social system for such types, partly because the 
educational profession as at present constituted does not 
provide sufficient attraction for contrasted types. This 
restriction of type among those responsible for the up- 
bringing of the next generation cannot be satisfactory, 
and an altered status for the educational profession so 
that its genetic basis is broadened is an important task for 
social biology, and, since it involves genetics, legitimately 
part of the eugenic movement. 

Still more important for the comparatively immediate 
future is the relation of the dominant group-incentive to 
reproductive morality, law, and practice. We all know 
that certain schools of Christian thought to-day are op- 
posed on grounds of religious principle to birth-control, 
that indispensable tool of eugenics as well as of rational 
control of population, and even to the very notion of 
eugenics itself. But even if this opposition could be over- 



come, there would remain in this field grave obstacles, 
both to the spread of the eugenic idea and to the rate of 
its progress in practice. These are the prevailing indi- 
vidualist attitude to marriage, and the conception, based 
on this and on the long religious tradition of the West, 
of the subordination of personal love to procreation. The 
two influences together prevent us collectively from grasp- 
ing the implications of the recent advances in science and 
technique which now make it possible to separate the 
individual from the social side of sex and reproduction. 
Yet it is precisely and solely this separation that would 
make real eugenics practicable, by allowing a rate of pro- 
gress yielding tangible encouragement in a reasonable 
time, generation by generation. 

The recent invention of efficient methods on the one 
hand of birth-control and on the other of artificial insemin- 
ation have brought man to a stage at which the separation 
of sexual and reproductive functions could be used for 
eugenic purposes. But it is of real interest to note that 
these inventions represent merely the last steps in an evolu- 
tionary process which started long before man ever existed. 

In lower mammals, the existence of limited breeding 
seasons, and, during these, the restriction of mating to 
the oestrous phase in the female’s reproductive cycle, do 
in fact link sexual behaviour firmly with reproduction. 
But in the great primate stock to which we belong, a new 
trend early becomes apparent. Breeding seasons are less 
definite, and mating may occur at any time during the 
female cycle, so that most acts of union are in fact and of 
necessity infertile, without reproductive consequences. 
This trend becomes more marked as we ascend the evolu- 
tionary scale, and culminates in man. In civilized man, 



the faint traces of a breeding season apparent in certain 
primitive ethnic stocks have wholly disappeared, and there 
is no greater readiness to mate during the short period 
when alone conception is possible than at most other times 
of the female cycle . 1 

This has already led in point of fact to the widespread 
separation of the personal function of sexual union from 
its racial consequences, of love from reproduction. It is 
true that some persons and bodies on theological or meta- 
physical grounds either ostrich-like deny the existence of 
this separation, or assert that it ought not to be practised ; 
but this does not alter the fact. 

The perfection of birth-control technique has made the 
separation more effective; and the still more recent tech- 
nique of artificial insemination has opened up new horizons, 
by making it possible to provide different objects for the 
two functions. It is now open to man and woman to con- 
summate the sexual function with those they love, but to 
fulfil the reproductive function with those whom on per- 
haps quite other grounds they admire. 

This consequence is the opportunity of eugenics. But 
the opportunity cannot yet be grasped. It is first neces- 
sary to overcome the bitter opposition to it on dogmatic 
theological and moral grounds, and the widespread 
popular shrinking from it, based on vague but powerful 
feelings, on the ground that it is unnatural. 

We need a new attitude to these problems, an attitude 
which for want of another term we may still call religious. 
We need to replace the present attitude fostered by estab- 
lished religions by a new but equally potent attitude. 

As regards the sense of salvation, we need to substitute 
1 Zuckerman, 1932, p. 73/. 



social salvation for individual salvation; and as regards 
the need of some escape-mechanism from the pressure of 
present difficulty, we need to substitute the real possi- 
bility of evolutionary progress for other-worldly phan- 
tasies. Once this possibility of true human progress, 
both social and genetic, is generally apprehended, and the 
social system remodelled so that individual success does 
not conflict with communal welfare, and self-expression 
and personal satisfaction can be largely achieved in serving 
society, then sex and reproduction can take their due 
places as individual and social functions respectively. 
Gone will be many of the conflicts inherent in present-day 
marriage: any sacrifice involved in parenthood will be 
made on the altar of the race, and in the knowledge that 
it will be acceptable. Those who wish to pursue further 
the possibilities of such a step should consult Mr Brewer’s 
recent article on Eutelegenesis 1 and Professor Muller’s 
book Out of the Night? Here it must suffice to point out 
that unless we alter the social framework of law and ideas 
so as to make possible the divorce between sex and repro- 
duction, or if you prefer it between the individual and the 
social sides of our sexual functions, our efforts at evolu- 
tionary improvement will remain mere tinkering, no more 
deserving the proud title of eugenics than does the mend- 
ing of saucepans deserve to be called engineering. 

That consummation, you will perhaps say, is impossibly 
remote from our imperfect present, hardly to be affected 
by any of our little strivings to-day. That may be so : but 
I am not so sure. Let us remember that modern science 
is a mere three centuries old : yet it has already achieved 
changes in outlook that are of comparable magnitude. 

1 Brewer, H., 1935. 2 Muller, H. J., 1935. 



Biological science is only now attaining its maturity, and 
the social sciences are mere infants. Looked at in the 
long perspective of evolution, the present phase of human 
activity is one of transition between that of acceptance and 
that of control of destiny, between magic and science, 
between unconsciously-nurtured phantasy and consciously- 
faced reason. It is, in the sense of the word used in 
physics, a critical phase : and being so, it cannot be either 
stable or long-enduring. 

It is to my mind not only permissible but highly desir- 
able to look far ahead. Otherwise we are in danger of 
mistaking for our eugenic ideal a mere glorification of our 
prejudices and our subjective wish-fulfilments. It is not 
eugenics but left-wing politics if we merely talk of favour- 
ing the survival and reproduction of the proletariat at the 
expense of the bourgeoisie. It is not eugenics but right- 
wing politics if we merely talk of favouring the breeding 
of the upper classes of our present social system at the 
expense of the lower. It is not eugenics but nationalist 
and imperialist politics if we speak in such terms as sub- 
ject races or miscegenation. Our conclusions in any 
particular case may be on balance eugenically correct 
(though the correlation between broad sociaj or ethnic 
divisions and genetic values can never be high), yet they 
will not be based primarily upon eugenic considerations, 
but upon social or national bias. The public-school ideal, 
or that of the working-class movement, or that of colonial 
imperialism, may be good ideals ; but they are not eugenic 

Before concluding, I should like to draw attention to 
one eugenically important consequence of recent progress 
in pure genetics. In all organisms so far investigated, 



ieleterious mutations far outnumber useful ones. There 
s an inherent tendency for the hereditary constitution to 
iegrade itself. That man shares this tendency we can be 
>ure, not only from analogy but on the all-too-obvious evi- 
dence provided by the high incidence in ‘civilized’ popula- 
:ions of defects, both mental and physical, of genetic origin. 

In wild animals and plants, this tendency is either re- 
versed or at least held in check by the operation of natural 
selection, which here again proves itself to be, in R. A. 
Fisher’s words, a mechanism capable of generating high 
degrees of improbability. In domestic animals and plants, 
the same result is achieved by our artificial selection. But 
in civilized human communities of our present type, the 
elimination of defect by natural selection is largely (though 
of course by no means wholly) rendered inoperative by 
medicine, charity, and the social services; while, as we 
have seen, there is no selection encouraging favourable 
variations. The net result is that many deleterious muta- 
tions can and do survive, and the tendency to degradation 
of the germ-plasm can manifest itself. 

To-day, thanks to the last fifteen years’ work in pure 
science, we can be sure of this alarming fact, whereas pre- 
viously it was only a vague surmise . 1 Humanity will 
gradually destroy itself from within, will decay in its very 
core and essence, if this slow but relentless process is not 
checked. Here again, dealing with defectives in the 
present system can be at best a palliative. We must be 
able to pick out the genetically inferior stocks with more 
certainty, and we must set in motion counter-forces mak- 
ing for faster reproduction of superior stocks, if we are 
to reverse or even arrest the trend. And neither of these, 
1 Muller, H. J., 1935. 

D 81 


Biological science is only now attaining its maturity, and 
the social sciences are mere infants. Looked at in the 
long perspective of evolution, the present phase of human 
activity is one of transition between that of acceptance and 
that of control of destiny, between magic and science, 
between unconsciously-nurtured phantasy and consciously- 
faced reason. It is, in the sense of the word used in 
physics, a critical phase : and being so, it cannot be either 
stable or long-enduring. 

It is to my mind not only permissible but highly desir- 
able to look far ahead. Otherwise we are in danger of 
mistaking for our eugenic ideal a mere glorification of our 
prejudices and our subjective wish-fulfilments. It is not 
eugenics but left-wing politics if we merely talk of favour- 
ing the survival and reproduction of the proletariat at the 
expense of the bourgeoisie. It is not eugenics but right- 
wing politics if we merely talk of favouring the breeding 
of the upper classes of our present social system at the 
expense of the lower. It is not eugenics but nationalist 
and imperialist politics if we speak in such terms as sub- 
ject races or miscegenation. Our conclusions in any 
particular case way be on balance eugenically correct 
(though the correlation between broad sociaj or ethnic 
divisions and genetic values can never be high), yet they 
will not be based primarily upon eugenic considerations, 
but upon social or national bias. The public-school ideal, 
or that of the working-class movement, or that of colonial 
imperialism, may be good ideals ; but they are not eugenic 

Before concluding, I should like to draw attention to 
one eugenically important consequence of recent progress 
in pure genetics. In all organisms so far investigated, 



eleterious mutations far outnumber useful ones. There 
> an inherent tendency for the hereditary constitution to 
egrade itself. That man shares this tendency we can be 
are, not only from analogy but on the all-too-obvious evi- 
ence provided by the high incidence in 4 civilized ’ popula- 
ons of defects, both mental and physical, of genetic origin. 

In wild animals and plants, this tendency is either re- 
ersed or at least held in check by the operation of natural 
election, which here again proves itself to be, in R. A. 
'isher’s words, a mechanism capable of generating high 
egrees of improbability. In domestic animals and plants, 
hie same result is achieved by our artificial selection. But 
i civilized human communities of our present type, the 
limination of defect by natural selection is largely (though 
f course by no means wholly) rendered inoperative by 
aedicine, charity, and the social services; while, as we 
Lave seen, there is no selection encouraging favourable 
ariations. The net result is that many deleterious muta- 
ions can and do survive, and the tendency to degradation 
>f the germ-plasm can manifest itself. 

To-day, thanks to the last fifteen years’ work in pure 
cience, we can be sure of this alarming fact, whereas pre- 
viously it was only a vague surmise . 1 Humanity will 
gradually destroy itself from within, will decay in its very 
:ore and essence, if this slow but relentless process is not 
hecked. Here again, dealing with defectives in the 
>resent system can be at best a palliative. We must be 
.ble to pick out the genetically inferior stocks with more 
ertainty, and we must set in motion counter-forces mak- 
ng for faster reproduction of superior stocks, if we are 
o reverse or even arrest the trend. And neither of these, 
1 Muller, H.J., 1935. 




as we have seen, is possible without an alteration of social 

Whether or not I have been asking you to accompany 
me too far into the visionary future, I will end this essay 
with a very concrete suggestion for the present, backed 
by a warning from the immediate past. 

Twenty-five years ago, when I had just taken my degree, 
the field of heredity was still a battle-field. The Mendel- 
ians and the Biometricians were disputing for its posses- 
sion, and in the heat of the struggle little mercy was shown 
by either side to the other. In the last dozen years or so, 
however, the apparent conflict of principle has been shown 
not to exist, and now, thanks to the work of such men as 
R. A. Fisher and J. B. S. Haldane, we realize that the two 
methods of approach are complementary, and that certain 
important problems can only be solved by their simul- 
taneous employment. 

The present position of eugenists appears to me to be 
closely parallel with the position of the Mendelians a 
quarter of a century ago. They find themselves in ap- 
parent conflict with the environmentalists and the pro- 
tagonists of social reform. Speaking broadly, the field 
of human improvement is a battle-field between Eugenists 
and Sociologists, and the battle is often as violent as that 
between the Mendelians and Biometricians — or between 
Swift’s Big-endians and Little-endians. In my opinion, 
it is also as unreal and useless. We eugenists must no 
longer think of the social environment only in its possible 
dysgenic or non-eugenic effects, but must study it as an 
indispensable ally. Changes in social environment are 
needed both for the adequate expression of eugenic pro- 
gress, and as a means for its realization. 



The next step for eugenics is, as I urged at the begin- 
ning of this essay, a methodological one. We eugenists 
must familiarize ourselves with the outlook and the con- 
cepts of sociology, with the technique and practice of 
social reform; for they are an indispensable part of the 
machinery we need to realize our aims. 


Blakeslee, A. F., and Fox, A. L. 1932. ‘Our different taste 
worlds.’ J. Hered ., 23. 

Brewer, Herbert. 1935. ‘Eutelegenesis,’ Eugenics Review , 
27, 121. 

Carr-Saunders, A. M. 1926. Eugenics. Home University 
Library. Williams & Norgate. London. 

Fisher, R. A. 1930. The Genetical Basis of Natural Selection. 
Clarendon Press. Oxford. 

Gates, R. R. 1934. ‘Racial and Social Problems in the Light 
of Heredity,’ Population , / (2). 

Gray, J. L., and Moshinsky, P. 1935. (a) ‘ Ability and Oppor- 
tunity in English Education,’ Sociological Review , 27 (2), 1935. 
(b) ‘Ability and Educational Opportunity in Relation to Parental 
Occupation,’ Sociological Review , 27 (3), 1935. 

Hammond, J. 1932. Growth and Development of Mutton 
Qualities in the Sheep. Oliver & Boyd. Edinburgh. 

Hammond, J. 1935. ‘Inheritance of Productivity in Farm 
Livestock. I. Meat,’ Empire Jour. Exper. Agric. y ^ y 1. 

Hogben, L. T. 1 933 - Nature and Nurture. Williams &c 
Norgate. London. 

Huxley, J. S., and Haddon, A. C. 1935 * ^ e Europeans. 

Cape. London. 

Huntington, E. 1928. The Human Habitat. Chapman & 
Hall. London. 

Industrial Health Research Board, Fifteenth Annual Report , 
1935. H.M. Stationery Office. London. 



Muller, H. J. 1935. Out of the Night . Vanguard Press. 
New York. 

M tiller, Max. 1888. Biographies of Words and the Home of 
the Ary as. Longmans. London. 

Orr, Sir J. B. 1936. Food, Health and Income. Macmillan. 

Stapledon, R. G. 1935. The Land Now and To-morrow . 
Faber & Faber. London. 

Vavilov, N. I. 1926. Bull. Appl. Bot Leningrad , 16, 139. 
Zuckerman, S. 1932. The Social Life of Monkeys and Apes. 
Kegan Paul. London. 




O f late years a determined attempt has been made to 
rewrite history in economic terms. But this does not 
go deep enough. Man's thought and social life are built 
on his economic life; but this, in its turn, rests on bio- 
logical foundations. Climate and geology between them 
decide where the raw materials of human industry are to 
be found, where manufactures can be established; and 
climate decides where the main springs of human energy 
shall be released. Changes of climate cause migrations, 
and migrations bring about not only wars, but the fertiliz- 
ing intermingling of ideas necessary for rapid advance in 

Disease and hygiene play as important a part; half the 
population of the world is permanently below par on 
account of animal parasites such as the hookworm and the 
microscopic malaria germ; and disease may bring about 
the rise or fall of empires. Nor has selection ever ceased 
its rigorous activity. To pass from one mode of life to 
another is not a simple affair for a people; a settled agri- 
cultural life demands a very different temperament from 
hunting, and the hereditary make-up of the race must be 
altered if a people is to pass successfully from one to the 
other. Moit migrations, too, are selective; to take but 
one example, the Puritans who first colonized Massa- 
chusetts did not bring with them a random sample of the 
genes responsible for the qualities of the English people. 



But selection is altered and reduced. The better care of 
the young and the elaboration of social life allow all sorts 
of variations, which otherwise would be snuffed out, to 
survive and often to play an important part in progress. 
Knowledge for knowledge’s sake is out of place in a 
primitive hunting tribe. 

When the world’s climatic belts are sharply marked (as 
they are to-day, in contrast to epochs like the late Eocene, 
when climate was much more uniform), the temperate 
zones, flanked poleward by the subarctic and the arctic, 
are separated from the tropics by two dry belts, along 
which all the world’s great deserts are strung. The only 
zones where vegetation is abundant and man can easily 
flourish are the temperate and the tropical. But the tem- 
perate has another advantage. It contains the belt of 
cyclonic storms — in other words, of rapid and frequent 
changes of weather. And this type of climate, as Ells- 
worth Huntington has shown, is the one most stimulating 
to human energy and achievement. 

We are still so ignorant of the earliest steps in the evolu- 
tion of man from his simian ancestors that ideas as to the 
influence of climate on this phase of his history are highly 
speculative. It can scarcely be doubted, however, that the 
progressive desiccation of the world that took place in the 
late Cenozoic Epoch helped to drive our ancestors down 
from the trees and out into the plains. We know that the 
Himalayas were elevated at this time; and it has been 
plausibly suggested that man originated to the north of 
them. For, as the land here grew drier, the forests shrank 
southward, where they were met by the impassable moun- 
tain barrier, and disappeared from Central Asia. Their 
anthropoid inhabitants were therefore forced either to dis- 



appear too or to become adapted to the new conditions, 
growing more terrestrial and more carnivorous. However 
this may be, men of a sort were undoubtedly in existence 
before the beginning of the Ice Age, over half a million 
years ago. But until we shall have found more traces of 
Eolithic and Lower Paleolithic man in other parts of the 
world than Europe (which was doubtless a mere outlier of 
human development) we shall not be able to piece together 
the fascinating story of the influence of the different ad- 
vances and retreats of the ice, or the slow progress of Old 
Stone Age man. Pekin man and recent discoveries irl 
Africa show how complex the picture was. 

When the ice of the glacial period was still in the early 
stages of its last retreat, the storm belt must have lain over 
North Africa, making what is now the Sahara green and 
fertile. It was through Africa, and perhaps eventually 
from southern Asia, that Europe received its modern men, 
perhaps about 20,000 b.c. (Until about 4000 b.c. our 
dating must be regarded as provisional only; for the most 
part the chronology of Peake and Fleure, in their series, 
The Corridors of Time , is here followed.) 

Gradually, as the ice withdrew northward, the belts of 
climate followed it up. The Sahara began to come within 
the limits of the dry belt. To-day, in certain parts of the 
Sahara, crocodiles and certain fresh-water fish exist in 
scattered oases. But these oases are isolated, without 
possible connections with other bodies of water. The 
water beasts that inhabit them are living in the sparse rem- 
nants of the well-watered, and indeed probably swampy, 
expanse of verdure that once spread over the Great Desert. 
This drying of the Sahara must have sent wave after wave of 
migrating men out of it, both northward and southward. 




Meanwhile the zone of greatest fertility and greatest 
human vigour came to lie along the Mediterranean, through 
Mesopotamia and across to Turkestan. This again set 
great movements afoot. The Magdalenians, last of the 
Old Stone Age men, pushed northward with the forests in 
the wake of the retreating game of the treeless plains; till 
eventually, hemmed in between forest and sea, they were 
forced to lead a wretched existence as gatherers of shellfish 
and berries on the Baltic coast. The descendants of the 
other Stone Age peoples, who had remained behind in 
North Africa and Spain, evolved what is called the Caspian 
Culture ; later they too trekked northward and eventually 
fetched up in western Asia. 

As the open plains shrank before the advance of the 
forests, big game grew scarce, and men turned to other 
sources of food. They became food- gatherers as well as 
hunters, eating nuts and berries and wild grain. This 
must have seemed a misfortune to those early hunters. 
But it was the spur to progress, for from food-gathering to 
food-growing, to real agriculture, was a natural step. It 
seems to have been somewhere before 5000 b.c., in the 
Near East, that the art of agriculture was discovered. 
Legend has it that Isis, the great goddess, found corn on 
Mount Hermon in Syria, and gave it to her sacred son. 
The legend may well contain two kernels of truth. It is 
probable that women rather than men first hit on the idea 
of planting grain, for the men’s work would still be afield, 
hunting; and it is probable- that it was discovered some- 
where in Syria or its near neighbourhood. By 5000 b.c. 
grain-growing had spread round from Palestine to Meso- 



potamia, and permanent settlements had come into being. 
The polish gained by stone implements used for hoeing 
probably gave men the idea of deliberately polishing their 
tools; if so, agriculture was the cause of the change to the 
Neolithic Culture. In any case, agriculture and polished 
neolithic stone implements appear at about the same time. 

The arts of pottery and weaving were in all probability 
discovered about the same time as that of grain- growing, 
and the first permanent houses were built. Domestic 
animals followed soon after; domestication seems first to 
have been learned by hunters, but the art spread rapidly 
and was extended and improved by the settled agricultur- 
ists. Metal-working was not long behind, though for 
centuries only copper and gold were employed — copper 
for use and gold solely for ornament. 

The glacial period did not die steadily away; it left the 
earth in a series of spasms or oscillations, a time of rapid 
retreat being followed by a standstill or even an advance of 
the ice, brought about, it would seem, by an elevation of 
the land. For a century or so about 4500 b.c., there was 
such an elevation. This seems to have had two interesting 
consequences. For one thing, the increased snowfall 
round the Mesopotamian basin gave rise to such violent 
spring floods, year after year, that some towns were aban- 
doned, and the memory of the disastrous time has been 
preserved, it seems, in the story of Noah's flood and the 
corresponding Mesopotamian legends. But more im- 
portant was its effect on Egypt. In the centuries before 
this time, the Nile Valley seems to have been marshy and 
largely uninhabitable; the elevation must have drained it. 
And the long ribbon of marvellously fertile land thus pro- 
vided for the use of man tempted in the agriculturists of 



neighbouring countries. This, it appears, was the real 
beginning of the civilization of Egypt; but, once started 
on its career, its geographical position was such that it 
soon outstripped its rivals. 

Thus, largely as a result of the pressure of changing 
climate on early man, hunting gave place to agriculture. 
Well before 4000 b.c. what we may call the Archaic Civil- 
ization, based on corn and a settled life, — with houses and 
pottery, woven fabrics and metal work, in addition, — was 
fully established, from Egypt round by Syria to the Tigris 
and Euphrates. This corner of the globe was predestined 
to be the cradle of the modern world — by its climate, by 
its great rivers, by the fact of its being the original home 
of wheat, by its being a natural meeting-place for different 
streams of culture brought by different migrations of men, 
east and west as well as north and south. 

Before 4000 b.c. there had been added to the achieve- 
ments of settled man the art of writing, the framing of a 
calendar, irrigation, the wheel, and the making of fer- 
mented liquor. Through the whole of the next millen- 
nium this remarkable civilization was free to develop its 
own potentialities. It was a time of depression of land, a 
moist time over the steppes and the Arabian peninsula, 
and so a time when the nomad inhabitants of these regions 
could thrive and multiply in their own homes, not driven 
by drought to irrupt into the lands of their richer neigh- 
bours. To what height the Mesopotamian civilization 
reached is attested by the marvellous workmanship of the 
objects from Ur of the Chaldees, which date from about 
3500 b.c. The organization of the State under a priest- 
king, even the welding of empires a million strong, stone 
architecture, the arch, written codes of law, sea-going 



ships — these were some of the achievements of this 

But the available land in this corner of the world was 
being filled up by the natural increase of population; and 
this filling up coincided with a new elevation of the land 
and a new period of drought. Between them, the two 
caused such a movement in the world of man that the 
Archaic Culture, though made to totter in its original 
home, was forced to spread its influence far and wide over 
Europe, Africa, and Asia. 


The new millennium dawned favourably enough. 
Egyptian civilization, borne along on its own momentum, 
reached new successes. Beautiful temples of stone, and 
the pyramids, with their astounding exactitude and col- 
ossal size, date from its earliest centuries. Mathematics 
and astronomy take their rise ; the State is run by a regular 
bureaucracy. A little later, in Mesopotamia, King Sargon 
comes on the scene, the first of the great conquerors to 
build an empire with armies. 

For armies were another new invention. The primitive 
hunters had doubtless fought, but it had probably never 
been organized fighting; and the early food-gatherers and 
cultivators seem to have been peaceable on the whole. 
There was assuredly never any Golden Age of Peace, as 
Perry and other enthusiasts imagine, but the early ages of 
human life were probably on the whole peaceful, because 
deliberate and organized warfare was not necessary and 
did not pay. War began as settled man quarrelled over his 
property and his privileges. The idea of war soon spread 
to the less civilized peoples who fringed the settled lands; 



and it became possible for these peoples to practise war 
efficiently because they had passed from the state of 
hunters to that of nomads, disciplined herdsmen, and 
horsemen. The horse must have been domesticated on 
the steppes somewhere before 3000 b.c. A little later, 
drought began, and the nomads, lacking food at home, 
poured down on the settled lands with their horses. These 
were as terrible an innovation in warfare then as were the 
tanks in the wars of our own day some 4500 years later; 
and both Egypt and Mesopotamia were overrun and their 
civilization put in peril. 

Meanwhile the pressure of population, of climatic 
changes, of invasions in the rear, forced the grain-growers 
out in all directions. Not till about 3000 b.c. did any 
settle on the continent of Europe; but well before the 
close of the succeeding millennium they had spread over 
its greater part, to Thrace, to Germany, to Belgium, to 
France. And the push was felt by sea as well as by land. 
The whole Mediterranean became a great trade-lake, and 
the Aigean sailors had reached the Atlantic at latest by 
2200 b.c. At the same time a great wave of migration 
spread eastward, and a new culture reached northern 
India and right across to China, which thus seems to have 
received the first rude germs of her culture. It is possible 
that the American continent also received its first dose of 
civilization during this period, by a migration over the 
land-bridge where now are the Behring Straits. 

The maritime expansion continued into the next millen- 
nium, and so did the dry climate, which was especially 
marked in north-western Europe. Sea trade reached Ire- 
land and Scandinavia. Ireland attained a very high level 
of culture, which was probably only made possible by this 



dry and bracing climate, before the excessive moisture of 
later centuries damped the energies of her inhabitants. 

About 1 800 b . c . there was again a change. The clim- 
ate became gradually moister and cooler. From about 
1200 b . c . to a.d. 200 there was a new cycle of wet and 
cold, reaching its maximum about 400 b . c . and then 
gradually falling off, to pass over to drought about a.d. 
500. The belt of storm-tracks again passed through the 
Mediterranean, giving opportunity for the rise of Baby- 
lonia and Assyria, Canaan and Phoenicia, of latter-day 
Crete and Egypt, of Mycenae and Troy, Greece, Carthage, 
and Rome. North Africa was then the granary of the 
world. The Mediterranean was the focus of human 
energy, and, since the nomads could live comfortably on 
their steppes while the wet time continued, could pursue 
its destiny little troubled by barbarian invasions. 

But the change of climate was disastrous to the northern 
lands. On them, cold and wet descended; the peat bogs 
spread; the forests died off as the swampy moors ex- 
tended. There was a marked falling off of culture in Ire- 
land and Scandinavia ; and the worst cold spell, in the fifth 
and fourth centuries b.c., has apparently left its permanent 
trace in the northern legend of the Twilight of the Gods, 
which pictures a disastrous world bound in the grip of 
snow and ice. 

After this, the classical Mediterranean civilization be- 
gan to fail. Jones, some twenty-five years ago, suggested 
in a remarkable book that the downfall of Greece was due 
to malaria imported from Africa. Now that we know that 
a progressive desiccation was in progress at the time, the 
idea gains in probability. The rivers, drying up to a series 
of pools in summer, would afford countless new breeding- 



places for the larvae of the malaria-carrying mosquitoes. 
Malaria probably contributed to the downfall of Rome as 
well; but since Italy has more rainfall than Greece, the 
malaria-spreading change would have struck her later. 
But in addition the yield of agriculture in the Mediter- 
ranean began to grow less ; and about the same time the 
first of a new series of barbarian invasions poured in. 

For the period from a.d. 500 to 1000 was definitely a 
dry one. This it seems to have been which in the South 
drove the Huns and Goths to the limits of Europe, and 
stimulated the expansion of Islam from drought-stricken 
Arabia. But it brought new life to the swampy North. 
The culture of Ireland revived. In Scandinavia this was 
the great age of the Vikings, the Norsemen. As toward 
its close it grew less dry, the wet began to rob the Vikings 
of their livelihood and their lands as surely as the drought 
had robbed the steppe dwellers of theirs ; and they poured 
forth in a burst of migration which took them across the 
Atlantic, and eventually, in the guise of Normans, as far 
as Sicily. 


In the New World too the climatic changes were 
similar and had the same general effects, notably upon the 
story of the remarkable Maya civilization of Yucatan. 
The huge monuments of the Mayas are now buried in 
dense tropical jungle, which no primitive people could 
hope to keep at bay. After the first flourishing period of 
the Mayas, civilization retreated for centuries from Yuca- 
tan, but recolonized its northern part for a short time 
about a.d. 1000. The two flourishing periods of Maya 
history correspond with what we have called cold, wet 



periods. But these were wet only in regions at a certain 
distance from the poles. During these times, the storm 
tracks shifted further toward the equator; and accordingly 
the dry belts between temperate and tropical were shifted 
equatorward too. To-day, Yucatan lies just south of 
where the northern dry zone passes over into the tropical. 
When the temperate rainy zone shifted south, the margin 
of the dry zone also was forced southward over Yucatan, 
the forest melted, and the Mayas could build an empire 

In the temperate zones, after the short wet period of the 
eleventh century, there followed a series of minor and 
drier fluctuations. There was one cold spell in the thir- 
teenth century. There was another in the first half of the 
seventeenth, in which the tradition of the ‘old-fashioned’ 
severe winter probably takes its origin (though doubtless 
perpetuated by the common failing of age to decry the 
present in favour of the past). Since then there has not 
been any great change. True, there have been shiftings 
of sea currents, such as that which brought the herrings to 
the Baltic, or that which sent the cod away from the coast 
of Brittany; but there have been no marked movements 
of the storm belt. 

This long string of conclusions is drawn from the most 
diverse sources — from the deposits in northern peat .bogs, 
from the old shore lines of the Caspian, from the salt lakes 
of Central Asia, from the now waterless cities, such as 
Palmyra, that once lay on great trade routes, from legend 
and historical record. But they find a wonderful corro- 
boration within the trunks of the big trees of the western 
United States. Rain is the limiting factor of the tree’s 
summer growth, and so the size of the growth ring in its 



wood preserves for us the record of the season. By mea- 
suring the growth rings of over two thousand big trees, 
Douglass has given us a curve of climate which corre- 
sponds with remarkable accuracy with what we have de- 
duced from other sources. Some of these trees date back 
four thousand years. In their trunks we can read of the 
dry periods which spread civilization over the world but 
spelled the ruin of the first Archaic Culture; of the ‘class- 
ical’ rainfall maximum, as Brooks calls it, which allowed 
Greece and Rome and Yucatan to achieve their destiny; 
of the new drought which brought the barbarians into the 
Holy City and raised the Norsemen to their first height of 
activity. And they record for us the final settling of the 
fertilizing, energy-giving belt of cyclonic weather in its 
present place, a thousand miles and more northward of its 
old position. 

Thus climatic belts have not shifted seriously for almost 
a thousand years. What will happen to civilization when 
they move again we can hardly foresee; but we cannot 
suppose that shifting climate will respect our modern 
balance of power, any more than it spared the civilizations 
of Mesopotamia. Climate is inexorable. 


The question of the effects of climate and other natural 
phenomena on human history is not all speculative. We 
can see some of its very practical ramifications in the pro- 
blems of cattle, soil, and grasslands. Here the chemistry 
of soils enters in as well as climate, but the two are not 
without relation. 

From time to time, in different parts of the world, cattle 
exhibit perverted appetites. They take to chewing bones, 



and will sometimes even devour the carcasses of other 
cattle that have died. These abnormal instincts are in- 
variably the prelude to grave disorders. In typical cases 
the bones grow soft, the joints become swollen, the ani- 
mals get thin and feeble and move stiffly and awkwardly; 
their hoofs grow abnormally long; sterility and abortion 
are common. Milch cows and young growing beasts are 
invariably the most seriously affected; and imported 
modern breeds suffer worse than the poorer native types. 
Sheep may be affected in the same sort of way; and horses 
too, though more rarely. 

These outbreaks, which may inflict severe losses, may 
only recur every few years ; or they may continue un- 
abated for long periods. In every case they are confined 
to particular regions. In such a region, even in years 
when there is no actual disease, the animals are generally 
below par. Their fertility is very low; there is much 
infant mortality among the calves; growth is slow and 
stunted; milk yield is subnormal. 

Much search has been made for the causes of this state 
of affairs. Bacteria have been blamed, and other parasites, 
and poisonous plants. But all these were gradually elim- 
inated. It became more and more evident that the cause 
was some deficiency in the beasts’ food; and since the food 
they eat draws all its supplies (save carbon and oxygen 
from the inexhaustible air) from the soil, the deficiency 
must ultimately lie in the soil. 

Chemical analysis has confirmed this verdict. The 
cause of this poor performance and actual loss, specially 
grave in dry countries like Africa and Australia, is a de- 
ficiency of one or more of the elements supplied to plants 
from the mineral salts of the soil. The commonest defi- 



ciency is that of phosphorus or of calcium — or of both at 
once. Since both are necessary ingredients of bone, a 
shortage of either will prevent proper bone growth. Both 
are also necessary for the universal processes of metabol- 
ism in the body; and if the supply falls short of the vital 
minimum needed for tissue life, the tissues draw on the 
reserves held in the skeleton. The mineral framework of 
the bones is redissolved to be used up by the living cells, 
hungry for the missing elements, and the skeleton grows 
weak and soft. The milk too grows poor in calcium and 
phosphorus, the calf has to go short of them, and, as he is 
a rapidly growing organism, feels the lack even more 
acutely than his parents. 

The depraved appetite for carcasses and bones is a last 
resort for getting back some of the missing elements into 
the system. It is, however, often disastrous, for many 
animals thus eat disease-producing bacteria in the decay- 
ing bones, and develop serious illness from this cause ; and 
even if they avoid poisoning, the mineral shortage eventu- 
ally becomes so acute that the animal sickens and dies. In 
other cases, mere stunting is the chief result. In the Falk- 
land Islands, for example, whose pastures are very short 
of calcium, an ox will hardly reach five hundred pounds in 
weight, and the offspring of good breeds of horses grow 
up no bigger than ponies. 

The symptoms vary a good deal from place to place, 
largely according as the defect is a defect mainly of phos- 
phorus, — perhaps the commonest condition,— or of cal- 
cium, or of both. But they all agree in taking origin in a 
lack of necessary bone-building elements. 

Here and there, though much more rarely, the cattle 
farmer attempts to ply his trade on areas where there is a 



shortage of other mineral constituents. When the miss- 
ing element is iron, as in parts of Kenya and New Zealand, 
the animals suffer from a progressive anaemia; they grow 
thinner and thinner, and finally lose control of their limbs. 
In certain parts of the plains region of the United States 
and Canada, on the other hand, iodine is the defaulter, and 
farm animals (like the human population) suffer from the 
swelling of the thyroid known as goitre, with all the 
attendant symptoms of low chemical activity and stunted 
growth. In some areas, the lack of iodine is so pro- 
nounced that the young pigs lose all their hair and hardly 
any of them survive. 


The shortages, as we have said, are primarily due to a 
deficiency native to the soil. It is surprising but true that 
there are great stretches of country which from the outset 
are unsuitable (without special treatment) for stock-raising 
on any large scale, because the ground simply does not 
have enough of one or another chemical element. Coun- 
tries composed of igneous rock often have a shortage of 
calcium. In much of the west of Scotland, where the soil 
is poor in calcium and phosphorus and the pastures have 
long been depleted by grazing without any return in the 
shape of artificial manure, the sheep are frequently afflicted 
with disease, there is a high rate of mortality among grow- 
ing lambs, and the carrying capacity of the land is falling. 
Iodine is generally low in limestone districts, or where, as 
in parts of North America, the great meltings that followed 
the Ice Age have leached it out of the soil. 

Phosphorus is the trickiest of all these elements. It is 
the one which usually is nearest to the border line, and 



there are very big tracts of phosphorus-poor soil. In addi- 
tion, drought apparently makes it harder for plants to get 
phosphorus out of the ground, so that an arid climate will 
turn a soil that elsewhere would be adequate into a phos- 
phorus-deficient one. 

Why, then, are these regions of the earth’s surface not 
bare of wild animals ? And how is it that man can gener- 
ally thrive where his cattle sicken ? The answer is that the 
demands are a matter of degree. No region is entirely 
without any of the essential elements. In nature, a bal- 
ance is soon struck. The country supports what it can 
support. If animals fall sick, they are speedily elimin- 
ated; as soon as overmultiplication of any grazing animal 
brings down the supply of any element per individual to 
the danger point, migration relieves the pressure. Man, 
on the other hand, attempts more intensive operations. 
He wants the land to carry the maximum amount of stock, 
and to carry it all the time. Furthermore, different ani- 
mals make very different demands on the mineral re- 
sources of the soil. It is the quick-growing beast which 
suffers, because it has to lay by a large quantity of calcium 
and phosphorus in its skeleton, of iron in its blood, of 
iodine in its thyroid, all in a short time; while the slower- 
growing kinds escape — -just as in man a degree of short- 
age of vitamins which is almost without effect on grown 
men and women may produce serious rickets in growing 

Now cattle are in any case quick-growing animals. A 
human infant takes six months to double his weight after 
birth ; a calf, in spite of his much greater size, takes only 
about a month and a half. And in domestic breeds of 
cattle man has intensified this quick growth, since his 



prime aim is the biggest possible return of meat in the 
shortest possible time. Besides, he breeds for milk-yield- 
ing capacities so enlarged as to be almost unnatural. 
Whereas, for instance, in the natural state cows at one 
lactation produce two or three hundred gallons of milk, 
we ask the best modern breeds to give us up to a thousand 
gallons. The native cattle of Nigeria have their first calt 
at about six years; a well-fed cow of a modern breed has 
hers at three. In beef breeds, the rate of putting on flesh 
has been doubled. In all these ways, domesticated cattle 
have been deliberately bred to make more demands upon 
the soil than other beasts, and the better they are as cattle, 
the more demands they must make. Accordingly, when 
good European bulls have been used to grade up native 
cattle in India or Africa, the result has frequently been 
merely that the sickness and mortality due to mineral 
deficiencies ha^e leaped up. 

Man the stock-breeder has thus been putting new and 
unprecedented demands upon the mineral resources of 
the world’s soil. But that is not all. He has also been 
depleting those resources without making any return. As 
Sir John Orr says in his book, Minerals in Pastures : 
‘Accompanying the visible movement of milk and beef, 
there is a slow invisible flow of fertility. Every cargo of 
beef or milk products, every ship ton of bones, leaves the 
exporting country so much the poorer.’ For, in nature, 
animals die where they live, and the constituents of their 
bodies are returned to their native soil. But man changes 
all that. He ships off the bodies of his animals or the pro- 
ducts of those bodies to distant countries, and in every 
exported pound of meat or cheese or bone meal so much 
phosphorus and so much calcium and iron and mag- 



nesium have been extracted from the soil and removed 
from the country’s shores. Richardson calculates that 
since 1870 the export of animals from Victoria alone has 
taken out of its soil the equivalent of two million tons of 

As we are now beginning to see, man’s difficulties about 
grassland and the products of grassland are not merely due 
to local and natural deficiencies. They are due too to 
deficiencies of his own making, and these artificial de- 
ficiencies are cumulative and world-wide. In old days, 
the cattle of mineral-deficient areas would make periodic 
journeys to salt-licks, where the instinctive cravings for 
the elements they lacked would save them from disease 
and death. It is interesting to find the same instinctive 
cravings in man. In some parts of Africa, where mineral 
deficiency is serious, the black children spend their pen- 
nies, not on sweets, but on lumps of ^inpurified salt, 
imported from distant salt-pansand full of all the elements 
for which their systems are crying out. To-day, fencing 
has often made the cattle’s annual ‘ cure’ impossible. In 
one part of Kenya, for instance, the settling of the country 
happened to put an important salt-lick on to land allocated 
to whites, to the great detriment of the native cattle, which 
either could not get at their necessary supply of minerals, 
or strayed and trespassed in search of it, and were lost to 
their owners. Economic restrictions may have the same 
effect. In the old days of the heavy French tax on salt, 
you could tell without a map when you crossed the bound- 
ary in the Jura from France to Switzerland by looking at 
the cattle. The French cows looked poorly, the Swiss 
beasts fine and healthy. 

The next step was the discovery that the amount of 

107 . 


mineral which would prevent disease in a pasture was not 
enough to give the best results. By adding more, up to a 
definitely ascertainable point, sheep and cattle could be 
made to grow faster, to yield more milk, and especially to 
be more fertile. 

Thus what began as a study of local cattle diseases has 
turned into a problem of the soil chemistry of grasslands. 
The problem is one of first-rate importance. Cereals may 
be the staff of life; but the products of grass are more 
varied. Grass gives us not only meat, but also wool, 
leather, milk, butter, cheese, and various valuable by- 
products from bones and hides and horns. The value of 
the products of grass consumed annually in Britain alone 
is over £400,000,000, and the quantity of this which is 
imported makes nearly a quarter of the country’s total 
imports. And some countries, like New Zealand, live 
almost wholly by grass. 


The question at issue becomes the question of the 
future of the world’s grass. We have spent an enormous 
amount of energy on improving wheat and maize, and 
have hardly given a thought to grass; but there is little 
doubt that by proper attention to the ecology and genetics 
of grasses we could double the output of the world’s 

For one thing, proper dosing with mineral salts helps 
the growth of plants which make greater demands on the 
soil, and so takes the ecological succession a stage further 
to a richer herbage. In dry areas it often helps also by 
conserving more moisture in the soil. Then there are 
strange and subtle interrelations between grass and the 



beasts that eat it. Their trampling and their browsing 
alter conditions for the herbage. Too little grazing may 
allow scrub or moor to invade the pasture; too much may 
impoverish the sward. Such problems are especially 
prominent in new countries — in New Zealand, for in- 
stance, there seem to have been no indigenous grazing 
creatures, save possibly the giant flightless bird, the moa; 
yet to-day 94 per cent, of the country’s exports are the 
products of grass-eating animals. Here, to clear scrub- 
land for sheep, not only must the scrub be cut and rooted 
up and burned, but cattle must be introduced to keep the 
bracken and brush from winning back the land they have 
lost. As Dr Stapledon says, ‘ Cattle, no matter how prices 
rule, are essential to the reclamation and maintenance of 
scrublands. They are implements as necessary to the 
wool grower on hilly, scrubby country as the plough to the 
producer of wheat on the plains.’ Trampling, too, pre- 
vents the grass from getting coarse and rough. The 
amount of grazing a pasture will stand depends a good 
deal on climate. If grassland (as in so much of Europe 
and New Zealand) is not the natural climax of plant life, 
but is only a ‘sub-climax,’ which would go on to a richer 
type of vegetation, such as forest, if left to itself, then it 
will stand very heavy grazing. If, however, the climate is 
so dry that grass of sorts is the natural climax, it has fewer 
reserves, so to speak, and heavy grazing may seriously 
damage it. 

But the amount of grazing will also depend on the kinds 
of grasses there are to be grazed. In New Zealand the 
native vegetation, unused to being nibbled down to the 
ground, succumbs to this new treatment. A judicious 
mixture of the right grasses and clovers from all over the 



world (only we must remember that what is right for one 
place may be very wrong for another !) is rapidly raising 
the productive power of grass. This will soon get to a 
limit; but then the geneticist can step in and continue the 
process by deliberately breeding richer and more resistant 
pasture plants. A beginning has been made with this at 
places like the Grass Research Station at Aberystwyth, 
and the results already obtained, together with the com- 
fortable knowledge of what has been actually achieved 
with wheat, warrant great hopes for the future. 

We could vastly increase the productive power of the 
world’s grasslands by deliberately working for types of 
beast that make greater demands on the grass, and types 
of grass that make greater demands on the soil. We have 
only got to make sure that we can continue to provide the 
soil with the necessary chemical ingredients. But to 
achieve this result we need the services, not only of the 
farmer and the scientific agriculturist, but of the plant and 
animal geneticist, the soil chemist, the systematic botan- 
ist, and the ecologist; nature cannot be improved upon 
without the amassing of a deal of knowledge and the 
expenditure of a deal of pains. 




R ace and its problems are playing an important role 
.on the world’s political stage at the present time. 
But the race concept as employed by the politician, or even 
in most cases by the anthropologist, is a product of the 
pre-Mendelian era. How does it look to that infant pro- 
digy of biological science, modern genetics ? Does it stay 
as it was, does it alter its lineaments, or does it tend to fade 
away into nothingness? Should we perhaps banish the 
very word race from any scientific or accurate vocabulary ? 
These are questions of the utmost urgency in national and 
international affairs. 

The fundamental thesis of modern genetics is that the 
hereditary constitution of any organism (man, animal, or 
plant) consists of a large number of discrete units or genes, 
which normally perpetuate themselves ad infinitum by self- 
reproduction. When different gene-outfits are mixed in 
a cross, while there may be blending of visible characters, 
there is no blending or modification of the genes them- 
selves. The only alteration of the genes is due to the rare 
and infrequent process of mutation. 

The gene-outfit of an organism is double, one set from 
the father, one from the mother. When the time comes 
for the formation of reproductive cells, the two members 
of each gene-pair separate in a clean-cut way from each 
other, so that each reproductive cell has one or the other 
member of each pair. This is what we call segregation. 



With certain minor restrictions, each pair of genes segre- 
gates independently of every other. The result is that 
when a cross is made involving differences in several pairs 
of genes, in the second and later generations every possible 
combination of the different genes will occur. This is the 
principle of independent assortment. 

In the third place, we are coming to a more exact com- 
prehension of the role played by environment. Genes 
remain unaltered but their expression will change accord- 
ing to the circumstances. In other words, any character 
is the product of an interaction between heredity and 

Most important for our purpose perhaps, modern gen- 
etics clears up our ideas on the subject of variation. Varia- 
tion merely implies difference, and the differences between 
two individuals or strains of men or other organisms may 
be due to three essentially distinct factors: 

First: to differences in environment, as when differ- 
ences in exposure to sunlight tan one child and leave the 
other bleached and pallid. 

Second : to differences caused by mutation of genes, as 
between bearded and beardless varieties of grain; the 
accumulation of mutations is responsible for most differ- 
ences brought about in evolution. 

Third: to recombination — i.e, to reshuffling of old 
genes in new constellations owing to independent assort- 
ment after a cross. This accounts for most of the differ- 
ences observed between brothers and sisters in the same 

Man, owing to crossing of different stocks, shows an 
unusual degree of recombinative variation ; further, owing 
to the plasticity of his mind, he shows an unusual degree 



of environmentally produced variation. Let us, in the 
light of these facts, consider some human characteristics. 
Stature will serve as an excellent example. 

In man, as in other animals, various degrees of stunting 
can be produced by various degrees of underfeeding and 
other unfavourable conditions (disease, lack of exercise or 
sunlight, etc.). The effect will also vary according to the 
time at which the unfavourable conditions were operative. 
As shown by recent experiments in which the growth of 
healthy boys was still further increased by the addition of 
milk to an abundant and varied diet, ‘underfeeding’ is a 
relative term, and apparently normal conditions may not 
provide the optimum. 

This provides an excellent example of the interaction of 
genetic and environmental factors, and is also important 
from the standpoint of so-called ‘ racial ’ differences. The 
fact that stature can be altered by feeding and other en- 
vironmental conditions does not mean that it cannot also 
be altered by change in genetic make-up, or vice versa. 
To believe that one alternative excludes the other (as many 
popular writers appear to do) is to fall into an elementary 
logical and biological error. 

As a matter of fact, marked genetic differences in stat- 
ure do occur in man. No amount of extra feeding could 
raise the stature of a Pigmy to that of a normal European. 
The average height of Scots is considerably higher than 
that of, say, southern Frenchmen, and the difference is 
almost wholly due to differences in genetic make-up. The 
Scots possess genes which make for height; the Pigmies, 
genes which keep them small; but the height of both 
races could be considerably modified by feeding and other 
environmental conditions. 



This will show the complexity of even such an appar- 
ently simple question as that of human stature. Let me 
illustrate this complexity by two particular problems in 
this field. In the first place, it is known that the average 
stature of various industrial nations has increased quite 
definitely within the last half-century or so: does this 
mean an alteration in the character of the ‘race* (national 
stock), as has been frequently asserted ? In the second 
place, it is a fact that the average stature of different social- 
economic classes in most nations of western civilization 
is different, being highest in the upper social classes: is 
this because the upper classes contain genetically different 
stock from the others ? 

With regard to the first question — concerning the in- 
crease in average national stature — the answer is fairly 
clear. The increase is due in the main to better food and 
better conditions of life, and not to any permanent change 
in the constitution. In other words, the national stock has 
not altered appreciably. Put it back in the old conditions, 
and it would once more shrink to its old stature, as our 
red-flowered Chinese primrose would produce white 
flowers on being transferred to a hot-house (p. 44). 

The second question is harder to answer. It is clear 
that much of the difference must be due to the better con- 
ditions enjoyed by the children of the richer classes. But 
it is quite possible that there also exists an average genecic 
difference between different classes; e.g. in Britain there 
may be more genetically short stock in the lower classes, 
derived from the early Mediterranean-type inhabitants of 
the country, or selection may have been at work favouring 
tall types in the upper classes {e.g. by sexual selection of 
tall women), or short types in the proletariat (e.g. short 



types may be better suited to town life or factory condi- 
tions, and therefore be favoured in an urban-industrial 
civilization). It is probable that both sets of causes, gen- 
etic and environmental, are at work. At the moment, how- 
ever, it is impossible to evaluate their exact share, though 
the environmental is doubtless the more important. 


What is true of stature applies with far greater force to 
psychological characters — of intelligence, special aptitude, 
temperament, and character. In the first place, such char- 
acters are far more susceptible to changes in environment 
(here of course predominantly social environment) than 
are physical characters. Second, the social environment 
shows a greater range of difference than the physical en- 
vironment. High innate mathematical ability would be 
unable to express itself in paleolithic society or among 
present-day savages. The most consummate artistic gifts 
would find little scope on a desert island. The tempera- 
ment which gives its possessor the capacity for going 
into a trance or seeing visions is in our modern western 
world likely to land its possessor in an asylum, whereas in 
various Australian and Asiatic tribes it will further his 
attainment of power and practising as a medicine-man or 
shaman. A warlike temperament which would have ex- 
pressed itself adequately in the early days of Jewish history 
would have been at a discount during the Captivity. The 
same capacities, of inventiveness and initiative, which 
would be expressed to the full in a pioneer country tend to 
remain latent in conditions of unskilled factory labour. 
Certain economic and social conditions favour the expres- 
sion of the tendencies to individualism and self-assertion, 

i io 


other conditions favour the reverse; we can think of early 
industrialism on the one hand, the Authoritarian State on 
the other. 

In general, the expression of temperamental tendencies 
seems to be determined mostly in the very early years of 
life, so that changes affecting the atmosphere of the home 
and the theories and practice of children’s upbringing will 
have large effects. 

Similarly, the sweeping assertions often made as regards 
the differences of women’s aptitudes and character from 
men’s undoubtedly refer in the main to differences brought 
about by differences in the upbringing of boys and girls 
and by the different social and economic status of the 
sexes. An amusing example is the exclamation of the 
third-century Greek gossip-writer Athenaeus, 4 Who ever 
heard of a woman cook ? ’ 

While it is clear that individuals endowed with excep- 
tional combinations of genes will often rise superior to all 
obstacles, it is equally clear that the quantity of innate 
talent which a person possesses depends for its realization 
and expression upon adequate facilities for its cultivation; 
and that these again depend upon environmental factors 
such as financial resources, social outlook, and existing 
educational systems. The chief reason why children from 
the upper social classes obtain proportionately more schol- 
arships than those from the lower classes is because they 
have better educational opportunities, not because they 
are better endowed by heredity. 

The bearing of such facts upon problems of race and 
nationality is obvious. With the best will in the world it 
is, in the present state of knowledge, impossible to disen- 
tangle the genetic from the environmental factors in 



matters of* racial traits,’ ‘national character,’ and the like. 
Such phrases are glibly used. In fact they are all but 
meaningless, since they are not properly definable. Fur- 
ther, in so far as they are capable of definition, the common 
presupposition that they are entirely or mainly of a per- 
manent or genetic nature is unwarranted. 

Do not let me be misunderstood. It is clear that there 
must exist innate genetic differences between human 
groups in regard to intelligence, temperament, and other 
psychological traits. There do exist genetic differences in 
physical characters; there is every reason to believe that 
similar differences in psychical characters also exist. How- 
ever, in the first place this need not mean that the mental 
differences are highly correlated with the physical — that a 
dark skin, for instance, automatically connotes a tendency 
toward low intelligence or irresponsible temperament. 
Second, the mental differences must be expected to be like 
the physical, mere matters of general averages and propor- 
tions of types — in every social class or ethnic group there 
will be a great quantitative range and a great qualitative 
diversity of mental characters, and different groups will 
very largely overlap one another. Finally, and perhaps 
most important of all, there exist as yet no means for 
assigning the shares of genetic constitution and of environ- 
ment in producing the observed difference of type. 

All the evidence we possess goes to show that the ex- 
pression of such mental characters is to a very high degree 
dependent on the social environment. Let us first take 
so-called ‘national character.’ There was a time when 
England was called ‘merry’; during the nineteenth cen- 
tury that epithet was not applicable. In Elizabethan 
times the English were among the most musical of the 

1 1 2 


European nations; the reverse is generally held to have 
been true in late Victorian times. Again, as Hume 
shrewdly notes in his Essay of National Characters , the 
Spaniards were in earlier times restless and warlike; 
whereas in his day and the period immediately preceding 
it the reverse was the case. 

Were these changes due to alteration in the genes or to 
such influences as the difference between the social atmo- 
sphere of the Renaissance and that of early industrialism ? 
The social answer is here far the more likely. In other 
cases it is manifestly the correct one. For instance, in 
Carlyle’s time, the German ‘national character’ was sup- 
posed to be peaceable, philosophic, musical, and individ- 
ualist. After the Fran co-Prussian War it became arrogant 
and militarist. Now we are witnessing the blossoming of 
tendencies to state-worship, mass-enthusiasm, and the like 
which we are once more assured are inherent in it. But it 
would be inconceivable on any biological theory whatso- 
ever, let alone on that of modern genetics, to believe that 
the inherent constitution of the German people could 
change so rapidly. We are, therefore, driven to believe 
that the change, where it has not been merely an apparent 
one, due to the bias of the recorder, has been brought 
about by changes in social atmosphere and institutions. 

Let us now examine the problem from a different angle, 

4 racial ’ rather than 4 national.’ It is often asserted that the 
Nordic ‘race’ is gifted above all others with initiative, 
originality, and that all the great advances in civilization 
have been due to the Nordic genius. 

What are the facts ? The fundamental discoveries on 
which civilization is built are the art of writing, agricul- 
ture* the wheel, and building in stone. All these appear to 
e 1 13 


have originated in the Near East, among people who by no 
stretch of imagination could be called Nordic or presumed 
to have but the faintest admixture of genes from Nordic or 
even Proto-Nordic germ-plasm. 

In the classical period, Aristotle ( Politics VII ) gave what 
appeared even to that great thinker cogent reasons for be- 
lieving the Nordic barbarians as well as the Asiatic peoples 
inherently incapable of rising to the level of Greek achieve- 
ments. The inhabitants of northern climates, he says, 
though endowed with plenty of spirit, are wanting in in- 
telligence and skill, while the reverse is true of the Asia- 
tics. The Greeks, on the other hand, are endowed with 
both sets of qualities. The attitude of the Roman in- 
vaders of this island toward the ancient Britons must have 
been very similar to that of the British and Dutch invaders 
of South and Central Africa toward the Bantu. We have 
as yet no means of learning whether this latter attitude will 
be any more justified than that of the dominant peoples of 
classical times to the barbarian tribes which they subdued. 

When we come to matters of detail, facts are equally 
hostile to the myth of Nordic superiority. For instance, 
exploration certainly demands initiative. But far from 
Nordic types being pre-eminent in that domain, Havelock 
Ellis, in his Study of British Genius , has shown that hardly 
any of the great British explorers were fair-haired or in 
other ways of Nordic type. 

The Nordic myth has many upholders in the United 
States; but, as Hrdlicka has shown in his book The Old 
Americans , the early colonists were mostly round-headed 
and dark or medium in complexion. 

Again, the orthodox Nazi view is that Germany owes 
her chief achievements to the ‘Aryan’ or Nordic elements 



in her population. As we shall see later, the Nordic type, 
besides being fair and tall, is long-headed. But as Weid- 
enreich has shown, the greatest Germans, including Beet- 
hoven, Kant, Schiller, Leibnitz, and Goethe, were all 
moderately or extremely round-headed (cephalic indices 
84 to 92)! Already the difficulties in the way of a simple 
Nordic explanation are apparent to the Nazi ‘ intelligent- 
sia * and they are now introducing such terms as Nordic - 
Dinaric and Baltic-Nordic to denote certain very numerous 
Germans of obviously mixed type, — a procedure which at 
once robs the ‘pure race* concept of its meaning. The 
influential German anthropologist Kossina, in his Ursprung 
der Germanen , says that ‘Nordic souls may often be com- 
bined with un-Nordic bodies, and a decidedly un-Nordic 
soul may lurk in a perfectly good Nordic body.’ This 
may be a convenient method of disposing of certain awk- 
ward facts, but it assuredly has no point of contact with 
biological science: the implication that the genes respons- 
ible for ‘ the soul ’ segregate en bloc from those responsible 
for ‘the body’ is more medieval than Mendelian. 

One final example, and I have done. In so far as the 
Jews constitute a ‘ racial type,’ they should be long-headed, 
since this is a distinctive Semite character. But Einstein 
is, like a large proportion of Jews, extremely broad-headed. 
The Jewish problem indeed is, from the standpoint of 
biology, a particularly illuminating one. The ancient 
Jews were formed as the result of crossing between several 
groups of markedly distinct types. Later there has always 
been a certain amount of crossing between the Jews and 
the non-Jewish inhabitants of the countries where they 
settled, the most striking example being the black Jews of 
Northern Africa and the famous historical case of the 



Chazars of South Russia. The result is that the Jews of 
different areas are not genetically equivalent, and that in 
each country the Jewish group overlaps with the non- 
Jewish in every conceivable character. The word Jew is 
valid more as a socio-religious or pseudo-national descrip- 
tion than as an ethnic term in any genetic sense. Many 
4 Jewish 1 characteristics are without doubt much more the 
product of Jewish tradition and upbringing, and especi- 
ally of reaction against extreme pressure and persecution, 
than of heredity. 


Man is unique in the extent to which the expression of 
the characteristics most important to him as a species — 
intelligence, mentality, and temperament — can be influ- 
enced by the character of his environment He is also 
unique in respect of his purely biological variation. The 
nature of such biological* variation we must briefly con- 

In most wild species of animals, especially those with 
wide distribution, two types of genetic phenomena are 
found. In the first place, a population from any one local- 
ity presents relatively little range of variability. Of this, 
some is non-genetic, due to environmental and nutritional 
differences; but a large amount is due to differences in 
genetic composition between different individuals. Usu- 
ally this genetic variability is continuous, because of gene- 
differences with slight and quantitative effects — so that 
some individuals are slightly darker, others slightly lighter 
than the mean; some slightly bigger, others slightly 
smaller; and so on. Occasionally, however, larger or 
more definite individual differences occur, as for instance 



between the blue and the white types of Arctic fox, or 
between the normal and so-called bridled variety of the 
guillemot, which latter has a white spectacle-mark round 
the eye. Such differences usually depend on differences 
in very few genes, and often involve only one. 

Beside differences of this kind, there are differences dis- 
tinguishing populations from different localities. These 
are often quite marked, and constitute the diagnostic char- 
acters of ‘geographical races,’ or, as they are now usually 
and more satisfactorily called, subspecies. Well-marked 
subspecies may be connected with one another by every 
gradation or they may be sharply distinct. Gradation is 
usually found when the range of the two is continuous, 
discontinuity when the ranges are isolated. The latter is 
most clearly manifested in island races, for instance the 
St Kilda Wren, or the British Pied Wagtail. 

A third kind of variation may sometimes be recognized, 
as when markedly different subspecies (or mutually fertile 
species) have overlapping ranges. Then, while the two 
types present constant and characteristic differences over 
most of the ranges along the region of overlap, individuals 
are found with every possible combination of these char- 
acters. Classical examples of this are the Eastern and 
Western Flickers of North America, and the Hoodie and 
Carrion Crows of northern Europe. This effect seems to 
be produced when considerable differentiation has taken 
place in the two types while isolated, and when after this 
they extend their ranges so as to meet. Interbreeding 
then produces every variety of Mendelian recombination. 
This type of variation, due to the wholesale crossing of dis- 
tinct and differentiated types, is much rarer in animals 
than the geographical variation due to the divergent differ- 



entiation of groups wholly or largely isolated from one 
another geographically. 

In man conditions are quite different. In this as in 
numerous other respects, man is a unique animal. In the 
first place, his tendency to migrate from one more or less 
permanent habitat to another 1 is much stronger, than in 
any other animal and has become progressively morejnani- 
fest in the later stages of his history. In the second place, 
because of more plastic mating reactions, physical differ- 
entiation of local types has been able to go much further 
than in almost any other wild species without leading to the 
development of mutual sterility — i.e. to fully differenti- 
ated species, sterile inter se . An African Pigmy, a Chinese, 
and a typical Scandinavian Nordic, in spite of their strik- 
ing differences, are mutually fertile. 

The result is that crossing of types with the production 
of much variation by recombination is incomparably more 
frequent in man than in any other species. This crossing 
has occurred between the major as well as the minor sub- 
divisions of man, between groups that show large physical 
differences as well as between those that approximate in 
type. The great majority of native Africans, the reader 
may be surprised to learn, are not pure negroes, but have 
an admixture of Caucasian genes from crosses with Ham- 
itic stocks. India is more of a racial melting-pot than the 
United States. Mongolian invasions from the East have 
left their physical traces in eastern Europe: there is an 
increasing gradient of Mongol genes, from Prussia east- 
ward across European Russia into Central Asia. How 
the major subdivisions of man may have originated is a 

1 As contrasted with the seasonal migration found in birds or the 
reproductive migration of various fish. 

1 18 


large problem which I have no space to discuss here. But 
however they originated and whatever degree of difference 
they may show, they have been intercrossing for tens of 
thousands of years, and this fact has had various important 

On simple Mendelian principles, the first result of a cross 
between groups differing in average physical type will be to 
increase variability by producing a large number of hitherto 
non-existent recombinations, quite different from either of 
the original types or from the intermediate between them. 

Next, it should be remembered that after crossing, 
selection may play a very important role. For instance, 
it appears that after the irruption of light-skinned con- 
querors from temperate latitudes into more tropical areas 
inhabited by darker-skinned peoples, natural selection has 
seen to it that combinations with darker skins survive the 
excessive intensity of the sunlight , 1 while those with fair 
skin tend to die out, for instance in Greece and in India. 
In India especially, the social selection brought about via 
the caste system seems to have exerted pressure for the 
retention in the highest castes of the general features of 
the conquering group — ‘Aryan/ as they used to be called 
(and perhaps rightly in that particular land); but there 
seems little doubt that the genes for these are now associ- 
ated with a different set of pigmentation-genes from those 
present in the original invaders. Similarly, in Greece to- 
day the average distribution of genes and the most fre- 
quent types of gene-combination must be very different 

1 This is so even when there has been counter-selection of a social 
nature against dark skin, e.g. in the higher castes of India. These are 
on the average much lighter in skin-colour than the lower castes, but are 
clearly darker than the original stock from which they trace descent. 



not only from those found either in the Achaeans or in the 
indigenous Pelasgian population before the irruption of 
the former in the second millennium b.c., but also from 
those characteristic of the mixed population in early 
classical times. 

It must further be emphasized that, after crossing, the 
various gene-combinations will, in the absence of selec- 
tion, automatically maintain themselves in proportions 
which depend on the proportions of the different genes 
originally contributed to the cross. There will not be a 
uniform mixed type, but the same general tendency to 
form recombinations will occur, generation after genera- 
tion. Those who have been to Sicily know how types 
immediately classifiable as ‘Greek,’ ‘Moorish,’ and ‘Nor- 
man,* and those with certain negroid characters, still crop 
up strikingly in the more mixed general population after 
centuries of crossing. The same phenomenon occurs in 
Britain, where we still find men of well-marked Mediter- 
ranean type, dark and small and swarthy. In Germany 
too men with dark and fair hair, round and long head, tall 
and stumpy stature regularly recur as segregation-types 
from the mixture of Nordic, Eurasiatic (Alpine), and 
numerous other stocks, which constitutes the general pop- 
ulation. There is no sign of a tendency towards a uniform 

In addition to the variation produced by the crossing of 
already differentiated groups, which in man thus appears 
to be basic and not merely of the secondary importance 
that it assumes in other species, the general variability in- 
herent in most animal populations is also to be found in 
Homo sapiens . For instance, some, at all events, of the 
variation in stature, proportions, pigmentation, intellig- 



ence, etc., which are to be found in all human groups must 
be ascribed to this type of variation. I may stress the fact 
that the main types of body-build and temperament recur 
in all ethnic groups, black, white, brown, or yellow. 

It will thus be clear that the picture of the hereditary 
constitution of human groups which can now be drawn in 
the light of modern genetics is very different from any 
which could be framed in the pre-Mendelian era. Popu- 
lations differ from one another with respect to the genes 
which they possess. Sometimes certain genes are wholly 
absent from a group — e.g. that for light eye-colour among 
Central African tribes, or for frizzy hair among the 
Eskimos. Most frequently, however, the difference is a 
quantitative one, in regard to the proportions of genes 
present and in the frequency of certain main types of 
gene-combinations. This is eminently characteristic of 
the populations of western Europe. 

To sum the matter up, intercrossing between differen- 
tiated types is frequent as the aftermath of large-scale 
migration and gives rise to many previously unrealized 
gene-combinations. Infiltrative individual migration also 
takes place very frequently and leads to the steady diffu- 
sion of genes from one region to another. There is no 
such thing as blending inheritance, which would cause 
gene-recombinations to disappear gradually after crossing: 
in the absence of selection, the various types of combina- 
tion will tend to recur in the same proportion, generation 
after generation. 


It follows that practically all human groups are of decid- 
edly mixed origin. Within any one group we should, 

I 21 


therefore, expect the variation due to recombination to be 
great. This last point is of great importance. The ex- 
pectation of the anthropologist of the Darwinian era, when 
the a priori idea of blending inheritance was in fashion, 
was of groups with well-marked characteristics, and a not 
large range of chiefly quantitative variation ; the expecta- 
tion of the Mendelian geneticist, knowing the facts of 
inheritance and the migratory habits of man, is of groups 
possessing a large range of variation, often of striking 
extent, and only capable of being distinguished by statis- 
tical methods. In such groups the mean values for char- 
acters, though still useful, no longer have the same theor- 
etical importance. The range of variation of characters is 
of far greater practical importance, as is also the range of 
qualitatively different recombination-types. The two re- 
sultant race-concepts are fundamentally dissimilar. 

To these considerations derived from the modern study 
of inheritance may be added others due to the historical 
progress of ethnology. The modern outlook had its be- 
ginnings in the Renaissance. In its growth the explora- 
tion of the planet, first geographical and then scientific, 
went hand in hand with the liberation of thought and the 
transformation of social and economic structure. In the 
earliest part of this modern period the voyages of the great 
explorers and of the traders and colonizers who succeeded 
them brought home to man a new realization of the variety 
of the human race and the marked distinction between its 
types. The red man of the New World, the black man of 
Africa, the yellow man of the Far East, the brown man of 
the East Indies — it was the differences between human 
types which impressed themselves upon general thought. 

The patient labours of anthropological science during 


the last hundred years or so, however, have given us a 
wholly different picture. The different main types exist, 
but they are vaguer and less well-defined than was at first 
thought. Within each main type there are geographical 
trends of variation and there are connecting links even 
between the most distinct major types. Quite apart from 
the results of very recent crossings, every gradation exists 
between the Negro and the European along several differ- 
ent lines, via Hamite, Semite, and Mediterranean ; every 
gradation exists between the white man and the yellow, 
through east-central Europe, across Russia, to Mongolia 
and China ; every gradation exists between the yellow man 
and the already mixed dark-brown Asiatic. Even among 
the Eskimos and the Pigmies we find evidence of crossing 
with other types. The same process, of course, is continu- 
ing to-day and at an increasing rate. New links, often 
along new racial lines, are yearly being forged between 
negro and white in countries like the United States, Brazil, 
Portugal, and Africa; new links between yellow and 
white and between brown and white in various parts of the 
world; new links between yellow and brown all over the 

We can thus no longer think of common ancestry, a 
single original stock, as the essential badge of a ‘race.’ 
What residuum of truth there is in this idea is purely 
quantitative. Two Englishmen, for instance, are almost 
certain to have more ancestors in common than an Eng- 
lishman and a negro. For the sharply defined qualitative 
notion of common ancestry we must substitute the statis- 
tical idea of the probable number of common ancestors 
which two members of a group may be expected to share 
in going back a certain period of time. Being quantitative 


and statistical, this concept cannot provide any sharp 
definition of race, nor do justice to the results of recom- 
bination. If, however, concrete values for the probability 
could be obtained for various groups (which would be a 
matter of great practical difficulty) it would provide a 
‘coefficient of common ancestry' which could serve as the 
only possible measure of their biological relationship. 

The result is that the popular and the scientific views of 
‘race’ no longer coincide. The word ‘race* as applied 
scientifically to human groupings has lost any sharpness of 
meaning. To-day it is hardly definable in scientific terms, 
except as an abstract concept which may under certain 
conditions, very different from those now prevalent, have 
been realized approximately in the past, and might, under 
certain other but equally different conditions, be again 
realized in the distant future. 

In spite of the work of the geneticist and anthropologist 
there is still a lamentable confusion between the ideas of 
race , culture , and nation . In this respect anthropologists 
themselves have not been blameless, and therefore the 
formidable amount of loose thinking on the part of writers, 
politicians, and the general public is not surprising. In 
the circumstances, it is very desirable that the term race as 
applied to man should be dropped from our scientific and 
general vocabulary. Its employment as a scientific term 
had a dual origin. In part it represents merely the taking 
over of a popular term, in part the attempt to apply the 
biological concept of variety or geographical race to man. 
But the popular term is so loose that it turns out to be un- 
workable, and the scientific analysis of human populations 
shows that the variation of man has taken place on quite 
other lines than those characteristic of other animals. In 



other animals the term subspecies has been substituted for 
race. In man migration and crossing have produced such 
a fluid state of affairs that no such clear-cut term, as 
applied to existing conditions, is permissible. What we 
observe is the relative isolation of groups, their migration 
and their crossing. 

Scientifically, there are only two methods of treatment 
which can be used for the genetic definition of human 
groups. One is to define them by means of the characters 
which they exhibit, the other to define them by means of 
the genes which they contain. In both cases the proced- 
ure must be primarily quantitative. In any group certain 
characters or genes may be totally absent, and when this is 
so we can make a qualitative distinction. More generally 
the distinction will be quantitative. The characters or 
genes which are present will be present in different pro- 
portions in different groups: their most frequent com- 
binations will also differ from one group to the next. It is 
only by means of this quantitative difference in representa- 
tion that, in the main, we can hope to define the difference 
between one group and another. 

The method of characters and the method of genes 
differ in their scientific value and in their practicability. 
It is much easier to attempt a classification in terms of 
characters, and indeed this is the only method that is im- 
mediately practicable (as well as providing a necessary 
first step toward the classification in terms of genes). 

But it is less satisfactory from the scientific point of 
view. This is partly because apparently similar characters 
may be determined by different genes and, conversely, 
because the same gene in combination with different con- 
stellations of other genes may produce very different char- 



acters. It is also less satisfactory because a character is 
always the result of an interaction between constitution 
and environment. To disentangle the genetically un- 
important effects of environment from the genetically 
essential action of genes is difficult in all organisms and 
especially so in man, where the social and cultural environ- 
ment — that unique character of the human species — plays 
a predominant part. Until we have invented a method for 
distinguishing the effects of social environment from those 
of genetic constitutions we shall be unable to say anything 
of scientific value on such vital topics as the possible 
genetic differences in intelligence, initiative, and aptitude 
which may distinguish different human groups. 

It would be highly desirable if we could banish the 
question-begging term ‘race’ from all discussions of 
human affairs and substitute the noncommittal phrase 
‘ethnic group.’ That would be a first step toward rational 
consideration of the problem at issue. 




T he size of things has a fascination of its own. There 
is a certain thrill in hearing that a fish weighing hun- 
dreds of pounds has been caught with rod and line; that 
one of the big trees of California has an archway cut 
through its bole capable of letting a stagecoach pass; that 
the bulkiest of men have attained a quarter of a ton weight; 
that it takes two harvest mice to weigh as much as a half- 
penny ; that an average man contains only about two and a 
half cubic feet; or that many bacteria, capable of produc- 
ing virulent diseases, are so small that it would take over 
three hundred, end to end, to get from one side to the 
other of the full stop at the end of this sentence. 

But when we look into the subject more systematically, 
the passing thrill of surprise gives place to a deeper inter- 
est. For one thing, we shall find ourselves confronted by 
the problem of the limitations of size. Why has no animal 
ever achieved a weight of much more than a hundred 
tons ? Why are the predatory dragon-flies never as large as 
eagles, or these social beings, the ants, as big as those 
other social beings, men? Why do lobsters and crabs 
manage to reach weights more than a hundred times 
greater than the biggest insect, but more than a thousand 
times smaller than the biggest vertebrates? Why, to 
choose something which at first sight seems to have noth- 
ing to do with size — why do you never see an insect drink- 
ing from a pool of water? As we follow up the clues, we 


A diagram of relative sixes In each major division (A, B, C, D, £) of the diagram, all the creatures are drawn 
to the same scale. The smallest of each division is enlarged to make the largest of the division following 


1 A very large whale 9 The dog (8) enlarged 18 The queen bee (16) enlarged 

2 The largest known land carnivore, 10 A thrush 19 The frog (17) enlarged 

the extinct reptile Tyrannosaurus 11 A humming bird 20 A flea 

3 A large elephant 12 A giant land snath 21 A very large single celled animal 

4. A giant cuttlefish 13 The common snail (Bursana) 

5 The largest recorded crocodile 14. The bulkiest insect 

6 An ostrich. 1 5 A mouse 

7 The largest known jellvfish 16 A queen bee 

I A man and a dog 17 The smallest vertebrate 



22. Bursaru (21) enlarged. 

23. A human unfertilized ovum. 

24. A human sperm. 

25. A cheese- mite. 

26. A human gland-celL 


27. The gland-cell (26) enlarged. 

2&. A human red blood-corpuscle 

29. A very large bacterium. 

30. A small bacterium. 

31. An ultramicroscopic filter-passing virus 

I2 9 


shall begin to understand some of life's difficulties in a 
new way — the difficulties attendant upon very small size, 
the quite different difficulties attendant upon great bulk; 
and we shall realize that size, which we are so apt to take 
for granted, is one of the most serious problems with 
which evolving life has had to cope. 

Reflection upon our own size will also help us toward 
an estimate of our position in the universe — of how we 
stand between the infinitely big and the infinitely little. 
It has been only in the last few decades that this estimate 
could be justly made. We knew the bulk of the big trees 
and whales ; but not till quite recently did the existence of 
filter-passing viruses reveal to us the lower limit of size in 
life. And when we pass to the lifeless background, we 
seem, in discovering the electron, to have attained to the 
ultimate degree of smallness, to the indivisible unit of 
world stuff; and the development of Einstein’s theory has 
made it possible to state at least a minimum weight for the 
entire universe. Where does the physical body of man 
stand? Is he nearer in size to whale or to bacterium? 
How many electrons are there in a man ? And how does 
this number compare with the number of men it would 
take to weigh down the earth? — the sun? — the entire 
universe ? 

Let us begin with a foundation of hard fact, giving the 
weights in grams. A gram is about ^ of an ounce; a 
thousand grams make a kilogram, close to 2^ pounds; a 
thousand kilograms make a metric ton, almost identical 
with an English ton. A milligram is a thousandth part of 
a gram. But both upward and downward the weights 
prolong themselves to regions where we have no units to 
deal with them. The simplest way to bring them home is 



to express them all in grams, but in powers of ten. The 
exponent, or little number after and above the ten, repre- 
sents the number of ciphers to put into the figure for 
grams. When, for instance, the weight of the moon is 
given as 7 x io^g., this means yx 1,000,000,000,000,- 
000,000,000,000 grams, or, since there are one million 
grams to the ton, seven million million million tons — that 
is, seven trillion tons. When the exponent has a minus 
sign in front of it, it denotes a fraction of a gram, and again 
the number of ciphers in the denominator of the fraction 
is given by the exponent. Thus one of the insulin-secret- 
ing cells of our pancreas weighs about icr 9 gram. This is 
i T o ^ o,Lo,ooo gram, or one millionth of a milligram. 

In most cases, since the specific gravity of protoplasm is 
very close to that of water, the weight in grams is close to 
the volume in cubic centimetres. With trees, this volume 
will be considerably greater than the weight; while with 
armoured creatures like crabs or some dinosaurs the 
weight in grams will exceed the volume in cubic centi- 
metres. Let us also remember that volumes go up as the 
cube of the linear dimensions. An animal weighing a ton, 
for instance, would be just balanced by a cubic vessel full 
of water measuring one metre each way. The correspond- 
ing cube of water which would balance a human insulin- 
producing cell would measure io~ 3 centimetre along each 
side, which is centimetre, or millimetre, or iO|x, 
one (x being xflW millimetre. 

Since the weights of animals and plants are variable, 
since many are not very accurately known, and others have 
to be calculated, with a certain unavoidable margin of 
error, from their linear dimensions, we do not pretend to 
give precise weights, but only put organisms between 

13 1 


certain limits of weight, the upper limit of each pigeon- 
hole being ten times as heavy as the lower. Thus most 
men come in the class between io 4 and io 6 grams — be- 
tween ten and a hundred kilograms. Men are near the 
upper limit of the class ; in the same class, in descending 
order, come sheep, swans, and the largest known crus- 


So much for necessary introduction ; now for the facts. 
The largest organisms are vegetables, the big trees of Cali- 
fornia, with a weight of nearly a thousand tons. A num- 
ber of other trees exceed the largest animals in weight, and 
a still greater number in volume. The largest animals are 
whales, some of which considerably exceed one hundred 
tons in weight. They are not only the largest existing 
animals, but by far the largest which have ever existed, for 
the monstrous reptiles of the secondary period, which are 
often supposed to hold the palm for size, could none of 
them have exceeded about fifty tons. Some of the lazy 
great basking sharks reach about the same weight; so, 
since we shall never know the exact size of the dinosaurs, 
the second prize must be shared between reptiles and 
elasmobranch fish. 

The largest invertebrates are to be found among the 
molluscs; some of the giant squids weigh two or three 
tons. The runner-up among invertebrate groups is a dark 
horse; very few even among professional zoologists would 
guess that it is the coelenterates. But so it is. In the 
northern seas, specimens of the jellyfish Cyattea arctica 
have been found with a disc over seven feet across and 
eighteen inches thick, and great bulky tentacle^ five feet 



long hanging down below. One of these cannot weigh 
less than half a ton, with bulk equal to that of a good-sized 
horse. The clams come next, if we take their shell into 
account, for Tridacna may weigh nearly as much as a man. 
If, however, we go by bulk of living substance, the giant 
clam is beaten by a crustacean, the giant spider crab from 
Japanese seas. 

Then come a number of groups, all of which manage to 
exceed one kilogram, but fall short of ten. There are the 
hydroid polyps, with the deep-water Branchiocerianthus 
which, rooted in the mud, and with gut subdivided into 
hundreds of tiny tubes for greater strength, stands over a 
yard high and sifts the slow-passing deep-sea currents for 
food with its net of tentacles, adjusted by being hung from 
an obliquely-set disc. There are the largest marine snails; 
the largest lamp-shells; the largest sea-urchins, starfish, 
sea-cucumbers, and sea-lilies; and, rather surprisingly, 
the largest bristle-worms, both marine forms and earth- 
worms. Possibly the largest tapeworms, such as Bothrio - 
tephalus latus , which may reach a length of over seventy 
feet of coiled living ribbon in human intestines, just come 
into this class, though their flatness handicaps them. 

The insects and spiders come far below, the largest 
beetles and tarantulas not exceeding two or three ounces. 
The pigmy among animal groups is that of the rotifers or 
wheel animalcules, the most gigantic among which fails to 
weigh ten milligrams! They comprise, too, the smallest 
of all multicellular animals, some of their adult males 
weighing considerably less than a thousandth of a milli- 
gram, so that it would take about a thousand of them to 
equal one of our striated muscle fibres, and over a million 
of them to weigh as much as a hive-bee. 



Even the biggest rotifers are much smaller than the 
biggest among the Protozoa, or single-celled animals. 
Some of the extinct nummulites, flattened disc-shaped 
Foraminifera, were bigger than a shilling, and must have 
weighed well over a gram. They easily beat many small 
fish and frogs in size, and were bigger than the largest 
ants, which, though the most successful of all inverte- 
brates, never reach one gram in weight, and are usually 
much less. The largest ant colonies known possess a 
million or so inhabitants. This whole population would 
weigh about as much as one large man. Indeed, the small 
size of most insects is at first hearing barely credible. 
Three average fleas go to a milligram. If you bought an 
ounce of fleas, you would have the pleasure of receiving 
over eighty thousand of them. Even the solid hive-bee 
weighs less than a gram — over five hundred bees to the 
pound, nearly a hundred thousand to outweigh a single 
average man ! 

The lower limit of size among the various groups is 
much more constant than the upper. The smallest insects, 
Crustacea, most groups of worms, and coelenterates, all 
lie between one hundredth and one thousandth of a milli- 
gram. Some very primitive worms run down one class 
further, and rotifers two. The smallest molluscs, lamp- 
shells, and echinoderms are between ten and a thousand 
times larger, while the smallest vertebrate is four classes 
up — ten thousand times as big. Even so the difference 
between the maximum sizes attained by different main 
groups is greater by a hundred thousand times than the 
difference between their minima. 

There is clearly a lower limit set to a multicellular ani- 
mal by the fact that it must consist of at least several 



hundred cells. But it seems to be impossible or unprofit- 
able to construct a vertebrate out of less than several 
hundred million cells. The vertebrates, both at top and 
at bottom, are the giants of the animal kingdom. 

It is a surprise to find a frog that weighs as much as a 
fox-terrier. It is a still greater surprise to know that there 
exist fully formed adult insects — a beetle or two, and 
several parasitoid wasplike creatures — of smaller bulk than 
the human ovum and yet with compound eyes, a nice ner- 
vous system, three pairs of jaws and three pairs of legs, 
veined wings, striped muscles, and the rest ! It is rather 
unexpected that the smallest adult vertebrate is not a fish, 
but a frog; and it is most unexpected to find that the 
largest elephant would have ample clearance top and 
bottom inside a large whale’s skin, while a full-sized horse 
outlined on the same whale would look hardly larger than 
a crest embroidered on the breast pocket of a blazer. 

Then we come to single cells. By far the largest is — or 
was — the yolk of the extinct Aepyornis’s egg, which must 
have weighed some ten pounds. But eggs are exceptional 
cells; so are multinucleated cells like striated muscle 
fibres and the biggest nummulites. Of cells with a single 
nucleus, some protists such as Foraminifera may reach 
over a milligram — gigantic units of protoplasm ; and the 
ciliate Bursaria is nearly as big. But among ordinary 
tissue cells of Metazoa the largest are only about one 
hundredth of a milligram, while average cells of a mammal 
range between a thousandth and a ten-millionth of a milli- 
gram. In our own frames, the body of a large nerve-cell 
is well over ten thousand times bulkier than a red blood- 
corpuscle or a spermatozoon — a difference five or ten 
times greater than that between the largest whale and the 



average man. (In these calculations the outgrowths of the 
nerve-cells have been left out of account, as peculiar pro- 
ducts of cell activity. If they are included, then the spinal 
sensory and motor nerve-cells, supplying the limbs of the 
giant dinosaurs and of giraffes, take the palm for size; but 
even they can only reach a few milligrams, in spite of 
being over ten feet long.) 

The smallest free-living true cells are in the same size- 
class with the smallest tissue cells ; but parasitic Protozoa, 
which live inside other cells, may be a hundred times 
smaller. Bacteria are built on a different scale. The 
largest of them are little bigger than the smallest tissue 
cell, and the average round bacterium or coccus is a thou- 
sand times smaller. These finally pass below the limits of 
microscopic vision, until, with the filter-passers, such as 
the virus of distemper or yellow fever, we reach organisms 
with only about a thousand protein molecules. Some- 
where near these we may expect to find the lower limit of 
size proscribed to life; for several hundred molecules are 
probably as necessary in the construction of an organic 
unit as are several hundred cells for the construction of a 
multicellular animal. 


Having made a little voyage of discovery among the 
bare facts, it is time to begin a quest for principles. The 
great bulk of land vertebrates range from ten grams to a 
hundred kilograms. What is it that has led to this com- 
paratively narrow range of weight — not a fifth of that 
found in animal life as a whole — being most popular in 
the dominant group ? 

A disadvantage in being very small is that you are not 


big enough to be out of reach of annoyance by the mere 
inorganic molecules of the environment. The molecules 
of a fluid like water are rushing about in all directions at a 
very considerable speed. They run against any object in 
the water, and bounce oflF again. When the surface of the 
object is big enough for there to be thousands of such 
collisions every second, the laws of probability will see to 
it that the number of bumps on one side will be closely 
equal to that on the other ; and the steady average effect 
of the myriad single bumps we know and measure as fluid 
pressure. But when the diameter of the object falls to 
about i(x, it may quite easily happen that one side of it 
momentarily receives an unusually heavy rain of bumps 
while the other is spared, and the object will be pushed 
bodily in one direction. The result is that the smallest 
organisms (like the old lady in the nursery rhyme) can 
never keep quiet; they are in a constant St Vitus’s dance, 
christened Brownian movement after its discoverer. 

Such hectic existences are only possible when the sur- 
face is absolutely very small ; but let us not forget that an 
absolutely very small surface must be relatively a big one. 
This question of relative surface is perhaps the most im- 
portant single principle involved in our dealings with size. 
Simply magnify an object without changing its shape, and, 
without meaning to, you have changed all its properties. 
For the surface increases as the square of the diameter, the 
volume as its cube ; and so the amount of surface relative 
to bulk must diminish with size. Let us take an example 
or so. The filter-passing organisms photographed by 
Barnard with ultra-violet light are across; the yolk or 
true ovum of an emu’s egg is about i o centimetres across 
— a million times greater. Both are of the same shape; 



but the proportion of surface to bulk is one million times 
greater in the filter-passer than in the bird’s egg. In other 
words, if the substance of the bird’s egg were divided into 
round pieces each as big as one of the filter-passers, the 
same weight of material would have a million times more 
surface than before. Or again, a big African elephant is 
roughly one million times as heavy as a small mouse. The 
amount of surface for each gram of elephant is only one- 
hundredth of what it is in the mouse. 

The most familiar effect of this surface-volume relation 
is on the rate of falling. The greater the amount of sur- 
face exposed relative to weight, the greater the resistance 
of the air. So that it comes about that the spores of bac- 
teria or ferns or mushrooms, or the pollen-grains of higher 
plants, are kept up by the feeblest air currents ; and even 
in still air they cannot fall fast. They float down, like 
Alice down the well, rather than fall. If a mouse is 
dropped down the shaft of a coal-mine, the acceleration 
due to gravity soon comes up against the retardation due 
to air resistance, and after a hundred feet or so a steady 
rate is reached, which permits it to reach the bottom dazed 
but unhurt, however deep the shaft. A cat, on the other 
hand, is killed; a man is not only killed, but horribly 
mangled ; and if a pit pony happens to fall over, the speed at 
the bottom is so appalling that the body makes a hole in the 
ground, and is so thoroughly smashed that nothing remains 
save a few fragments of the bones and a splash on the walls. 

Thp same principles hold good for the much slower rate 
of falling through water; and consequently the micro- 
scopic animal will have to make much less effort to prevent 
itself sinking than any fish unprovided with a gas-bladder. 

Relative surface is also important for temperature regu- 



lation in warm-blooded animals; for the escape of heat 
must be proportional to the surface, through which it leaks 
away. As the heat is derived from the combustion of the 
food, a mouse must eat much more than a man in pro- 
portion to its weight to make up for this extra heat-loss 
which its small size unavoidably imposes upon it. The 
reason that children need proportionately more food than 
grown-ups is not only due to the fact that they are grow- 
ing, but also to the fact that their heat-loss is relatively 
greater. A baby of a year old loses more than twice as 
much heat for each pound of its weight than does a twelve- 
stone man. For this reason, it is doubtful whether the 
attempt should be made to harden children by letting 
them go about with bare legs in winter; their heat-re- 
quirements are greater than their parents’, not less. 


The intake of food and oxygen is another function with 
which surfaces are concerned. When a cell doubles its 
linear size, the bulk to be nourished increases eightfold, 
but the surface through which nourishment is to be ab- 
sorbed increases only fourfold. It is obvious that such a 
process could not go on indefinitely, any more than could 
the growth of a nation dependent on foreign trade if its 
ports and harbour facilities fell progressively behind the 
increase of its population. The biggest single cells (ex- 
cluding such mere storehouses as egg-yolks) have only 
attained their size by adopting some device for increasing 
relative surface — they are flattened, or cylindrical, or, like 
Foraminifera, have much of their substance in the form of 
a network of fine living threads, or possess long thin pro- 
cesses, like nerve-cells. 



With many-celled animals, similar considerations still 
hold good. Food must be absorbed from a surface — the 
surface of the intestine. In shiall forms, enough surface is 
provided by a straight, smooth tube, but this would never 
work in larger animals. To get over the difficulty, all 
sorts of dodges have been adopted. In large flatworms, 
the whole gut is branched; in large Crustacea like lobsters 
and crabs, absorption mostly goes on in the feathery 
‘liver,’ which provides thousands of tubes instead of one; 
in the earthworm, the absorptive surface of the intestine is 
nearly doubled by a projecting fold ; in ourselves, not only 
is the effective inner surface of the intestine multiplied 
many times by the myriads of miniature finger-like villi, 
but the intestine itself is coiled ; and in some herbivores 
the coiling is prodigious. Among lower animals without 
a fixed adult size, the period for which rapid growth can 
continue must often depend upon the inherited construc- 
tion of the intestine. For instance, in flatworms, if the gut 
is a simple tube, increase of bulk rapidly brings down the 
relative surface, and the animal while still quite small can 
only eat enough to keep itself going, but not to grow; 
while if the gut is elaborately branched, growth will not be 
slowed down until a much larger bulk has been reached. 

The same sort of arguments apply equally well to other 
processes, such as respiration and excretion, whose amount 
depends on amount of available surface. In small animals 
gills can be unbranched ; in big ones they must be feathery. 
Large vertebrates like us could not breathe if their lungs 
were not partitioned off into millions of tiny sacs. The 
coiling and multiplication of kidney tubules in large ani- 
mals are equally necessary. An embryo frog excretes by 
means of three pairs of kidney tubules. An adult frog 



would die from accumulation of waste substances if he 
possessed only six large tubes of equivalent proportions, 
even if their walls remained thin enough for secretion; 
what he needs is many thousands of small tubules. 

When the animal is small, no transport system is neces- 
sary to get the food or water or oxygen to the cells from 
the original absorptive surface; all goes well by diffusion 
alone. But bulk brings difficulties here too. The flatness 
of the larger flatworms is partly due to the need for hav- 
ing every cell near enough to the surface to be able to get 
oxygen by diffusion. The elaborate branching of their 
intestines and all other internal organs is needed to ensure 
that no cell shall be more than a microscopic distance away 
from a source of digested food. Mahomet and the moun- 
tain meet halfway. With the biological invention of a 
blood-system, this need for branching disappears. The 
enormous area of surface which is needed is now furnished 
by the linings of innumerable tiny vessels, and the organs 
themselves can revert to a compact form. Finally, insects 
and spiders have developed a breathing system which 
supplies air direct to the tissues, providing a large surface 
for gas exchange in the tiny end branches of the air-tubes, 
which penetrate even into the individual cells. 

In swimming and flying, too, surface comes into play. 
No large animal could move with sufficient rapidity by 
means of the microscopic ‘hairs' we call cilia, since the 
size of a single cilium can never be more than microscopic, 
and their number depends on the extent of surface. The 
largest animals provided with cilia are new-hatched tad- 
poles, and all they can achieve is an exceedingly slow 

When muscles are employed in swimming, their force 



must be applied to the water through the intermediary of 
some surface — the body may be wriggled, or its motions 
communicated to an enlargement at the tail, or limbs de- 
veloped as oars or paddles. When the animal is small, 
these swimming surfaces are relatively so big that little or 
no special adaptations are needed; but once it grows 
bulky, the swimming surface must be enlarged. The 
body itself is expanded sideways, as in leeches; or up and 
down, as in sea-snakes; a regular tail-fin is developed, as 
in most fish; or the limbs are expanded into flat plates, as 
in turtle or swimming-crab. 

The necessary increase of surface in swimming limb or 
tail can at first be achieved by stiffening and multiplying 
hairs and spines ; but as soon as the animal exceeds a few 
millimetres in length this ceases to be enough, and the 
organ itself must be expanded. The change is beauti- 
fully seen within the individual development of many 

The same applies to wings. All flying animals more 
than a fraction of a gram in weight require a broad and 
continuous expanse to fly with, whether this be a sheet of 
skin, as in bats, a marvellous compound structure such as 
the wing of a bird, or the thin hinged flap of an insect’s 
wing. But if they are much smaller, a double row of hairs 
on either side of a central rod will serve perfectly well. 
This is seen in some minute insects, such as the little 
thrips, which include several plant pests, and some tiny 
wasps which parasitize other insects’ eggs. The lovely 
plume-moths are a little larger, and are intermediate in 
wing construction; their flight surface is made of hairs, 
but it is only rendered sufficient by a multiplication of the 
number of hair-fringed rods. 




There are many other ways in which the big animal in- 
evitably fails to be a mere scale enlargement of its smaller 
relatives. The relative size of many organs decreases in- 
stead of increasing with total absolute bulk, so that in a big 
animal they do not have to be proportionately so large as 
in a small one. Relative wing-size is a case in point. 

Then everyone knows the small-eyed look of an ele- 
phant or, still more, of a whale. To obtain a good image," 
an eye has to be of a certain absolute size; this is because 
the image even in our own eyes is really a mosaic, each 
sensory cell in the retina behaving as a unit. The image 
we see is built up out of unitary spots of colour, just as a 
half-tone picture in a newspaper is built up out of combin- 
ations of single black and white dots. To give an image of 
a reasonably large field, they must be numerous. Once a 
certain absolute size of eye is reached, any advantage due 
to further enlargement is more than counterbalanced by 
the material used and the difficulties of construction, just 
as very little advantage is to be gained in photography by 
making a camera over full-plate size. Even in a giraffe, 
which has an exceptionally large eye for a big animal, the 
eye’s relative weight is small compared with that of a rat. 

Most sense-organs behave in a similar way. This is 
especially true of the organs of touch and temperature in 
the skin. It matters to a mouse to be able to deal with 
things the size of breadcrumbs. But such trivialities do 
not concern an elephant; the elephant accordingly can, 
and does, have its skin sense-organs much more thinly 
spread over its surface. 

This in turn has an effect on the size of the nervous 


system ; for the fewer the sense-organs, the fewer sensory 
nerve-cells are needed, and the smaller the size of the 
ganglia on the spinal nerve-roots which are composed of 
sensory nerve-cells. Since the sense-organs of touch are 
distributed over the surface, we should only expect these 
ganglia to grow proportionately to surface, and not to 
bulk, even if the sense-organs were as thickly scattered 
over the skin of a big as of a small animal ; but as they are 
more sparsely scattered in the big animal the weight of a 
ganglion does not even keep up with the size of the ani- 
mal's surface, and its growth is actually only just more 
than proportional to the square root of the weight. 

As a matter of fact, when the nervous system as a whole, 
or the brain by itself, is compared in a series of related 
mammals or birds of different size, it is found to increase 
only about as fast as the surface, instead of keeping pace 
with the weight; and the same is true of the heart. It 
would take us too far to go into the detailed reasons for 
this ; but the fact that a large animal does not need a brain 
or heart of the same proportional size as a small model of 
the same type is important. It warns us not to be too 
hasty in drawing conclusions as to intelligence from per- 
centage brain- weight, or as to the efficiency of circulation 
from percentage heart-weight. Size itself reduces the per- 
centage weight ; we must know the proper formula before 
we can tell whether an individual, a sex, or a species has a 
brain-weight effectively above or below that of another indi- 
vidual, sex, or species of different magnitude. In man, 
comparisons (often invidious) have frequently been made 
between the brain-size of men and women ; but not until 
Dubois and Lapicque worked out the proper formulae for 
change of brain-proportion with size was it possible to say 



whether the smaller brain of women meant anything save 
that the bodies of women were smaller. 

Another such example, but of a rather different type. 
We marvel at the size of an ostrich’s egg, which would 
provide a large party with breakfast, and is the equivalent 
by weight of about twenty hen’s eggs. But we forget to 
marvel at the ostrich itself, which weighs as much as about 
forty or fifty hens. The size of birds’ eggs, in fact, does 
not increase as fast as the size of the birds that lay them. A 
humming-bird lays an egg 1 5 per cent, of its own weight; 
that of a thrush is 9 per cent., that of a goose some 4 per 
cent., and that of an ostrich only i*6 per cent. Two com- 
peting forces are here at work. It is advantageous to have 
large eggs, since they give the young bird a better start in 
life; but the purely physical fact that all the new material 
for the egg’s enlargement must pass through the egg’s sur- 
face will, as bulk grows, slow down egg-increase below 
body-increase. And, as a matter of fact, we find that in 
quite small birds, below the size of a goose or swan, egg- 
weight increases only a little faster than body-surface. 

These figures apply to averages only. Adjustments can 
be made in response to special needs. In wading birds the 
young must run about immediately on being hatched ; and 
accordingly their egg-size is well above that of equal-sized 
birds whose young are born naked and fed in the nest. 
The common cuckoo, to deceive its hosts, must have an 
egg not too unlike theirs in size; and accordingly its egg 
is uniquely small — appropriate to a bird one-third of its 
body-weight. The limitation of egg-size is prescribed by 
laws which apply to dead as well as to living matter; its 
regulation within these inexorable limits is the affair of the 
interplay of biological forces. 



We come back again to the advantages and disadvan- 
tages of size. At the outset, it is not until living units are 
quit of the frenzy of Brownian movement that they them- 
selves become capable of accurately regulated locomotion. 
The first desirable step in size is to become so much bigger 
than ordinary molecules that you can forget about them. 

But even then you are still microscopic, still wholly at 
the mercy of anything but the most imperceptible cur- 
rents. Only by joining together tens or hundreds of 
thousands of cells can you begin to make headway against 
such brute forces. About the same level of size is neces- 
sary for any high degree of organization to be achieved. 
Size also brings speed and power, and this is of advantage 
in exploring more of the environment. But the effective 
range (apart from involuntary floating with the wind or 
the current) of any creature below about half a million 
cells and a hundredth of a gram is extremely limited. Ants 
with fixed nests make expeditions of several hundred 
yards, and mosquitoes migrate for a mile or so. When we 
get to whole grams, however, winged life at least has the 
world before it. Many migratory birds that regularly 
travel thousands of miles weigh less than ten grams. 
Swimming life soon follows suit; think of the migrations 
of tiny eels across the Atlantic, or of baby salmon down 
great rivers. Most land life lags a little; though driver 
ants are always on the move, and mice shift their quarters 
readily enough, controlled migration hardly begins in land 
animals till weight is reckoned by the pound. 

If a certain size is needed for any degree of emancipa- 
tion from passive slavery to the forces of environment, it is 



equally needed to achieve active control over them. Be- 
fore anything worthy of the name of brain can be con- 
structed, the animal must consist of tens of thousands of 
cells. The insects with best-developed instincts run from 
a milligram to a gram. But while a very efficient set of 
instincts can be built up with the aid of a few hundred or 
thousand brain-cells, rapid and varied power of learning 
demands a far greater number. For instincts are based on 
fixed and predetermined arrangements of nerve-paths, 
while efficient learning demands the possibility of almost 
innumerable arrangements. The facts are that no verte- 
brates of less than several grams weight (such as small 
birds) show any power of rapid learning, and none below 
several ounces weight (such as rats) are what we usually 
call intelligent, while even the smallest human dwarf has a 
body-weight to be reckoned in tens of pounds. We are 
far from knowing the precise size needed ; but the intelli- 
gence of a rat would be impossible without brain-cells 
enough to outweigh the whole body of a bee, while the 
human level of intellect would be impossible without a 
brain composed of several hundred million cells, and there- 
fore with a weight to be reckoned in ounces, outweighing 
the very great majority of existing whole animals. In any 
case, a very considerable size was a prerequisite to the 
evolution of the human mind. 

Size too means a disregarding of obstacles : the rhino- 
ceros crashes through the bush that halts and tangles man ; 
the horse gallops over the grass that is a jungle to the ant. 
Size may help to intimidate or to escape from enemies, or 
may enable the carnivore to attack new and larger prey; 
and it usually goes with longevity. 

Size thus holds out many advantages for life. But size 


brings disadvantages as well as advantages, and so life 
finally comes up against a limit of size, where disadvan- 
tages and advantages balance. 

The limits are different for different kinds of animals, 
for they depend upon the construction of the type, and 
upon the world which it inhabits. Single-celled animals, 
as we have seen, soon reach a limit on account of the sur- 
face-volume relation. Organisms that must swim and 
have only cilia to swim with come to a limit even earlier. 
Whether they be one- or many-celled, the limit is at about 
a milligram. Those which use cilia, not to swim, but to 
produce a food current, are not handicapped until much 
later; by folding the current-producing surface, and ar- 
ranging neat exits and entrances for the current, many 
lamp-shells and bivalve molluscs reach several ounces; but 
as the current-producing cilia are confined to a surface, 
there comes a limit, which is attained when the soft parts 
reach a weight of a few pounds. 

With most slow-moving sea animals, it is the food ques- 
tion which restricts size. It is usually more advantageous 
to the race to have a number of medium-sized animals util- 
izing the food available in a given area than to put all the 
biological eggs into the single basket of one big individual. 
Without some greater degree of motility than these pos- 
sess, sea-urchins or sea-cucumbers as big as sheep would 
be inefficient at exploiting the food resources of the neigh- 
bourhood. The only such slow creatures above a few 
pounds weight of soft parts are jellyfish, the largest of 
which manage to obtain sufficient food in the crowded 
surface waters of cold seas by spreading prodigious nets of 
poisonous tentacles. 

Insects and spiders have so low a limit of size because 


of their air-tube method of breathing, which is inefficient 
over large distances. Crustacea are limited by their habit 
of moulting. A crab as big as a cow would have to spend 
most of its life in retirement growing new armour-plate. 
Land vertebrates are limited by their skeleton, which for 
mechanical reasons must increase in bulk more rapidly 
than the animal’s total bulk, until it becomes unmanage- 
able. And water animals are presumably limited by their 
food-getting capacities. 


At last we come to the position of man, as a sizable ob- 
ject, within the universe. Eddington begins his fascinat- 
ing Stars and Atoms by pointing out that man is almost pre- 
cisely halfway in size between an atom and a star. 

“The sun belongs to a system containing some 3000 million 
stars. The stars are globes comparable in size with the sun, that 
is to say, of the order of a million miles in diameter. The space 
for their accommodation is on the most lavish scale. Imagine 
thirty cricket balls roaming the whole interior of the earth; the 
stars roaming the heavens are just as little crowded and run as 
little risk of collision as the cricket balls. We marvel at the 
grandeur of the stellar system. But this probably is not the 
limit. Evidence is growing that the spiral nebulae are ‘island 
universes’ outside our own stellar system. It may well be that 
our survey covers only one unit of a vaster organization. 

A drop of water contains several thousand million million 
million atoms. Each atom is about one hundred-millionth of an 
inch in diameter. Here we marvel at the minute delicacy of the 
workmanship. But this is not the limit. Within the atom are 
the much smaller electrons pursuing orbits, like planets round the 
sun, in a space which relatively to their size is no less roomy than 
the solar system. 

Nearly midway in scale between the atom and the star there is 


another structure no less marvellous — the human body. Man is 
slightly nearer to the atom than to the star. About io 27 atoms 
build his body; about io 28 human bodies constitute enough ma- 
terial to build a star.” 

We can pursue this train of thought a little further. 
The size-range of living beings, the amount by which the 
big tree is bigger than the filter-passer, is io 24 ; in other 
words, the biggest single organism is a quadrillion times 
larger than the smallest. Among different phyla only one 
has a range over half as great, and this is the unexpected 
group of the Protozoa. Molluscs and coelenterates have 
a range of io 11 , and vertebrates, arthropods, and worms 
one of io 10 — ten thousand million. Echinoderms have 
only a range of a million times, rotifers even less. As 
proof of how soon the size of insects and of flying birds is 
cut short, we find they have ranges of only a million and 
ten thousand, respectively. 

Man is a very large organism. During his individual 
existence he multiplies his original weight a thousand 
million, and comes to contain about a hundred million 
million cells. He is a little more than halfway up the size- 
scale of mammals, and nearly two-thirds up that of the 

Then we look at the range of life as a whole, and com- 
pare it with the size-ranges of not-living objects above and 
below the limits of living things; here too there are sur- 
prises. The sun is almost precisely as much heavier than 
a big tree as the big tree is heavier than the filter-passer; 
but the range from the filter-passer downward to the ultim- 
ate and smallest unit of world-stuff, the electron, is only 
half this — only as much as from the big tree to such an 
easily visible creature as the flea. It takes more tubercle 



bacilli to weigh one man than there are electrons in a 
tubercle bacillus. 

It is possible to calculate, on the Einstein hypothesis, a 
minimum weight for the whole universe, a minimum 
figure for the totality of matter. This is nearly io 24 times 
as much as the sun — in other words, the sun is halfway 
between the big tree and the whole universe of size. 

Although the molecules of living matter are, for mole- 
cules, enormous, yet the smallest living organisms are far 
down on the world's size-scale. Once started, however, 
life has achieved a size-range which is two-fifths of that 
from electron to star, and probably well over a quarter of 
the whole range of size within the universe. Man is 
almost halfway between atom and star; he is nearly two- 
fifths up the cosmic scale from electron to the all-embrac- 
ing weight of the universe. But so vast is that scale that 
to be halfway up he would have to be as big as a million 
big trees rolled into one. Even if we were to take the 
thousand million people who now inhabit the globe as con- 
stituting but one single organism, this would still be more 
than ten times too small. The individual man is all but 
halfway between atom and star; humanity entire stands 
in the same position between electron and universe. 



P rofessor punnett once wrote that Darwin’s great 
work had in point of fact been instrumental in de- 
flecting attention away from the question of the origin of 
species and canalizing it into the broader problem of 
large-scale evolution. To-day, after eighty years, the 
species problem has come to the forefront of biological 
research. This is due partly to the progress of systematics 
itself, the amassing and analysis of detailed collections of 
animals and plants from every region, and partly to the 
rise of new branches of biology, such as genetics, cytology, 
and ecology, which are illuminating the problem, often 
from unexpected angles. 

If Darwin were alive to-day, the title of his book would 
have to be not the ‘Origin,’ but the ‘Origins of Species.’ 
For perhaps the most salient single fact that has emerged 
from recent studies is that species may arise in a number 
of quite distinct ways. 

From another angle, we may say that the study of species 
is turning into the study of evolution in action. Large-scale 
evolution we can only deduce, or at best follow on its vast 
time-scale with the aid of fossils ; but small-scale evolution 
is proceeding here and now, and lies open to analysis with 
the aid of the tools of modern research. We can hope for 
new facts and generalizations from its study, whereas it is 
unlikely that any further important principles concerning 
large-scale evolution remain to be brought to light. 



Past students of the problem have pointed out with 
justice that the differentiation of new species depends on 
three factors — variation, selection, and isolation. Varia- 
tion furnishes the raw material, the building-blocks of 
evolution; selection is the guiding and shaping agency; 
and isolation provides the barriers which allow forms to 
separate and diverge. But until recently these terms were 
largely covers for our ignorance. This was notably so in 
regard to variation, since until well into the present cen- 
tury little was known as to how organisms varied, and 
even as to what types of variation could be inherited. To- 
day, however, we would include under this head the 
nature of the hereditary mechanism and of its modes of 
change; and our new knowledge here has led to new 
results, some of them of great importance. 

It is common knowledge now that the machinery of 
heredity is provided by the chromosomes of the cell 
nucleus. These exist in each species in a definite number, 
one half derived from the male parent, the other half from 
the female. Furthermore, each kind of chromosome has 
its own individuality, consisting of a large number of 
hereditary units or genes, arranged in a definite linear 
order. The genes, to use an old metaphor, are the cards 
with which the organism has to play the game of life; and 
normally each animal or plant has two complete packs of 
these genetic cards, one from its father and one from its 

The genes are alive in the sense that they are self-repro- 
ducing (or at least self-copying). Normally a gene per- 
sists in the same form from generation to generation. 
Occasionally, however, a change occurs in the gene — it 
mutates, as we say in technical parlance, and then it per- 



sists in its new altered form until a fresh mutation occurs. 
Thus each kind of card may exist in a number of sub- 
kinds, each sub-kind having a slightly different effect on 
its possessor: changing the colour of its eyes, reducing 
its fertility, increasing its resistance to cold, modifying 
the shape of its limbs, and so forth. 

The sexual process shuffles and re-deals these cards so 
that every possible combination of the different types can 
be realized. This is one of the fundamental facts dis- 
covered by Mendel. 

With this brief preamble, let us look at one or two 
aspects of recent work on the species problem. One of 
the most startling facts, which would have been regarded 
as impossible by earlier generations of biologists, is that 
new species may arise suddenly, at a single bound. This 
depends on another property of the hereditary machinery. 
Normally, when a cell divides, its chromosomes all split 
lengthwise and the halves separate, so that each daughter- 
cell receives a complete set. Occasionally, however, 
though the chromosomes split, the cell misses a division, 
so that it and its descendants have double the normal 
number of chromosomes. 

Now consider what happens if two distinct species 
cross. Their offspring contain two packs of chromo- 
somes; but these, even if of the same number in each 
pack, are in most cases so dissimilar that when the time 
comes to sort them out so that each reproductive cell 
contains a single pack, with one of each kind of chromo- 
some instead of a pair, they are incapable of executing 
the very precise manoeuvres needed to effect this properly. 
Accordingly, the reproductive cells receive too many of 
some chromosomes, too few of others, and the result is 



complete (or in some cases almost complete) sterility, 
either through the failure of the reproductive cells to 
form at all, or to function properly if formed, or to pro- 
duce a normal individual if they should manage to 

But if the chromosomes have been doubled, then each 
can find a mate like itself; the microscopic manoeuvres 
can take place according to the rules, and the organism is 
fertile. What is more, it is now largely or wholly sterile 
with either of its two parent species, as the offspring from 
such a cross will have three instead of two of each chromo- 
some in one set, and this again upsets the manoeuvres 
of sorting-out during the formation of the reproductive 

Quite a number of new species are now known which 
have originated in this way, some produced experiment- 
ally and some found in nature. They may even be more 
successful than their parents. This is the case with the 
rice-grass Spartina townsendii which is used by the Dutch 
to reclaim land from the sea: it resulted from a cross be- 
tween a European species and an American one accident- 
ally brought over by shipping. 

So far, all the examples of such sudden species are from 
plants. It would probably be impossible for the process 
to occur in higher animals because of their special method 
of sex-determination, which would not work if the number 
of chromosomes were doubled. 

Chromosome-doubling after crossing is a method of 
species-formation in which the isolation is not spatial but 
genetic — the barrier between the new form and the old is 
provided by a change in the microscopic machinery of 
inheritance, which prevents fertile crossing. Nor has 



selection played a part in modelling the new type. It 
arises suddenly and stands or falls on its intrinsic merits. 

Other changes sometimes take place in the genetic 
machinery that may assist in isolating new types, though 
the isolation is not so complete. For instance, a consider- 
able section of one chromosome may become inverted end- 
to-end, so that the genes it contains are now in reversed 
order. When this happens, the genes in the inverted 
section cannot be recombined freely with the correspond- 
ing genes in normal chromosomes. Thus this section of 
the germ-plasm of the species is effectively divided into 
two parts, which must remain isolated from each other in 
subsequent evolution, even if the species itself remains 
single. However, if there should subsequently arise 
mutations which reduce the fertility of crosses between 
the type with the inverted and that with the normal un- 
inverted section, the species may split into two. 

Accordingly, such accidents to the chromosomes, while 
not immediately producing new or even incipient species, 
may pave the way for species-splitting later, in the same 
sort of way as is done by geographical isolation of a popu- 
lation on an island or a mountain-top. 

Other similar rearrangements of the chromosome ma- 
chinery may occur. For instance, a bit of one chromo- 
some may become detached and then attached to a different 
kind of chromosome. Such accidents, each in their own 
special way, may provide partial isolation and pave the 
way for species-splitting. This sort of thing seems to 
occur in many animals. Certainly the little fruit-fly, Dro - 
sophila , which has yielded more information on heredity 
than probably all other organisms lumped together, is 
very prone to such happenings. The numerous different 



species of Drosophila are all characterized by such internal 
rearrangements of the chromosomes, and in many cases 
the rearrangements are both numerous and far-reaching. 

Some Species of Drosophila are so alike to look at that it 
was only their sterility on crossing which led to the dis- 
covery that they were separate species. In all such cases, 
accidents seem to have occurred to the chromosome ma- 
chinery, providing some initial degree of genetic isolation 
to form a partial barrier between the two different stocks. 

Another quite different type of barrier is that provided 
by ecological isolation, when groups are divided by differ- 
ences in their habits or habitats. The best-analysed cases 
concern what are called ‘biological races ’ of parasites 
adapted to different hosts, or of plant-eating insects 
adapted to different food-plants. At the outset, such 
groups seem to be held apart rather incompletely by 
accidental experience. The moth that has lived on a plant 
of kind A as a grub will generally prefer to deposit its eggs 
on a plant of the same kind instead of on a plant of kind B. 
Mutations crop up later and are incorporated into the 
animal’s inheritance, giving it an instinctive preference 
for one or the other food-plant; still later other mutations 
give it an instinctive aversion to mating with an individual 
of the other race. The further the process goes, the more 
will selection encourage such mutations, for if each race is 
nicely adjusted to its particular food-plant, any mixture 
of the two races will be less closely adapted, and will there- 
fore be at a disadvantage. 

Once the isolation is fairly complete, other differences 
can and often will accumulate, so that the two types, after 
passing through a stage in which they are almost or quite 
indistinguishable by appearance, though they behave as 



good species do by exhibiting sterility when crossed, can 
be visibly separated as well. 

Undoubtedly this sort of process, on a broader basis, has 
operated extensively in nature. F.or instance, in Lake 
Baikal the water-shrimps of the sandhopper family exist 
in numerous species unknown elsewhere in the world, 
some adapted to life in the open water and others to the 
depths, as well as to various more ordinary habitats; and 
there can be no question but that they have all diverged 
in situ from some one or two ancestral forms. The same 
sort of thing is often found on oceanic islands — as witness 
the mocking-birds of the Galapagos. Incipient stages in 
the process are also known, as with certain North Ameri- 
can mice, where two distinct races are found in the same 
geographical region but in different habitats, one in wood- 
land, the other in open country. Here the two forms are 
still merely subspecies, capable of fertile interbreeding if 
confined together, but kept apart in nature by the invisible 
barrier of their ecological preferences. 

Finally, there remains the geographical type of isola- 
tion, in which the barrier between groups is provided by 
geographical features, like rivers, mountain ranges, or 
stretches of sea for land forms, stretches of land for water 
forms. The results of this sort of isolation have been the 
most thoroughly investigated, and are in many ways of 
great interest. One fact that has long struck systematists 
has been the much greater amount of divergence achieved 
on small islands as compared to large continental areas, 
even when the differences in environmental conditions 
are smaller. Thus there are almost as many different 
races of lizards in the Adriatic as there are islands, while 
on the neighbouring mainland the species is uniform over 



large stretches. Again, the common wren remains the 
same throughout Great Britain and all the mainland of 
western Europe. But on the islands off Scotland differ- 
entiation has set in. The Shetlands boast one quite dis- 
tinct type, St Kilda a second, and the Faeroes yet another. 

This excessive differentiation of isolated populations 
(the same thing happens in fish, as in the char of isolated 
lakes) has until recently remained as an empirical fact for 
which no adequate explanation was forthcoming. A few 
years ago, however, Professor Sewall Wright of Chicago 
showed that it was to be expected as a consequence of 
Mendelian inheritance. The mathematical reasoning in- 
volved is too complex to set forth here. But the results 
are simple enough. Briefly, if isolated populations are 
small enough in numbers, then mere chance will step in 
and largely override the effects of selection. New muta- 
tions or new recombinations of old genes will often be- 
come established even if they are not advantageous, and 
in some cases even if they are slightly disadvantageous. 
The result is to promote divergence which is non-adaptive 
and, biologically speaking, accidental and irrelevant. An 
analysis of the Adriatic lizards mentioned above has con- 
firmed these deductions in a very pretty way. Other 
things being equal, their degree of difference from the 
mainland form is greater when the islands they inhabit 
are smaller. This is to be expected, since the effects of 
chance will increase as the size of the group goes down. 

However, even on large continental masses some differ- 
entiation may take place, with mere distance and differ- 
ence in climatic conditions as the isolating factors. The 
majority of widespread small birds and mammals, for 
instance, can be classified into distinctive subspecies, each 



with its own area of distribution. In many cases the pro- 
cess has gone further and split an originally single group 
into two or more 'good* species. An excellent example 
is that of the eastern and western European tree-creepers. 
While separated by the Ice Age, they diverged to such 
an extent that even though they now overlap in central 
Europe, they never interbreed. 

Subspecies often interbreed freely where their areas 
touch, but the zones of mixture are almost always con- 
fined to narrow belts. This is at first sight puzzling. 
Why, if they meet and interbreed, is there not a continu- 
ous gradation from one extreme to the other, instead of 
two more or less stable subspecies separated by a narrow 
zone ? Why is there not a smooth slope instead of a stair- 
case of change P Here again genetics provides the prob- 
able answer. The two subspecific types are adaptive, not 
only in their relations to the outer world but in their 
internal constitutions. They differ in a considerable 
number of genes, and each set of genes forms a harmoni- 
ous stabilized whole, adapted to give the maximum vigour 
and viability in the circumstances. When they meet, 
they can still interbreed. But as a result of their inter- 
breeding, the harmonious constellations of genes are 
taken apart and recombined in all sorts of ways, which 
will almost invariably be less favourable than the two 
parent combinations. Thus, by adverse selection, the 
new combinations will be prevented from spreading and 
the mixed zone will be kept narrow. 

Subspecies have often been stated to be species in the 
making. Undoubtedly many of them are. But, equally 
undoubtedly, many of them are not. Many widespread 
species are permanently divided into a number of these 



partially isolated subspecies, still exchanging a few genes 
with each other by interbreeding, but each relatively stable 
on the whole. And this condition, as Professor Wright 
has shown, is the most favourable one for rapid evolution. 

It appears that there are two positions of relatively 
stable equilibrium in the process of evolutionary diverg 
ence. There is the stage of species or of complete bio- 
logical discontinuity, and there is the stage of interbreed- 
ing subspecies or of partial biological discontinuity. 

Finally, we must remember that in most cases, both 
subspecies and species are adaptive, in the sense that they 
are adjusted, often very closely, to their way of life or to 
the climatic conditions of their environment. Even when 
their visible characters do not seem adaptive, experiment 
shows that selection has been at work upon their invisible 
but much more important physiological characters, such 
as temperature-resistance, ductless glands, or metabolism. 

We are now in a position to view the species problem 
in rather a new light. In the animal kingdom alone, 
about a million distinct species are already known, and 
the number is being increased every year by ten thousand 
or so new ones as the result of new exploration and dis- 
covery. Here is indeed an astonishing diversification of 
life. How is it related to the broad processes of long- 
range evolution ? The answer seems to be that it is largely 
independent of them, or irrelevant. 

Long-range evolution, guided by selection, produces 
divergent specialization of types over tens of millions of 
years: the placental mammals, for instance, gradually 
radiated out into carnivores and insectivores, bats and 
ungulates, rodents, cetaceans and primates. It leads to 
the widespread extinction of older types and their replace- 



ment by new types which radiate and specialize in their 
turn. It leads, in a few and ever-lessening number of 
lines, to true evolutionary progress. 

Superposed on this, selection also sees to it that each 
type becomes adapted to different climates and to minor 
differences in habitat and environment. The garment of 
life in which the globe is clothed is thus adjusted in detail, 
as a suit of clothes is fitted by a tailor to the peculiarities 
of a client. 

But on these processes of adjustment and progressive 
adaptation, major and minor, a series of discontinuities is 
superimposed. The cloth of life is divided up into a mass 
of snippets. Partly this discontinuity is imposed by 
accidents of the outer world. A mountain range or an 
arm of the sea produced by subsidence, an ice age or 
other geographical event, separates populations. Other 
groups are isolated by ecological accidents, in the shape 
of differences between habitats — woodland and open 
country, pond and swamp, high ground and low ground. 
But partly the discontinuity is imposed by accidents of 
the organism’s internal constitution — by doubling of the 
whole chromosome-complement, by inversion or trans- 
, location of chromosome-sections, by the development of 
harmoniously stabilized gene-combinations which auto- 
matically restrict the spread of other combinations. And 
finally the two agencies may co-operate, as when geo- 
graphical barriers isolate small populations, and then use- 
less accidental characters automatically accumulate. 

The result is that life finds its expression in the form of 
almost innumerable separate groups, some fully separate, 
like good species, some on the way to full separation, like 
geographically isolated subspecies, some at the halfway 



equilibrium point of partial separation, like continental 
subspecies still interbreeding at their margins. 

It is quite irrelevant to the slow processes of.long-range 
evolution whether the European tree-creepers should 
exist in the form of one or of many species. Owing takhe 
accident of the Ice Age, they happen to exist as two species 
It is equally irrelevant that the lizards of the Adriatic 
should have become divided into a large number of sub- 
species : they owe this to the geographical accident of the 
submergence of a mountainous coast with- the resultant 
formation of many small islands. 

Evolution in the broad sense consists of a few kinds of 
long-range trends. But these are cut up by isolation into 
species and subspecies, whose enormous numbers bear no 
relation to the major underlying trends. And even the 
adaptive nature of these small units is largely obscured by 
the frills and furbelows of non-adaptive accident which 
can lodge in these discontinuous group-units — mere di- 
versification abundantly but meaninglessly superposed on 
the adaptive meaning and slow advance of life. 



E arly in 1927 the newspapers contained accounts of 
the havoc being wrought in California by field-mice. 
These little creatures, increasing beyond all ordinary 
bounds, had forced themselves by sheer quantity upon the 
notice of man. In ordinary seasons they levy a modest 
toll on the fruits of the earth, wild and cultivated — a toll 
scarcely noticed by the farmer, still less by the community 
at large. In this year and region, however, they had be- 
come a grave menace to agriculture, and the resources of 
the state were being mobilized against them. 

A similar plague occurred on the other side of the 
Atlantic in 1892-93. In Scotland during that season vast 
hordes of field-mice ravaged the farms and again became 
such a serious pest that they were deemed worthy of a 
Government investigation. In this Scottish plague the 
mouse mainly responsible was the short-tailed field-mouse 
or vole, Microtus hirtus. But other field-mice were ab- 
normally abundant at the same time, such as the long- 
tailed field-mouse and the bank-vole. This would indicate 
at the outset that some general conditions in the season 
were responsible for the sudden abundance, and not any 
specific conditions favouring one kind of mouse only. 

These plagues are accompanied by great gatherings of 
birds which prey upon the mice. In 1892 large numbers 
of kestrels and still larger numbers of short-eared owls 
assembled at the feast, though by what means they received 



intelligence of it is a mystery. So great was the supply of 
food that the owls prolonged their breeding season right 
into November, and even then produced broods much 
larger than the normal. 

In a mouse plague which occurred in Nevada in 1907 
three-quarters of the alfalfa acreage of the state was de 
stroyed. The whole ground, for square mile after square 
pile, was riddled with mouse-holes till it was like a sieve. 
It was estimated that the several thousand mouse-eating 
birds and mammals busily gorging on mice in the affected 
district were killing over a million mice a month; and yet 
the numbers of the mice continued to increase in spite of 
this toll. 

Why these sudden outbursts of generative energy on 
the part of rodents ? That is a problem for animal ecology, 
the branch of biology which might be called scientific 
natural history — the study of animals in nature and their 
relations with their environment and with other animals 
and plants. The first thing the ecologist discovers is 
that the plagues are not such isolated phenomena as at 
first sight might appear. They are merely exaggerations 
of one part of a regular cycle. All small rodents (not at 
present to go beyond this group) appear to have the life 
of the species strung on a curve of numerical ups and 
downs, a cycle of alternating abundance and scarcity. 
Field-mice in England, for instance, have their ups every 
three or four years. There was a moderate degree of 
abundance in 1922, and again in 1926. 

The best known of all such cases of cyclical abundance, 
however, is the lemming of Scandinavia, which has be- 
come almost mythical. In the sixteenth century, this 
animal was reported ‘by reliable men of great probity* to 



fall down from the sky in huge numbers during storms of 
rain. The truth is not much less remarkable. The Euro- 
pean lemmings live on the mountains in southern Scan- 
dinavia (and, farther north, at sea-level on the treeless 
tundra). Every few years they become enormously abun- 
dant in their mountain homes, and set off upon a strange 
migration. They move off in all directions downhill from 
the mountains, crossing roads and rivers and railways on 
their march. If they reach the seacoast they start to swim 
out to sea, and swim until they drown. After a lemming 
march the beach will be strewn with lemming corpses. 
But it is not only drowning and the accidents of the route 
which kill off the little creatures. Epidemics always seem 
to break out in years of abundance and slaughter thou- 
sands. The animals which migrate are almost exclusively 
young animals. The old ones stay at home, on their 
breeding-grounds; but there they too may succumb to 
the spread of the epidemic. These years of over-popula- 
tion occur with considerable regularity, and not only with 
regularity, but with the same rhythm as that which char- 
acterizes the rhythm of abundance in British field-mice. 
The average length of the cycle in both kinds of animals 
is close to three and a half years. 

But the lemming introduces us to another fact of very 
great interest. Lemmings occur not only in Europe but 
also in Greenland and Canada. Here too there are years 
of abundance and of dearth, and the cycle appears to be 
the same or nearly so in both continents. Causes are at 
work which are simultaneously influencing the little rat- 
like animals on the Barren Grounds of Canada and in the 
mountains of southern Norway. 

Before going further in our analysis it will be well to 

1 66 


remind ourselves that many other kinds of animals show 
the same sort of cyclical rise and fall in numbers. The 
year 1927 was of interest to English ornithologists 
because it witnessed a considerable irruption into Eng- 
land of that remarkable bird, the crossbill, with its mand- 
ibles crossed over each other for the purpose of feeding 
upon pine-cones. These irruptions come westward from 
the pine-forests of central Europe, and occur at more or 
less regular intervals. One, in the sixteenth century, 
brought prodigious numbers of the birds, which did great 
damage, since they discovered that their beaks were admir- 
ably adapted for slicing apples in half as well as for obtain- 
ing the seeds from pine-cones. The dates of crossbill 
irruptions, however, have not been quite so well recorded as 
those of two other kinds of birds, the Siberian nutcracker 
and the sand-grouse. The nutcracker is an inhabitant of 
the vast coniferous forests of Siberia. It has invaded 
western Europe at intervals of eleven years, with what 
would be extreme regularity if it were not for the fact that 
now and again one of the invasions is ‘ skipped.’ Although 
observations on the spot in Siberia are not forthcoming, it 
appears almost certain that the migrations are due to over- 
population in the bird’s natural home, coupled with a bad 
harvest of the pine-cones upon which they feed. Doubt- 
less, when the failure of the pine crop is less extreme than 
usual, the pressure on population is not so great, and the 
wave of migration spends itself before reaching Europe. 

Pallas’ sand-grouse, on the other hand, is a bird of the 
steppes and deserts of Central Asia, where it lives upon the 
scanty vegetation of the salty soil. In every so many years 
the bird leaves its home in huge flocks, migrating both 
eastward into China, and westward into Europe, even as 


far as the British Isles. Here again, a cycle of eleven years 
is pretty closely adhered to, with the additional fact that 
the alternate migrations are much bigger. As the records 
go, we seem safe in prophesying the invasions at regular 
intervals. The cause of the emigration again seems to 
be relative over-population, or, what comes to the same 
thing, food-shortage, owing to their food-plants being 
covered by snow or heavy frosts. 

The periodic migrations of locust and cricket swarms, 
literally eating up the country in their advance, are well 
known. Unfortunately a full analysis of them has not 
yet been made. This is partly due to the fact that the 
direction of insect-migration is entirely at the mercy of 
the wind, and that a periodic increase of locusts in one 
spot will cause emigration to various different countries 
according to the accident of wind-direction. In addition, 
insects, with their lack of a constant temperature, are more 
likely than birds and mammals to show the effects of short 
periods of very exceptional weather, less likely to sum up, 
so to speak, the effect of moderate and irregular but long- 
continued change. However, there seems little doubt 
that investigation will reveal, in these and other insects, 
such as the cockchafer, periodic cycles of abundance 
similar to those found in birds and rodents. 

However, the most remarkable facts on the problem of 
periodic fluctuations in animal numbers are provided by 
the books of the Hudson's Bay Company. This great 
trading concern has kept records of the number of skins 
of all the various kinds of fur-bearing animals brought in 
each year by its trappers. The records show cycles of 
abundance and scarcity in muskrat, Canadian rabbit or 
varying hare, skunk, fisher, mink, wolverene, marten, lynx, 

1 68 


red fox, and arctic fox. The most spectacular changes, 
perhaps, are to be noted with the Canadian rabbit ( Lepus 
americanus). One year these animals will be enormously 
abundant over vast areas of the continent. Next year an 
epidemic will set in, and in the succeeding season a rabbit 
will be a great rarity. 

But more remarkable even than the change in abund- 
ance is the regularity of the cycle. The Hudson’s Bay 
record goes back to 1825. The record for annual number 
of lynx skins, for example, when plotted as a graph, has 
the regularity of a temperature chart. At about every 
eleven years comes a peak, where the number of skins 
brought in averages about 50,000 — always over 30,000, 
and sometimes 70,000. Halfway between these peaks 
are depressions, in which the average number of skins 
sinks to well below 5000, occasionally approaching zero. 
If records were available from single areas, the ups and 
downs would be even more marked, for the maxima and 
the sudden drops are not synchronous over the whole 
continent, although they do not vary in any one locality 
more than two or three seasons each way from the mean 
for the whole continent. 

Both lynx and rabbit have a cycle of just over eleven 
years in length. The lynx eats the rabbit; and, accord- 
ingly, the lynx’s maxima are one to two years later than 
the rabbit’s. 

Not merely are there more rabbits in existence at a 
period of maximum abundance, but they are reproducing 
faster. In bad years there will be only one brood in a 
season, and about three young in a brood ; in very favour- 
able years there will be two or three broods, and eight or 
ten young in each brood. The Indian trappers are said 



to prophesy the prospects of next season's rabbit crop by 
counting the number of embryos in this season's rabbits. 
The same sort of thing occurs in field-mice in England, 
as was first established by Mr C. S. Elton at Oxford; 
though the number of young per brood is not increased 
in favourable years, the number of months in the year 
during which breeding animals are to be found is 
markedly increased. 

When the different records for all kinds of animals and 
birds from all over the temperate regions are analysed, it 
turns out that in most cases the average length of the cycle 
of abundance is either just about eleven years, or else 
one-third of this, namely about 37 years. But of course 
a periodically fluctuating curve of abundance might be 
due to two separate cycles interacting with each other. 
By mathematical analysis, however, when such is the case, 
the two components can be separated from each other. 
When such analysis is applied to the Hudson's Bay re- 
cords, it is found that in fact the curves for the numbers 
of many animals are thus compound. Sometimes a curve 
which clearly has maxima every eleven years will be re- 
vealed as possessing in addition a minor rhythm of about 
three and a half years. This, for example, is the case with 
the red fox. On the other hand, the more northern arctic 
fox has an obvious period of about three and a half years; 
but when this is eliminated from the curve, lo and behold 
a minor, but none the less definite, eleven-year cycle re- 
mains. Is there any virtue in this period of eleven years ? 
Every astronomer would at once exclaim 'sun-spots' ; for 
the number of sun-spots visible on the sun's disc shows a 
well-marked fluctuation, and this cycle, too, has a period 
of just over eleven years. This cycle does, in fact, corre- 



spond with that of number in various animals, the sun- 
spot minima about coinciding with the animals’ maxima. 
What is more, the sun-spots do not always keep strictly 
to their eleven-year period, but may anticipate or delay 
matters by a year or so: and when this is so, the animals’ 
curve of abundance is usually found correspondingly/ 


There is little doubt that spots on the sun have an 
effect upon weather on the earth. They cause great mag- 
netic storms; and, in addition, the amount of energy 
radiated by the sun appears to be greater at sun-spot 
maxima, less when sun-spots are few. One of the chief 
facts of terrestrial climate which seems to be definitely 
correlated with sun-spot number concerns the track of 
storms. If the tracks followed by heavy storms are plotted 
on a map, it will be found that, in North America for 
instance, there is in any one year a zone along which the 
majority of storms travel. Now this zone shifts up and 
down with considerable regularity from year to year, re- 
turning to the same position about every eleven years. 
Such a shift in the storm-tracks will obviously mean a slight 
shift of the margins of all the great climatic zones. It will 
mean that there will be cycles of rainfall, some areas get- 
ting more than the average every eleven years, while other 
zones in the same years will be getting less than the aver- 
age; and this, according to the careful investigations of 
O. T. Walker, is what actually occurs. Such changes are 
likely to have the most noticeable effect upon plants and 
animals where conditions are difficult for life. For in- 
stance, a small change in rainfall in a semi-desert region 
will have much more effect than the same change in a well- 

* 7 * 


watered country; and quite small temperature changes in 
the Arctic will have disproportionately large effects on the 
animals and plants which live there. 

The three and one-half year period, on the other hand, 
has not so far been correlated with any meteorological 
facts. This, however, need not surprise us. What the 
meteorologist records are variations in single factors of 
climate such as temperature, rainfall, sunshine, and some- 
times humidity. It is by no means likely that any one of 
these by itself is going to be the main factor responsible 
for the abundance or scarcity of a plant or animal. It is 
much more likely that what favours the growth of an 
organism beyond normal will be a particular combination 
of, say, temperature, moisture, and sunshine, probably no 
single one of the factors at work being either at its maxi- 
mum or its minimum. Something of the sort can often be 
traced with life. For instance, the optimum geographical 
zone for white men is one of moderate temperature, 
moderate rainfall, moderate sunshine, and a good deal of 
changeable weather: no extremes are involved in it. 

Though the sun-spots undoubtedly affect the weather, 
and so the growth of plants, the growth of small herbi- 
vorous animals, and this in its turn the abundance of their 
carnivorous enemies, the correlation of sun-spot cycles 
with cycles of animal abundance is not fully proved. 
The animal cycle may be an independent one, of slightly 
shorter period. 

In any case, the abundance of rodents is an indicator for 
certain combinations of meteorological factors. The meteoro- 
logists themselves have not yet invented any instrument 
for recording these particular combinations of factors — 
indeed, they would not have suspected their existence but 



for the facts unearthed by the biologist. The lemming or 
the field-mouse or the Canadian rabbit is thus, from one 
point of view, a sensitive meteorological instrument for 
integrating and summating a number of different agencies 
which affect the weather, and transmuting a particular 
combination of them into an increase of numbers which 
catches the eye of observant man. 

That important biological and meteorological effects 
are exerted by sun-spot cycles is rendered certain by cor- 
roborative evidence from other quarters. Professors Hun- 
tington and Douglass have examined the growth of the 
big trees (Sequoias) of California, as recorded in the thick- 
ness of their annual rings of wood. This biological record 
goes back over three thousand years ; and in it they find a 
quite definite eleven-year cycle corresponding perfectly 
with the cycle in sun-spot numbers. Besides this, changes 
in the mean level of various large lakes, notably Victoria 
Nyanza, have been analysed and, as Brooks has shown, 
here too a correlation is apparent between rise and fall of 
water-level and increase and decrease of sun-spot number. 
It may be noted that lake-level will not be dependent on 
any single one of the factors usually measured by meteoro- 
logists, but will represent a balance between precipitation 
and evaporation, which latter in its turn will depend partly 
on temperature and partly on humidity. The lake thus 
integrates a number of weather components, as does an 

In passing, it should be observed that the short-period 
cycles, of three and one-half years, would be expected to 
affect only small animals which reach maturity in a year or 
less. Larger animals have lives which are too long to be 
upset by such small cycles. In precisely the same way, 



the choppy little waves which are so unpleasant to the in- 
mates of a row-boat have no effect upon the bulk of a liner. 
Even the eleven-year cycles will have little effect upon 
animals like deer or wild asses. There are indications of 
fluctuations, however, in the larger herbivores, but these 
are of much longer range, a fact which in itself makes it 
more difficult to collect statistics on the subject. 

It is of great interest to find that the beaver, almost alone 
among the smaller fur-bearing mammals of Canada, shows 
no periodicity in its numbers. This fact is doubtless to 
be correlated with its remarkable mode of life. It lives, 
not on short-lived herbs or grass, but on the bark of trees. 
It constructs dams by which it regulates its water-supply; 
and brings tree-trunks from considerable distances to 
serve as food-stores. When the local supply of trees is 
exhausted it migrates elsewhere. Since it lives in small, 
isolated colonies, it does not suffer from widespread epi- 
demics. Here we seem to have a good proof that the 
fluctuations in numbers which affect other animals are not 
due to mysterious cyclical fluctuations in the animal's 
inherent reproductive capacities, but to a normal though 
indirect action of climatic influences via the animal’s food, 
its parasitic enemies, and so forth. 

A great deal has been heard recently of this theory of 
inherent or spontaneous changes in reproductive capacity, 
apropos of the fall in the human birthrate which has been 
so noticeable during the last half-century among most 
civilized peoples ; and the upholders of this view attempt 
to support their conclusions concerning man by referring 
to the cycles obtaining in mice and lemmings. Far from 
lending them support, however, the biological facts tell in 
the opposite direction. We know of no single case of an 



animal changing its reproductive capacity, whether num- 
ber of broods per year, or number of young per brood, so 
long as it is kept under really uniform conditions, while 
we know of a great many cases in which improved condi- 
tions of temperature, food, etc., do bring about an increase 
in reproductive output. 

As Sir William Beveridge has ably pointed out, there is 
nothing in the fall of the human birthrate which cannot be 
accounted for by increased prudence coupled with in- 
creased practicability of contraceptive devices ; nor is there 
anything, even in the most destructive plague of voles or 
rabbits, followed by the most spectacular disappearance 
of the marauders, which cannot be accounted for by causes 
simpler and more familiar than an otherwise unknown 
fluctuation in reproductive potency. Once conditions 
such as food begin to favour a small herbivorous mammal, 
the shortness of its life-span enables it to outrun the con- 
stable of its carnivorous enemies, which are handicapped 
through being of larger size, and so requiring longer to 
complete each generation. However, as the density of 
herbivore population increases, parasites will be able to 
spread more rapidly from one individual to another. 
Finally a density is reached at which some disease-germ 
can pass from mouse to mouse with great rapidity, with 
the result that a fulminating outbreak of disease occurs. 
This violent outbreak of epidemic disease has been repro- 
duced experimentally with mice. The same bacillus, the 
same mice: but with one density of mouse population 
there are only isolated cases of disease, while with five 
times the density of population a devastating epidemic 
breaks out. The same appears to be true for animals kept 
under semi-artificial conditions for sporting purposes. 



For instance, the Commission appointed to investigate 
grouse disease in- Britain came to the conclusion that the 
mere fact of overstocking a moor would cause disease, by 
permitting a normally innocuous coccidian parasite to 
pass so rapidly and in such numbers from bird to bird that 
mass-infection and consequent disease resulted. 

It appears to be a constant rule that the rapid increase 
consequent on outrunning larger, carnivorous enemies 
always has as consequence the running into new conditions 
more favourable to the invisible parasitic enemies of the 
species. As a result, an epidemic follows, and the numbers 
of the species are reduced below normal. This reduction 
may then be carried still further by unfavourable seasons. 

This has one interesting consequence of general bio- 
logical interest. The evolutionist normally assumes that 
the pressure of natural selection will be approximately 
equal, in natural conditions, over long periods of time. 
This may be so for animals like the beaver; but it will 
clearly not hold for those like lemmings or field-mice. In 
these, after a period of minimum numbers has been well 
passed, and the animal is filling the empty landscape once 
more under increasingly favourable conditions, natural 
selection will clearly be much less intense than normal, 
for there will be next to no competition due to population 
pressure, and weather and food conditions will be more 
favourable than normal. The shoe will pinch unusually 
hard twice in each cycle— once when weather and food 
conditions are most unfavourable, and once when the in- 
evitable epidemic breaks out. Thus, as Elton puts it, the 
animals will be subjected in each cycle to two severe exam- 
inations of different type, while they will be hardly troubled 
by schoolmistress Nature during the rest of the time. 



But when violent epidemics come, disease resistance 
will indeed be at a premium, since only one in a thousand 
or even one in a hundred thousand will survive, and from 
those scattered survivors the whole species will be repro- 
duced. That is natural selection with a vengeance. 


Important consequences of another type flow from the 
facts. If lemmings and rabbits and mice are killed off in 
thousands by epidemics, may not rodent cycles bear some 
relation to human disease ? The answer is not only that they 
may, but that they do. Most people know now that bubonic 
plague is spread to man from rats and other small rodents like 
gerbils by means of the animals’ fleas. The years when the 
small rodents in Central Asia or South Africa show maxima 
in numbers the incidence of human plague increases. 

After lemming migrations, visitations of disease are not 
uncommon among the human populations of the Nor- 
wegian valleys. The matter has not yet been properly in- 
vestigated; but it is at least possible that some bacillus, 
acquiring new virulence by its rapid passage through its 
rodent victims, may produce this human disease. Hardly 
any work has been done on the causes of these natural 
epidemics of animals. The whole question would well 
repay investigation, both on account of its intrinsic in- 
terest, and because of its possible bearings on human health. 

Immediate practical questions arise as to the means of 
coping with the periodic pests as they arise. All kinds of 
paradoxes here present themselves. The obvious course, 
and that naturally enough demanded by the suffering 
agriculturist, is the wholesale destruction of the voles or 
mice which are taking toll of his crops. Destruction, how- 




ever, is often no easy matter. It is difficult to get at such 
small creatures which live in holes, swarm in myriads, and 
in a few weeks’ time are grown up and ready to reproduce 
their kind. Both trapping and poison have their draw- 
backs and defects. Furthermore, killing the animals once 
they are so abundant that they are easy to kill is like lock- 
ing the stable door after the horse has been stolen. 

The bird-protectionist sees one step further. He re- 
minds us that owls and many hawks prey upon small 
rodents, and would have us keep down the mice and voles 
by encouraging the predatory birds. But then steps in 
the ecologist and points out that both human destruction 
and avian enemies will have as their effect merely the slow- 
ing down of the geometrical increase of the mice (for cer- 
tainly not even the dense hordes of owls and kestrels in 
1892 served actually to decrease the numbers of the voles, 
and man’s methods have hitherto proved a good deal less 
efficient than Nature’s); and all that this can be expected 
to do is to delay the outbreak of the epidemic which alone 
can reduce the creatures to manageable numbers.. The 
ecologist, on the contrary, would prefer to try some method 
which would actually encourage the multiplication of the 
rodents in the hope that the epidemic would come sooner, 
the agony would not be so prolonged, and the losses to 
agriculture consequently not so great. As alternatives he 
would suggest the effect of various bacterial cultures, 
which might provoke an artificial epidemic at an earlier 
stage of the cycle; or possibly some biological treatment 
such as that proposed by Rodier for rats, of trapping, kill- 
ing all the females captured, but releasing all the males, 
in the hopes that the minority of females would be pestered 
out of successful breeding. 



Common sense, however, may rightly ask one or two 
questions of the ecologist. It seems, for instance, to be a 
fact that epidemics set in among mice in all years of maxi- 
mum abundance, whether the over-population becomes 
so intense as to constitute a real plague, or is so moderate 
as to be noticeable only by the professional naturalist on 
the lookout for such phenomena. How is it that the epi- 
demic does not break out in the plague years as soon as 
the population intensity attained at the ordinary maxi- 
mum has been reached ? Clearly some other factor must 
come in — possibly a time factor, or, what comes to much 
the same thing, one involving the number of genera- 
tions run through by one or all of the parasites of the 

What is clear, however, is that no quite simple, straight- 
forward methods will serve. The biological thinking of 
the man in the street — and of the professional biologist, too, 
for that matter — is much too much obsessed by military 
metaphor for him to be able yet to see quite straight on 
ecological problems. He is brought up to believe in a 
struggle for existence, which he envisages as a regular 
battle between an inoffensive herbivore and its enemies, or 
a sort of athletic competition between a carnivore and its 
prey. In both cases he thinks of the struggle as some- 
thing in which victory is to be achieved, as in war or sport. 
As a matter of fact, it is nothing of the kind. A herbi- 
vorous animal without carnivorous enemies would tend 
to over-populate its territory, to be diseased and under- 
nourished, even to condemn itself to starvation by eating 
down its own food-supply; a carnivorous species which 
was restricted to one kind of prey, and a kind which it 
could too easily catch, would inevitably bring its own race 



to extinction by eating itself out of hearth and home. 
Both eventualities have, through the interference of man, 
been realized. When red deer were introduced into New 
Zealand they throve on the succulent forest and bush, and 
multiplied exceedingly owing to the absence of all carniv- 
orous enemies. But after a few decades they had changed 
the face of the country where they were abundant, and to- 
day the fine heads and heavy beasts are found only on the 
outskirts of the deers’ range, where they are still advanc- 
ing into virgin country. Elsewhere the herds are full of 
stunted specimens and malformed antlers, and the authori- 
ties have been forced to play the part of natural enemy, and 
to adopt a rigorous policy of periodic thinning-out to save 
the stock. 

As an example of the opposite effect, I may quote from 
Elton’s Animal Ecology the curious case of Berlenga Island, 
off the coast of Portugal : ‘ This place supports a lighthouse 
and a lighthouse-keeper, who was in the habit of growing 
vegetables on the island, but was plagued by rabbits which 
had been introduced at some time or other. He also had 
the idea of introducing cats to cope with the situation — 
which they did so effectively that they ultimately ate up 
every single rabbit on the island. Having succeeded in 
this, the cats starved to death, since there were no other 
edible animals on the island.' 


We are often told that it is very important for children 
to select their parents wisely. It is becoming clear that a 
wise choice of enemies is an asset to an organism 1 One 
can hardly, perhaps, speak of an animal’s enemies as part 
of its adaptations ; but at least they are vital to its survival. 



The fact is, of course, that in almost every case the word 
‘enemy* is only applicable when we are thinking in terms 
of individuals : as soon as we think of the species, the in- 
dividual ‘enemy* usually turns out to be a racial benefactor. 

The two things needful are patience and research — 
patience in face of the popular demand for immediate 
action which is raised every time a plague of mice or a 
dearth of fish is experienced, and research to unravel the 
excessively complicated threads of the web of life. 

The picture gained by research looks something like 
this, though we are not sure of the sun-spot influence on 
certain animal cycles : — The fluctuation in the number of 
sun-spots is probably connected with the distance of the 
great planet Jupiter from the sun’s incandescent surface. 
The sun-spot fluctuations change the tracks of storms, 
brim and depress the waters of our lakes, alter our weather. 
The weather-changes make the giant trees put on more 
or less wood, promote the multiplication of rabbits, mice, 
and lemmings, cause an alternation of fat and lean years in 
the fur department of the Hudson’s Bay Company, inflict 
periodic losses, through vole plagues, upon the world’s 
agriculture. The multiplication of the rodents, besides 
reverberating upon fox and lynx, hawks and owls, affects 
our human health returns. Verily the dreams of astrology, 
even if they suffered from the defect of not being true, had 
at least the merit of simplicity in comparison with this web 
of cosmic influence spinning out from one corner of the 
solar system to another ! 

But the very complexity of what we do know, or can 
reasonably surmise, bids us take an infinity of pains to 
unearth the still greater complexities that are still hidden 
from us, if we are to control nature efficiently. Modern 



agriculture, with its massing of huge numbers of indi- 
viduals of one species of plant or animal, is a deliberate 
invitation to parasites and pests to revel in the unaccus- 
tomed profusion. And when we come to tropical agri- 
culture, we must remember that the tropical heat raises 
the insect to be the equal in activity of the warm-blooded 
mammal, including our own species. The mechanical 
and chemical triumphs of the last hundred years must give 
place in this century to biological triumphs of equal magni- 
tude if man is to retain his dominant position on the earth. 

Until synthetic chemistry has progressed a great deal 
further, the control of the plant kingdom is man’s only 
means of supplying himself with the bulk of the food and 
the raw materials which he needs. The success of this 
control, as more and more of the earth’s surface is given 
over to such vegetable exploitation, will come to depend 
more and more upon detailed knowledge about the animal 
and plant enemies, actual or potential, of the crops. We 
talk a great deal about safeguarding the food supply of 
the country in time of war. In fifty years’ time we are 
much more likely to be talking about safeguarding the 
world’s food supply in time of peace. And we shall not 
be looking to machinery for our safeguards, nor even to 
light cruisers or other forms of naval strength, but to the 
laboratories of entomology, mycology, and all the other 
branches of pure and applied ecology. 


I n 1938, the British Sporting Exhibition was held at the 
Imperial Institute. It is apposite to consider its subject- 
matter biologically in the twofold aspect of destruction and 
conservation. Speculative minds may wonder whether by 
the year 2038 — or perhaps 3038 (a thousand years is of 
little account in the flow of biological time)— any such 
exhibition would be possible save as a museum record of 
the past. For the wild life of the world, including its 
game, big and small, has been diminishing with alarming 
speed all through recorded history. Some species have 
gone for ever; such are the dodo and the solitaire, the 
quagga, the aurochs, the blauwbok, the moa, the passenger 
pigeon, and the great auk. They are total losses: man 
can destroy a species, but he cannot restore it. 

Perhaps one should say he cannot in most cases restore 
it; for the Germans have in the last decade produced a 
‘synthetic* aurochs, a form reconstituted by crossing the 
most primitive breeds of domestic cattle and selecting 
those types whose conformation most nearly resembles 
that of the original wild species. These resuscitated aur- 
ochs are said to be almost as ferocious as their prototypes. 
Such re-synthesis, however, is possible only with a wild 
species which has left domestic descendants : it would be 
a bold biologist who would undertake to produce a new 
dodo from a pigeon or to revive the quagga from the horse 
and zebra stock. 


Other species now exist only in captivity. Such are the 
beautiful and fantastic white-tailed gnus (to be seen dis- 
porting themselves at Whipsnade), or the wild horse, 
Equus przcvalskii> identical with the horses depicted (and 
eaten) by Solutrean man, the last remnants of which in a 
wild state were killed off by bandits and deserters in Cen- 
tral Asia after the war. Camels may perhaps be included 
here — they exist only in domestication or as escapes from 
it. Then there are the numerous creatures which would 
have become extinct but for rigorous protection, and in 
most cases exist only in special reserves — such as the 
American and the European bison, the white rhinoceros, 
the Tuatara ‘lizard* or Sphenodon , sole survivor of a whole 
order of reptiles, the kiwi, the platypus, the pronghorn, 
the Alaska fur-seal, or the giant tortoises of the Galapagos. 
The gorilla, the orang-utang, the Komodo dragon, and 
other creatures are on the margin of this category. Some- 
times, even in spite of rigorous protection, the fate of a 
species is still in the balance; this applies to the delightful 
koala of Australia. 

Many other species are in danger of extermination 
owing to insufficient protection. The great whales are the 
outstanding example. The concern of the British Govern- 
ment over the problem has been shown by their arranging 
for the series of valuable investigations carried out by the 
research ship 1 Discovery.* With the advent of pelagic 
whaling it seemed certain that, unless international regu- 
lation of the industry were achieved, whales would cer- 
tainly become exceedingly scarce, and some species might 
be wiped out. It is therefore encouraging to know that an 
international convention on the subject has just been con- 
cluded, though our satisfaction is tempered by the war. 



Again, the sea-otter has been so persecuted for its beautiful 
pelt that it is on the verge of extinction, though a thriving 
colony has just been discovered in California. 

In certain ways more serious than the loss of a few 
species, however beautiful or strange, is the general de- 
crease of wild life all over the globe. Partly this is a mere 
quantitative decrease in numbers. The game in South 
Africa a century ago was more abundant than in the most 
famous reserves of Central Africa to-day. Early settlers 
in America found an abundance of bison, deer, duck, and 
wild mammals and birds of every kind, which does not 
exist to-day in any part of the United States, even in 
reserves or national parks. The stories of the pioneers 
read like fairy-tales or accounts of the Garden of Eden. 
Even in the last fifty years the numbers of wild ducks and 
geese and other migratory game-birds have declined so 
rapidly as to give real cause for alarm. 

Partly the decrease is a decrease of range due to local 
extermination. Britain originally harboured as breeding 
species bears, wolves, beavers, bustards, spoonbills, sea- 
eagles, ospreys, ruffs, avocets. The kite was the chief 
scavenger of medieval London ; now there are less than a 
dozen specimens in Britain. The lion used to be found it\ 
parts of Europe and ranged all over the East. Now, apart 
from a small area in India, it is confined to Africa. 

A certain number of species, many of them undesirable 
pests, have increased ; but in general it is all too true that 
both the variety and the abundance of life, especially in its 
larger and more striking manifestations, have decreased 
enormously in the historic period, and that the decrease 
has shown an alarming acceleration during the last hun- 
dred years. 



Can anything be done to stop this trend before it is too 
late? Must we reconcile ourselves to scenery robbed of 
one of its major components (think of deer on the shoulder 
of a Scottish mountain, antelopes and zebra in the sav- 
annas of Africa, water-birds in the Camargue or the Naar- 
demeer, cliff-breeders in St Kilda or the Fames, the circ- 
ling birds of prey giving point to distance in India) ? Must 
we confine our knowledge of animals to dead specimens in 
museums instead of making the world a living museum ? 

A certain number of achievements encourage hope. At 
one time fewer than 1000 bison existed wild on the Ameri- 
can continent: to-day there are several flourishing herds, 
reproducing so well that the surplus must be periodically 
killed. The beaver, thanks to protection, has reversed its 
alarming decline in eastern America, and is now becoming 
common; and the European beaver has been at least 
saved from extinction. The egrets of the United States, 
thanks to good laws and strong action, are on the increase. 
International agreement saved the Alaskan fur-seal. 

In fact we can do a great deal. We have realized that 
the decline is almost wholly due to our own agency. Some 
of the destruction is direct, some indirect. Direct de- 
struction may be for commercial gain, as with whales, 
egrets, or fur-bearers; or for sport, as of game; or in the 
interests of sport, as of so-called 4 vermin * by gamekeepers; 
or for the protection of crops or other assets, as of bull- 
finches by fruit-growers, fish-eating creatures by fisher- 
men, or elephants by the Governments of African colonies. 
Indirect destruction may occur as the result of the ex- 
tension of agriculture, as with the great bustard in this 
country; by the draining of marshes for reclaiming land; 
by the extension of building; by the disturbances unwill- 



ingly caused by tourists and others bent on enjoying the 

A final and frequent cause is the accidental or deliberate 
introduction of alien species. We in Britain suffer from 
the grey squirrel and have had to eradicate the muskrat. 
But other countries have much more serious problems. 
The unique marsupial fauna of Australia is in danger, 
almost in its entirety, as the result of the introduction of 
placental mammals, domestic, feral, and wild. The Gala- 
pagos giant tortoises are now threatened chiefly by the 
dogs, cats, and pigs introduced by man rather than by 
man’s own destructiveness. 

What can be done is manifold. Individuals can en- 
courage birds around their homes and contribute to public 
opinion. They can multiply their contribution to the 
cause by joining one or other of the various societies con- 
cerned with conservation. The societies can set aside 
areas for sanctuaries, and can bring pressure to bear on 
local, national, and international authorities to secure the 
passing of proper legislation and the dedication of reserves 
and national parks. 

Some societies, like our Royal Society for the Preserva- 
tion of Birds, are concerned with the preservation of one 
type of animal in one limited region. They have done 
much in purchasing sanctuaries for rare birds and securing 
legislation for bird protection. Others, like the National 
Trust, are concerned with all aspects of nature, but again 
in a limited area. Apart from beautiful scenery and inter- 
esting buildings, they own fine bird reserves such as 
Blakeney Point and the Fame Islands. . Then there are 
bodies such as the Fauna Society (or, to give it its full 
name, the Society for the Preservation of the Fauna of the 



Empire) which deal with many types of animals over large 
regions; and bodies with general aims such as ULAWS 
(the University of London Animal Welfare Society); and 
finally those with the whole world for their province, s\ich 
as the International Office for the Protection of Nature. 
This office operates through national committees, so that 
British subjects interested in world-wide fauna preserva- 
tion will do best by joining the Fauna Society. In recent 
years this society has sent out special missions to survey 
and report on the situation in various parts of the Empire 
— Major Hingston to East Central Africa, Colonel Hay- 
wood to West Africa, Captain Caldwell to the West 
Indies, and Sir Thomas Comyns Platt to Malaya and 

In a recent number of its Journal the Fauna Society 
exposes one of the numerous dangers to which big game 
is exposed — a ‘safari service’ organized primarily for the 
benefit of American ‘ sportsmen ’ : — 

‘We can fix you up to a successful hunt — if you give us the 
chance, and then do your part, or allow us to do the necessary, 
in case you can’t stand the gaff or become a rotten shot.’ Bongo 
are ‘difficult to get — but we get them.’ Leopards — ‘in case of 
great urgency we can always get one with a trap-gun — if client 
demands it.’ 

Meanwhile the world’s rhinos are being slaughtered be- 
cause of the belief of Indians and Chinese in the aphro- 
disiac qualities of their horns ; the whales are being dan- 
gerously reduced to make big profits for their slaughterers ; 
seabirds are being battered .and starved to death because 
vested interests stand in the way of the compulsory fitting 
of separators to oil-driven ships ; fashionable women are 
still responsible for the death of some of the most beautiful 



winged creatures in the world; Australian ‘opossums’ are 
in danger of extermination for the value of their pelts; 
sportsmen will not agree to an adequate close season to 
keep up the numbers of wild-fowl; lizards and snakes are 
being killed out for shoes. 

Two types of measure are of vital importance for the 
saving of the wild life of the world. One is the framing 
and ratification of international conventions for the pro- 
tection of the fauna of large areas. That for Africa has 
already become operative; and it is hoped that later a 
further international conference will be held in London 
to discuss the possibility of extending the principles estab- 
lished by the African Convention to India and southern 
Asia. The other main measure is the establishment of 
national parks. National parks differ from sanctuaries in 
their size, and from game reserves in their permanence. 
They are places where Nature, not man’s material inter- 
ests, are paramount. Anyone who has seen Kruger Park 
in South Africa or the Parc National Albert in the Belgian 
Congo will take away with him an indelible impression of 
the wonder of wild life, and will wish to help in preserving 
more of it for future generations. 

There are splendid national park systems in Canada and 
the U.S.A., and isolated parks in many countries, such as 
Switzerland, Italy, and Malaya. It is, however, urgent 
that many more be created in the British Empire, notably 
in Africa and in Britain itself. In Britain, apart from the 
need of preserving areas such as Snowdonia, the Lakes, or 
the Peak district for healthy recreation, the west coast of 
Scotland provides admirable opportunities for creating a 
national park for the preservation of the surviving rem- 
nants of our larger fauna. 




W e men like to see animals courting. It amuses us 
to see them thus imitating humanity, and throws 
something at once romantic and familiar into those dumb 
and hidden lives which they veil so closely from us. * One 
touch of Nature makes the whole world kin/ we murmur, 
and find a new pleasure in the hackneyed words. They 
are really not quite apropos, however; for what we in our 
heart of hearts mean to say is one touch of human nature. 
Man is a vain organism, and likes to stand surrounded by 
mirrors — magnifying mirrors if it be possible, but at any 
rate mirrors. And so we read the ideas of our own mind 
into the animals, and confidently speak of ‘suitors’ and 
‘coy brides to be won’ and ‘jealous rivals’ and what not, 
as if birds or even spiders or newts were miniature human 
beings, in fancy dress no doubt, but with the thoughts 
of a twentieth-century inhabitant of London or New 

Some of the more reflective, perhaps, may wonder how 
far we are justified in our assumptions as to the motives 
and meaning of animal courtship; while others, with 
maybe some biological knowledge behind them, may try 
to look at it all from the other side of the gulf between 
man and beast, imagine how our own courtship would 
look to an external and dispassionate intelligence, wonder 
whether much of human behaviour had better not be in- 
terpreted from the animal side rather than the animal’s 



from ours, and how much we are walled in by our bio- 
logical heritage. 

Animal courtship is an unfashionable topic among bio- 
logists at present; and I do not exaggerate when I say that 
it is also one on which both ignorance and prejudice pre- 
vail. My own real interest in the subject began when, one 
spring in Wales, I observed the beautiful courtship of the 
redshank, a common shore bird, and when I got back to 
libraries, could find no ordered account of it, or indeed of 
bird courtship in general. And now, after some twenty- 
five years of reading and thinking about the subject, inter- 
spersed with a number of pleasant if strenuous holidays in 
Britain, in Louisiana, in Holland, in Spitsbergen, trying 
to find out what really does happen with this or that com- 
mon bird, I can confidently assert that Darwin’s theory of 
sexual selection, though wrong in many details, yet was 
essentially right : that there is no other explanation for the 
bulk of the characters concerned with display, whether 
antics, song, colour, or special plumes or other structures, 
than that they have been evolved in relation to the mind of 
the opposite sex ; that mind has thus been the sieve through 
which variations in courtship characters must pass if they 
are to survive. 

Down at the base of the animal scale courtship of course 
does not exist. Jellyfish or sponges or sea-urchins simply 
shed their reproductive cells into the water and trust to 
luck for fertilization. It is only when male and female 
must actually co-operate for fertilization to be effected, 
that we can expect to find courtship; and even so it will 
not exist unless there is a fairly elaborate brain and nervous 

Perhaps the first adumbration of courtship is seen in the 



nuptial dances of certain marine bristle-worms (Poly- 
chaetes), in which at certain seasons of the year and phases 
of the moon the creatures swim up out of their crannies in 
the rocks and gather in groups, excited males wriggling 
round the females. It is possible that the presence of the 
dancing males in some way stimulates the females to lay 
their eggs, upon which the male elements are discharged 
in milky clouds. Snails too have a primitive courtship, 
which is complicated by the fact that they are bi-sexual 
and each in its role of male attempts to stimulate the other 
in its role of female. 

But the first actions to which the name courtships and 
not merely perhaps direct stimulus to fertilization, must 
be given are those of a few crabs and most spiders. Among 
the crustaceans, the fiddler-crab is characterized by the 
presence in the male of one enormously enlarged claw, 
which may weigh almost as much as the rest of the body, 
and is often brightly coloured. It used to be supposed 
that with this the males stopped their burrows, or fought 
other males, or seized and carried off the females. How- 
ever, the careful studies of Dr Pearce show that its main 
function is one of display. In the mating season, when a 
female comes past, the males throw themselves into a tip- 
toe attitude, with big claw rigidly held aloft. If the female 
takes no notice, the male runs again to where she can see 
him, and again strikes the statuesque pose : if she goes too 
far, he returns to his burrow. The observer summed up 
his impressions thus : ‘ One could only say that the males 
appeared to be displaying their maleness.’ 

There we have the clue to the origins of courtship in a 
nutshell. Once the brain reaches a certain complexity, it 
controls behaviour. A crab can react to various situations 



— a food-situation, a hunger-situation, a fear-situation, a 
sex-situation; and the statuesque male with his uplifted 
claw is the sign and symbol of the sex-situation, just 
as the coming of a man or other large animal among 
the burrows constitutes an enemy-situation, with resultant 
scuttling. Doubtless even without such male advertise- 
ment, mating would eventually occur; but, as Darwin 
so clearly saw, the advantage may be to the male and 
not to the race — the male who did not display him- 
self as such would not get mated and would leave no 

In the spiders, we find a very interesting difference 
between the hunters and the web-spinners. Among the 
former, who catch their prey by sight and stalking, males 
perform strange dances before the females, and often have 
the parts they thus display brightly coloured. The latter 
are almost blind; and in them there are no dances, but 
the male comes up to the web of the female and vibrates 
one of the threads in a special manner, quite different 
from the vibrations made by trapped prey. In both cases 
it seems clear that the courtship’s primary function is 
to indicate the existence of a ‘sexual situation.’ But here, 
to do so is a good deal more important than in the 
crab, for all the evidence goes to show that if this in- 
dication were not made, the female would simply treat 
the male like any other small living object, and eat 
himl In many species she actually does so after the act 
of mating (and this occurs too in the scorpions); and in 
some others she is definitely hostile at first, while the male, 
who is usually much smaller than she is, is always obvi- 
ously very ready to run away during the early phases of 



In one hunting spider the male offers the female a nice 
fly, neatly wrapped in silk. If put in a box by himself 
with a fly, he will eat it; but if with a fly and a female, he 
will wrap and offer it; and if in a box from which a female 
has recently been removed, and in which her odour still 
presumably lingers, he will still wrap it, and search, like 
Shelley with his bouquet, ‘That he might there present it! 
— Oh, to whom?’ 

In the carnivorous flies of the family Empidae , strange 
developments of the love-gift have taken place. In some 
species the male offers an unadorned carcass to the female. 
In others, however, the prey is stuck in the front end of a 
glistening ‘ balloon,' made of bubbles of viscous liquid 
secreted by the male, larger than his own body, and 
carried in his legs as he flies to and fro; doubtless this 
makes the ‘sexual situation' more conspicuous from afar. 
Finally, in a few species there has been a refinement. 
The balloon is there, but prey is no longer carried in it; 
instead, the males stick a leaf or flower-petal in it — and 
indeed they will dart down and pick up any small con- 
spicuous objects, such as fragments of paper, that you 
may choose to sprinkle on the surface of the water over 
which they hover. Here, in quite a different evolutionary 
line from our own, we find quite definitely the employment 
of a non-utilitarian ‘present' as gift from male to female. 

When we come to the vertebrates, matters become even 
more interesting, for it is among them, especially in the 
birds, that courtship and display reach their highest elab- 
oration. Only in a few fish is there much of a courtship, 
as would be expected from the fact that most species pro- 
duce large numbers of eggs which are only fertilized after 
laying. The frogs and toads that make night pulse with 



sound in the warm regions of the earth use their voices, 
as do the grasshoppers their legs or wings, in the interests 
of reproduction; and if the grasshoppers were life’s first 
instrumentalists, the frogs were the first vocalists. 

The male frog, however, merely broadcasts an adver- 
tisement of his presence; it is among the tailed amphib- 
ians that true display is found. Our common newts in the 
breeding season take to the water and develop a high fin 
all along the back and tail. This is much larger in the 
males, who in addition change their winter livery for one 
of brighter colours. They may also be seen performing 
their courtship — actively moving in front of the females, 
often scraping up against them, all the time vibrating the 
bent tail. The strange fact about this procedure, however, 
is that they do not begin their display until after they have 
emitted their fertilizing elements. These are deposited on 
the bottom of the pond or aquarium inside a special packet 
or spermatophore, which the female must pick up for 
fertilization to occur; and courtship begins when this 
deposition is completed. 

Here we see that display may have a racial function, 
adjuvant to successful fertilization, and not an affair be- 
tween rival males. For even the most hardened Darwin- 
ian would hardly maintain that a female, if two males 
simultaneously deposited spermatophores and then began 
their display before her, would be able to remember 
which male had deposited which spermatophore even were 
she to be better pleased or more stimulated by the display 
of one rather than of the other ; and of course unless the 
approved male were also to be the father of the young, his 
pleasing of the female could have no evolutionary effect. 
No: it seems clear that here the function of display has 



again to deal with the ‘sexual situation’; with the differ- 
ence that it is not merely to advertise the male’s presence 
and masculinity, but to generate a sexual situation in the 
mind of the female. As a matter of fact, Finkler has by 
experiment shown that in the absence of a male’s display, 
the female will not pick up spermatophores, so that this 
conception of courtship’s function being to facilitate fertil- 
ization via the mind, by stimulating the mental mechanism 
into the right phase, seems justified. 

There is one species of bird for which Darwin’s original 
theory has been definitely shown to hold good. That is 
the well-known shore bird, the ruff {Machetes). In the 
winter the sexes are only to be told apart by size, but in 
the breeding season the males grow a magnificent ruff — 
a tippet or collar — round the cheeks and neck, and two 
fine ear-tufts above. What is more, it is hard to find two 
males alike; not only do they develop different ground- 
colours in their plumage, but the collar and ear-tufts may 
either or both be of some special colour or marking, one 
black, the other white ; or chestnut, pepper and salt, buff, 
sandy, grey, sepia, and what not. Arrived at their breed- 
ing places, the males assemble at a definite spot, usually 
known as a ‘hill,’ though it may be but a dry area in the 
marsh. The females visit the hill from time to time, but 
the males never go near the nests out in the marshes, nor 
take any share in brooding or the cares of the young. On 
the hill each male usually keeps to a little private area of 
his own. When no females are present, the male birds 
will be dancing, whirring round like Dervishes, and spar- 
ring and jousting with each other. On the arrival of a 
female, the scene is changed. The males crouch down, 
immobile, sometimes flat on the ground with spread wings. 



The hen may simply stroll round and fly away again — 
on which the cock birds rise rather sheepishly from their 
prostrate posture, as if pretending that nothing had been 
going on. Or she may approach a male and nibble at his 
neck, on which mating is consummated. 

Edmund Selous watched one particular ruff hill in 
Holland for weeks, arriving at his hide at or before dawn. 
Every male on the hill was distinguishable by his appear- 
ance; and so Selous was able to discover that some were 
more successful than others. 

Here is Darwin's theory in practice, working itself out 
in every detail — the adornments developed only by the 
male in the breeding season, and used only in sexual 
combat and sexual display; the male with no power to 
enforce his desires, the female completely arbiter of her 
choice; and, finally, the evidence that choice is exercised. 
The only puzzling point is the extreme variability of the 
males. This may be explained by some later discoveries. 
Various biologists, as we shall see later, have found that 
display, combat, and threat have a direct physiological 
effect on birds of both sexes, actually helping to ripen 
the reproductive organs. And Fraser Darling and others 
have recently shown that this effect is cumulative, some 
stimulus resulting from the sight of other birds courting 
or fighting. This at once explains the frequent occur- 
rence of communal display-grounds: they are arrange- 
ments for heightening reproductive efficiency. But it 
also explains the rufF s variability. If, as seems reason- 
able, the unfamiliar is more exciting than the familiar, 
variety will have a greater mass-stimulating effect than 
uniformity. So, granted a tendency to marked variation, 
variety will be encouraged and preserved. 



This clear-cut case is of importance, because it enables 
us to draw pretty definite conclusions in other similar 
cases. In the blackcock, for instance, a handsome mem- 
ber of the grouse tribe, there are similar assembly-places 
for mating — veritable temples of Venus. Here the indi- 
vidual males cannot be distinguished, but each again ap- 
pears to have his own definite pitch or stand, and, both 
from direct watching and by analogy with the ruff, it seems 
that here, too, there is true selection. Finally, in some birds 
of paradise there are also mating-places, but in the trees, 
where the males dance and display their gorgeous plumes. 

It is interesting to note that the evolution of such special 
mating-places with assemblies of males and visits by fe- 
males has taken place at least three separate times in birds 
— in the waders, the game-birds, and the birds of paradise. 
The influence of mode of life on type of courtship is an- 
other problem that can be followed out in birds. Where 
there is polygamy and where the female alone broods the 
eggs and cares for the young, there we find the greatest 
disparity in colour and courtship-behaviour between the 
sexes. The female is generally drab, protectively col- 
oured; the male, per contra , brilliant, and alone participat- 
ing in display. Since there is polygamy (or promiscuity), 
the successful male will imprint his characters on a larger 
number of descendants — and so display-brilliance will be 
at a premium; while, since he plays no biologically use- 
ful r6le after fertilization is once effected, there is less need 
for protective colour, since it does not much matter 
whether he be killed or no. 

Most birds are monogamous, however, at least for the 
season (or sometimes only for a single brood — like the 
American wren, which as bird-banding experiments have 



shown, usually changes partners between the first and 
second broods of a single year). Most of the largest 
group of monogamous birds, the song-birds proper, have 
their whole sex-life hinge on what we may call the terri- 
torial system. They have their young hatched naked and 
helpless, needing abundant food for their growth, and 
liable to die of cold if left too long unbrooded. Hence 
it is necessary, first, for both parent birds to feed the 
young; second, for the presence round the nest of an 
area sufficiently large to supply the young’s needs, and 
not trespassed upon by other food-seeking parents of 
the same species. This is ensured through an exten- 
sion of the instinct, nearly universal among birds, to resent 
intrusion into the area round the actual or future nest-site. 

Even in colonial nesters, like egrets or guillemots, the 
defended area exists, though it may be only a couple of 
feet across. In what we may call the true territorial birds, 
or birds with feeding as well as nesting territory, the 
course of events is as follows (I follow in this particular 
Eliot Howard’s admirable description of the course of 
events in the European warblers or Sylviidae ). The males 
are first on the breeding-grounds. If the species be a 
spring migrant, the males generally migrate north a week 
or so ahead of the females. Arrived, they take possession 
of an area — a territory — sometimes without dispute, some- 
times after a fight with a simultaneous arrival or a bird 
already in possession. Then they begin their singing. 
Contrary to usual belief, the song of most song-birds is at 
its best before the mate has even arrived. As Howard 
has, I think, convincingly shown, the prime function of 
song is an advertisement. It is an advertisement of 
eligibly-occupied territory, which serves the double pur- 



pose of attracting females and warning off other males. 
Similarly, many of the special display-characters of males 
are used in threat-display against other males as well as 
in courtship-display to females. 

When the females arrive on the scene, no immediate 
courtship on the part of the males is to be observed. If 
the female is alone, she simply takes her place in the terri- 
tory, and the two are a pair for the season. Nature abhors 
a vacuum, and this particular vacuum, the absence of the 
female from a territory, is filled with the least possible fuss. 
If two rival females arrive together, it is they who fight 
for the possession of territory-plus-male, while he hovers 
about, an interested and even excited spectator, but without 
participating. Then follows the strange fact, which at 
first sight seems to upset the whole Darwinian apple-cart, 
namely that courtship and display now begin vigorously 
—only now, after the two birds are mated for the season. 
The male vibrates his wings, spreads his tail, puffs his 
feathers, bows and scrapes, runs before his mate, often 
with a leaf or twig or other piece of nest material in his 
beak, and his antics may be so extravagant as to testify to 
the most ardent excitement within. How can this be 
fitted in with Darwin’s view that these antics and displays 
have been evolved in large measure through the female’s 
selection ? To this, what we have learned from the lowly 
newt provides the answer. Courtship and display need 
not always have as their chief result the choosing of a 
mate. They may be, and indeed normally appear to be, 
accessory to the act of pairing and fertilization itself. The 
mind of a bird is a complex thing, and so is its life; the 
bird cannot always be tuned to a sexual situation. The 
simplest way, it would appear, of ensuring that it is not 


always so tuned (with consequent excessive pairing), and 
yet of ensuring that both sexes shall be simultaneously 
ready to mate often enough, is that one sex — the male — 
shall be more constantly in the phase of sexual prepared- 
ness, and by his display shall both advertise the fact and also 
help to stimulate the female to the proper emotional level. 

Finally, as we have mentioned, there is a more direct 
biological advantage in display. It appears that in seasons 
which have been inclement just before and during egg- 
laying, the number of eggs is often reduced and the per- 
centage of infertility raised. It is also known that all the 
reproductive processes of birds are very much under the 
control of the higher, emotional centres of the brain. For 
instance, a female dove brought up in isolation from in- 
fancy will usually lay no eggs; but the presence of a male 
bird in a near-by cage, or even the caressing of her neck 
with a human finger in a way reminiscent of the caresses 
of the male’s nibbling beak, will almost always cause an 
egg to be laid. It has now been demonstrated that dis- 
play and threat promote the ripening of the reproductive 
organs; this will be of advantage, especially in bad 
seasons, since birds’ emotions are very much at the mercy 
of the weather. 

Before leaving this group, mention should be made of 
the curious fact that in all-the-year residents who are also 
territory-birds, there is an ‘engagement’ period in the 
spring. For some weeks after the pair are in possession of 
a territory, fertilization is not effected. The biological 
reason for this is plain — it is advantageous for a bird to be 
on its territory early, or it may not find one; but it must 
not breed before a date which will give the probability of 
there being plenty of food for the young. The physio- 



logical machinery by which it is effected resides in the 
female; it is only at a certain season (probably depending 
on a certain mean temperature) that the eggs in her ovary 
start to grow rapidly, and only then that her full sex- 
instincts arise. 

Finally, we come to the large group of birds in which 
both male and female not only help look after the young, 
but also share in incubation and in the building of the nest. 
Such are the herons, the pelicans, the grebes, the divers, 
and many others. In them, neither parent is biologically 
the more precious ; so that if protective colour is needed, 
it is needed by both. Furthermore, their instincts have to 
be so similar in regard to nest, eggs, and young that the 
similarity, it appears, has spread to their courtship habits, 
too. For it is at any rate a fact that in a large number of 
this group of birds, and nowhere else, we find what we 
must call mutual courtship — both sexes developing bright 
colours and special structures for the breeding season, and 
both using them simultaneously in a mutual display 
(which, as with other monogamists among birds, begins 
only after pairing-up). 

Anyone who, like myself, has watched such birds by the 
hour day after day, must be struck by the fact of their en- 
joyment of the courtship ceremonies for their own sake, 
and the further fact that the ceremonies are often what we 
may call biologically self-exhausting, in that the birds’ 
emotional tension is often liberated through them, instead 
of being stimulated and leading on to actual pairing. It 
would seem as if these strange and romantic displays — 
head-shaking, or diving for weed, or aquatic dances breast 
to breast, or relieving guard on the nest with ceremonies 
of parade, or presentation of a twig with wings and crest 



a-quiver, — as if they constituted a bond between the two 
birds of the pair, binding them together so long as the 
breeding season lasted by emotional links. And after all, 
why not? Does not something similar obtain in human 
society? And does it not there play a valuable role, in 
cementing with love and joy the racially important edifice 
of the family ? And if it has this value in man, why not in 
these birds, for whom too the co-operation of both parents 
for the good of the family is essential ? 

Here then we see display pressed, not merely into the 
service of one male against the rest, not merely facilitating 
fertilization, but into that of the super-individual unit, the 
family. And it is interesting that the family life of birds 
attains its highest development in these forms which have, 
we may say, equal sex rights and duties. 

In yet other cases we see display becoming social, and 
courtship tending (as again sometimes in man) to be again 
diverted from its original character of individual wooing, 
this time toward the publicity of the dance. Among birds 
I myself have investigated, this is best seen in the oyster- 
catcher, the bold black-and-white shore bird, with red bill, 
sometimes known as sea-pie. Gatherings of eight or ten 
birds of this species may be seen in spring, all careering 
around together in their stiff courtship attitude with neck 
out-thrust and long bill pointing vertically downwards, and 
a piercing noise of trilled piping issuing from their throats. 
Observation revealed that this is not only the commonest 
form of display, but the only one used while on the ground ; 
that it may be employed by the male alone, or mutually by 
male and female together; and that, in addition to its 
courtship function, it expresses jealous hostility of other 
trespassing birds, whether trespassing on territorial or 



sexual rights. When, in a flock in early spring, courtship 
begins, other birds may join in the excitement; hostility 
re-enforces love, and soon the whole number are careering 
round in frenzied excitement which is, it seems, neither 
sexual nor hostile, but social. Here the social dance 
appears to have little or no special function, but is rather 
a biological accident. 

Psychologically, one of the most interesting things 
about bird courtship is the frequency with which in dis- 
play the birds will carry in their beaks a piece of the 
material of which their nest is built. This holds good 
even for the Ad£lie penguins, charmingly described by 
Dr Levick. Here the nest is nothing but a rim of stones 
round a depression; and accordingly the male presents 
stones to his mate as part of his courtship. Interestingly 
enough, this action sometimes becomes diverted to serve 
other instincts and emotions, such as wonder — the birds 
will present stones to dogs and to men; and Dr Levick 
confesses to having felt quite embarrassed the first time he 
was the recipient 1 Still another tale hangs by these stones. 
The sitting birds are all the time stealing stones from each 
other’s nests. Levick painted a number of stones different 
colours, and placed them at one margin of the nesting 
area. After this he could mark the rate of their progress 
(all by theft!) across the colony; and found that the red 
stones travelled much quicker than the rest. This is of 
great theoretical interest, for red is a colour which is to all 
intents and purposes absent in the penguin’s environment 
— and yet they prefer it above all others. If a male pen- 
guin could grow a red patch he would probably be very 
quick to gain a mate. 

Such an example also shows in what sort of way the 


extraordinary bowers of the bower-bird can have devel- 
oped. These are a blend between art gallery and museum, 
usually a tunnel of twigs with a collection of shells, bones, 
berries, and flowers at one end. In one species a space of 
ground is cleared, and large leaves laid upon it, their sil - 
very under-surface upwards. As they wither, they are 
replaced ; if they are blown over, the silver side is turned 
up once more. 

Among the mammals, there is on the whole little court- 
ship or display by the males, but correspondingly more 
fighting. This probably depends on the fact that the re- 
productive instincts of the female mammal are more 
rigidly under a definite physiological control, less under 
the fluid control of higher, emotional centres; the male 
deer or elephant-seal has but to guard his harem, and they 
will automatically accept him in due time. There is, how- 
ever, a great deal still to be discovered of the courtships of 
monogamous mammals — a difficult subject, because so 
many are nocturnal or burrowers, but one that would 
well repay study. Among some intelligent quadrupeds, 
however, such as the elephant, a pleasant mutual court- 
ship, of trunk-caresses, has been described ; and when we 
move up toward Homo sapiens and reach the monkeys 
and apes, we find a number of display and threat characters 
among the males. Some are to us repulsive, like the 
naked scarlet and azure cheeks of the Mandril, or the blue 
of Stevenson’s 

. . . blue-behinded ape that skips 

about the trees of Paradise. 

But others, like the orang or some of the marmosets with 
their mustachios, or the Satan monkey with his fine beard, 



are curiously reminiscent of ourselves, and we are re- 
minded of Mr Hilaire Belloc’s baboon — 

The Big Baboon who lives upon 
The plains of Caribou, 

He goes about with nothing on 
— A shocking thing to do. 

But if he dressed respectably 
And let his whiskers grow, 

How like that Big Baboon would be 
To Mister — So-and-So! 

Courtship in animals is the outcome of four major 
steps in evolution. First, the development of sexuality; 
secondly, the separation of the sexes; thirdly, internal 
fertilization, or at least the approximation of males and 
females; and finally, the development of efficient sense- 
organs and brains. Without any one of these, there would 
never have existed that host of strange and lovely features 
of life, summed up under the head of courtship, which 
beautify the appearance and variegate the existence of so 
many of the higher animals, including our own species. 




A century and a half ago, it was generally accepted, 
even by professional naturalists, that nature repre- 
sented a single scale, culminating in man. There existed, 
they supposed, a ladder of life, each rung of which was re- 
presented by a different type of animal, with humanity as 
the highest of all. And from this point of view, each kind 
of living creature represented merely a step on the way to 
man, its nature an incomplete realization of human nature. 

But with further study, especially after it was illumin- 
ated by the theory of evolution, a wholly different and 
more interesting picture emerged. The various types of 
animals — insects, fish, crustaceans, birds and the rest — 
could not be thought of as the rungs of one ladder, the 
steps of a single staircase; they now appeared as the 
branches of a tree, the ever-growing tree of evolving life. 
And with this, they took on a new interest. It might still 
be that man was at the summit of the whole; but he was 
at the top of the tree only by being at the top of one par- 
ticular branch. There existed many other branches, quite 
different in their nature, in which life was working out its 
ends in a different way from that she had adopted in the 
human branch. By looking at these branches we are able 
to see not merely our own natures in an incomplete state, 
but quite other expressions of life, quite other kinds of 
nature from our own. Life appears not as a single finished 
article, but as a whole series of diverse and fascinating 



experiments to deal with the problems of the world. We 
happen to be the most successful experiment, but we are 
not therefore the most beautiful or the most ingenious. 

Of these various experiments, the two which are the 
most interesting are on the one hand the insects, with 
their bodies confined within the armour of their skeletons, 
their minds cramped within the strange rigidity of in- 
stinct, and on the other hand the birds. 

It is with these latter that I am concerned here; and I 
shall try to picture some of the differences between their 
minds and our own. But first we need a little evolutionary 
background so as to grasp some of the main characters of 
this particular branch of life. Birds, then, branched off 
from reptiles somewhere about a hundred million years 
ago, a good long time after our own mammalian ancestry 
had taken its origin from another branch of the great rep- 
tilian stock. The birds* whole nature was of course re- 
modelled in connection with flight, so that their fore-limb 
was irrevocably converted into a wing, and no chance was 
left of remoulding it into a hand. They clung obstinately 
to one important character of their reptilian ancestry — the 
shelled egg, whereas their mammalian rivals came to spe- 
cialize in the internal nourishment of the young, inside the 
mother’s body; and by this the birds debarred themselves 
from ever being born into the world at such an advanced 
state of development as is possible to man and other higher 
mammals. But in one thing at least they went further 
than any mammal; they not only developed a constant 
temperature, but kept it constant at a greater height. 
Birds and mammals are unique among living things in 
having evolved the self-regulating central-heating system 
that we call 4 warm blood,’ a system which is of the utmost 


importance, since it enables their activities of body and 
nind to continue on a more or less constant level instead 
>f being slowed down by cold, speeded up by heat, as is 
lie case with all other kinds of animals, and makes it pos- 
sible for them to laugh at extremes of temperature which 
send insects or reptiles into the sleep of hibernation or 
lestivation. But birds have pushed the invention to its 
imits : they live at temperatures which would be the ex- 
:remes of fever for us. 

It is this extremely high temperature, 105 degrees or 
>ver, combined with the agility that comes of flight, which 
jives birds their fascinating quality of seeming always so 
ntensely alive. But being intensely alive does not neces- 
sarily, as we know from human examples, mean being 
ntensely intelligent. And in fact, in respect of their 
minds just as much as their bodies, birds have developed 
ilong other lines than mammals. Mammals have gradu- 
illy perfected intelligence and the capacity for learning by 
experience, until this line has culminated in that conscious 
reason and in that deliberate reliance upon the accumu- 
lated experience of previous generations, which are unique 
properties of the human species. And with the gradual 
rise of intelligence, the power and fixity of the instincts 
has diminished. Birds, on the other hand, have kept 
instinct as the mainstay of their behaviour; they possess, 
like all other backboned animals, some intelligence and 
some power of profiting by experience, but these are sub- 
ordinate, used merely to polish up the outfit of instincts 
which is provided by heredity without having to be paid 
for in terms of experience. Indeed, the anatomist could 
tell you as much by looking at the brains of bird and 
mammal, even if he had never studied the way the crea- 
h 209 


tures behave. For whereas in mammals we can trace a 
steady increase in the size and elaboration of the cerebral 
hemispheres, the front part of the brain which we know to 
be the seat of intelligence and learning, this region is never 
highly developed in any bird, but remains relatively small, 
without convolutions on its surface; while other parts 
which are known to be the regulating machinery for com- 
plicated but more automatic and more emotional actions, 
are in birds relatively larger than in four-footed creatures. 

But enough of this generalizing. What I wanted to 
show at the outset was the fact that in the lives of birds we 
are not merely studying the actions of creatures which, 
though small and feathered, had minds of the same type 
as ourselves, albeit on a lower level, but of a branch of the 
tree of life which, in mind as in body, has specialized along 
a line of its own, showing us mind of a different quality 
from ours. They have raised emotion to the highest pitch 
found in animals; the line of mammals has done the same 
thing for intelligence. 

Perhaps the most obvious way in which birds differ 
from men in their behaviour is that they can do all that 
they have to do, including some quite complicated things, 
without ever being taught. Flying, to start with, is an 
activity which, for all its astonishing complexity of balance 
and aeronautical adjustment, comes untaught to birds. 
Young birds very frequently make their first flight when 
their parents are out of sight. Practice, of course, makes 
perfect and puts a polish on the somewhat awkward first 
performance; but there is no elaborate learning needed as 
with our learning of golf or tennis or figure-skating. 
Furthermore, the stories of old birds Teaching’ their 
young to fly seem all to be erroneous. Some kinds of 



birds, once their young are full-fledged, do try to lure them 
away from the nest. But this merely encourages them to 
take the plunge; there is no instruction by the old bird 
in the movements of flight, no conscious imitation by the 

But flight, after all, is something very organic. What 
is much more extraordinary than that a bird should be 
able to fly untaught (though this demands a formidable 
complexity of self-regulating machinery provided ready- 
made by Nature in the form of muscles and skeleton, 
nerves and nerve centres, eyes and balance organs) is that 
it should be able to build its nest untaught. And of this 
there can be no manner of doubt. Young birds, mating 
for the first time, can make perfectly good nests, and nests 
of the usual type found among their particular species. 
Some people have suggested that this may be due to their 
having absorbed the necessary knowledge from contem- 
plating the structure of the nest in which they were brought 
up. But even if we were to admit that this was possible — 
which is very unlikely, considering that the young of small 
birds are very stupid, only live a few days in the nest after 
their eyes are open, and are never given any lessons in 
nest-building by their parents — it is negatived by the facts. 
For instance, the celebrated mound-builders or brush- 
turkeys of the Australian region build large mounds of 
rubbish and decaying leaves and deposit their eggs at the 
end of tunnels in the mounds, leaving them to be hatched 
out by the heat of the fermenting vegetation. The young 
brush-turkey on hatching scrambles out of the tunnel; it 
can get no instruction from its parents, since they have 
long since gone about their own business ; and not only 
does it not stay around the mound long enough to observe 



tures behave. For whereas in mammals we can trace a 
steady increase in the size and elaboration of the cerebral 
hemispheres, the front part of the brain which we know to 
be the seat of intelligence and learning, this region is never 
highly developed in any bird, but remains relatively small, 
without convolutions on its surface; while other parts 
which are known to be the regulating machinery for com- 
plicated but more automatic and more emotional actions, 
are in birds relatively larger than in four-footed creatures. 

But enough of this generalizing. What I wanted to 
show at the outset was the fact that in the lives of birds we 
are not merely studying the actions of creatures which, 
though small and feathered, had minds of the same type 
as ourselves, albeit on a lower level, but of a branch of the 
tree of life which, in mind as in body, has specialized along 
a line of its own, showing us mind of a different quality 
from ours. They have raised emotion to the highest pitch 
found in animals; the line of mammals has done the same 
thing for intelligence. 

Perhaps the most obvious way in which birds differ 
from men in their behaviour is that they can do all that 
they have to do, including some quite complicated things, 
without ever being taught. Flying, to start with, is an 
activity which, for all its astonishing complexity of balance 
and aeronautical adjustment, comes untaught to birds. 
Young birds very frequently make their first flight when 
their parents are out of sight. Practice, of course, makes 
perfect and puts a polish on the somewhat awkward first 
performance; but there is no elaborate learning needed as 
with our learning of golf or tennis or figure-skating. 
Furthermore, the stories of old birds * teaching’ their 
young to fly seem all to be erroneous. Some kinds of 



birds, once their young are full-fledged, do try to lure them 
away from the nest. But this merely encourages them to 
take the plunge ; there is no instruction by the old bird 
in the movements of flight, no conscious imitation by the 

But flight, after all, is something very organic. What 
is much more extraordinary than that a bird should be 
able to fly untaught (though this demands a formidable 
complexity of self-regulating machinery provided ready- 
made by Nature in the form of muscles and skeleton, 
nerves and nerve centres, eyes and balance organs) is that 
it should be able to build its nest untaught. And of this 
there can be no manner of doubt. Young birds, mating 
for the first time, can make perfectly good nests, and nests 
of the usual type found among their particular species. 
Some people have suggested that this may be due to their 
having absorbed the necessary knowledge from contem- 
plating the structure of the nest in which they were brought 
up. But even if we were to admit that this was possible — 
which is very unlikely, considering that the young of small 
birds are very stupid, only live a few days in the nest after 
their eyes are open, and are never given any lessons in 
nest-building by their parents — it is negatived by the facts. 
For instance, the celebrated mound-builders or brush- 
turkeys of the Australian region build large mounds of 
rubbish and decaying leaves and deposit their eggs at the 
end of tunnels in the mounds, leaving them to be hatched 
out by the heat of the fermenting vegetation. The young 
brush-turkey on hatching scrambles out of the tunnel ; it 
can get no instruction from its parents, since they have 
long since gone about their own business; and not only 
does it not stay around the mound long enough to observe 

21 1 


how it is constructed, but does not bestow on it so much 
as a look. None the less, when the time comes for it to 
mate, it will build a mound just as its ancestors have done. 

Secondly, even young birds which have been brought 
up by hand in artificial nests — boxes lined by cotton wool 
or what not — will build the proper kind of nest for their 
species when the time comes for mating, and will not 
attempt to reproduce their own early homes. We are 
reminded of Dr Johnson’s comment on the suggestion 
that the attraction which woman’s bosom has for the male 
sex is due to its pleasurable association with food during 
infancy. He did not notice, he said, that those who had 
been hand-fed when babies evinced any passionate foncU 
ness for bottles. In fact, the impulse of sex attraction in 
the one case, the impulse to construct a nest of a certain 
type in the other, cannot be explained by any rationalistic 
arguments of this sort; the one and the other are based 
not upon reason, not upon association, but upon instinct. 
The finch, for instance, has the impulse, when its mating 
urge is upon it, to weave coarse material into a rough cup, 
and then to line this with some finer material; the tailor- 
bird has the impulse to take leaves and sew them together; 
the house-martin to collect mud or clay and construct a 
cup against the side of a cliff or a house. 

In a not dissimilar way, the bird which is in the physio- 
logical state of broodiness will have the violent urge to sit 
on eggs, or, if no eggs are available, it will often take some- 
thing else. Crows have been known to brood golf-balls, 
gulls to sit on tobacco-tins substituted for their eggs; and 
the majestic emperor penguin, if it loses its egg or chick, 
will even brood lumps of ice in its inhospitable Antarctic 



This fobbing off of a natural urge with an unnatural 
substitute is doubtless unintelligent; but we may ask 
whether it is more unintelligent than the behaviour of 
elderly maiden ladies who spend their maternal impulses 
upon lapdogs or canaries, or that of disappointed old 
bachelors who turn their energies into a useless hobby. 

In all probability, however, the bird's behaviour is more 
unintelligent; for undoubtedly it does not even ration- 
alize as we do, or seek to find reasons for its behaviour. 
How un-humanly a bird regards the central facts of its 
life is seen in many of its relations to its offspring. Birds 
undoubtedly have a strong emotional concern over their 
eggs and young, but it is an instinctive, irrational concern, 
not an instinct entwined, as is the human parents' concern, 
with reason, memory, personal affection, and foresight. 
A pair of birds is robbed of their whole brood ; the parental 
instinct finds itself frustrated, and they will show great 
agitation. But if one or more of the nestlings die before 
they are fledged — a frequent and in some species a normal 
occurrence — the old birds show no signs of sorrow or 
even agitation, but merely throw the corpse out of the 
nest as if it were a stick or a piece of dirt. And while a 
chick is, to our eyes, obviously failing, the old birds, far 
from making special efforts to restore it, as would human 
parents, definitely neglect it. The fact seems to be that 
the bird parent feels parental only when stimulated by 
some activity on the part of its children. When they gape 
and squawk, this is a stimulus to the parent to feed and 
tend them assiduously; when the stimulus fails, the par- 
ental feeling is no longer aroused, the bird is no longer 
impelled to parental actions. 

This same incapacity to experience things as men and 


women would experience them is shown by the fact that 
if you remove young birds from a nest, as Mr Kearton did 
with some starlings, and substitute some eggs, the mother, 
after a moment’s apparent surprise, may accept the situa- 
tion with equanimity, and respond to the new stimulus in 
the proper way, by sitting on the eggs. There was no 
trace of the distraction and grief which a human mother 
would have felt. 

But perhaps the familiar cuckoo provides us with the 
completest proof, over the widest field, of the dissimilarity 
of birds’ minds with our own. The young cuckoo, having 
been deposited as an egg in the nest of some quite other 
species of bird — a meadow-pipit, say, or a hedge-sparrow 
— and having hatched out in double-quick time, the rate of 
its embryonic development being adjusted to its parasitic 
habits, so that it shall not lag behind its foster-brothers, 
next proceeds to evict all the rest of the contents of the 
nest, be these eggs or young birds. It is provided with a 
flat and indeed slightly hollow back; and, hoisting its 
victim on to this, it crawls backwards up the side of the 
nest, to pitch the object outside. Thus it continues to do 
until the nest is empty. 

What cruelty, you will say, and what unpleasant in- 
genuity! But you will be wrong. The nestling cuckoo 
is not cruel, nor does he know why he is murdering his 
fellow nest-mates. He acts blindly, because he is a ma- 
chine constructed to act thus and not otherwise. Not only 
is his back slightly concave, but this concavity is highly 
irritable and over-sensitive ; the touch of any object there 
drives him frantic, and if it is continued, it releases the 
impulse to walk upwards and backwards until he has 
reached the edge of whatever he is walking on, and then 



to tilt the object overboard. He will behave in just the 
same way to marbles or hazel-nuts or any other small 
object. Indeed, if you think of it, he cannot know what 
he is doing. For he will act thus immediately he is 
hatched, before his eyes are open ; even if he could be 
taught, his parents have never been near him, and his 
foster-parents are hardly likely to instruct him in this par- 
ticular! No, the whole train of actions is the outcome of a 
marvellous piece of machinery with which he is endowed 
by heredity, just as he is endowed with the equally marvel- 
lous adaptive mechanism of his feathers. The machinery 
consists in the shape of the back, its hyper-sensitiveness, 
and the intricate pattern of nervous connections in the 
brain and spinal cord which set the particular muscles 
into action. The act in fact is purely instinctive, just as 
instinctive and automatic as sneezing or coughing in our- 
selves. And, like coughing, it has been brought into being 
by the long unconscious processes of natural selection, 
not by any foresight or conscious will. 

Once the foster-brothers are outside, we shall get another 
surprising peep into bird mind. When the foster-mother 
comes home, she does not seem in the least distressed by 
the absence of all but one of her brood, but at once sets 
about feeding the changeling. What is more, she pays no 
attention to her own offspring, even should some of these 
be dangling just outside the nest. As long as there is 
something in the nest which appeals to her parental in- 
stincts, it seems that young birds outside the nest, even 
if they be her own, are treated as so many foreign 

Then the young cuckoo begins to grow. It grows into 
a creature entirely different from its foster-parents, and 



eventually becomes several times bulkier than they, so 
that they have to perch on its head to drop food into its 
mouth! But they are not in the least disconcerted, as 
would human parents if their children began growing into 
giants, and giants of quite a different appearance from 
themselves. They are built to respond to the stimulus of 
appeals for food from any nestling that starts life in their 
nest, and they continue their response, whether the nest- 
ling is their own or a cuckoo. 

At last the young cuckoo is ready to fly, leaves his foster- 
parents, and very soon must leave the country on migra- 
tion. So far as we know, all the old cuckoos have before 
this time left the country for the south, so that it is again 
without any teaching or any knowledge that the young 
ones must obey the migration urge. 

Some very interesting experiments by Professor Rowan 
of Alberta have thrown a good deal of light on this mys- 
terious question of the impulse to migrate. In autumn, 
he caught a number of birds which usually leave the 
regions of an Alberta winter for the south (crows and the 
little finches called juncos were the kind he used), and 
kept them in unheated aviaries. So long as they were sup- 
plied with plenty of food, they remained perfectly healthy 
and happy, even with the temperature many degrees below 
zero. One lot were simply kept thus, as ‘controls 1 for the 
experiment: but another lot, in place of being exposed to 
the natural shortening of the days in early winter, had their 
days artificially lengthened by electric light, a little more 
every evening. In midwinter, Rowan liberated a number 
of birds. The controls made no attempt to migrate south- 
wards, but just hung about the place. The birds whose 
day had been lengthened, however, for the most part did 



move away — but apparently most of them moved north 
and not south 1 

Other birds were killed and examined: all the controls, 
as was expected, had their reproductive organs shrunken 
to the tiny size characteristic of birds in winter ; but the 
long-day birds showed reproductive organs which were 
enlarging like those of ordinary wild birds in early spring 
about the time of northward migration. 

The view held by Rowan — and though it cannot yet 
be regarded as completely proved, it certainly seems prob- 
able — is as follows. The extra length of day caused the 
birds to spend more of their time in activity, less in sleep ; 
this, by some mechanism we do not yet understand, 
caused the reproductive organs to begin to grow instead 
of shrinking ; and the secretions of the reproductive organs 
control the migratory urge. When they are shrinking in 
early autumn, the changed secretion in the blood impels 
the birds to move south. When they are tiny and in- 
active, as normally in the dead of winter, there is no im- 
pulse to migrate at all ; and when they are growing again, 
the secretion impels to northward movement, even if the 
bird be already in the most wintry and inhospitable con- 

Whatever the precise interpretation, it is at least clear 
that the impulse to migrate is a strange blind urge, con- 
trolled and set in motion by the chemical agency of the 
reproductive secretions, and wholly unrelated to reason, 
or to any consciously-envisaged destination. 

Then again there is the well-known 4 broken-wing trick* 
practised by so many birds when their young are threat- 
ened. Most writers of natural-history books set this down 
as a remarkable example of intelligence: — the bird, seeing 



its offspring in danger, deliberately invents a ruse, and 
acts its part with consummate skill to draw the intruder 
away. All the evidence, however, points to this too being 
merely instinctive, a trick not invented by the individual 
bird, but patented by the species. If it were the fruit of 
intelligent reflection, we should expect to find some indi- 
viduals of a species practising it, others not, and great 
variations in the efficacy of the performance; but in species 
like the purple sandpiper or the arctic skua, every indi- 
vidual seems to be a good performer, and this without any 
previous training. The trick, in fact, is on a par with the 
purely automatic ‘shamming dead’ which many insects 
practise: it is the inevitable outcome of the animal’s nerv- 
ous machinery when this machinery is stimulated in a 
particular way. 

Besides instinctive actions, we could multiply instances 
of unintelligent behaviour among birds. If a strange egg 
is put among a bird’s own eggs, the mother may accept it 
through uncritical instinct, or may intelligently turn it out 
of the nest and continue to sit. But a quite common re- 
action is for it to turn the strange egg out, and then to 
desert its nest — a most decidedly illogical procedure! 
Again, Mr St Quentin had two hens and one cock of a 
kind of sand-grouse in his aviary. This is a bird in which 
the hens normally sit by day, the cock by night. One 
year, both the hens laid at the same time. The cock tried 
his best, sitting part of the night on one clutch, part on 
another, but of course the eggs came to nothing. If the 
birds had had any intelligence, they would have divided 
up the twenty-four hours so that the eggs were always 
brooded; but the day-brooding of the hens and the night- 
brooding of the cock are mechanical instincts, and intelli- 



gence neither enters into them in normal nor modifies 
them in abnormal circumstances. 

But because birds are mainly instinctive and not intelli- 
gent in their actions, it does not follow that their minds 
are lacking in intensity or variety: so far as we can judge, 
they must be experiencing a wide range of powerful emo- 

A bird clearly finds an intense satisfaction in fulfilling 
its brooding impulse or the impulse to feed its young, 
even though the impulse may be, for want of intelligence, 
what we should call a strangely blind one: and when the 
young birds are threatened with danger, the parents clearly 
are suffering very real distress, just as birds suffer very 
real fear when cornered by an enemy. In song, too, the 
bird, besides expressing a certain general well-being, is 
giving vent to a deep current of feeling, even if it does not 
understand the feeling or reflect upon it, as would a human 
poet or musician. For the moment, they are that feeling. 
Some birds are so obsessed by their emotions during their 
courtship display that they become oblivious of danger. 
The males of that huge bird of the grouse tribe, the caper- 
caillie, have an extraordinary courtship ceremony which 
they carry out at daybreak in the branches of a favourite 
tree. While they are in the ecstasy of this passionate per- 
formance a man can easily creep up within range; and it 
is by this method that in certain countries many are shot. 

Again, birds seem as subject as men to the emotion of 
jealousy. Rival cocks may fight to the death. One re- 
markable case with captive parrakeets is quite human in 
its incidents. Two cocks and a hen were in one cage. 
After much squabbling, one night one of the cocks killed 
the other: upon which the hen, who had hitherto rather 



favoured this bird, turned upon him and might have killed 
him too if they had not been separated. 

Then bird-mind has sufficient subtlety to indulge in 
play. Dr Gill of Cape Town records seeing a hooded 
crow fly up into the air, drop a small object it was carrying, 
swoop after it, croaking loudly, catch it in mid air, and 
repeat the performance over and over again with the great- 
est evidence of enjoyment. And tame ravens often display 
what seems a real sense of humour, though it must be ad- 
mitted humour of rather a low order. A pair of them will 
combine to tease a cat or dog, one occupying its attention 
from the front, while the other steals round behind to 
tweak its tail and hop off with loud and delighted squawk- 
ings. They will play tricks on each other; in an aviary, 
one raven of a pair has been seen to slink up from behind 
when its mate was sitting on a low perch, and then reach 
up to knock the perching bird’s foot from under it, with 
evident malicious enjoyment. 

But in all these varied manifestations of emotion, birds 
still differ in a fundamental way from ourselves. Being 
without the power of conceptual thought, their emotion, 
while occupying their life with a completeness which is 
perhaps rarer with us, is not linked up with the future or 
the past as in a human mind. Their fear is just fear: it is 
not the fear of death, nor can it anticipate pain, nor become 
an ingredient of a lasting ‘complex.’ They cannot worry 
or torment themselves. When the fear-situation is past, 
the fear just disappears. So, as we have seen, with their 
maternal instincts. The bird mother is not concerned 
with the fate of an individual offspring, as a human mother 
would be concerned about Johnny’s career or Tommy’s 
poor health. She is concerned just to give vent to her 



instincts impersonally, as it were; and when the young 
grow up and her inner physiology changes, there is no 
intellectual framework making a continuing personal or 
individual interest possible. 

That indeed is the greatest difference between the bird 
and ourselves. We, whether we want to or not, cannot 
help living within the framework of a continuing life. 
Our powers of thought and imagination bind up the pre- 
sent with the future and the past: the bird’s life is almost 
wholly a patchwork, a series of self-sufficing moments. 




I. Methods in Social Science 

S cience, in the more restricted sense in which it is nor- 
mally employed in English-speaking countries, is that 
activity by which to-day we attain the great bulk of our 
knowledge of and control over the facts of nature. This 
activity, like other human activities, has developed and 
evolved, and by no means all the stages in its evolution 
have merited the title of scientific. In remote prehistoric 
times, our early ancestors worked by trial and error com- 
bined with simple, intuitive common-sense. This pre- 
scientific approach, however, was combined with the non- 
scientific methods of control that we call magic, and equally 
non-scientific rationalizations in the field of explanation. 

Once agriculture had given 1 the possibility of settled 
civilizations, with written record and specialized social 
classes, the hand-to-mouth methods of common-sense 
could be replaced by something much more scientific. 
Science was born — witness the astronomy and geometry 
of ancient Mesopotamia and Egypt. But science in 
this phase was still, to our modern view, unscientific in 
two major aspects — it was traditional and it was esoteric. 
Scientific knowledge was confined to a limited group among 
the priesthood and it was cast in a mould of tradition 
which rendered change and progress slow. Being associ- 
ated with the priesthood, it was also intimately bound up 
with non-scientific practice and non-scientific interpreta- 
tion — magic and theology. 



The era of groping trial and error lasted from the first 
dawn of essentially human intelligence, as marked by true 
speech, to the beginnings of settled civilization — perhaps 
a million, perhaps half a million years. The next, or 
traditional-esoteric phase, lasted for thousands instead ot 
hundreds of thousands of years. After some three or four 
millennia, the Greeks suddenly burst free of the prison of 
secrecy and traditionalism and proclaimed the freedom of 
intellectual inquiry. The ‘birth of science* is usually 
fathered on them, but the assumption is only a half-truth. 
At best, their achievement was the acquisition of freedom 
and self-consciousness by the scientific spirit, not the 
emergence of a wholly new activity called science. And 
secondly, the type of science which it inaugurated differed 
radically from modern science in several respects. It was 
almost entirely divorced from industry and practical appli- 
cation; it was exceedingly speculative and did not lay the 
same stress on experimental verification as we do; and, 
correlated with this, it had not invented the modern 
methodology of publication of the data and methods used, 
as well as the conclusions reached. 

A few centuries later, the combination of Greek intel- 
lect and ingenuity with the practical spirit of the Roman 
imperium made Alexandrian science something much 
more like modern science in outlook and methods of work- 
ing. But this was swallowed up in the anti-scientific 
Christian flood and the general collapse of Roman civil- 

During the Dark Ages in the West, the Arabs kept the 
scientific spirit alive, and by means of their mathematical 
inventions paved the way for, immense improvements in 
the technique of scientific research. 



Natural science, in its modern form, can fairly be said 
to date back no further than the seventeenth century. 
With Bacon as its St John the Baptist, it developed its 
gospel and its ministry. Curipsity for its own sake, but 
also interest in industrial techniques and practical control ; 
freedom of inquiry; experimental verification in place of 
authority; full publication and abundant discussion — 
with these a truly new phase was inaugurated. 

To-day it seems that we are again in the process of 
launching a new phase of science — one in which social as 
well as natural phenomena are to be made amenable to 
scientific understanding and rational control. 

As with natural science, social science too has had its 
earlier stages. It too passed through the stage of trial and 
error, in which social organization shaped itself under the 
influence of unconscious adjustment together with non- 
rational rules of conduct and non-scientific interpretations 
of human destiny. It also had its traditional phases, often 
tightly bound up with philosophical and theological inter- 
pretative principles, as, for example, in the climax of the 
Middle Ages. And it has had its birth of free speculative 
inquiry, parallel to the Greek phase of natural science — 
but two thousand years later, in the philosophers of the 
seventeenth and especially the eighteenth century. 

Finally, its modern stage now dawning has had, like the 
modern stage of natural science, its scattered precursors, 
its Roger Bacons and Leonardos — and it has had its pre- 
cursor in the restricted sense, its equivalent of Francis 
Bacon in the Renaissance. Many, I am sure, would put 
Herbert Spencer in this position; but I believe that the 
true John the Baptist of social science is Karl Marx. Her- 
bert Spencer, for all his academic knowledge, or perhaps 



because of it, was more in the position of an Old Testa- 
ment prophet. His work was essentially analogical. He 
demonstrated that social science was an inevitable develop- 
ment; but his notions of what form it would actually take 
and what methods it should employ were vague and 
essentially erroneous. 

Marx, on the other hand, developed a system directly 
based on social facts and directly applicable to them. 
He did not just prophesy a Messiah ; he indicated the 
Messiah. As natural scientists tend to undervalue Bacon 
because he himself did not make discoveries or work out 
experimental techniques, so social scientists tend to under- 
rate Marx because his system is a dialectical one, ready- 
made and complete with answer to any problem, not 
sufficiently empirical and inductive for their scientific 
taste. But at least Marx, like Bacon, gave expression to 
a new outlook and a new method of attack, and helped 
materially to alter the intellectual climate so as to make it 
propitious for scientific work in his field. 

The question immediately poses itself as to why the 
emergence of social science into large-scale and efficient 
operation has been so long delayed. The triumphs of 
natural science, both in discovering radically new know- 
ledge and in applying it practically to satisfy human needs, 
have been so spectacular and so fruitful that it would seem 
natural and obvious to extend the same methods to the 
field of social phenomena. 

The answer is a very simple one: the methods are not 
the same. The scientific spirit remains unaltered whether 
it is contemplating a nebula or a baby, a field of wheat or a 
trades union. But the methodology of social science is 
inevitably different from that of natural science. It is 



different and must be different for one basic reason — the 
investigator is inside instead of outside his material. Man 
cannot investigate man by the same methods by which he 
investigates external rature. He can use the methods of 
natural science to investigate certain aspects of man — the 
structure and working of his body, for instance, or the 
mode of his heredity; but that is because these are shared 
with other organisms and because they are partial aspects 
which can be readily externalized. But when he starts 
investigating human motive, his own motives are involved; 
when he studies human society, he is himself part of a 
social structure. 

What consequences does this basic difference imply? 
In the first place, man must here be his own guinea-pig. 
But this is impossible in the strict sense, for he is unable to 
make fully controlled experiments. Even if an absolute 
despot were to subject a group of people to rigorous ex- 
perimentation — by depriving them of alcohol, for instance, 
or by adopting a new form of education — the results would 
have only a limited application. The smallness of the 
group, the compulsion involved, the inevitable limitations 
on the contacts and full social activity of the group, would 
make it impossible to apply the results directly to an entire 
normal society, however regimented. And the difficulties 
are of course enormously greater in any free society. 

A second, more technical difficulty is in a sense a con- 
sequence of the first. Causation in social science is never 
simple and single as in physics or biology, but always 
multiple and complex. It is of course true that one-to-one 
causation is an artificial affair, only to be unearthed by 
isolating phenomena from their total background. None 
the less, this method is the most powerful weapon in the 



armoury of natural science: it disentangles the chaotic 
field of influence and reduces it to a series of single causes, 
each of which can then be given due weight when the 
isolates are put back into their natural interrelatedness, or 
when they are deliberately combined into new complexes 
unknown in nature. 

‘This method of analysis is impossible in social science. 
Multiple causation here is irreducible. The difficulty is a 
twofold one. In the first place, the human mind is always 
looking for single causes for phenomena. The very idea 
of multiple causation is not only difficult, but definitely 
antipathetic. And secondly, even when the social scien- 
tist has overcome this resistance, extreme practical diffi- 
culties remain. Somehow he must disentangle the single 
causes from the multiple field of which they form an in- 
separable part. And for this a new technique is necessary. 

Next, and in many ways even more important than the 
first two together, comes the question of bias. Under this 
head I include anything appertaining to the investigator 
which may deflect his scientific judgment. It is the equi- 
valent of experimental and observational error in natural 
science. In natural science, there are statistical methods 
for discounting both sampling error and personal error; 
the limits of accurate measurement are determined for 
different types of instrument; the procedure of controlled 
experimentation has been reduced to a fine art. The pro- 
cedure of the discounting of error in natural science by 
these methods has proved difficult enough. But to dis- 
cover how to discount bias in social science is proving 
very much harder. 

Then there is the inherent genetic bias imposed by his 
own temperament. For certain purposes, investigators in 



social science are their own instruments to a very great 
extent, and in a way unknown in natural science — and the 
individual instruments differ in their very construction. 

Next we have the bias introduced by the peculiar psy- 
chological development of human beings. They can only 
resolve their inevitable conflicts during childhood and 
adolescence by relegating a great deal to their unconscious, 
whether by the psychological mechanism of suppression or 
that of repression. Roughly speaking, the former intro- 
duces bias by leaving gaps in a person’s knowledge and 
outlook, whereas in the latter the gaps are accompanied by 
strong emotional distortions and resistances. The scien- 
tific study of sex, for instance, has been much retarded by 
repressional bias — witness the reception originally given 
to Havelock Ellis’s great work and the extraordinary re- 
sistance still offered to Freud’s ideas. 

Bias of this type has the additional danger that those 
who make an effort to discount it may readily swing into 
over-compensation — a bias of opposite sign. The in- 
vestigator whose youth was tormented by intolerant re- 
ligion is apt to discount the social importance of religion 
far too much; the convert to Freudian methods is liable, 
in discounting his own early sexual repressions, to under- 
estimate the social value of repression in general. 

Bias has also been encountered in natural science, but 
only when its findings come up against emotionally held 
convictions — only, that is, when it has had social entangle- 
ments. We may cite the prohibition of anatomical dissec- 
tion, the proscription of Galileo’s findings, the hostility to 
the Darwinian theory, the Nazi distortion of racial an- 
thropology, the Soviet attack on modern genetics. The 
present course of general anti-scientific feeling, so notice- 



able during the past decade, has been due in part to a 
general feeling that scientific findings, by sapping the 
traditional view of man’s place in the universe and in 
society, are undermining the basis of ordered society. 

Finally, there comes the most fundamental difference 
of all. Values are deliberately excluded from the purview 
of natural science: values and all that they connote of 
motive, emotion, qualitative hierarchy and the rest con- 
stitute some of the most important data with which the 
social scientist must deal. But how can science deal with 
them? Science must aim at quantitative treatment: how 
can it deal with the irreducible absolutes of quality? 
Science must be morally neutral and dispassionate: how 
can the social scientist handle the ethical bases of morality, 
the motives of passion ? 

Let us be frank with ourselves. There is a sense in 
which, because of this qualitative difference between its 
data and those of natural science, social science can never 
become fully and rigorously scientific. To understand 
and describe a system involving values is impossible with- 
out some judgment of values, and still more impossible 
without such value-judgment is the other scientific func- 
tion, that of control. 

However, this is not quite so serious as at first sight 
appears. Even in natural science, regarded as pure know- 
ledge, one value-judgment is implicit — belief in the value 
of truth. And where natural science passes into control, a 
whole scale of values is involved. The application of 
natural science is guided by considerations of utility — 
utility for profit, for war, for food-production, for health, 
for amusement, for education. The application of science 
through the instrument of laisser-fairc economic systems 



has brought us to a position at which we are being forcibly 
reminded that these different utilities may conflict. 

Put in another way, this is because natural science, by 
the fact of being applied, becomes a social problem and so 
a subject for social science. In social science, to set up a 
new value-system is in certain ways analogous to advancing 
a new hypothesis in natural science, and to demonstrate 
that such a new system is desirable or necessary is to 
discover and formulate some of the Maws of nature’ for 
the coming phase of social evolution. 

Thus, rather crudely, we may say that in respect of the 
problem of values, social science in its aspect of knowledge 
is faced by the same difficulties as is natural science in its 
aspect of control. The difficulty is thus in a sense an arti- 
ficial one. Its consideration has reminded us that natural 
science is not such a pure disembodied activity as is often 
assumed. Language is in part responsible for the assump- 
tion. There is no such thing as natural science per se . 
The phrase is a shorthand description of those activities of 
human beings which are concerned with understanding and 
controlling their natural environment. And, just as simple 
one-to-one causation is a fiction, only approximated to in 
artificially isolated systems, so the emancipation of natural 
science from considerations of value is a fiction, approxi- 
mated to by the possibility of temporarily and artificially 
isolating scientific activity from other human activities. 

The essential differences between natural and social 
science thus boil down to this — that the phenomena with 
which the latter deals are less readily isolated, and that as 
an activity it is more closely entangled with human values. 
These differences, however, even if only qualitative, are 
very real, and it remains true that social science must 



develop its own methodology if it is to become an efficient 

In regard to multiple causation, we may look forward 
to an extended use of techniques of mathematical correla- 
tion. These have already been developed to a high pitch 
for dealing with problems of multiple causation in physical 
science, and special methods have been worked out by 
Spearman and his school for dealing with psychological 
questions. The use of probability methods is also indi- 
cated. Here again, these have been developed to a high 
pitch for use in natural science. Mathematical methods 
also enter into another technique which is now being 
rapidly developed in social science, that of the question- 
naire, and especially the set of questions asked by the 
trained interviewer. The questionnaire method is widely 
used, but the reluctance or inability of large sections of the 
public to fill up its elaborate forms restricts its sphere and 
impairs its sampling accuracy. The success of the method 
in this form depends chiefly on two things — the proper 
framing of the questions and the obtaining of a truly repre- 
sentative sample of the population to answer them. 

Some questions do not admit of a significant answer, or 
any answer at all; others will defeat their own ends by 
influencing the form of the answer. In any case, the 
method of questioning a representative sample of a large 
population can only be applied to a restricted set of pro- 
blems, though within limitations it may become extremely 
efficient. The modern scientific public opinion poll, 
indeed, is developing such uncanny accuracy that it is 
infringing upon practical politics. Some people are ask- 
ing whether a properly conducted straw ballot could not 
be profitably substituted for the trouble and expense of a 



full election; while others feel that the announcement of 
a straw vote may itself influence the course of the subse- 
quent election. 

Psychologists are busy devising modifications of the 
questionnaire method so as to build up objective rating 
scales (objective, that is, for the population of which the 
questionees are a representative sample) for various value- 
judgments. In addition, they are essaying to assess the 
distribution 'among the population of various human 
qualities. Intelligence-testing has long been practised, 
and is now approaching full scientific validity. Attempts 
are also being made to assess temperament and even more 
elusive qualities. The method of Mass Observation con- 
stitutes an attempt to attain objective information on 
various aspects of public opinion and behaviour which 
elude the method of yes-and-no questioning. Inquiries 
may concern the reaction of the public to a particular 
place, like the Zoo or the National Gallery; to a particular 
event, like the Coronation; to a particular activity, such 
as smoking or the time of rising ; or to a general situation, 
like that of war. In some cases, composite pictures which 
could have been obtained in no other way have resulted 
from the use of this method. But in general its technique, 
both as regards sampling and questioning, will have to be 
refined a good deal before it can claim to be scientifically 

Another set of methods which are being developed to 
cope with the complexity of social problems are those of 
anonymous group working, repeated drafting, and cir- 
culation of the preliminary draft results for comment and 
criticism. A combination of all three seems to yield the 
best results when tackling large and many-sided problems, ♦ 



such as the structure of a national agency like a health ser- 
vice or a big industry like steel or agriculture, the organiz- 
ation of leisure, or international adjustments. 

Joint work is on the increase in natural science, but here 
largely because of the quantitative burden of routine pro- 
cedures in subjects like biochemistry or genetics. We 
may distinguish such work from true group work, using 
the term group in the sense of a body of people pooling 
their different knowledges and skills to cope with quali- 
tatively differentiated problems. Group work in this sense 
is also to be found in natural science, as when geneticists, 
ecologists and statisticians make a united attack on some 
problem of micro-evolution. But it is far more necessary 
in social science, where various bodies, such as P.E.P., 
are studying how to perfect it as a research method. 
Anonymity is often desirable in group work to enable 
the participation of public servants or well-known men 
whose opinions might be distorted or discounted in ad- 
vance. It may also be desirable, for an essentially opposite 
reason, to give the weight of a recognized study organiza- 
tion to the work of young and unknown men whose 
findings would otherwise tend to be disregarded. In both 
these ways anonymous group working, in addition to 
securing greater efficiency, helps to discount bias of one 
sort or another. 

Provided that a good drafter is available, together with a 
chairman and a small core of members who will give 
regular attendance, group membership can be fluid, and 
specialists invited for one or a few meetings as required. 

Repeated drafting is a substitute for experimentation in 
problems where the experimental attack is ruled out. As 
soon as a preliminary survey has been made of the problem 

2 33 


in its entirety, a draft is circulated for discussion at the 
next meeting. The gaps and errors thus brought to light 
form the subject of the next period of work, when the pro- 
cess is repeated. Three, four, or even more complete 
drafts may be required before publishable conclusions are 
reached, just as new sets of experiments must be planned 
and executed to deal with tentative conclusions and new 
facts arising in a piece of research in natural science, 
before it can be written up. 

Some or all of the successive drafts may also be cir- 
culated to a comparatively large number of outside experts 
for written criticism. The collation of such comments 
often brings to light new details and unexpected points of 
view which the group, in its preoccupation with its own 
trend of thought, has overlooked. It affords a method of 
enlarging the group without the time-consuming business 
of large-scale discussion. 

In other cases, the actual investigator may be a single 
man, while the group element is provided by interviews 
and by circulation of drafts. This method is best adapted 
to problems which are of large geographical scale and local 
diversity, though it may also be used for those which are 
qualitatively diversified in themselves. 

It may be expected that the working out of various 
techniques made necessary by the nature of the data of 
social science will have fruitful repercussions in certain 
fields of natural science, such as evolution and comparative 
biological study in general, where the present bias in 
favour of experimental work and specific results is leaving 
vast bodies of published data awaiting the synthetic treat- 
ment which only organized group attack can provide. 

I have already mentioned certain substitutes for the 



controlled experimentation of the natural sciences. But 
experimentation as a method is not ruled out in social 
science, though it must take different forms. Regional or 
group experimentation is the most obvious method. Two 
regions or groups are chosen which are as similar as 
possible, and certain measures are introduced in the one, 
while the other serves as control. The Carlisle experi- 
ment on liquor control in Britain was an early essay in this 
method, but unfortunately it has been allowed to drag on 
without any serious attempts to draw theoretical conclu- 
sions or to frame practical policies on the basis of its 
operation. The T.V.A. in America is perhaps the largest 
social experiment ever undertaken, at any rate in a non- 
totalitarian country. The area involved, however, is so 
large that strict controls are difficult to find. 

As the spirit of scientific planning extends with govern- 
ment, we may expect to see regional experiments tried out 
in many fields. Medical and health services would afford 
another excellent field. The social results of cheap electric 
power could be made the subject of local experiments 
much more rigorous than that of the T.V.A. Different 
methods of developing backward tropical territories — by 
international or national chartered companies, by public 
works schemes under the local administration, by the 
establishment of co-operatives— could and should be made 
the subject of carefully planned regional experiments. 

The fact that in social science man is his own guinea-pig 
has a number of methodological consequences, both for 
social science research and for its practical applications. 
The social scientist often requires true co-operation from 
his material in the sense of understanding of the reason for 
his work and voluntary participation in its course. Educa- 



tion as a social experiment can never succeed without 
properly equipped teachers, specially trained in pedagogy. 
The interview method will give entirely misleading results 
without interviewers skilled in the technique of their job. 

In the field of application, propaganda and public rela- 
tions may be of prime importance. A good example is the 
cancer campaign recently instituted in the United States. 
Cancer has been presented to the public in such a way as to 
create a real interest in it as a social problem, and the public 
is collaborating in the attack upon it. The vast problem of 
malnutrition will never be solved unless the public is made 
to take a similar interest in it. The British Medical Asso- 
ciation has made a beginning in this field with its milk 
campaign ; but it is a beginning only. 

In general the whole technique of propaganda, per- 
suasion, and public relations needs the most intensive 
study before the findings of science can be socially applied. 
When does propaganda defeat its own ends by setting up 
counter-resistance ? What are the relative values of reiter- 
ation and of variety of appeal ? Of the printed word, the 
poster, the cinema, or the radio ? Of rational persuasion 
as against mere suggestibility? Of intellectual compre- 
hension as against a sense of active participation? We 
simply do not know, and until we know, our progress 
towards efficient social structure and a fuller life will be 
fitful and slow. In many ways, the enlistment of public 
co-operation is to social science what the enlistment of 
capital investment is to natural science: it provides 
motive power for application. . 

There remains the question of bias. In this there is no 
ready method to hand. It took generations for natural 
science to work out the technique of discounting ex!peri- 



mental and observational error; it will take generations for 
social science to work out that of discounting the errors due 
to bias. The first step is obviously to make the world aware 
of the existence of bias and of the need for its discounting. 
Where human affairs are still handled in a pre-scientific 
spirit, bias is apt to play a very large practical r6le, especi- 
ally the bias in favour of one’s own group, whether class, 
religion or race. Such bias produces powerful rationaliza- 
tions, which are then used to justify policies of the merest 
self-interest. The enslavement of negroes was justified 
on the basis of the scriptural authority for the menial 
destiny jof the sons of Ham ; the brutalities of the Nazi 
Jew-baitings on that of the racial superiority of 4 Aryans.* 
The group bias of the prosperous classes in early nine- 
teenth-century England appeared in astonishing asser- 
tions about the inherent inferiority of 4 the poor*; the 
same bias is evident in certain aspects of the eugenics 
movement to-day. 

Another widespread and disastrous form of bias arises 
from psychological conflict and tension. Censoriousness 
in respect of moral taboos, the desire to see the infliction 
of vindictive punishment, the unconscious reluctance of 
many parents to see the harsh school discipline under 
which they suffered replaced by humaner methods, the 
emotional basis of militarism — all these and many other 
undesirable determiners of human conduct are the result 
of bias arising from repression or emotional conflict and 
the inflicting of lasting distortion on the psyche. 

In these fields, bias is thus an urgent subject for investi- 
gation by social science, and the application here will lie in 
making its findings universally known and accepted by 
the public in general and by administrators in particular. 

2 37 


But even in scientific circles bias may play a surprisingly 
large part. A good example was the resistance of the 
great majority of medical men during the early part of the 
last war to admitting any cause for breakdown among 
soldiers save physical shell-shock and malingering. And 
the uncritical assumption, even among scrupulously care- 
ful persons, that differences in intelligence between social 
classes were genetic and not due to nutrition or other 
social factors, is another. Again, we have the thesis of 
anthropologists like L^vy-Bruhl, that savage mentality is 
in some way qualitatively different from and inferior to our 
own, whereas it is in fact essentially similar, but operating 
in different material and social conditions. 

No golden rule can be laid down for the avoidance of 
such pitfalls, apart from the obvious step of realizing that 
they exist. Beyond that, special methods must be worked 
out in each field. 

Voices are still raised proclaiming that social science is 
a contradiction in terms, that human affairs are not intrin- 
sically amenable to the scientific method. Those who 
hold this opinion are, I believe, wrong. They are confus- 
ing the methods of natural science with scientific method 
in general. Social science differs inevitably from natural 
science in many important respects, notably in its lesser 
capacity for isolating problems, and more generally in its 
lesser degree of isolation from other aspects of human 
activity and its consequent greater entanglement with 
problems of value. It must therefore work out its own 
technique and its own methodology, just as natural science 
had to do after Bacon and the eager amateurs of the seven- 
teenth century had glimpsed natural science as a new form 
of human activity. 

* 3 8 


Let us not forget that the working out of this technique 
and this methodology by natural science took a great deal 
of time and is indeed still progressing. During the growth 
of modern science, the amateur has been largely replaced 
by the professional; university laboratories have been 
supplemented by governmental and industrial institu- 
tions ; whole-time research has become a new profession ; 
the team has in many types of work replaced the indi- 
vidual; co-operative group work is beginning; and the 
large-scale planning of research is in the offing. 

Finally, the enormous growth of applied science has 
had effects of the utmost importance on pure research. It 
has done so partly by providing new instruments which 
would otherwise have been unavailable; one need only 
instance the gifts of the wireless industry not only to pure 
physics but to such unexpected branches of science as 
nervous physiology. And partly by suggesting new lines 
of research, the needs of wireless have again revealed new 
facts concerning the upper atmosphere, while the study of 
plant pests and human diseases has brought to light new 
modes of evolution. 

We need have no fear for the future of social science. 
It too will pass through similar phases from its present 
infancy. By the time that the profession of social science, 
pure and applied, includes as many men and women as are 
now engaged in natural science, it will have solved its 
major problems of new methods, and the results it has 
achieved will have altered the whole intellectual climate. 
As the barber-surgeon of the Middle Ages has given place 
to the medical man of to-day, with his elaborate scientific 
training, so the essentially amateur politician and adminis- 
trator of to-day will have been replaced by a new type of 



professional man, with specialized training. Life will go 
on against a background of social science. Society will 
have begun to develop a brain. 

II. The Biological Analogy 

Writers and philosophers have often attempted to illu- 
minate human affairs by means of biological analogies. 
Shakespeare, in Coriolanus , drew the analogy between the 
human body and the body politic in Menenius* speech on 
the body and its members. Herbert Spencer’s work is 
shot through with the premise that human biology is but 
an extension of biology sensu stricto , and that, accordingly, 
biological analogies will in general have validity. Various 
German philosophers during the latter half of the past 
century justified war on the basis of the Darwinian concep- 
tion of the struggle for existence, and the apostles of 
laisser-fairc in Britain found support for economic indi- 
vidualism in the same doctrine. Socialists, on the other 
hand, have pointed to the fact of mutual aid in nature, as 
set forth by Kropotkin. Analogies with the social organ- 
ization of ants and bees have been used, according to taste 
and prejudice, to glorify or to attack the doctrines of 
human collectivism. The Marxist thesis of progress being 
achieved through a reconciliation of opposites, only to lead 
to a new antithesis, which in turn paves the way for a new 
synthesis, is customarily documented in the works of 
communist philosophers by examples from biological 

It is interesting to ask ourselves precisely what validity 
resides in this method of extending biological principles 
by analogy into human affairs. At the outset, it is clear 



that analogy, unless applied with the greatest caution, is a 
dangerous tool. This is clear to the modern scientist, but 
it has not always been so. Indeed, to put too great a bur- 
den on the back of analogy is a fundamental temptation of 
the human mind, and is at the base of the most unscientific 
practices and beliefs, including almost all magical ritual 
and much of supernaturalist superstition. During the last 
millennium, moralists, theologians and scholastic phil- 
osophers have often regarded analogy, even of the most 
far-fetched kind, as the equivalent of proof. 

Has analogy, then, no part to play in scientific thought ? 
Far from it. Analogy is in the majority of cases the clue 
which guides the scientific explorer towards radically new 
discoveries, the light which serves as first indication of a 
distant region habitable by thought. The analogy with 
waves in water guided physics to the classical wave-theory 
of light. The analogy with human competition, after play- 
ing an important role in Darwinian theory (did not Darwin 
arrive at the theory of natural selection from his reading of 
Malthus ?), was transferred by Wilhelm Roux to a smaller 
sphere, the struggle of the parts within the individual. 

But analogy may very readily mislead. Weismann 
sought to apply this same analogy of intra-organismal 
struggle and selection to the units df heredity; but the 
analogy happens not to hold good. The analogy of a 
stream of particles misled Newton as to the nature of light. 

Analogy thus provides clues, but they may easily be 
false clues ; it provides light, but the light may be a will- 
of-the-wisp. However pretty, however seductive, analogy 
remains analogy and never constitutes proof. It throws 
out suggestions, which must be tested before we can speak 
of demonstration. 




But if non-scientists often overrate the importance of 
analogy, scientists themselves tend to be over-cautious and 
to underrate its potential value. Its value is especially 
great when the analogy is one between closely related sub- 
jects. The analogy between the evolution of different 
groups of animals is often surprisingly close, for the simple 
reason that both the material and the conditions are essen- 
tially similar throughout. None the less, unpredictable 
results are not infrequent. The adaptive radiation of the 
marsupials in Australia was in its broad lines similar 
to that of the placentals in the rest of the world; but 
the placentals never developed large jumpers like the 
kangaroo, and, conversely, the marsupials produced no 
quick runners like horse or antelope, and no freshwater 
fish-eaters like the otter. Again, the parallelism in the 
social evolution of the quite unrelated ants and termites is 
truly astonishing; yet the termites have never produced 
grain-storers or slave-makers, while the ants have no 
system of second-grade queens in reserve. 

One further caveat before we pursue the biological an- 
alysis of man’s social existence. Human societies, though 
indubitably organic, are unlike any animal organism in the 
mode of their reproduction. Strictly speaking, they do 
not usually reproduce at all, but merely perpetuate them- 
selves. They exhibit no process of fertilization between 
living gametes, no distinction between mortal body and 
immortal germ-plasm. They continue indefinitely by the 
aggregate reproduction of their component individuals. 
In their development, change of structural and functional 
pattern can be dissociated from growth in a way impos- 
sible to a developing animal, and social heredity operates 
via cultural transmission, not by the physical transmission 



of material potencies of development. On the other hand, 
the separation of phylogeny and ontogeny, the develop- 
ment of the race and the development of the individu al, 
which is so evident in higher animals, is blurred in social 
development to such an extent that the two often coincide. 

All analogies between the birth, development and death 
of civilizations or nations and of animal organisms must be 
very heavily discounted because of this fundamental differ- 
ence in the mode of their reproduction and inheritance. 

Now, with these facts in mind, let us look at some of 
the biological analogies that lie near to hand. In the first 
place, there is the analogy between the societies of insects 
and those of man. This, however obvious and however 
often applied, must be rejected out of hand. The two rest 
on different bases — those of ants, bees and termites on the 
fixity of instinct, those of man on the plasticity of intelli- 
gence. For this reason man cannot and will not ever 
develop specialized castes, with functions predetermined 
by heredity, nor will human society ever work with the 
machine-like smoothness of an ant-hill or a termitary. 
Furthermore, we must qot expect that in man the altru- 
istic instincts will ever become predominant: as Haldane 
has demonstrated, this can only occur when neuter castes 
of workers or soldiers exist. Altruism in man must be 
fostered by education and given fuller play by appropriate 
social machinery; it cannot be implanted once and for all 
by heredity. 

The next analogy to be considered is that between the 
body of a higher animal and human society. This has 
taken two main forms. In the one, the analogy is drawn 
between the main classes of society and the main organ- 
systems of the body, or, going a little further into detail, 



between the specialized functions of various agencies of 
social existence — trade, government, war, education and 
so forth — and those of particular bodily organs. In the 
other, which has been attempted only since the discovery 
of the cell and the rise of the cell-theory, the cell within the 
body is compared to the individual within society. An 
extension of this second analogy bridges the gap between 
it and the first: instead of the individual cell, attention is 
concentrated on the different types of cells and the differ- 
ent resultant tissues of the body; and these, rather than 
the still more complex organs, each composed of numer- 
ous tissues, are compared with the various specialized 
trades and professions in human society. 

In assessing the value and limitations of these analyses, 
we must begin by recalling the basic difference between 
the animal body and human society, namely, the far 
greater subordination of the parts to the whole in the 
former. This is especially important for the comparison 
between cells and human individuals. The difference 
here is the same basic one as that between the castes of a 
social insect society and the specialized aptitudes of human 
beings, but pushed to a much greater length. The cells 
of the body are irrevocably specialized during early de- 
velopment, and their divergent specialization is far greater 
than that between even a queen and a soldier termite. 
Without embryological study, no one could guess that a 
nerve-cell, with its long nerve-fibre and its branching den- 
drites, a sperm, with condensed head and motile tail, and 
a fat-cell, an inert lump crowded with globules of reserve 
fat-stores, were all modifications of a single common type. 
Altruism, in the sense of sacrifice of the unit for the good 
of the whole, has also been carried to a milch higher pitch. 



As with drone bees, only one out of many sperms can ever 
perform its fertilizing function; but the ratio is one to many 
tens of millions, instead of one to a few hundreds. The 
cells of the outer skin have no other function than to be 
converted into dead horny plates, constantly shed and as 
constantly renewed ; the red blood-cells lose their nuclei 
before being capable of exerting their oxygen-carrying 
function, and have a life much more limited even than 
that of worker bees. Units may even be pooled. The 
giant nerve-fibres of cuttlefish are the joint product of 
numerous united nerve-cells; our own striped muscle- 
fibres are vast super-units, comparable with a perman- 
ently united tug-of-war team. 

In terms of biologically higher and lower, there is thus 
a radical difference between cells and human beings. Both 
are biological individuals which form part of more complex 
individualities. Cells are first-order individuals, bodies 
second-order ones, and human societies (like hydroid 
colonies or bee-hives) third-order ones. But whereas the 
individuality of the body of a higher animal, be it cuttle- 
fish, insect or vertebrate, is far more developed than that 
of its constituent cells, that of a human society is far less 
so than that of its individual units. 

This fact, while it makes the analogy between cell and 
human individual almost worthless, is of great value itself 
as a biological analogy, since it immediately exposes the 
fallacy of all social theories, like those of Fascism and 
National Socialism, which exalt the State above the in- 

A book could be written on the subject of analogies be- 
tween biological organisms and society. One with pecu- 
liar relevance to-day is the tendency, repeated over and 



over again in evolution, for types to specialize on the 
development of brute strength coupled with formidable 
offensive or defensive weapons, only to be superseded by 
other types which had concentrated on efficiency of gen- 
eral organization, and especially on the efficiency of the 
brain. The outstanding example is the supersession of 
the formidable reptiles of the late Mesozoic by the appar- 
ently insignificant mammals of the period. 

This phenomenon is often somewhat misinterpreted 
as the replacement of specialized by generalized types. 
There is an element of truth in this idea, but the fact is 
often lost sight of that the successful generalized type 
always owes its success to some improvement in basic 
organization. Such improvements in general organiza- 
tion are specializations, but they are all-round specializa- 
tions, whereas what are usually called specializations are 
one-sided. This distinction contains the kernel of what is 
probably the most important of our biological analogies — 
the analogy concerning desirable and undesirable direc- 
tions of change. 

A detailed analysis of type of evolutionary change shows 
that some of them can legitimately be called progressive, 
in the sense that they constitute part of a steady advance 
on the part of living matter toward a greater control over 
and independence of its environment. Only a small and 
steadily diminishing fraction of life participates in pro- 
gressive change. 

Each step in progress is constituted by all-round 
specialization — an improvement in general organization ; 
one-sided specialization always leads into an evolutionary 
blind alley. 

Here I have only space to mention the two types of 


change which have been most important in the later phases 
of evolutionary progress. One is the development of 
mechanisms for regulating the internal environment of an 
animal, and so making it more largely independent of 
changes in external environment or better able to pass 
from one type of activity to another. The other is the 
improvement of the mechanisms for obtaining and utiliz- 
ing knowledge of the environment, which in its later 
stages, after the efficiency of sense-organs had reached its 
limit, has been brought about by improvement in brain 

The biological analogy from the former is obvious. It 
provides the most abundant justification for the abandon- 
ment of laisser-faire in favour of social and economic plan- 
ning : but the planning must be designed to give society an 
internal environment which shall be both stable in essen- 
tials and flexible in detail, and to enable it to undertake the 
greatest diversity of functions with the least dislocation. 

The biological analogy from brain evolution is, how- 
ever, even more illuminating. As animal evolution con- 
tinued, the avenues of progress were cut off one by one. 
Changes that had been progressive in their time were ex- 
ploited to the full and reached the limit of their potential- 
ities. Mere bulk of body had reached its limit in the 
dinosaurs during the Mesozoic, some sixty million years 
ago. Ten or twenty million years later, temperature-regu- 
lation in certain animal forms had been perfected. The 
exploitation of the insectan type of social life by ants was 
over about twenty-five million years back, and ants have 
not evolved since. 

Similarly, the number of the groups which might share 
in progressive change steadily narrowed down. Groups 



like the echinoderms were soon eliminated owing to their 
headlessness; then the great phylum of molluscs, through 
defects in general organization ; then the insects, through 
their limited size. Only the vertebrates remained. The 
cold-blooded forms were eliminated by the biological in- 
vention of temperature-regulation ; the birds, by their over- 
specialization for flight; the marsupials, by their greatly 
inferior reproductive mechanism. Among the placentals, 
now sole repositories of potential advance, the majority of 
lines cut themselves off from progress by one-sided special- 
ization. Only the arboreal primates escaped, since their 
mode of life left teeth and limbs unspecialized, while de- 
manding greater efficiency in the highest sense of all, vision, 
and greater correlation between hand and eye. This ~orre- 
lation meant improvement in brain structure, which spilled 
over in the form of increased educability and awareness. 
Finally, all the primate lines but one wandered into blind 
alleys, becoming over-specialized for tree life. Only the 
one stock which early redescended to the ground and con- 
centrated on all-round adaptability remained potentially 
progressive — man. The human species has now become 
the only branch of life in which and by which further sub- 
stantial evolutionary progress can possibly be realized. 
And it has achieved this enviable, but at the same time 
intensely responsible, position solely by concentrating on 
brain as against other organs as its line of specialization. 

This evolution of brain, as the one inexhaustible or at 
least unexhausted source of progress, thus demands our 
closest attention as a biological analogy for social affairs. 
With some simplification, the process of brain evolution in 
vertebrates is resolvable into two main steps — first, the 
addition of two centres of correlation in different parts of 



the brain, one for the correlation of sensory knowledge, 
the other for the correlation of action, and of course with 
the two centres united by communicating cables. This 
is the stage arrived at in fish. The next step was the pro- 
vision of a further quite new centre of correlation, super- 
imposed on the previous mechanism. This organ of 
ultimate adjustment and control consists of the cerebral 
hemispheres, which are wholly unrepresented in the lowest 
vertebrates. Its essential exchange mechanism consists of 
the cerebral cortex. So far as we know, the cortex, in spite 
of all localizations and functional specializations within it, 
always acts as a whole, in the sense that its activity can be 
thought of as a complex field which is altered in its total 
functioning by any alteration in any of its parts. 

The final step between ape and man is marked by the 
great enlargement of those areas of the brain which have 
the least specialized function — the so-called association 
areas, which lie between the regions wherein are localized 
the reception of relayed sensory information and the emis- 
sion of executive messages for action. It is this, it seems, 
which has made possible self-consciousness and true con- 
ceptual thought. 

During the course of their evolution, the cerebral hemi- 
spheres increased from zero to a mass which exceeds that of 
all the rest of the central nervous system taken together, 
and became one of the larger organs of the body. 

Our brain analogy undoubtedly illuminates the social 
problem in an extremely valuable way. In the first place, 
the highest stage of evolution in this respect which has as 
yet been reached by any society is, by biological standards, 
extremely primitive. It corresponds with a quite early 
stage in the development of cerebral hemispheres and cor- 



tex: higher than that of a fish, but certainly not beyond 
that found in reptiles. Before humanity can obtain on the 
collective level that degree of foresight, control, and flexi- 
bility which on the biological level is at the disposal of 
human individuals, it must multiply at least tenfold, per- 
haps fiftyfold, the proportion of ihdividuals and organiza- 
tions devoted to obtaining information, to planning, cor- 
relation, and the flexible control of execution. The chief 
increases are needed in respect of correlation and planning 
and of social self-consciousness. In these respects, wholly 
new social organs must be evolved, whose nature we can 
only envisage in the most general terms. 

In respect of planning and correlation, we can dimly 
perceive that some large single central organization must 
be superposed on the more primitive system of separate 
government departments and other single-function organ- 
izations; and that this, like the cerebral cortex, must be at 
one and the same time unified and functionally specialized. 
It will thus contain units concerned with particular social 
and economic functions, but the bulk of its personnel will 
be occupied in studying and effecting the interrelations 
between these various functions. 

As regards social self-consciousness, the course of evo- 
lution must be quite different. Newspapers and books, 
radio, universal education — these and other points of 
technological and social advance have given us, in primi- 
tive form, the mechanisms needed. At the moment, how- 
ever, they are being, in the light of biological analogy, 
largely misapplied. Education stops dead for most people 
in early adolescence, and concerns itself mainly with pro- 
viding specialized techniques, together with a froth of 
obsolescent ‘culture.’ The cinema to-day is primarily an 



escape mechanism. Newspapers distort the balance of 
truth in the service of political or financial interests, and 
are driven by competition for advertising into sensation- 
mongering. The radio is as yet essentially a collection of 
scraps, a functional patchwork. Art as a communal func- 
tion is moribund and needs to be recreated on a new social 
basis. Religion is in a similar position, and much of the 
population no longer feels its influence. 

The first need is to recognize that, in this increasingly 
complex world, a free country cannot exist, let alone find 
satisfaction, without being self-conscious, and all the agen- 
cies of public opinion must be moulded to this end. A 
self-conscious society would be one in which every indi- 
vidual comprehended the aims of society, his own part in 
the whole, the possibilities of intellectual, artistic and 
moral satisfaction open to him, his role in the collective 
knowledge and will. But for this, as for correlation or 
planned control, the most elaborate organization is re- 

Meanwhile our social planners would undoubtedly 
benefit from a study of the evolution of individuality in 
animals, and still more from an intensive course in the 
comparative neurology of vertebrates. 



W ho really is who? Who, indeed? JVho's IVho 
should provide the answer, at least so far as concerns 
society’s collective Who in Britain. The trouble is that 
the answer is so collective, so formidably vast. The 
present edition runs to 3694 pages of entries, involving 
something like 30,000 miniature biographies. 

Obviously there are numerous methods for approaching 
our problem of who really is who, and why. As a scien- 
tist, I fed that the quantitative method should first be 
given a chance. There are plenty of interesting questions 
to which it could provide an answer. For instance: — 
How many foreigners does the editor admit within the 
British precinct? In what proportion are the different 
professions and occupations represented in this Annual 
Hall of Fame ? Are these proportions sensibly different 
for the British-born and the foreigners ? What relation, if 
any, does length of entry bear to degree of eminence? 
What are the proportions of the sexes, both in bulk and 
detail ? 

I cannot claim to have penetrated very far along this 
road, but I have made a beginning. I have taken a random 
sample of over two hundred names, under a couple of 
letters of the alphabet, and present a few facts resulting 
from its preliminary analysis. 

The Army, to my surprise, comes an easy first, with 34 
entries out of 222. The mere fact of belonging to the 



Aristocracy tics for second place with Religion — 19 each. 
Literature also accounts for 19, but only when it is en- 
larged by journalism and publishing. Then come Foreign 
and Imperial administration, including the diplomatic and 
consular services (17); Finance and Business (16); Science 
and Engineering (15); representatives of academic learn- 
ing in other fields than science (14); Home politics and 
administration (13); the Navy, surprisingly low, with 12; 
Medicine (10); the Fine Arts, Music, and Architecture 
(8); Education (8); Miscellaneous (7); Law (6); the 
Air Force and Aviation in general (3) ; and last the Drama, 
including both acting and management, with only 2. (The 
Miscellaneous, by the way, include a food expert, a girl- 
guide organizer, and a traveller.) 

The male sex-ratio is very high. In fact, there are only 
6 women in the sample, or less than 3 per cent., and 4 of 
these are in literature. 

Non-Britishers are much more generously treated than 
mere females, there being 26 of them. Ten of these are 
from the United States, 9 are Hindus, 4 Europeans, 
2 from the British Dominions, and one is a native 

However, the selection of representatives of foreign 
countries is curiously haphazard. For instance, Heming- 
way is in, but not Faulkner; Sherwood Anderson, but not 
Stark Young; William Beebe, but not Thomas Barbour; 
Lindbergh, but not Professor Piccard; Frankie Buchman 
of the Oxford Groups, but not Aimde Semple MacPherson ; 
Edith Wharton, but not Gertrude Stein ; Charles Seltzer 
(author of The Boss of the Lazy T ’, etc., etc.), but not 
Christopher Morley; Mary Garden, but not Lawrence 
Tibbett; General Smuts, but not General Botha; Ethel 



Barrymore, but not Ruth Draper ; the Abb6 Dimnet, but 
not Ogden Nash. ... It is all very mysterious. 

This quantitative method of study is capable of almost 
indefinite extension. In fact, it might be good for the 
progress of science if for a year, say, our army of socio- 
logists were to relinquish all other research, and make a 
vast co-operative study, intensive, extensive, and com- 
parative, of the ‘Who's Whos' of the world. 

There is the question of Clubs, for instance. What sort 
of men are those without a single club, and those who be- 
long to more than one ? Is there as much correlation as is 
popularly supposed between clubs and professions — the 
Athenaeum and the upper ranges of an ecclesiastical career, 
for instance, or the Authors' and the practice of literature? 
There is further the question of recreation. What sort of 
men, on the average, are they who have no recreations, or 
at least do not record them ? Of what type are the com- 
paratively rare few who comply with editorial request and 
insert their motor-car numbers ? What types of men and 
women omit to state their ages ? 

On all these and many other points of absorbing interest 
Who's Who could provide an answer if only sociological 
science would undertake the research. Unfortunately, 
the statistical labour involved is too great for an unaided 
worker, and I must pass on to the less precise but none the 
less absorbing facts to be gained by the merely qualitative 
methods of browsing and pouncing. 

I cannot pretend, for example, to any precision of result 
on the question of length of entry. For a considerable 
time, I thought that the record was held by Nicholas 
Murray Butler — a proud position for a foreigner to hold 
among alien hosts! But he is exceeded, by another Bu y 



curiously enough — Sir Ernest Wallis Budge, the archaeo- 
logist, who runs to 165 lines against N. M. B.'s 135 (and 
this in spite of the list of the latter's foreign orders running 
to 20 lines). 

However, it is true that the United States entries tend 
to be on the long side. Professor Rice of the Peabody 
Museum gets (or perhaps one should say takes) 108 lines: 
by the way, he achieves what appears to be a record in the 
matter of club memberships, listing 22 (as against the 
mere 16 of Will Hays). Harry Elmer Barnes has 106; 
Irving Fisher 89 (as against H. A. L. Fisher's humble 42). 
That is three American ‘centenarians': among other 
nationals I can find but one — Monsieur Bouchor, French 
artist (102); and in the ranks of the far more numerous 
British I can only trace seven. 

By way of contrast with these long entries we find that 
even Mr H. G. Wells's formidable list of publications (he 
does not, however, cite his articles) only gives him 84 lines, 
while Shaw has 65; Mussolini and General Smuts are 
content with 32, the Rockefellers, Sen. and Jun., with 29 
and 18 respectively, Lloyd George with 21, Franklin 
Roosevelt with 18. However, for real restraint give me 
Stalin. Let me quote his entry in full: 

STALIN, Joseph Vissarionovich Djugashirli [surely, by the 
way, this is one of fVho's fVho's rare misprints: should it not be ‘ 
Djugashvili ?], b. Gori, Tiflis Province, 1879; m. Nadejda 
Sergeyevna Alleluya(d. 1932); twoc. Address: The Kremlin, 
Moscow, Russia. 

I suppose, however, this entry is an editorial produc- 
tion. For personal modesty give me Professor Griquard, 
who, though he once divided the Nobel Prize for Chemistry, 
takes up but 5 lines. I like too his publication: — ‘Traits 

2 55 

dc Chimic Organique (io vols.), commenccra k paraitre 
Cn I934/ 

No, the correspondence between length of eptry and 
degree of eminence is not high. It is, however, doubtless 
positive: I should put the coefficient of correlation at 
about o*2, perhaps 0*3. 

One curious point is the stern, almost puritanical, atti- 
tude taken up by the Editors to the theatre and the screen. 
Charlie Chaplin and Douglas Fairbanks get reasonable 
entries. The only producers I can find are Alexander 
Korda and Jesse Lasky. Mary Pickford and George 
Arliss receive 8 lines each, and the Garbo 5 ; but Marlene 
Dietrich, Norma Shearer, Marion Davies, Jean Harlow, 
Katharine Hepburn, and even Mae West are absent, as 
are Clark Gable, Gilbert, Cagney, and all four of the Marx 
Brothers. Even on the stage, and the British stage at that, 
there are curious gaps: for instance, I can’t find Leslie 
Howard, Diana Wynyard, or Elsa Lanchester. 

This is the only general criticism I have of this very 
great work. No one can, or at least ought to, deny that 
Norma Shearer, Cecil de Mille, or Harpo Marx are most 
definitely WHO, much more so than professors and 
second-rate novelists, or the hordes of Brigadier-Generals 
and Archdeacons. 

Another gap concerns royalty. There is a sort of proem 
concerning the British Royal Family, but nothing what- 
ever concerning other monarchs, which seems a pity, and 
also illogical. Even ex-kings, however much in the public 
eye, are omitted. The only exceptions to the rule are sub- 
ject kings, like the King of Buganda. 

Of course, the most obvious source of interest for the 
reviewer is to be found under Recreations . For years 



George Bernard Shaw’s ‘anything except sport’ has been 
a classic mot . The Sitwells live up to their reputation for 
demanding public notice. Osbert recreates himself by 
‘entertaining the rich and charity generally’; Sacheverell 
by ‘model aeroplanes, plats rdgionaux, improvisation, the 
bull-ring.’ Edith has no specific recreation, but she makes 
up for this by giving her antipathies: ‘in early youth took 
an intense dislike to simplicity, morris-dancing, a sense 
of humour, and every kind of sport except reviewer-bait- 
ing, and has continued these distastes ever since.’ 

The Sitwellian sense of satire is further illuminated by 
such entries as this of Sacheverell’s, ‘ educ. Eton Coll.; 
Balliol College, Oxford. Left latter owing to continued 
success of Gilbert and Sullivan season at, Oxford ; mainly 
self-educated.’ Or, even more, by Osbert’s 'educ. during 
the holidays from Eton . . . was put down for M.C.C. on 
day of birth by W. G. Grace, but has now abandoned all 
other athletic interests in order to urge the adoption of 
new sports such as: Pelota, Kif-Kif, and the Pengo 
(especially the latter).’ Considering the high cost of com- 
position, ought not the editors to undertake some cuttinp 
in cases such as this ? 

Among the recreations of the great are these: — Naomi 
Mitchison, ‘hitting back’; E. S. P. Haynes, ‘divorce law 
reform’; Sir Denison Ross, ‘languages’ (such busmen’s 
holidays are frequent); Evelyn Underhill, the writer 
on mysticism, ‘ talking to cats ’; Benito Mussolini, ‘vio- 
lino, equitazione, scherma, automobilismo, aviazione’; 
A. M. Low, the writer on popular science, ‘the encourage- 
ment of scientific research’; Sir William Bowden, the 
newspaper proprietor, ‘ lecturing for charitable and educa- 
tional purposes’ (golly ! but this is not unique — Professor 



Henderson of the University of North Carolina, lists 
simply ‘public lecturing’); Senator Gogarty of the Irish 
Free State, ‘archery and aviation’— delightful combina- 
tion; the Rev. Hon. E. Lyttelton, late Headmaster of 
Eton, ‘scenery’ (this is curiously rare; perhaps many 
people include it under travel ) ; Sean O’Casey, sweepingly 
and, it seems to me, rather rashly, ‘everything except 
work’; M. E. G. Sebastian, D.S.O., British Consular 
Service, ‘needlework’; Athene Seyler, ‘walking, talking.’ 
It is an interesting commentary on the social conventions 
that whereas music is set down quite commonly, and at least 
Ernest Hemingway has had the courage to include drinking , 
nowhere can I find either gambling or women as a recreation. 

Often the biographies include fascinating facts. A 
hint that Epstein may possess an inferiority complex is 
given by the remark that his work on the British Medical 
Association, though ‘attacked by newspapers, religious 
bodies, etc., was defended by Times' It is pleasant to 
know that J. D. Rockefeller senior has given away more 
than $500,000,000 in charity. It is also pleasant that in 
these days of specialization such a paragon of versatility 
can exist as Dr Satischandra Bagchi, Principal of the Uni- 
versity Law College at Calcutta, who, in addition to numer- 
ous legal works, notably on the ‘Juristic Personality of 
Hindu Deities,’ has written books on ‘The Mathematics 
of Transformation and Quantum Theory’; ‘Rabelais’; 
and ‘ Morality in Art,’ besides translating French stories 
into Bengali. 

It is tempting to browse on. Almost every page has its 
rewards. The clergyman whose recreations are caricature 
and philately; the fact that Marie Stopes mentions her 
marriage to her first husband, but that he does not men- 



tion the fact of his marriage to Marie Stopes; the omission 
by H. G. Wells of any mention of the first marriage for 
which in his autobiography he finds so much space; the 
fact that neither Sir Charles Sherrington nor Miss Ethel 
M. Dell give their ages. . . . But I must refrain. 

Who's Who is a great work. It is not only so useful as 
to be all but indispensable; not only, as I have tried to 
point out, one of the world’s most valuable source-books 
in sociology; but also contains more interesting speci- 
mens of what are usually known as ‘human documents’ 
than any other work in existence. And if you think the 
price is high, reflect that it works out at less than a farthing 
per closely printed page — far cheaper than a novel. 




W hat arc the aims before humanism ? One phrase, to 
my mind, really contains them all : to have life and 
to have it more abundantly. Although, like all one-phrase 
programmes, this needs amplification and definition, it 
proclaims at the outset the humanist's main creed: that 
the sole source of values which we know of in the universe 
is the commerce between mind and matter that we call 
human life, for it generates not only our standard of 
values but the experiences, objects, and ideas which are 
of highest concrete value in themselves ; that life as a whole 
is more important than any single part or product of life; 
and that since life, however complex, is essentially one, it 
is false to give absolute predominance to any system of 
ideas or conduct, to any one aspect of life. 

A humanism that is also scientific sees man endowed 
with infinite powers of control should he care to exercise 
them. More importantly, in the perspective of scien- 
tific knowledge it sees man against his true background — 
a background of the irresponsible matter and energy of 
which he is himself composed, of the long and blind evolu- 
tion of which he is himself a product. Humanity thus 
appears as a very peculiar phenomenon — a fraction of the 
universal world-stuff which, as result of long processes of 
change and strife, has been made conscious of itself and 
of its relations with the rest of the world-stuff, capable of 
desiring, feeling, judging, and planning. It is an experi- 



mcnt of the universe in rational self-consciousness. (So 
far as we are yet aware, it is the only such experiment; 
but that is a matter of secondary importance.) Any value 
which it has apart from its selfish value to itself resides 
in this fact. 

The apprehension of values depends upon a balancing 
of motives and ideas; a standard of values demands con- 
ceptual thought. Even the highest animals have only the 
barest rudiment of such possibilities. But once man, by 
the aid of language, could think abstract thoughts, a new 
framework was generated, a framework as important to 
mental life as the skeletal framework to bodily life — the 
framework of universals and ideals. This is an immediate 
by-product of language and logic. It is impossible to 
pronounce the simplest judgment — ‘this is true,’ or ‘that 
is not true* — without implicitly setting up a category of 
abstract truth. Once you can argue whether an action is 
right or wrong, you presuppose ar ideal of rightness. You 
may not consciously envisage such ideals, but your own or 
others’ logic will sooner or later lead you to them. The 
humanist sees no other absolute quality in truth or good- 
ness than this. 

The actual way in which these abstract ideas are applied 
as standards of value is subject to change. The ideas 
about truth held by a believer in verbal inspiration must 
be different from those of one trained in the methods of 
philosophy or of mathematical physics. Just as the bodily 
skeleton was moulded and improved during the course of 
its evolution, so this spiritual framework grows and is 

The different emphasis laid upon this world and the 
next, for instance, has produced very different measuring 



rods for goodness in the minds of the medieval theologian 
and the modern social worker. Again, many religious 
minds have found acceptance of a fixed creed the highest 
good, because they believe it the only avenue to salvation. 
To the evolutionist, who knows the variety but incom- 
pleteness of life, and the necessity for change, this good 
turns to bad. These universals are but frameworks. To 
revert to our metaphor, they resemble the archetypal plans 
of construction of this or that animal organ which have no 
concrete existence (save in the pages of zoological text- 
books), but yet underlie and in part determine the con- 
struction of every actual organ. The archetypal plan of 
vertebrate skeleton could be pinched and pulled to sup- 
port a flying or a swimming or a running creature. The 
framework of our abstract and universal ideas can be 
practically moulded in a not dissimilar adaptive way. 

In the course of its evolution, human life comes to gen- 
erate new experiences, new ways of living and of expres- 
sion, which are concretely of value in themselves ; in this 
way new qualities and also new heights of value are at- 
tained. Stoicism was the means of giving the world a 
new type of character. Dante’s ‘Vita Nuova’ was the ex- 
pression of a new way of love between man and woman 
which in previous ages had not been possible. The trans- 
ference of the sense of supreme sacredness from fear to 
love, accomplished by Jesus, led man to wholly new levels 
of religious value. Pure knowledge has absolute value: 
and in the intellectual comprehension of the world about 
us given by Newton, by Darwin, or by the latest discoveries 
in astrophysics, science has produced something new and 
valuable. Beethoven in his posthumous quartets and 
other late works produced something wholly new in the 



world; it is not new knowledge of the external world but 
knowledge of new capabilities of the human spirit — new 
experience. In all such cases, of course, others may not 
be capable of appreciating the new-found value, may not 
wish to employ it. But the value has been created; it is 
there, waiting to be used. 

One of the functions of humanity in its evolutionary 
experiment is thus, it seems, the creating of new experi- 
ences of value, in any and every realm, from character to 
pure intellect, from religion to art. 

As a matter of history, the course of events in this pro- 
gressive change of framework and progressive realization 
of new value has so far been rather a curious one. At the 
risk of over-simplification, I may put it thus. In primi- 
tive man, and in many of the uneducated to-day, different 
values are not much thought about or analysed, but just 
accepted. Each separate activity, as it happens to come 
along, is instinctively valued for its immediate satisfaction. 
Further, since the value of many later and complex human 
experiences cannot be felt by a mind which is not trained 
or not set in a certain direction (I do not suppose you 
could ever get a Masai warrior to see that there was ‘any- 
thing in’ the Vita Nuova, any more than a wholly un- 
trained mind could be thrilled by reading the latest 
cosmogony by Jeans or Eddington), the experiences re- 
garded as valuable are themselves more primitive. 

A large part of early man's values must have been con- 
cerned with physiological satisfaction, his life a series of 
activities only very partially related in thought, his various 
mental activities existing in more or less ‘thought-tight* 
compartments. But just because he was not too logical, 
and because he was endowed with a variety of instinctive 



impulses, his life, though on a low level, was full and 

Man’s intellectual faculties, hovering protectively over 
his naked feelings and desires, have doubtless always done 
something to cloak them with the respectability of reason 
— or at least of reasons. But in the beginnings of society 
this rationalizing power must have been very incomplete 
and unco-ordinated. With settled civilization, the reflec- 
tive mind had new leisure and new opportunities. The 
result was apparent in the various theological and philo- 
sophical schemes, aiming at some degree of logic and 
completeness, which have characterized the last three or 
four thousand years. 

It was as if the human spirit, growing more fully con- 
scious of itself, its needs and it's defects, its strange isola- 
tion in an incomprehensible and often hostile world, felt 
the imperative need of some support, some framework of 
authority outside the individual and, if possible, outside 
the species, some relief from vague fears and speculations 
by means of clear-cut explanations. 

The support may have been needful; but it was in 
danger of becoming a prison. Abstract thought can be so 
devastating just because it is general, because of its ap- 
parent absoluteness. There is no gainsaying logic. Once 
you cease to have the saving grace of humility, and believe 
fhat you possess any final or definitive knowledge of the 
nature of things, whether off your own bat, or conferred 
by external grace of revelation, you are doomed if you 
make the appeal to logic. Your premises are bound to be 
incomplete; and the inaccuracy, multiplied by the chain 
of levers which logic provides from particular to general, 
at the last assumes portentous proportions. 



If men really believed the medieval Christian scheme, 
they were bound to be intolerant, bound to persecute and 
establish inquisitions. If you really believe that kingship 
or marriage or the decalogue was divinely ordained, you 
cannot help drawing certain practical conclusions which 
will in time put you in violent opposition to the humanist 
view on such subjects. 

The period of human evolution which we may call the 
period of the great theological religions was from this 
point of view one in which perplexed human beings, in 
their struggle with the outer world, with other human 
beings, and most of all with the tortuous inconsistencies 
and treacheries of the human spirit, found much-needed 
help in the fixity of generalized schemes of thought. They 
discovered that they could gain support from abstract 
ideas such as of reason or justice ; from unattainable but 
absolute ideals, as of goodness or truth; from the un- 
assailable logic of complete schemes of creation and salva- 
tion. The externalizing of the compulsive but changeable 
inner voice of impulse and conscience in outer authority and 
codes of divine revelation was another method of finding 
support, and the psychological trickery involved in this pro- 
jection of inner feeling into outer sanction was so simple 
and natural to untutored thinking that it passed unnoticed. 

But the method had its inevitable defects. Grateful 
support could become imperceptibly converted into cramp- 
ing rigidity. The inevitable slight pre-eminence given 
to this or that quality in the original scheme of thought 
could become magnified by logic into an entire one-sided- 
ness. The general and abstract could be taken for the 
absolute and complete, and so the way barred to novelty 
or fresh achievements. 



In the last half-millennium there has been a change. 
Thought has not only attacked the rigidity of the old 
schemes but has also devoted itself to new creation. The 
absoluteness and externality of the old frameworks are 
gone. Scientific law, for instance, is no longer regarded as 
the transcription of some prodigious code laid up in heaven, 
but as the most convenient way in which our human in- 
tellect can sum up the controllable aspects of phenomena. 

The new attack has at last invaded the citadel itself. 
No longer can we set matter against life; or life against 
mind; or mind against spirit, as two essentially different 

The time is beginning to ripen in which we can attempt 
to recover a greater elasticity of our framework by going 
back to the beginning, to the nature of things and the 
nature of man as seen in the light of new knowledge, and 
by building up our scheme anew. This new humanism, 
if we attempt it, must in the first place try to do justice to 
the variety of human nature and refrain from giving pre- 
eminence to any one aspect — a task which demands a 
difficult combination of altruism and tolerance. It must 
attempt to do justice to our incompleteness, and to the 
constant change in knowledge and outlook which we must 
hope for. This demands a sacrifice almost intolerable to 
certain minds — the sacrifice of certitude. It must finally 
attempt to provide some real and strong framework of 
support, and so prevent the exaggerated individualism, 
the social disintegration, and the tolerance that turns to 
indifferentism, which have characterized other humanistic 
periods such as the early Roman Empire or the Renais- 

But humanism, with the aid of the picture given by 


science, can achieve a framework strong enough for sup- 
port. In the light of evolution, it can see an unlimited 
possibility of human betterment. And it can see that 
possibility as* a continuation of the long process of bio- 
logical betterment that went before the appearance of man. 
If humanism cannot have the fixed certitude of dogma, it 
can at least have a certitude of direction and aim. The 
altruistic forces of human nature need not be restricted to 
isolated acts of doing good. They can harness themselves 
for the task, inspiring because of its very size, of slowly 
moving mankind along the upward evolutionary path. 

The other certitude it can lay claim to is the certitude of 
its own values. They cannot be disputed — they are simply 
experienced. Anyone who has experienced the illumina- 
tion of new knowledge, or the ecstasy of poetry or music, 
or the deliberate subordination of self to something greater, 
or the self-abandonment of falling in love, or complete 
physical well-being, or the intense satisfaction of a difficult 
task achieved, or has had a mystical experience, knows 
that they are in some way valuable for their own sakes be- 
yond ordinary everyday satisfactions, such as being just 
moderately fit, earning one’s own living, or filling one’s 
belly. We must see to it that our pursuit of these experi- 
ences does not conflict with other sides of our nature, or 
with other human beings ; here again what is absolute in 
its own right is purely relative within the general scheme. 
But the values are there and are real, and there is some 
general consensus as to their scale of grading. The 
difficulty for many minds is that these values are of our 
own generating, not in any way endowed with external 
authority. But in the religious sphere was it not Jesus who 
laid down once and for all that the kingdom of heaven is 



within us ? And if we abandon the idea of external certi- 
tude in regard to scientific law, we need not worry about 
doing so for our scheme of values. 

At the present moment we have no policy of values such 
as, at least in theory, the Middle Ages possessed. The 
world is but limited in size; yet we permit this or that 
incomplete idea to go spreading patchily over its surface, 
almost without reference to what else it may make im- 
possible. If there is one thing which is obvious, it surely 
is that economic aims are not a final end in themselves. 
To be prosperous is a prerequisite to innumerable other 
activities; but prosperity is not the chief measure by 
which we should judge success. The same applies to the 
quantitative mania for which American cities have been 
famous, but from which no nation is really exempt — the 
mania which assumes that what matters is the number of 
people in a town irrespective of their qualities or what they 
are doing, the amount of money spent on a building irre- 
spective of its beauty, and so on. 

Without any general scheme of values, we take a whole 
series of human needs and aims in turn, pretend that each 
is somehow absolute, try to push it to its logical conclusion, 
and then let them all fight it out. In the resultant chaos, 
of course, many other subtler values languish. 

Let us take population. The value of human life be- 
comes so absolute that it is murder to put away a deformed 
mpnster at birth, and criminal to suggest euthanasia; and 
we push on with our reduction of infant mortality until we 
save an excess of cripples and defectives from which to 
breed. The enhanced control that is in our hands and the 
fact that much of the world is actually filling up are at last 
giving us pause. The Indian mortality rate could doubt- 



less be reduced by half — but what would you do with the 
increased population ? Even if you bring huge areas of 
arid Indian land under irrigation and cultivation, it is only 
a matter of a generation or so before the new vacant space 
will be overrun by new population on the same low level 
of prosperity, health, and education as the old. Have you 
done any good by causing more babies to live and so 
creating greater population-pressure, or by opening up 
new land to be filled at once by the human flood ? Might 
it not have been better to have left the death side of nature’s 
population-control to itself until we had some future policy 
for dealing simultaneously with birth? or to have kept 
some open spaces in reserve until there was some better 
reason for filling them? At the moment, most people 
do not even put such questions, much less try to answer 

In England the tiny size of the country has at last forced 
us to ask ourselves questions of this kind. Here again, 
we have let each partial aim be carried out without refer- 
ence to a general policy and are suddenly awaking to the 
fact that they are all cutting each other’s throats. At last 
we have begun to ask what we want to live for, and to 
realize that the intangible values must be planned and 
worked for as much as the tangible ones, that there are 
people to whom solitude and wild nature provide some of 
the highest values in their lives, as there are others to 
whom social intercourse is the greatest pleasure. 

Humanism thus would try to plan its limited physical 
environment so that within it different values are balanced 
and do not conflict too. disastrously. This is a fairly ob- 
vious step to take. But a subtler reaction of the humanist 
point of view will be its influence upon our equally limited 



individual lives. With the decay of rigid codes, rigid 
schemes of valuation, rigid ideas of externally imposed 
law, we need be much less the victims of consistency. 

There is value in logical thought ; so there is in mystical 
experience. Because for the moment we cannot intellectu- 
ally grasp why the mystical experience is of value, we need 
not reject it, any more than we need reject the value of 
logical thought because it does not give the peace or sense 
of completion produced by the mystical experience. 

Self-sacrifice and asceticism can be experienced as of 
the utmost value; so can self-expression or the fullest 
satisfaction of bodily needs. It is very difficult, however, 
for some people to think that they or anyone else can be 
genuine in deliberately practising what are loosely called 
self-denial and self-indulgence at different times. Yet so 
long as the impulse to either is genuine, both can be of 
value, and it is often only the demon of consistency which 
prevents us from achieving the needed genuineness of im- 
pulse. Both purge the soul and nourish it, though in 
different ways, and we have to accept that as fact instead 
of trying to explain it away by logic. Even should we 
eventually choose one way or one activity as having 
supreme value for us, we must not deny the right of others 
to choose differently. And also we are not likely to prac- 
tise our choice well unless we have had experience of other 
activities. It is no coincidence that many saints, like 
Augustine or Francis, began by tasting the variety of 
life’s ordinary joys to the full. 

Do not let it be supposed that I am preaching hedon- 
ism, even a spiritualized hedonism. Hedonism, like utili- 
tarianism, is another of those paper schemes, beautifully 
logical, that just are not true. The humanist, looking into 



human nature, must acknowledge that effort is often its 
own reward, that pain may be essential to development,, 
that limitation is frequently a prerequisite to achievement. 
He finds the desire for sacrifice and self-mortification just 
as natural and almost as widespread as the desire for 
achievement and self-assertion — and sees that the one 
tendency is just as dangerous and unpleasant as the other 
if indulged in the wrong way. 

And he sees, looking beyond man by the light of science, 
that all these qualities have their counterpart in biological 
evolution, and all seem necessary for the advancement of 
the evolutionary experiment. Sacrifice and self-assertion 
are both biological necessities in their place and time; 
without effort there could be no survival, without pain no 
surmounting of harm, without limitation of possibility no 
realization of actual biological success. 

The difference between human and biological affairs is 
that man, through his new powers of mind, has reached a 
new stage. From the purely biological standpoint, the 
main criteria are survival and reproduction. Man has 
entered a realm where things and experiences can have a 
supreme value in themselves even without subserving any 
purely biological needs. The love immortalized in the 
‘Vita Nuova’ has been spiritualized away from its original 
connection with reproduction. A life devoted to pure 
music or pure mathematics has no counterpart whatever 
among lower organisms. Up till now, most of the ener- 
gies of the human race have been devoted to the biological 
needs of individual and racial survival. But now we are 
at least able to envisage a future in which the control of 
environment provided by science will be so effective that 
only a small fraction of human energy need be devoted to 



merely biological ends. The rest will be free to satisfy 
itself as it wishes. One of the problems of the past has 
been to keep the sense of values unimpaired by disease, 
misery, and grinding poverty. A serious problem of the 
future will be how to keep values unimpaired by super- 
abundance of leisure. 

At the moment there are vast possibilities of values run- 
ning to waste because they are not harnessed, or because 
they are not even realized. The number of subtle and 
individual minds that find themselves unable to join whole- 
heartedly in any corporate organization is increasing; they 
find themselves over-individualized, incapable of experi- 
encing many of the values which come from losing self. 
The organizations in which the individual can lose him- 
self and taste self-sacrifice and corporate enhancement, 
are for the most part blatantly irrational like political 
parties, or committed to out-of-date or one-sided ideas 
like most of the churches; or, like public schools, they 
encourage crude and juvenile loyalties; or, as in the team- 
work of sport, they satisfy only a limited part of human 

One real task for humanism as I see it is to develop or- 
ganizations which shall satisfy the need for corporate 
action and loyalty — the desire we all have to feel of use — 
and shall provide an outlet for self-sacrifice as well as for 
intellectual aspirations. Mr Wells once sketched out such 
an organization in his ‘New Samurai.' The success they 
might have is foreshadowed by the success already attend- 
ing such imperfect adumbrations of the idea as the 
Boy Scouts or the various Youth Movements in Central 
Europe. I do not think it would be impossible to build up 
a scheme of the sort in connection with education,, though 



at present most people not already committed to organiza- 
tions are too much ashamed of showing enthusiasm in un- 
fashionable ways to begin planning along the proper lines 
and on the proper scale. 

The fact is that no community has ever yet set itself 
seriously to the task of scientific humanism. No nation 
has really attempted to think out what are the valuable 
things in life and the relations between them, or to work 
out the best means of realizing these values in fullest in- 
tensity and proper relative dosage. A few individual 
thinkers have tried their hands, but until society as a whole 
gets busy with the problem, individual attempts will have 
little effect. 

Is it possible to plan a body which shall engender en- 
thusiasm and canalize devotion after the fashion of a young 
religious order, but which shall not fall into the dangers 
of religious dogmatism and shall not by defects in its or- 
ganization slip into the conservatism or worldliness which 
is the usual fate of so many orders ? 

Is it possible to organize a body of opinion which shall 
combine the enthusiasm of a political party with the sus- 
pension of judgment of the scientific investigator? Is it 
possible during education to give the average boy and girl 
such a taste for various values — beauty in art, say, or 
beauty in nature — that they will cherish them throughout 
life ? At present we for the most part stuff them with facts 
so as quite to ruin their taste for knowledge, and we leave 
other values to look after themselves. It is the custom to 
say that modern psychology delights in revealing the most 
unsavoury motives to our most respectable actions. It 
was Freud himself, however, who said that if the average 
man is in some ways much more immoral than he suspects, 
K 2 73 


he is in others much more moral. There is, in fact, a 
reserve of the angelic in ordinary people which is unused 
and even unsuspected because it does not fit in with every- 
day ideas, because we most of us are subconsciously rather 
apologetic about such impractical and inconvenient ideal- 
isms. Is there a way of tapping this reserve of moral 
power without letting it loose in the form of irrational 
prejudice or wild fanaticism, moral, religious, or patriotic ? 
On these and hundreds of similar questions we are blankly 
ignorant. We build laboratories to test out how we can 
harness and concentrate electrical and chemical and me- 
chanical forces; but the corresponding problem of har- 
nessing and intensifying the latent powers and activities 
of human nature we have scarcely even begun to envisage. 

Scientific humanism is a protest against supernatural- 
ism: the human spirit, now in its individual, now in its 
corporate aspects, is the source of all values and the highest 
reality we know. It is a protest against one-sidedness and 
fixity: the human spirit has many sides and cannot be 
ruled by any single rule; nor can it be restrained from 
making new discoveries in the adventure of its evolution. 
It insists that the same scientific procedure can be applied 
to human life as has been applied with such success to 
lifeless matter and to animals and plants — scientific sur- 
vey, study, and analysis, followed by increasing practical 
control. It insists oh human values as the norms for our 
aims, but insists equally that they cannot adjust themselves 
in right perspective and emphasis except as part of the 
picture of the world provided by science. It realizes that 
human desires and aspirations are the motive power of 
life, but insists that no long-range or comprehensive aim 
of humanity can ever be realized except with the aid of 



the pedestrian and dispassionate methods, the systematic 
planning, the experimental testing which can be provided 
by science alone. 

At the moment a particular task of scientific humanism 
is to clarify its own ideas as to the limitations of the various 
activities of the human mind. To take but three, science, 
religion, and art. Science is a way of collecting and hand- 
ling experience of the controllable aspects of phenomena. 
Religion is a way of experiencing the impact of the outer 
universe on the personality as a whole; the universe and 
human personality being what they are, this way of experi- 
ence will always involve some feeling of sacredness. Art 
is a way of expressing some felt experience in communic- 
able form; and in a manner which always involves that 
most difficult of things to define, the aesthetic emotion. 
Each selects and correlates in its own special way out of 
the common flux of experience. Each tells you something 
about reality — science more about the external aspects of 
it which can be controlled either in thought or practice; 
religion more about the kingdom of heaven that is within 
us; art about the fusion of inner and outer in individual 
experiences of value in themselves. Each is limited in its 
scope and its bearings, but each can be universally applied., 

In my term ‘scientific humanism’ I have chosen to em- 
phasize science as against all the other human activities for 
a simple reason — that at the moment science is in danger 
of setting itself up as an external code or framework as did 
revealed religion in the past; and only by putting it in its 
rightful place in the humanist scheme shall we avoid this 
dangerous dualism. But if science must beware of trying 
to become a dictator, the other human activities must be- 
ware of the jealousy which would try to banish the upstart 



from their affairs. The only significance we can see attach- 
ing to man’s place in nature is that he is willy-nilly engaged 
in a gigantic evolutionary experiment by which life may at- 
tain to new levels of achievement and experience. Without 
the impersonal guidance and the efficient control provided 
by science, civilization will either stagnate or collapse, and 
human nature cannot make progress toward realizing its 
possible evolutionary destiny. 




R eligion, like any other subject, can be treated as an ob- 
jective problem, and studied by the method of science. 
The first step is to make a list of the ideas and practices 
associated with different religions — gods and demons, sac- 
rifice, prayer, belief in a future life, tabus and moral rules 
in this life. This, however, is but a first step. It is like 
making a collection of animals and plants, or a catalogue 
of minerals or other substances, with their properties and 
uses. Science always begins in this way, but it cannot stop 
at this level : it inevitably seeks to penetrate deeper and to 
make an analysis. 

This analysis may take two directions. It may seek for 
a further understanding of religion as it now exists, or it 
may adopt the historical method and search for an explan- 
ation of the present in the past. 

With regard to the historical approach, it is clear that 
religion, like other social activities, evolves. Further, its 
evolution is determined by two main kinds of factors. One 
is its own emotional and intellectual momentum, its inner 
logic: the other is the influence of the material and social 
conditions of the period. As an example of the first, take 
the tendency from polytheism towards monotheism : 
granted the theistic premise, this tendency seems almost 
inevitably to declare itself in the course of time. As ex- 
amples of the second, we have the fact of propitiatory sacri- 
fice related to helplessness in face of external nature. 



The comparative evolutionary study of religion brings 
out two or three main points. For instance, we have the 
original prevalence of magical ideas, and their application 
first to the practical activities of communal existence such 
as food-getting and war, and only later to the problems of 
personal salvation : and these in their turn come gradually 
to be dominated more by moral ideas and less by magic. 
In the sphere of theology we have the early prevalence of 
rambling myth, and its gradual crystallization into a fully 
rationalized system. In this domain too we see an inter- 
esting evolution from an early stage in which certain ob- 
jects, acts, and persons are supposed to be imbued with an 
impersonal sacred influence or mana , and a later stage at 
which this sacred influence is pushed back a stage and 
attributed to supernatural beings behind objects. 

Finally, there is the important fact that religious beliefs 
and practices have a very strong time-lag — a high degree 
of hysteresis, if you prefer a physical metaphor. 

We next have to ask ourselves what is the result of our 
other type of analysis of the nature of religion. In the 
most general terms, it is that religion is the product of a 
certain type of interaction between man and his environ- 
ment. It always involves an emotional component — the 
sense of sacredness. It always involves a more than in- 
tellectual belief — a sense of compulsive rightness. It is 
always concerned with human destiny, and with a way of 
life. It always brings the human being into some sort of 
felt relation with powers or agencies outside his personal 
self. It always involves some sort of escape from inner 
conflict. These different components may be very un- 
equally developed, but they are always present. 

Pushing the analysis a stage further, religion is seen as 


an attempt to come to terms with the irrational forces that 
affect man — some cosmic, some social, some personal. 
These terms may be terms of capitulation or of victory, of 
compromise or of escape. Here once more there is 
immense variety. 

A very important further point is this — that there is no 
single function of religion. We may class religious func- 
tions by their external points of reference or by their in- 
ternal origins. Externally, the first religious function is 
to place man in a satisfactory emotional relation with his 
non-human environment, regarded as outer destiny or 
fate. The second is to do the same for his social environ- 
ment; the third, to do the same for his personal actions. 

Looked at from the point of view of internal origin, 
the matter is much more complicated. One very import- 
ant religious function is that of rationalization — giving 
coherent explanations in rational terms for acts and feel- 
ings which arise from instinctive and therefore irrational 
sources. Another is that which we have already men- 
tioned, the desire for unity. These two between them 
provide the theological side of religions. 

More fundamental — since they provide the raw mate- 
rials on which the rationalizing and unifying urges act — 
are the purely emotional components. These fall under 
two main heads — the functions arising from conflict or 
reaction between the self and the outer world, and those 
arising from conflict or reaction between parts of the self. 

Among the former we may mention the need to escape 
from frustration and limitations; and the need for en- 
hancement of the actual, the gilding of the imperfect. At 
length we come to relations between parts of the self, 
which are the most potent of all in generating religious 

2 79 


reactions. Here we must take account of several basic 
facts of human mind. First there is the inevitability of 
conflict — a necessary consequence of man's mental make- 
up. Then there is the illimitable nature of desire and 
aspiration. Analogous to this last, but in the intellectual 
instead of the emotional sphere, is man's concept-forming 
activity, which inevitably gives rise to abstract terms like 
justice, truth, and beauty. These, being abstract, are 
empty; but illimitable desire perennially fills them with 
its imaginations. Then there is the fact of childhood re- 
pression, with its consequences, only now beginning to be 
realized by the world, of a burden of (often unconscious) 
guilt. Closely linked with this is the obsession of certi- 
tude. The mechanism of repression is an all-or-none 
mechanism : and the conscious accompaniment of such a 
mechanism is a subjective sense of certitude. 

Another very important function is to provide some- 
thing which is felt as eternal and unchanging (even though 
in reality it may merely be long-range and slow-changing) 
over against the limitations and changes of ordinary 

But I must not spend too much time on mere analysis. 
The next question is whether the scientific approach can 
throw any light on the present crisis in religion and its 
possible future solution. 

The particular situation that confronts the religion of 
western civilization is this. The concept of God has 
reached the limits of its usefulness: it cannot evolve fur- 
ther. Supernatural powers were created by man to carry 
the burden of religion. From diffuse magic mana to per- 
sonal spirits; from spirits to gods; from gods to God — 
so crudely speaking, the evolution has gone. The par- 



ticular phase of that evolution which concerns us is that of 
gods. In one period of our western civilization the gods 
were necessary fictions, useful hypotheses by which to live. 

But the gods are only necessary or useful in a certain 
phase of evolution. For gods to be of value to man, three 
things are necessary. The disasters of the outer world 
must still be sufficiently uncomprehended and uncon- 
trolled to be mysteriously alarming. Or else the beastli- 
ness and hopelessness of common life must be such as to 
preclude any pinning of faith to the improvement in this 
world: then God can, and social life cannot, provide the 
necessary escape-mechanism. The belief in magical power 
must still be current, even if it be in a refined or sublim- 
ated form. And the analytic exploration of his own mind 
by man must not be so advanced that he can no longer 
project and personify the unconscious forces of his Super- 
ego and his Id as beings external to himself. 

The advance of natural science, logic, and psychology 
has brought us to a stage at which God is no longer a 
useful hypothesis. Natural science has pushed God into 
an ever greater remoteness, until his function as ruler and 
dictator disappears and he becomes a mere first cause or 
vague general principle. The realization that magic is a 
false principle, and that control is to be achieved by 
science and its application, has removed the meaning 
from sacrificial ritual and petitionary prayer. The ana- 
lysis of the human mind, with the discovery of its powers 
of projection and wish-fulfilment, its hidden subconscious- 
ness and unrealized repressions, makes it unnecessary to 
believe that conversion and the like are due to any external 
spiritual power and unscientific to ascribe inner certitude 
to guidance by God. 



And theological logic, inevitably tending to unify and 
to universalize its ideas of the Divine, has resulted in a 
monotheism which is self-contradictory and incompre- 
hensible, and in some respects of less practical value than 
the polytheism which it replaced. 

If you grant theism of any sort, the logical outcome is 
monotheism. But why theism at all ? Why a belief in 
supernatural beings who stand in some relation to human 
destiny and human aspirations ? Theistic belief depends 
on man’s projection of his own ideas and feelings into 
nature: it is a personification of non-personal pheno- 
mena. Personification is God’s major premise. But it is 
a mere assumption, and one which, while serviceable 
enough in earlier times, is now seen not only to be un- 
warranted, but to raise more difficulties than it solves. 
Religion, to continue as an element of first-rate import- 
ance in the life of the community, must drop the idea of 
God or at least relegate it to a subordinate position, as 
has happened to the magical element in the past. God, 
equally with gods, angels, demons, spirits, and other small 
spiritual fry, is a human product, arising inevitably from a 
certain kind of ignorance and a certain degree of helpless- 
ness with regard to man’s external environment. 

With the substitution of knowledge for ignorance in 
his field, and the growth of control, both actually achieved 
and realized by thought as possible, God is simply fading 
away, as the Devil has faded before him, and the pantheons 
of the ancient world, and the nymphs and the local spirits. 

Peor and Baalim 

Forsake their temples dim . . . 

Milton wrote of the fading of all the pagan gods; and 



Milton’s God too is joining them in limbo. s God has 
become more remote and more incomprehensible, and, 
most important of all, of less practical use to men and 
women who want guidance and consolation in living 
their lives. A faint trace of God, half metaphysical 
and half magic, still broods over our world, like the 
smile of a cosmic Cheshire Cat. But the growth of 
psychological knowledge will rub even that from the 

However — and this is vital — the fading of God does 
not mean the end of religion. God’s disappearance is in 
the strictest sense of the word a theological process : and 
while theologies change, the religious impulses which 
gave them birth persist. 

The disappearance of God means a recasting of religion, 
and a recasting of a fundamental sort. It means the 
shouldering by man of ultimate responsibilities which he 
had previously pushed off on to God. 

What are these responsibilities which man must now 
assume? First, responsibility for carrying on in face of 
the world’s mystery and his own ignorance. In previous 
ages that burden was shifted on to divine inscrutability: 
‘God moves in a mysterious way.’ . . . Now we lay it to the 
account of our own ignorance, and face the possibility that 
ignorance of ultimates may, through the limitations of our 
nature, be permanent. 

Next, responsibility for the long-range control of des- 
tiny. That we can no longer shift on to God the Ruler. 
Much that theistic religion left to divine guidance remains 
out of our hands : but our knowledge gives us power of 
controlling our fate and that of the planet we inhabit, 
within wide limits. In a phrase, we are the trustees of the 



evolutionary process and, like all trustees, responsible for 
our trust. 

Thirdly and most urgently, responsibility for the im- 
mediate health and happiness of the species, for the en- 
hancement of life on this earth, now and in the immediate 
future. Poverty, slavery, ill-health, social misery, demo- 
cracy, kingship, this or that economic or political system 
— they do not inhere inevitably ih a divinely appointed 
order of things: they are phenomena to be understood 
and controlled in accordance with our desire, just as much 
as the phenomena of chemistry or electricity. 

Finally, there is the question of the immediate future of 
religion. Can science make any prophecy or offer any 
guidance in regard to this ? I think that within limits, it 
can. In the first place, by analysing the reasons for the 
breakdown of the traditional supernatural religious sys- 
tems of the West, it can point out that, unless the trend of 
history is reversed, the breakdown is an irremediable one. 
For it is due to the increase of our knowledge and control, 
the decrease of our ignorance and fear, in relation to man’s 
external environment — machinery, crop-production, phy- 
sical and chemical invention, floods, disease-germs — and 
unless science and technology disappear in a new Dark 
Age, this will persist. 

The collapse of supernaturalist theology has been ac- 
companied by the collapse, first of supernatural moral 
sanctions, and then of any absolute basis for morals. This 
too must be regarded as a process which, in the event of 
the continuance of civilization, is irreversible. 

We can, however, go further. We have seen that the 
breakdown of traditional religion has been brought about 
by the growth of man’s knowledge and control over his 



environment. But biologists distinguish between the ex- 
ternal and the internal environment. Our blood provides 
our tissues with an internal environment regulated to a 
nicety both as regards its temperature and its chemical 
constitution, whereas the blood of a sea-urchin affords ic 
such constancy. The organization of an ants* nest pro- 
vides for the species an internal environment of a social 
nature. And in contrast with the rapid increase of man’s 
knowledge of and control over his external environment, 
there has been little or no corresponding progress as re- 
gards the internal environment of his species. This is 
equally true in regard to the structure of society which 
provides the social environment for the individual and the 
race, and for the Complex of feelings and ideas which pro- 
vide the psychological environment in which the personal 
life of the individual is bathed. 

These two aspects of man’s internal environment of 
course interact and at points indeed unite — witness the 
field of social psychology : but for the most part they can 
be best considered from two very different angles — on the 
one side from the angle of economics, politics, law and 
sociology, on the other from the angle of psychological 
science. Not only have we as yet no adequate scientific 
knowledge or control over these phenomena, but our 
absence of control is causing widespread bewilderment. 
The common man to-day is distressed not only over his 
own sufferings, but at the spectacle of the helplessness of 
those in responsible positions in face of the maladjust- 
ments of the world’s economic and political machinery. 

In this field the fear of the uncomprehended, banished 
elsewhere, has once more entered human life. The fear is 
all the more deadly because the forces feared are of man’s 



own making. No longer can we blame the gods. The 
modern Prometheus has chained himself to the rock, and 
himself fostered the vulture which now gnaws his vitals : his 
last satisfaction, of defying the Olympian tyrant, is gone. 

The distress and the bewilderment are experienced as 
yet mainly in the more tangible realm of social and econ- 
omic organization: the mental stresses and distortions 
arising from the social maladjustment remain for the time 
being in the background of public consciousness. 

With the aid of our analysis of the nature and functions 
of religion, we can accordingly make certain definite asser- 
tions as to its future. The prophecy of science about the 
future of religion is that the religious impulse will become 
progressively more concerned with the organization of 
society — which, in the immediate future, will mean the 
organization of society on the basis of the nation or the 
regional group of nations. 

The process, of course, has already begun. Many 
observers have commented on the religious elements in 
Russian communism — the fanaticism, the insistence on 
orthodoxy, the violent ‘theological’ disputes, the ‘wor- 
ship’ of Lenin, the spirit of self-dedication, the persecu- 
tions, the common enthusiasm, the puritan element, the 
mass-emotions, the censorship. A very similar set of 
events is to be seen in Nazi Germany. In that country, of 
especial interest to the scientist and the student of com- 
parative religion are such phenomena as the falsification of 
history and anthropological theory in the interest of a 
theory of the State and of the Germanic race which serves 
as the necessary ‘theological’ rationalization of the emo- 
tions underlying the Nazi movement, and the dragooning 
of the Protestant churches to fit them into the Nazi scheme 



of things. The modern persecution of the Jews, which 
has its real basis in economic and social dislike, is justified 
on the basis of this new religiously-felt Germanism, just 
as the medieval persecution of the Jews, which equally 
sprang from economic and social dislike, was justified cn 
the basis of Christianity. 

These are the first gropings of the human mind after a 
social embodiment of the religious impulse. They are as 
crude and in some respects as nasty as its first gropings, 
millennia previously, after a theistic embodiment of re- 
ligion. The beast-headed gods and goddesses of those 
earlier times, the human sacrifice, the loss of self-criticism 
in the flood of emotional certitude, the sinister power of a 
privileged hierarchy, the justification of self, and the vili- 
fication of critics and the violence toward opponents — 
these and other primitive phenomena of early God-religion 
have their counterparts in to-day’s dawn of social religion. 
And the general unrest and the widespread preoccupation 
with emotionally-based group movements such as Fascism 
and Communism, is in many ways comparable with the 
religious unrest that swept the Mediterranean world in 
the centuries just before and after the beginning of the 
Christian Era. 

To achieve some real understanding and control of the 
forces and processes operating in human societies is the 
next great task for science; and the applications of scien- 
tific discovery in this field will have as their goal what we 
may call the Socialized State. The religious impulse, 
itself one of the social forces to be more fully compre- 
hended and controlled, will increasingly find its outlet in 
the promotion of the ideals of the Socialized State. 

Exactly how all this will happen no one can say — 


whether the religious impulse will again crystallize into a 
definite religious system with its own organization, or will 
find its outlets within the bounds of other organizations, 
as it does for instance in the Communist party in Russia. 
We can, however, on the basis of the past history of 
religion, make a further prophecy. We can be reason- 
ably sure that the inner momentum of logic and moral 
feelings, combined with the outer momentum derived 
from increasing comprehension and control, will lead 
to an improvement in the expression of this socialized 
religion comparable to the progress of theistic religion 
from its crude beginnings toward developed monotheism. 

Accordingly, we can prophesy that in the long run 
the nationalistic element in socialized religion will be 
subordinated or adjusted to the internationalist: that the 
persecution of minorities will give place td toleration ; that 
the subtler intellectual and moral virtues will find a place 
and will gradually oust the cruder from their present pre- 
eminence in the religiously-conceived social organism. 

We can also assert with fair assurance that this process 
of improvement will be a slow one, and accompanied by 
much violence and suffering. 

Finally, we can make the prophecy that part of this 
process will come about through interaction between two 
expressions of the religious spirit — one which strives to 
identify itself with the Socialized State, the other which 
reacts against the limitations thus imposed and strives to 
assert and uphold values that are felt to be more perma- 
nent and more universal. The cruder and more violent is 
the socialized religion, the more will it encourage such 
reactions. Already in Nazi Germany such a reaction has 
taken place among certain elements of the Protestant 



churches, who feel that their principles embody some- 
thing higher, more lasting, and more general than any- 
thing, however intense, which is at the basis of a nation- 
alist and racialist conception of social aims. 

fc This is the one domain in which traditional religion, with 
its universalist monotheism, will in the near future have 
a real advantage over socialized religion, which for some 
time will inevitably be bound up with nationalist states. 

It is probable, however, that a universalist Humanism 
(and probably Communism too) will soon become a strong 
rival of the old theistic systems in this field. It is also 
probable that with the growth of intolerant socialized feel- 
ing, both in Communistic and Fascist societies, the pion- 
eers of such a Humanism will be those most exposed to 
religious persecution, but also those who will be doing 
most for their form of socialized religion and for religious 
progress in general. 

One final prophecy, and I have done. It seems evident 
that as the religious impulse comes to create these new 
outlets or expressions, whether by way of the Socialized 
State or by way of Humanism, it will be increasingly con- 
fronted by psychological problems — as indeed will the 
Socialized State itself. Men will realize that economic 
and social planning will not solve their problems so long 
as ignorance and absence of control obtain in regard to 
their own minds. Psychological science will then come 
into its own, with social psychology as its dominant 
branch. And this will mean a new understanding of 
religious phenomena, and new possibilities of integrating 
them with the life of the community. 

To sum up, I would say first that the so-called ‘conflict 
between science and religion' has been a conflict between 



one aspect of science and one aspect of religion. These 
aspects have both been concerned with man’s relation to his 
external environment. The systems of religion which are 
in danger of collapse grew out of man’s ignorance and help- 
lessness in face of external nature ; the aspect of science 
which is endangering those religious systems is that which 
has provided knowledge and control in this same domain. 

In the near future, the religious impulse will find its 
main outlet in relation to the internal environment of the 
human species — social, economic, and psychological — for 
it is the forces of this internal environment that are now 
causing distress and bewilderment and are being felt as 
Destiny to be propitiated or otherwise manipulated. 
Meanwhile science will find its main scope for new en- 
deavour in this same field, since it is here that our ignor- 
ance and our lack of control are now most glaring. 

There will again be a race between the effects of 
ignorance and those of knowledge ; but with several new 
features. For one thing, the growth of science in the new 
field will this time not lag by many centuries behind that 
of the new modes of religious expression ; and for another, 
the facts concerning the religious impulse and its expres- 
sion will themselves fall within the scope of the new scien- 
tific drive. The probable result will be that in the Social- 
ized State the relation between religion and science will 
gradually cease to be one of conflict and will become one 
of co-operation. Science will be called on to advise what 
expressions of the religious impulse are intellectually per- 
missible and socially desirable, if that impulse is to be 
properly integrated with other human activities and har- 
nessed to take its share in pulling the chariot of man’s 
destiny along the path of progress. 




1 believe that life can be worth living. I believe this in 
spite of pain, squalor, cruelty, unhappiness, and death. 
I do not believe that it is necessarily worth living, but only 
that for most people it can be. 

I also believe that man, as individual, as group, and 
collectively as mankind, can achieve a satisfying purpose 
in existence. I believe this in spite of frustration, aimless- 
ness, frivolity, boredom, sloth, and failure. Again I do 
not believe that a purpose inevitably inheres in the uni- 
verse Or in our existence, or that mankind is bound to 
achieve a satisfying purpose, but only that such a purpose 
can be found. 

I believe that there exists a scale or hierarchy of values, 
ranging from simple physical comforts up to the highest 
satisfactions of love, aesthetic enjoyment, intellect, creative 
achievement, virtue. I do not believe that these are ab- 
solute, or transcendental in the sense of being vouchsafed 
by some external power or divinity ; they are the product 
of human nature interacting with the outer world. Nor 
do I suppose that we can grade every valuable experience 
into an accepted order, any more than I can say whether 
a beetle is a higher organism than a cuttlefish or a herring. 
But just as it can unhesitatingly be stated that there are 
general grades of biological organization, and that a beetle 
is a higher organism than a sponge, or a human being than 
a frog, so I can assert, with the general consensus of civil- 



ized human beings, that there is a higher value in Dante’s 
Divina Commedia than in a popular hymn, in the scientific 
activity of Newton or Darwin than in solving a crossword 
puzzle, in the fulness of love than in sexual gratification, 
in selfless than in purely self-regarding activities — although 
each apd all can have their value of a sort. 

I do not believe that there is any absolute of truth, 
beauty, morality, or virtue, whether emanating from an 
external power or imposed by an internal standard. But 
this does not drive me to the curious conclusion, fashion- 
able in certain quarters, that truth and beauty and good- 
ness do not exist, or that there is no force or value in them. 

I believe that there are a number of questions that it is 
no use our asking, because they can never be answered. 
Nothing but waste, worry, or unhappiness is caused by 
trying to solve insoluble problems. Yet some people seem 
determined to try. I recall the story of the philosopher 
and the theologian. The two were engaged in disputation 
and the theologian used the old quip about a philosopher 
being like a blind man, in a dark room, looking for a 
black cat — which wasn’t there. ‘That may be,’ said the 
philosopher; ‘but a theologian would have found it.’ 

Even in material matters of science we must learn to 
ask the right questions. It seemed an obvious question to 
ask how animals inherit the result of their parents’ experi- 
ence, and enormous amounts of time and energy have been 
speht on trying to give an answer to it. It is, however, no 
good asking the question, for the simple reason that no 
such inheritance of acquired characters exists. The chem- 
ists of the eighteenth century, because they asked them- 
selves the question, ‘What substance is involved in the 
process of burning?’ became involved in the mazes. of the 



phlogiston theory : they had to ask 4 what sort of process 
is burning?' before they could see that it did not involve 
a special substance but was merely a particular case of 
chemical combination. 

When we come to what are usually referred to as funda- 
mentals, the difficulty of not asking the wrong kind of 
question is much increased. Among most African tribes, 
if a person dies, the only question asked is, 4 Who caused 
his death, and by what form of magic ?’ ; the idea of death 
from natural causes is unknown. Indeed, the life of the 
less-civilized half of mankind is largely based on trying 
to find an answer to a wrong question: 4 What magical 
forces or powers are responsible for good or bad fortune, 
and how can they be circumvented or propitiated?* 

I do not believe in the existence of a god or gods. The 
conception of divinity seems to me, though built up out 
of a number of real elements of experience, to be a false 
one, based on the quite unjustifiable postulate that there 
must be some more or less personal power in control of 
the world. We are confronted with forces beyond our 
control, with incomprehensible disasters, with death, and 
also with ecstasy, with a mystical sense of union with some- 
thing greater than our ordinary selves, with sudden con- 
version to a new way of life, with the burden of guilt and 
sin. In theistic religions all these elements of actual ex- 
perience have been woven into a unified body of belief and 
practice in relation to the fundamental postulate of the 
existence of a god or gods. 

I believe this fundamental postulate to be nothing more 
than the result of asking a wrong question: 4 Who or 
what rules the universe?’ So far as we can see, it rules 
itself, and indeed the whole analogy with a country and 

2 93 


its ruler is false. Even if a god does exist behind or above 
the universe as we experience it, we can have no know- 
ledge of such a power; the actual gods of historical reli- 
gions are only the personifications of impersonal facts of 
nature and of facts of our inner mental life. 

Similarly with immortality. With our present faculties 
we have no means of giving a categorical answer to the 
question whether we survive death, much less the question 
of what any such life after death will be like. That being 
so, it is a waste of time and energy to devote ourselves to 
the problem of achieving salvation in the life to come. 
However, just as the idea of god is built out of bricks of 
real experience, so too is the idea of salvation. If we trans- 
late salvation into terms of this world, we find that it means 
achieving harmony between different parts of our nature, 
including its subconscious depths and its rarely touched 
heights, and also achieving some satisfactory adjustment 
between ourselves and the outer world, including not only 
the world of nature but the social world of man. I believe 
it to be possible to ‘achieve salvation' in this sense, and 
right to aim at doing so, just as I believe it possible and 
valuable to achieve a sense of union with something bigger 
than our ordinary selves, even if that something be not a 
god but an extension of our narrow core to include in a 
single grasp ranges of outer experience and inner nature 
on which we do not ordinarily draw. 

But if God and immortality be repudiated, what is left? 
That is the question usually thrown at the atheist's head. 
The orthodox believer likes to think that nothing is left. 
That, however, is because he has only been accustomed to 
think in terms of his orthodoxy. 

In point of fact, a great deal is left. 



That is immediately obvious from the fact that many 
men and women have led active, or self-sacrificing, or 
noble, or devoted lives without any belief in God or im- 
mortality. Buddhism in its uncorrupted form has no such 
belief; nor did the great nineteenth-century agnostics; 
nor do the orthodox Russian Communists; nor did the 
Stoics. Of course, the unbelievers have often been guilty 
of selfish or wicked actions; but so have the believers. 
And in any case that is not the fundamental point. The 
point is that without these beliefs men and women may 
yet possess the mainspring of full and purposive living, 
and just as strong a sense that existence can be worth while 
as is possible to the most devout believers. 

I would say that this is much more readily possible to- 
day than in any previous age. The reason lies in the ad- 
vances of science. 

No longer are we forced to accept the external cata- 
strophes and miseries of existence as inevitable or mys- 
terious; no longer are we obliged to live in a world 
without history, where change is only meaningless. Our 
ancestors saw an epidemic as an act of divine punishment; 
to us it is a challenge to be overcome, since we know its 
causes and that it can be controlled or prevented. The 
understanding of infectious disease is entirely due to scien- 
tific advance. So, to take a very recent happening, is our 
understanding of the basis of nutrition, which holds out 
new possibilities of health and energy to the human race. 
So is our understanding of earthquakes and storms ; if we 
cannot control them, we at least do not have to fear them 
as evidence of God's anger. 

Some, at least, of our internal miseries can be lightened 
in the same way. Through knowledge derived from psy- 



chology children can be prevented from growing up with 
an abnormal sense of guilt and so making life a burden 
both to themselves and to those with whom they come into 
contact. We are beginning to understand the psycho- 
logical roots of irrational fear and cruelty ; some day we 
shall be able to make the world a brighter place by pre- 
venting their appearance. 

The ancients had no history worth mentioning. Hu- 
man existence in the present was regarded as a degrada- 
tion from that of the original Golden Age. Down even to 
the nineteenth century what was known of human history 
was regarded by the nations of the West as an essentially 
meaningless series of episodes sandwiched into the brief 
space between the Creation and the Fall, a few thousand 
years ago, and the Second Coming and Last Judgment, 
which might be on us at any moment and in any case could 
not be pushed back for more than a few thousand years 
into the future. In this perspective a millennium was 
almost an eternity. With such an outlook no wonder life 
seemed, to the great mass of humanity, ‘nasty, brutish, 
and short,* its miseries and shortcomings merely bewilder- 
ing unless illuminated by the illusory light of religion. 

To-day human history merges back into prehistory, 
and prehistory again into biological evolution. Our time- 
scale is profoundly altered. A thousand years is a short 
time for prehistory, which thinks in terms of hundreds of 
thousands of years, and an insignificant time for evolution, 
which deals in ten-million-year periods. The future is 
extended equally with the past; if it took over a thousand 
million years for primeval life to generate man, man and 
his descendants have at least an equal allowance of time 
before them for further evolution. 



Most of all, the new history has been a basis of hope. 
Biological evolution has been appallingly slow and ap- 
pallingly wasteful. It has been cruel; it has generated 
the parasites and the pests as well as the more agreeable 
types. It has led life up innumerable blind alleys. But 
in spite of this it has achieved progress. In a few lines, 
whose number has steadily diminished with time, it has 
avoided the cul-de-sac of mere specialization and arrived 
at a new level of organization, more harmonious and more 
efficient, from which it could again launch out toward 
greater control, greater knowledge, and greater independ- 
ence. Progress is, if you will, all-round specialization. 
Finally, but one line was left which was able to achieve 
further progress ; all the others had led up blind alleys. This 
was the line leading to the evolution of the human brain. 

This at one bound altered the perspective of evolution. 
Experience could now be handed down from generation 
to generation; deliberate purpose could be substituted 
for the blind sifting of selection ; change could be speeded 
up ten-thousandfold. In man evolution could become 
conscious. Admittedly it is far from conscious yet, but 
the possibility is there, and it has at least been consciously 

Seen in this perspective, human history represents but 
the tiniest portion of the time man has before him ; it is 
only the first ignorant and clumsy gropings of the new 
type, born heir to so much biological history. The con- 
stant setbacks, the lack of improvement in certain respects 
for over two thousand years, are seen to be phenomena as 
natural as the tumbles of a child learning to walk or the 
deflection of a sensitive boy's attention by the need of 
making a living. 



The broad facts remain . Life had progressed even before 
man was first evolved. Life progressed in giving rise to 
man. Man has progressed during the half-million or so 
years from the first Hominidae, even during the ten thou- 
sand years since the final amelioration of climate after the 
Ice Age. And the potentialities of progress which are 
revealed, once his eyes have been opened to the evolu- 
tionary vista, are unlimited. 

At last we have an optimistic instead of a pessimistic 
theory of this world and our life upon it. Admittedly the 
optimism cannot be facile, and must be tempered with 
reflection on the length of time involved, on the hard work 
that will be necessary, on the inevitable residuum of accid- 
ent and unhappiness that will remain. Perhaps we had 
better call it a melioristic rather than an optimistic view; 
but at least it preaches hope and inspires to action. 

I believe very definitely that it is among human per- 
sonalities that there exist the highest and most valuable 
achievements of the universe — or at least the highest and 
most valuable achievements of which we know or, appar- 
ently, can have knowledge. That means that I believe 
that the State exists for the development of individual lives, 
not individuals for the development of the State. 

But I also believe that the individual is not an isolated, 
separate thing. An individual is a transformer of matter 
and experience; it is a system of relations between its own 
basis and the universe, including other individuals. An 
individual may believe that he should devote himself en- 
tirely to a cause, even sacrifice himself to it — his country, 
truth, art, love. It is in the devotion of the sacrifice that 
he becomes most himself; it is because of the devbtion or 



sacrifice of individuals that causes become of value. But 
of course the individual must in many ways subordinate 
himself to the community — only not to the extent of 
believing that in the community resides any virtue higher 
than that of the individuals which compose it. 

The community provides the machinery for the exist- 
ence and development of individuals. There are those 
who deny the importance of social machinery, who assert 
that the only important thing is a change of heart, and 
that the right machinery is merely a natural consequence 
of the right inner attitude. This appears to me mere 
solipsism. Different kinds of social machinery predispose 
to different inner attitudes. The most admirable machin- 
ery is useless if the inner life is unchanged; but social 
machinery can affect the fulness and quality of life. Social 
machinery can be devised to make war more difficult, to 
promote health, to add interest to life. Let us not despise 
machinery in our zeal for fulness of life, any more than we 
should dream that machinery can ever, automatically grind 
out perfection of living. 

I believe in diversity. Every biologist knows that 
human beings differ in their hereditary outfits, and there- 
fore in the possibilities that they can realize. Psychology 
shows how inevitably different are the types that jostle each 
other on the world’s streets. No amount of persuasion or 
education can make the extrovert really understand the 
introvert, the verbalist understand the lover of handicraft, 
the non-mathematical or non-musical person understand 
the passion of the mathematician or the musician. We 
can try to forbid certain attitudes of mind. We could 
theoretically breed out much of human variety. But this 
would be a sacrifice. Diversity is not only the salt of life 



but the basis of collective achievement. And the comple- 
ment of diversity is tolerance and understanding. This 
does not mean rating all values alike. We must protect 
society against criminals; we must struggle against what 
we think wrong. But just as if we try to understand the 
criminal we shall try to reform rather than merely to 
punish, so we must try to understand why we judge others* 
actions as wrong, which implies trying to understand the 
workings of our own minds and discounting our own 

Finally, I believe that we can never reduce our prin- 
ciples to any few simple terms. Existence is always too 
various and too complicated. We must supplement prin- 
ciples with faith. And the only faith that is both concrete 
and comprehensive is in life, its abundance and its pro- 
gress. My final belief is in life.